Mistaken Identity (chpt 2)

Story by LightningRunFree on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 (The time of Trial)((Switches over to first person.))

I didn't know what I was going to do, here I was now following a fae, and no doubt her mate. They were watching me very closely. We were crossing into their territory, and it wasn't that bad of a place. It was mostly made up of spruce trees across the base of the mountain, and in the center of the territory where they stayed was many caves hidden by a waterfall. The male was ok, but the fae was being awfully rude. I was a stranger after all, and a supposed to be cursed stranger. I clamped my teeth together to keep from snapping back. For the two and a half years I had been independent and hadnt needed to learn the rules ofthe pack, or heirarchy system. I was hig for my name, and for a fae, to these two it just added to my strangeness.

They led me to the alpha cave and sharply told me to sit down. I did obeying comepletely. I watched intently as different wolves passed by, most of the wolves were a dark brown, tan, or light grey. I shook my head, there was no way I was born to this pack. I looked up and my hackles raised at the sight of the wolf who walked forward, he was definitely the alpha. "Well, whatever your name is, I am glad to see my screeleen and her mate have found you." He grinned and walked around me once. My eyes skimmed him quickly, he looked like all fluff no body build. He was a deep black, a chalky black though, and didnt do his yellow eyes any justice. "You have come back to your birth pack, and I will put you through a series of tests to see if you are fit enough to survive in the pack, or be of any use." I had to choke back a growl. "Do I get to see my mother?" I said knowing all too well that the mother of a mal cahd was able to stay as long as she chose another mate. "Very well, but only for a short time." He tipped his head back and howled, and my head snapped to my left as I heard the soft trot of a fae. My ears went forward as my ice blue eyes met the eyes of a dark blue eyed fae. She was well built, probably a packer for the hunts. She had black fur with silver specks running through them, and I knew who she was, she was my mother.