Spiritual Savior

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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This short story was intended to only be a few thousand words long, clean, and more mythological; but I ended up adding more and more to just under 10k. At least I finished something after a month. I thought about changing the title to 'Mountain Spirit.' But I just didn't.

Edit: fixed a few sentences

As always, fave, comment, or vote if you wish.

Distant thunder rumbled through the murky sky, as if it were a beast hiding in the dark soupy clouds. I looked down the ledge I was perched on and watched the rushing brown water flowing down to my property. Normally the brown churning river was a clear shallow creek meant to add beautiful scenery above my yard near a path along the base of the mountain. This late evening though was marked by a flood below the mountain that drove me to higher ground. All the snow from the winter had melted and then heavy rain for three days caused a flood wiping out my house entirely. Nothing I could do would divert the water or buy me any time to save any belongings. That was the price I payed for living on low flat land. My only option was to save myself and flee into the forested mountains where I at least wouldn't drown, but the new scenery wasn't very fitting for me. The normally temperate oak and pine forest nearly resembled a rainforest with all this excess water, and it was still raining. I needed to find shelter for the night. Boots plodded in search along the watery soil quickly seeking higher ground sounded off by an occasional cough and chill.

'Ugh. I can't be catching something!' I groaned at the recent drop of temperature. Having a warm fire and comfy chair would've been a luxury for me right now. Navigating uphill through the dimly lit forest for a temporary shelter wasn't easy when I could barely find purchase along the muddy ground. Little rivulets of water trickled down the soil and clay wherever I stepped creating small splashes. I paused to rest against a tree and look around. The quiet patter of rain was the only thing to be heard other than my labored breathing. Lightning flashed from far away giving me a brief moment to look around the dim surroundings. A chill suddenly ran up my spine causing me to shiver. My eyes watered as I stared to my left through the forest much longer than I really should have.

"There's nothing out here sopping wet except for me." I told myself continuing once more through the dismal trees. The terrain began to level off and the rain became more of a moderate drizzle, which came as a nice relief. My labored plodding of boots stopped as I noticed a clearing ahead through the limitless trees I had passed. A steep cliff face was across the small open area along with a ledge farther towards the left. There was a small structure in the clearing about fifty meters from the end of the cliff.

"A shrine?" I couldn't believe my eyes and quickly ran towards it, nearly slipping in the mud the way. I was never religious or in tune with the subtleties of the world around me, but my position was more than humbling now. Sure enough, it was a small shrine located this deep into the forest. Very small to be precise. It was probably less than half my height and not very wide. Crouching down, I looked inside seeing a miniature stone fox statue holding up an empty plate under a small torii that barely fit under the main roof. Who made a shrine this far away and to what spirit? They were far more common in temples at urban areas. I didn't have time to think about that though. Closing my eyes, I gave a small prayer to any spirit that might have been watching over me, hoping that the rain may pass for all of us. I exhaled a foggy breath and bit my lip finishing. What did I have to offer as a token? It was unbearable bad luck to pray and not give something in return, and I was already buried in unluckiness. Looking over my person out of desperation, I noticed that my jacket was soaked through to my shirt and had probably helped start my coughing. I hastily took it off and stuffed it onto the small altar finishing my prayer. Feeling better with a proper prayer, I stood up and shivered at the chilled air.

'Ok. If I can find some shelter then I can try to sleep through the night.' I thought with a grin scanning ahead. There wall of rock in front of me was very flat with little, if any, over hangings. It extended towards the drop off, and this far up the mountain, probably a big one.

'There might be something around it-' A shrieking howl pierced my moment of optimism sending a frozen chill up my already cold spine. I spun around only to find the dark spooky trees behind me down the slope of the mountain. The echo died away quickly with the light raindrops showering onto the ground and trees. Breath fogged at the unusual coolness in the air that prickled exposed cheeks like needles. My eyes snapped to the left seeing a shadowy movement dart from behind one tree to another. A high pitched cackle from deep within the darkness made my pulse quicken as I turned back to the clearing and walked quickly away from the source. 'I need to get out of here!' I followed the cliff face closer towards the ledge. A low moaning ensued behind me before it abruptly turned into another ear splitting scream. My legs started running along the rock wall. The shadow returned just at the edge of my vision, taunting me to turn around once more. I slipped and fell into the dirt, but I didn't bother to brush my clothes while picking myself back up. The shadow came much closer by a tree, and I spun around out of instinct just as a bolt of lightning struck not too far in the sky.

