Coming Out? 4

Story by Sheerahimae on SoFurry

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#3 of Still human

Something smells... good.' The thought weaved dreamily through my sub consciousness.

My eyelids fluttered as I began to wake. Stretching languorously and yawning, I sat up, then felt my eyebrows furrow with confusion as I drearily looked around.

'I thought I fell asleep on the couch?'

A flash of last nights events brought me to sudden alertness.

'Holy sh-,' I thought, 'did that really happen?'

I looked down and discovered I was still naked and alone in the bed.

'It did happen,' I thought incredulously.

I rolled out of bed, now in a mild panic and hurriedly got dressed. I was just pulling up my pants when I heard a light clang in the kitchen. A sudden lump rose in my throat. I swallowed nervously, then cautiously tiptoed down the hall and peered around the corner. Cassy was standing in the kitchen, preparing something at the stove. Her back was turned towards me so she hadn't seen me yet. My mind was reeling, 'What should I do? It's not like I can avoid her, I live here now. Should I say something about it or pretend like it didn't happen?'

I crouched there struggling with myself until I heard,

"How long are you gonna hide in the hall you silly girl?" I jumped and looked up.

Cassy was beaming at me, a plate stacked with French toast in one hand and bacon with scrambled eggs in the other.

She giggled, "Lets have breakfast together, looover."

I gave an owlish blink, then shuffled dazedly to the table. Cassy set out the mouth-watering spread, placing a little old lady shaped bottle of syrup between us, and poured us some chilled, fresh squeezed orange juice. She sat down then closed her eyes for a moment.

Back when I first met Cassy, out of curiosity, I asked her if it was God she was praying to. She just winked at me and smiled saying, "I don't know, but if anyone is listening, I want them to hear me."

I felt myself smile at the old memory.

"Now that's what I want to see in the morning," Cassy chimed.

I blinked back, "See what?"

She took a sip of orange juice, "You smiling. I swear, ever since you woke up, you looked like you were in a nurses office for a lice check."

For a heartbeat, it was completely silent, then we both burst out laughing. We chuckled and giggled until we went blue, Cassy nearly gagging on her mouthful of toast. I managed to wheeze out, "I- thought you- *cough* were going to be upset- *cough* with me about *oh jeez* last night."

Cassy panted, "Why would I be upset? *deep breath* Last night was amazing."

I took a deep breath, the laughing fit finally subsiding, "Really?"

Cassy eased down to, "Yes, really, really. In fact, I highly encourage it."

I felt stunned for a moment, then a sudden ecstatic feeling washed over me. Without thinking, I stood and leaned over the table in one fluid motion, then kissed her square on the mouth. She looked shocked when I pulled back, then her muzzle went the sweetest shade of pink.


"Alright Faye, its 10:30 right now and I'll be off from work at 6:00. Is there anything specific that you'd like for me to bring home for dinner?" Cassy called from the door.

I thought about it as I finished washing up the dishes from breakfast, "Umm. Oh. How about Golden Panda?" I called back.

"Great idea, I just so happened to be in the mood for sushi today. Okay then,"

I heard her keys jingle in the lock, "Bye sweetheart ^_^" she called,

"Bye pretty kitty," I chimed back grinning.

The door shut softly and I listened to the jingle of her keys until it faded away. I rinsed the last of the dishes and set them in the rack to dry, then went back to the dining room table where I had laid out a newspaper and a highlighter. I was determined to find a job so I wouldn't feel like I was mooching off of my friend/new lover, but I couldn't help feeling a tad less than hopeful as I went through the job listings. I sighed, the pickings were awfully slim; in the end, only 4 positions were highlighted: Cashier at Taco bell, book stocker at Barnes & Nobles, assistant at a fabric store, and salesperson at JC Penny.

I groaned and slumped in my chair.

They were all equally sucky to me, except for maybe the job at Barnes & Nobles, since I love books so much and of course any place that has Starbucks can't be all bad. But to increase my chances of success I went online and applied for all four, hoping just this once that my luck wouldn't suck. After that particular task I tidied up around the house, not that it needed much, since cats are so clean and all. I smirked at my lame joke and flopped down on the sofa to watch some tv. After a few episodes of Parking wars and Dirty jobs I began to get restless. I stood up and sauntered over to the living room window, opening it to admire the view and let in some fresh air.

The sky was a brilliant sapphire blue, only a few puffy white clouds sailing by. You couldn't see the parking lot and street from here, since the building is the shape of a hollowed out cube, the window faces the inner courtyard, which has a little rec. center and a pool. I had just turned my gaze towards said pool when I noticed a strange dark form gliding under the water. I screwed up my eyes to focus.

'What is that?' I wondered. ' Its too fast and weird shaped to be a person.'

A moment later I recoiled with shock as the scaly image clicked.

It was a crocodile, a huge freaking crocodile.

My heart hammered as my mind tried to make sense of it.

'what the hell is a crocodile doing swimming in the pool? Has anyone noticed? What should I do? What can I do?

' All of these thoughts whirled through my head, then froze as the thing surfaced.

It placed its scaled hands on the pools edge and began to heave itself out. Its head was long and narrow, with sharp green eyes, and longish dark brown water slicked hair. Its shoulder and chest muscles bunched as it lifted one knee onto the edge, its muscular thigh bulging as it pulled the rest of its body from the pool.

Then he stood in one smooth fluid motion, water streaming down his scales, his powerful tail flexing behind him as he looked up and locked eyes with me.

I gazed numbly into his chanteuse gaze then fell back from the window.

I sat shaking on the floor mostly from excitement, a little from shock, and an even smaller amount of fright. I didn't know just how Cassy will react when I tell her there is an anthro crocodile guy living in her building.

Bet ya didn't see that one coming :D