Rise of an order: Guardian of humanity

Story by GrawnCastillo on SoFurry

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I made this story up 3 years ago, after researching about Che. I want Grawn's story like a Che inspiration.

The Guardians of humanity started out as a rebel faction, and they dont socialite with criminals and thugs. The order was founded by Grawn Castillo when she was 17 years old. Grawn Castillo in the middle with a Uzi SMG, and this is her story. Grawn's name wasn't always Grawn, her real name is Elisabét Castillo. The reason why she changed her name to Grawn because beast minority was upset. The beast clan was outraged that Grawn Freed human slaves and given freedom to humanity and humans joined the ranks of the order. Then she want her faction to be a knight order faction, when she was little girl was introduced to the knight order. She was trained to be a knight, until the beast kins killed her comrades and human brothers and sisters. Grawn's family are full blooded humans, Kaz Castillo is her mother a cursed human and Kizar Chave Castillo is her father. Then Grawn went apeshit after the beast klan killed her entire human family. Grawn Castillo want a Untied Latin America and a human safe haven. Then Grawn went to another planet where humans slave take to.

Then Grawn had the last straw, She had memories of families and friends that are humans. Grawn's scared memories made it worse and she started a order faction when was 5 years earlier. Grawn was 12 years old when she was trained to be a knight. The memories of sadness made the knight order and later into a Communism. But she cares for humans, not furries. Any furries claire war on humanity, Grawn will send the GOH to get their asses. Furries been given freedom but they used that freedom to enslave humans and kill'em for their demonic god. And Grawn's vision is like Che Guevara to free all human slaves. To Be Continue? Will the furries ever used their freedom and kill all off species and rule the earth for themselves.