Dylan and Vincent: New Beginnings (Part 2: Former Flame)

Story by The Fire Tiger on SoFurry

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#2 of Dylan And Vincent: New Beginnings

Sorry this took so long. School got in the way and stuff. :/

I'll try to have the final part up in about 2 months or so.

Part 2: Former Flame

"It's all a dream..." I muttered. "I'm gonna wake up all alone..."

I opened my eyes, as much as I didn't want to do it. I was in the same dorm room as yesterday, and not a thing was out of place. Vincent's blue arm was wrapped around me in a beautiful embrace.

I purred as I realized the truth. It was just unbelievable how quickly that escalated. I snuggled closer to Vince and felt his soft fur tousle mine. Such a dreamy feeling...

Some time later I checked the clock. The time was 8:13, almost time for the post office to open. I was still expecting a package from my mom. I wondered what will be inside that.

Slowly, I got up, trying my best not to wake up Vincent, and put on a shirt. I grabbed the dorm keys and headed out. Before I could get out completely, I looked back at the blue equestrian, still peacefully sleeping. I could only coyly smile. He was a dream, what anyone could ask for. And he was mine.

It sounded weird, but it was the truth, and right now that's all that mattered. I closed the door and started going downstairs, when suddenly...

"Remember me?" A raunchy, baritone voice bellowed. I turned to the voice and saw a bear dressed in a plaid vest and denim pants. He had a pair of sneakers on. Of course I remembered him.

"David! Great to see you again!" The both of us hugged each other. It was the first time in 2 years we've ever seen each other. It was a beautiful hug, like it could go on forever...

But then we looked at each other, and we were then reminded of the love that would never be. With slight frowns on our faces and even more hesitation, we broke out of our embrace.

"So, um..." I muttered.

"...yeah." David continued.

It was difficult being "just friends" but we got there in the end. It looks like David, however, was still a bit traumatized about the situation.

"Were you...?" David asked.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, wanna go?" I replied. He followed me to the elevator and as we hopped on it, David pressed the button to go down to the main floor.

As we descended, I started to think about my one true love, Vincent Torres, the Yorba Linda Mesmerizer, as everyone liked to call him.

I remembered when I first saw him, how I freaked out like a maniac, how Vince comforted me...

Then I remembered about the very first kiss and how great that was, and how the night following it was even more amazing...

And as all those memories of not too long ago took over and I relaxed in a soothing heaven...


I sighed. The elevator stopped just as I pushed the emergency button. Not much I could do now.

I met Dylan in high school, starting in our sophomore year. He surprisingly caught me ogling him a few times, and when he came around I could tell he was scared confronting me about this.

"It's fine, you don't have to be scared," I reassured, wrapping my arm around him. "I won't bite..."

Dylan giggled very slightly. "I..."

From there it was just me and my tiggy, and we helped each other with our own problems: Dylan with being more sociable, and me with my nearly uncontrollable temper. I'll tell you something, Dylan might look fierce, but he is a sweet, cunning man.

It honestly felt like it could go on forever, my relationship with Dylan, but unfortunately, after some time, my parents found out and forced me to break up. I was so mad with them and I honestly didn't think I could just live with them one more day. But my temper took over, and it would take a simple parental break up to an outrage.

I searched for Dylan everywhere, and I finally found him, talking to that hypno-therapist, which I think looks absolutely hot. But I got the wrong idea, as my anger was already through the roof, and stormed in there without even consulting the consequences.

And what consequences they were. Dylan ran away from me, never to see me again. He was already so scared.After that day, I just wanted to start over with him. He was the best thing that happened to me, and not a day passed by that I just wanted to find him and tell him "I'm sorry."

I sighed. Now was my chance to take Dylan back. I turned to the timid tiger and started to speak up. "Look, Dylan, I know what happened back then, but you have to understand, I was--"

"No, David, stop." Dylan demanded. He gained confidence and continued. "I've... already had my heart broken, why should I go through that again?"

"Dylan..." I pleaded. "I want to show you I've changed..."

"No, David, I--"

"I know I shouldn't have burst out on you like that. I was only so furious that day that when I saw you with him, I got the wrongest of ideas. I know that what I did was wrong.

"Maybe I was obsessed with you? I don't know. I see you as fragile still, and I don't want anyone hurting you... Maybe at the time that was my mission? To keep you happy?

"When you ran off like that, into the sunset, I could only think about the pain you suffered. I just stayed there, reflecting on what the heck just happened. I just couldn't stand to see you like that. You were meant to deserve the best, man! That was the only thing I would give you!

