Dispersal of the Prince

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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Something kind of egomaniacal I came up with while very, very sleep deprived.

I think I have a hard time accepting that humans can actually like animals more than they like themselves. The irony--even amongst furries, I often think like I'm alone in the world, and find it hard to see otherwise.

I am sometimes very desperate to change, to protect something I envy. This is an expression of that desperation.

"Why don't you embrace this power--let it overcome you--turn you into the foul-smelling creature that you can be..."


"It feels fantastic, though--the power of an animal."

"No, give me back my hands!"

"They're not yours anymore. They belong to your true self. They are the limbs of the fox."


"That's right. Let your posture loosen--your resistance weaken. Fall to your new feet, embrace the ground on four legs."

"...please... stop this."

"Spit out the tongue of a canid. Feel its breadth and strength--let it cool your body with the percolation of your animal spit."

"Shtop thith... nooo..."

"Feel your hair become thick fur. Surrender to it, and disrobe."

"...plllleathe... back... puth me back!"

"Back? Why? Why be human... when you could be better? Unconstrained and acutely sharpened!"

"...whath? Bether? Yu call thith... thith... BETHER?!"

"Humans see only themselves, moving ever forward in their fever dream of progress--and they will consume everything in their ambition. But there is another option--a slower one, more calculated one. We can go backward. Explore routes we've overlooked."

"Yu wan to... to turn uth into sthupid animalz."

"I want you to look at the destruction your kind has wrought. You are no better than animals--only more successful in devouring 'everything'. An uncontrolled disease would seek the same things you do: Self-perpetuate, becoming more and more 'efficient', tearing down any alternative possibility, to make more of 'you'. If this is how you value your kind's success, you have erred. Now. Squat. Sit. Empty your pathetic bowels."

"...uuuuhhhh... ah... ahhh......"

"You hide from it. You have all the same framework and function of any beast. Shitting, pissing, marking your territory. Bringing this to an intellectual level does nothing to hide it. You are animals. What I do is not to reverse your development. What I do is to take your toppling towers of ideal, and bring them back down to earth--the gentle way. I could watch your way collapse in on itself, stay my hand--and you would fall nonetheless--into civil decline, oppression, rebellion, turmoil, and finally, you would revert to your base design. But in your fall, you would take many valuable additions, many alternative possibilities, and you would crush them in your society's self-annihilation. You try to have everything. You would lose everything, for everything -- squander it for your own image of perfection. I will stop that."

"...grrr... nrrrgh rrrrrr.... kakk! kakk! kakk!"

"Posture as you will, with your animal body. It makes no difference. You are no more stupid now than you were before--and no less. I have just taken away your potential to deal more damage. Look at your tail, growing, stretching. Smell your new body's scent--explore the identity I have given you to contemplate, and follow your biological purpose. Live, die, breed and live anew--it's more important that you continue the generation of new concepts, new lives, and new variables--then try to cling to what you are, gouging into the earth some kind of imprint. Your structure and purpose are progress enough, without the need for abstracts like good or evil, advancement or decline."


"You are better off this way. At peace with yourself, you can find meaning; without the dictum of society, or the pain of its judgment. Be an animal again; a mechanism to your own ends. Let that mechanism be its own Art, its own Justice, its own God. Now run, feed, live. You are a fox. Good luck."


"So it will be. Now I must scatter my own self to the winds; lest I too be compelled to rule. No beast deserves that seat alone."