As the area lightened for a moment, I could see a demonic head peeking from behind a tree at me. Bright white teeth in a open mouth with glowing red orbs for eyes gave my body an overdose of fear. Turning around, I lunged forward only to skid to a halt realizing that I had nowhere left to go. The drop from the edge must've been a long way down since I couldn't see the bottom. I felt my heart pounding inside my ribcage as a twig snapped nearby. My body shivered incessantly even as a warm wind blew through me. Turning around to face whatever had chased me, I was met with the same darkness as before unable to see anything than the mountainside forest. My ears strained, picking up on footsteps somewhere close by. They were quieter than my heavy boots, and terrifying. I clenched my fists expecting the creature to charge. Each second ticked by at a snails pace as I scanned the dark forest, waiting. A flash of red encased my vision for a split second as a lightning bolt struck a tree fifty meters in front of me. I stumbled back only for the soaked ground to crumble and soften beneath me.

I screamed feeling the ground give way fully under my full weight. Trying to balance myself, I saw the scenery blur around me for what felt to be an eternity. The world literally came crashing down as I landed on my side with a heavy cracking thud. My body rolled onto its back as my head throbbed along with a sharp pain in my side. I looked up at the ledge where I had fallen from. My body ached everywhere as it rained. An orange dot appeared at the top, but my blurry vision blackened entirely as the rain soaked whatever dry spots I had managed to hide.

I blinked slowly waking up on my side to quietness instead of rainfall. A nice warm cozy comfort was the only way to describe where I woke up. It was very different to the cooler wet environment I remembered being in. Almost surreal.

'Am I dead?' No, I could feel how tired my body was from my ordeal. My first reaction was to wiggle my fingers and toes. 'Nothing broken.' I sighed out relieved only to groan. My whole body seemed to ache and felt drained of energy. Swallowing, I grimaced. My throat felt heated and raw compared to when I was last awake. I was probably sick, but who saved me? Blinking, my eyes adjusted more to the shady dark background. The area might have been a cave from the earthy wall, but it was impossible to tell from my limited viewpoint. The beam of light away from me could've been sunlight or moonlight for all I knew. This definitely wasn't my home or any house for that matter, but where was I? I could feel a blanket around my back, legs, and even over my chest. 'At least I'm not going to freeze.' I thought enjoying its gracious presence. The blanket pressed behind me was warm and nice like silk, but it wasn't made from wool. It was soft fur... 'Fur?' I questioned myself without much confidence. I looked down seeing what appeared to be a pair of arms crossed over my chest.

They were also covered in fur but it was too dim to tell what color it was. The wrists had funny looking hands with fingers that were thicker and more paw like in structure, each harboring a claw partially visible beneath the fur. Below in the shady environment, there were countless fluffy tail like pieces with white tips entwined around my midsection and legs keeping me warm. It was the strangest giant fur to be wrapped in. I didn't know any animal that possessed more than one tail that was this large and long. I adjusted my position the best I could with a few tiny movements only for the appendages to flick and react.

'What the-'

"So you're awake now?" A beautiful feminine voice soothingly spoke very close to me. The arms moved a little along with most of the furry appendages around my legs and mid section. This wasn't an elaborate blanket. It was alive! I started shaking fearfully at whatever had me in its home. Shifting, I desperately tried sitting up.

"Agh!" I groaned. A sharp pain manifested itself in my side and the furred arms quickly eased me back down. A leg I hadn't seen hooked over one of my own to help keep me still as the pain subsided into another dull ache. I was hurt and couldn't escape. "Who-Who are you?" The rough sound of my own voice caught me off guard. My heart was nearly bursting out from its ribcage, and whoever had me trapped clearly noticed it.

"It's okay. You're safe with me." A padded hand rubbed over my chest soothingly.

'My shirt-' "Gah! Where are my clothes!?" I shockingly yelled that someone was definitely here with me, and my body quickly renewed its shaking once more. A large bushy tail flicked over and rested on my chest and chin to help warm me through the fearful chills.

"They were soaked and dirty when I found you." The soft female voice explained as her arms hugged me closely. She wasn't dressed either from what I could feel pressing against my back. I closed my eyes fearing the worst, and shivered from the adrenaline coursing through my body sending me into a fight or flight response. The unknown female continued to hold me through it all, and even caressed my front with a warm padded hand soothingly. Her tails coiled carefully around me to prevent another outburst of movement, turning my body into a fuzzy mummy shoulders down. It was scary, but undeniably warm. Every few moments I would whimper expecting a suffocating death to overcome me, but that never happened. I tried struggling again with no success. This time the limbs were constricted securely leaving me with only a little wiggle room, albeit very comfortable and warm room. But I was still afraid with the satiny bondage. How could anyone or anything for that matter wrap me up so easily, keep me still, and not be expected to harm me? I was breathing through my mouth wearily by the time the shaking stopped.

"P-Please don't hurt me!" I begged feeling the padded furry hand start caressing my cheek softly.