"But people change, Dylan. Really, please. Just at least, for one day, let me show you that I'm not going to make the same mistakes as always."

"I hope you know what you're doing..." Dylan muttered.

Without even thinking, I leaned even closer to the tiger and whispered to him, "I love you, Dylan. I always have. And I even have proof."

That's when I suddenly touched lips and, after a two year absence, Dylan and I kissed. He was hesitant at first, but he slowly gave in, and we were locked in an eternal embrace.

Just when it got so good, however...

"I honestly chuckled when you two said 'just friends'."

Dylan looked at me in shock. We broke our kiss and turned to the speaker.

"Vi- VINCE! I- Uh..."

It took me two seconds to figure it out. I facepalmed myself and simply screamed internally, "Shit."

Oh, the looks on their faces were priceless.

"Now don't you worry," I complied. "I'm not in entire agreement with the "just friends" policy either."

The two still stared at me in utter awe.

"Please," I concluded, and made my way into the elevator.

"He forced me!" Dylan shouted and pointed to the bear next to him.

"I did not!" He yelled back.

All I could do was chuckle. "Oh, what rebels you two are..."

The whole ride down the shaft was filled with the pleas of Dylan and the shouts of the ex-couple blaring on and on about whose fault it was. After I settled the duo, I wrapped my arm around Dylan to calm him down more. I had to go easy on the feline, he's been tormented by love once, and I sure am not going to let that happen again.

The bear - David, as I learned - just kept staring at me in such a way that he wanted to beat the crap out of me. It was tormenting, yes, but I kept my cool and stayed with Dylan until the ride down ended. His stare, though, was strangely familiar...

As the elevator doors opened, I followed Dylan to the cafeteria, and he offered me a seat on a small round table. David also sat down, just in the middle of me and Dylan. Something's amiss, I kept telling myself. Something very bad might happen...

After some time talking with Dylan and observing the bear, the tiger stood up from his seat and headed for the post office. "I'll be back," he said. I wanted to accompany him, but just as I was going to stand up, David spoke up and nearly shouted at me, "No. You stay here, with me."

"Why did I get myself trapped into this..." I muttered. I was already getting goosebumps just by thinking about what was to come. I slowly sat down again. This won't end well.

It was him. It really was him. He stood there watching me and Dylan scream at each other in the elevator, just like he did two years ago, near the big tree next to the school. And now he's here with me.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I just didn't know what to say. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and my palms were starting to sweat... I think I was in love with him now.

"Hey." Vincent's voice caught me by surprise, and I jumped a bit from my seat. "You okay?"

"I'm... fine," I replied. I sighed. "I was just thinking about you and Dylan... You two are perfect for each other... I just want you to know that you should never leave his side, just don't be like me..."

"Why would I act like you, if I've never met you before? Haha." Vince still didn't remember me.

"Uh... Remember that time, like... Two years ago, near a big tree right in front of a school..."

It took a while for the equestrian to piece it together, but he finally saw what I was trying to say. "I see. It must have been very harsh for you at the time. What happened?"

All I did was say "the parents" and Vincent just scoffed. "I had the presumption. Always the parents. It's amusing." He then looked at me. "But that still doesn't explain why you lashed out on Dylan like that."

"If I told you, you would regret dating that tiger now," I remarked.

"... You seriously thought he was cheating on you? For me?" Vincent just smiled and shook his head with his hand on it. "I can't even believe any of this..."

The way he was talking just made me angry. "Just be thankful I didn't come back to get my way with you," I sneered, and made a fist under the table.

"Whoa now," the blue horse replied. "I think you need to calm down for a second..."

I was starting to grow even more angry. "Don't tell me what to do. You think this is a joke? I'll tell you what isn't a joke here--" I stood up and approached the equestrian, who by now was standing still in his seat, frozen in fear, "--you mess with Dylan just once and you'll be seeing it with me. Dylan's the best thing that has happened to me and I don't want anyone to bring him down, understood?"

The horse and I were neck and neck right now, and I could literally feel his fear. "Definitely. Uh... sure," He nearly stammered.

"David?" Dylan suddenly appeared and just stood there, looking at us. "What's going on?"

Vincent slipped out of his seat, and I stood up from my slouched position as if nothing happened. "Nothing much," Vince assured. "Just getting to know your ex a bit better is all."

The way he said that built up an ire so strong I just couldn't contain it. So when the duo turned around to go to their rooms, I started charging to Vincent and gave him a smack in the head, causing him to nearly fall to the ground cold. "Are you insane?!?" Dylan screamed at me, and helped up Vincent.

