Chapter 2: The Adventure And Lies

Story by Taix K Wolfmore on SoFurry

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#3 of WH:The Exile and the Adventurer

Here is Chapter 2! Thanks again to LightningRunFree, for allowing me to post our RP!

LightningRunFree POV:

"I were you, I would get away from this territory. The alpha here is very evil." I said in warning to this male wolf.

He was pretty tall for a wolf, and I smiled at the look on his face. I was sorry he had to see that, but it needed to be done.

"The wolf I killed was a lieutenant of the pack here, and needed to be dealt with." I didn't tell him I was going for the alphas throat, because it was obvious I was. I thought for a moment and then slowly walked over to him. I stuck my nose on his neck gently. I kept it there for a minute, and then stepped away. I looked deep into his eyes.

"Now I know your scent, if you need any help, howl, and ill come." I said with the slight cock of my head. I turned and began walking away.

_ Sometime latter: _

I was trotting and thought I had heard a growl, but thought if he needed help, he'll howl. I kept trotting. "Maybe I should of told him a wolf was coming." I had know by the scent it was of McGreary blood. Some of the highest ranks in the pack. I rolled my eyes and kept going.

Taix's POV:

As she walk away from me, many things went though my mind. One is the Alpha of the Blue Rock Pack is evil? But how is he still the Alpha? Does he have an iron hold on the rest of the pack? Oh do they do follow him in choice? Do they like him, or hate him? Who was she? How did know that the alpha is evil? Was she a ex-pack member? Who ever she is, she said She'll come to help me if I was in a fight, or something, which is a high chance to happen...

As I was walking towards a nice cave to sleep in, someone came out in front of me, a male wolf that is pure white wolf, I believe is someone from the Blue Rock Pack...

The white male walked up to me. He smiled and looked to I as he walked even closer.

"Hi, my name is Cane, I'm the Beta of Blue Rock Pack. I was told a stranger was walking among our territory, and was sent to find her, but they got the gender and look wrong apparently." He smiled and looked over. The hair stood up on the back of his neck as saw the battle written in blood across the ground. He bristled at seeing his dead pack mate and glared at me with bared teeth. "What happened?!" He growled and took a step closer.

I took a step back,look for a way to escape... but there's now where to run.But when I look back at him, he look sorry?

"Look,this is not the first death, but what happen? And who are you?"

"I'm a wolf form the Night-Moon Pack, near a cave called The Windless Cavern, I'm just a wolf looking for something to do, and what happen is I do not know, I've found him like this..."(After I saw him get killed...)"ok? Just... don't killed me?"

He look at me in the eye and said" Ok, that is believable,but I'll have to take you to the alpha, got it?"

"Ok, but is there any food?"

"... Yes there is... come with me."

When I was walking with him, I thought that is everyone in the pack easy to lie to? And what mess have I'm in now? I sign, and said to him...

"Soooooo, how far is the walk?"

"About a 30 min run, or a 75 min walk..."

"Oh, this is going to be a pain..."

Just walk!*sigh* Just keep your head forward, and move, got it!?"

"Yes sir!"

LightningRunFree POV:

I turned and followed at a far distance, tracking more than following. I quickly caught up though,"Yeesh they're walking slow." I smelled and noticed that it was indeed a McGrath. I sighed and continued watching. The slightest signal and I would be at his throat. Killing a Beta would definitely up my chance of being found, but I didn't care. I wanted to have a bit of fun.He would know who I was so I quickly rolled in some mud causing me to look like a black and brown wolf, but my eyes were unmistakable. I stepped out from behind the tree pretending to be an old wolf.

"Do any of you, y-young wolves know w-where I am?"

I said with a cracked and hoarse voice. I kept my eyes shut so the blue in them wouldn't show, using my ears to guide my steps towards those two...

Taix's POV:

(Is this the same wolf that killed that wolf guard or something?!)

"Ummmmm, this is the Blue Rock Pack lands, right...ummmm..."

"Cane, you already forgetting my name? And yes this is the Blue Rock Pack lands, if you go the way we were coming from, that will take you to the Night-Moon Pack lands. Now,let's us be, we have to go and meet the Alpha of the Blue Rock Pack, are you coming.... whats is your name, wolf of the Night-Moon Pack?" he says to me...

"My name is... Taix... My Name is Taix Kyuubi Wolfmore, or Taix. Anyways, ya, what my... uhhhh....shower of the land said, we are going to see the Blue Rock Pack Alpha, sooo goodbyeandniceseeingya!" Almost walks off, but I stop...and looks at the "old" wolf...

"Cane, I'll have to tell her the code to let my pack know that she is good, ok? This well not take long...ok?"

"Sure, don't take long, got it?"

Ummmm.... sure ok!"

"Good I'll be over there, near the big rock, got it?"

"Yes sir!"

"Ok, ummmm, who ever your name is, I think with Cane over there, I can get in the pack, and gain there trust, ok? Don't worry, like I have a type of element like power, I can use darkness, and I'm a good fighter, see this moon on my chest? Anyways follow a little be hide us, not to close, but not to far? Ummm see you later,I guess?" I say in a quick whisper, not giving her enough time to talk, and I yell out.

"Remember, the code is "Moon over the earth, over us all, we will join you, when we die", ok? BYE!" and I run off to join Cane.

_ 5 min later... _

"Moon over the earth, over us all, we will join you, when we die"? what kind of code is that?" Cane asked me as we walk.

"Oh that? Years before our Alpha now, well the Alpha 30 years ago or so started make us worship the moon, you know "The moon will watch over us" and such... I have gotten use to it, all my pack mates now have Darkness like powers... like we all can move shadows, use the shadows to fight with, hold with and such." I explain to him.

"Oh ya," he said to me,"that makes... kind of sense, with that Moon like thing on your chest, right, any other things you can do? Oh are you guys weak to light or something?"

"No we are not weak to light, but ya We all have different powers, for me I can use shadows as a way to move to different places in a instant, but only a short way."

"Nice! Oh we are here! I say WELCOME TO THE BLUE ROCK PACK GROUNDS!" he yelled right next to my ear.

"Oh this is going to be fun... I know it!" I said in a deadpan voice.