The blue horse needed some time to get upright, but when he finally did, he looked at me with a look that just said, "What a disgrace."

"Let's go, Dylan. I don't want him hurting you again." Vince walked on his own upstairs and the tiger followed.

And I stayed there. Just like that day. I watched Dylan run off into the sunset, never to see me again. And now I watched him walk off with another love, with the same worried look of that day. The same story replayed over again. It was, just like Vincent's stare told me, a disgrace.

All I could do was give off small grunts of disappointment and put my hands over my head. I didn't know what else to do, so I ran off to my dorm room, nearly crying. Nobody can see me like this, I thought. What would they think.

But the feeling was inevitable that I ended up barging into the dorm room. I threw myself into bed and just tumbled over constantly. All of the sadness I had clouded everything that I didn't even notice there was someone inside the room, a bull, to be precise.

"Whoa, big guy," he spoke up. "You alright?"

I tried sucking it up and speaking normally. "I'm... fine. I'm just a little..."

I could hear him stand up from his bed and approach mine. He then sat beside me and comforted me. "It's fine... just tell me what happened..."

I sighed. At least he wasn't pestering me about why I was acting up like that. "I kinda... Met up with an ex and... their new lover..."

"Their?" The bull questioned. "Was your ex trans or something?" He joked around and nudged me on the leg. I smiled a bit too. "Well, who's the guy? How's he like?" He continued.

"Do you know that... blue horse... what's his nickname..."

The bull immediately perked up and looked at me. "Vincent Torres? That dude got your girl?"

All I could do was nod.

"Y'know, I don't want to think he, well... did something to her..." The bull had a bit of a worried expression on his face. I should be worried too. I knew what this jerk was capable of, who knows if he really conquered Dylan like that?

We stayed quiet for a while, which gave me the chance to sit up next to the bull. He was about my height, if not a bit more. Calm, tolerant and cunning, he reminded me of the feline.

"...and may I ask who the girl is?" He looked at me with a sneer smile.

"If your objective is to get her back for me, then I think it will backfire," I replied rather quickly.

He just laughed. "Oh, come on. A name, at least."

I froze. This is the end of me.

"Y´know, I, uh..."

"Forgot her name?" The bull looked at me awkwardly. "I think you are hiding something..."

My palms were starting to sweat. "Wh- what? NO! No, of course not!"

"Please," the bull objectified. "The tension in your eyes is noticeable. Now, tell me!" He nudged me again, this time on the shoulder. He also maintained his smile.

I tried feigning a smile. "Serious, man! I really forgot her name!"

"Pfft." He kept looking at me. "You know we're both open here. You know what I think?"

"Wh- what?"

"That girl is really a guy, isn't it?" He laughed, as if it were a joke. My smile faded away, and I just looked down on the floor.

The bull seemed to notice this, and, realizing what he had just said, decided to comfort me again. "Oh, uh... sorry, I, uh... It was just a joke, don't be that serious..."

A tear dropped my eyes. I was literally heartbroken now. Today just had to be one of the crappiest days ever, even though it was only morning. I wanted to pull away from reality, right then and there. It was too much.

"It was only a joke."

That sentence looped around my head for the longest while. It had to be one of the worst things I've said to anyone.

I needed to turn this around quickly. I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip away from me. I started to think about what I should say, until I realized that was the mistake. It's not what I should say.

It's what I should do, and what I should have done. From the moment I watched him stand there, running to our dorm room, up to this moment. I needed to express my love for him.

So when the bear's head lifted up to look at me, probably to tell me the rudeness in my statement, I wiped the tears away from his face and removed his shades.

"Huh...?" He was a bit confused. "What are you--"

That was when I leaned over and kissed him. I loved him more than anything in the world, and I wanted to be with him forever. The bear was somewhat taken aback by all of what was happening, but eventually, he wrapped my arms around me and we kept the embrace going.

I smiled. What a great way to start this morning.

Not long after, the both of us introduced ourselves.

"I'm David de la Cruz," the bear coyly said. "And you?"

"Julio Rivera. Pleased to meet you." We hugged each other. "So, what exactly happened back there, with your ex and all?"

David sighed. "Well, I was talking to his new lover and things, well, took a turn for the worst. I was just so angry at him. I nearly killed him, and I just want to apologize..."

"I know what to do," I replied. "But first, we must do something to control that anger of yours. It gets out of your control rather quickly."

We spent the rest of the afternoon practicing how the plan would go. Little did we know that the plan would quickly go unexpected, and there would be no time to react.