"Sh." The female voice hushed me softly. "You're safe here. I won't hurt you." She continued carefully petting my cheek as those protective tails remained faithfully bound to me. I finally began to heed the female's words and allowed her to continue caressing my face with a warm hand. It was almost leathery but serenely supple as she slowed before crossing her arms over my chest. My fear was gradually replaced with curiosity the longer she held me in silence. I reached up to feel her arms protectively guarding my front. The tails around my arms still clung but loosened, allowing me a limited range of motion. My captor's arms were covered in the same velvety fur and shaped much like mine in structure. Trailing down, a pair of soft furred hands rested over my chest that, other than the fur, were just like my own. Each digit did harbor animalistic claws though. They were pointy, but didn't prick me as I traced them. She definitely could've harmed me with ease. Tracing over the strange hands, her fuzzy fingers parted, allowing them to intertwine with mine. My hands were gingerly held as my body remained warm. She wouldn't let me budge when I tried, but everything felt nice and soft.

'What is she?' There had to be an obvious answer that I wasn't thinking of. We are on a mountain with a lot of trees, but I didn't know of anyone who lived here. I did remember seeing a shadow and hearing something before falling, then that orange figure afterwards. "Did you chase me here?" I asked recalling the haunting images that drove me towards the cliff.

"No, I found a demon near my home and scared him away before finding you." The honey sweet voice replied. So there was something following me!

"You scared a demon away?" My eyes widened despite the darkness. It was unheard of for a person to actually scare a demon away.

"I'm afraid he might have chased you, but you don't have to worry now. I will make sure that you recover safely." I found myself pressing closer to her at the thought that evil creature would be nearby.

"Where are we?"

"Safe in my home." She answered shifting just enough so that I could feel her furry body brush against me. It was definitely no home I had ever been in, although I couldn't see much of anything because of how dim the environment was and how those flickering tails blocked my vision. It was almost tempting to reach out and grab one. "Try not to move." I heard her voice move as she rustled behind me.

"Is something broken?" I asked as she carefully moved me into a laid back reclined position on her lap. The outlines of a ceiling could barely be detected above me.

"Not anymore, you're just very bruised on the side." She placed a hand lightly over the area.

"But I fell-" I had no clue to how long the drop lasted, but it seemed to last forever in my memory when I thought about it. 'Not anymore?'

"You were unconscious for a long time." She spoke as those large fluffy tails intertwined randomly around my body. Their satiny quality caressed my skin wanting me to stop worrying. I relaxed the best I could, and the fur made it fairly easy. A hand then tilted my head foreword. "Drink this." I felt the edge of a cup rest against my lips. Not doubting her, I downed the liquid only to detect a pungent taste. I twisted my head to the side grimacing at the unbearably strong acidic flavor, since the rest of my body couldn't move with our bodies tangled together. "Sh. It's alright." She whispered cradling me carefully helping me relax once more.

"What was that stuff?" I swallowed again, glad that there was no present aftertaste.

"I gave you a strong medicine. It will help you recover quickly."

"Uh. Th-thank you." I said gratefully, wishing that I wasn't already in this position.

"You're very welcome." She gave me the gentlest hug that she could in my position. It made me grin subconsciously. I stared up at the darkness barely seeing a few outlines of her body before my eyes began to droop. It felt like drowsiness was quickly overcoming me rather than a speedy recovery. I mumbled trying to roll over in a comfortable position without her help. She managed to keep me still without difficulty before easing me onto my side, this time, facing her. My face found itself somewhere on the front of her body, cozy still, but I didn't exactly feel proper having my face so close to her breasts. Whatever she was, the only thing covering her body was a lovely coat of fur.

"I'm... Not tired." I yawned resisting the sleep in vain.

"Sh. Rest." Her elegant voice said as other furry white tipped tails tenderly wrapped around me. There were too many to count as they constricted gently around me warming my otherwise naked skin. One even coiled around my neck and eyes as I unconsciously snuggled into the embrace. Whoever or whatever the creature was, she saved me from death and I was more than thankful for that. Her arms reassuringly hugged me as my eyelids began losing the battle to stay open and see the fluffy tail in my face. I felt pretty helpless like a child relying on a mother's warmth laying there in her care.

"Thank you." My voice was muffled and quiet in the abundance of fur, but she understood and kissed the top of my head goodnight.

I woke up with my face incredibly warm from a seemingly endless supply of fur and body heat. It was even better than the last time I woke up. The area against my cheek rose and fell rhythmically reminding me that I had fallen asleep against her chest. I simply listened to her quiet breathing above me. The soft fur on her body acted like a pillow against my face, and I secretly enjoyed it. Everything was so cozy that I didn't want to wake up yet, but there's always something to say otherwise. I wiggled my nose feeling a skin like piece itching me. The subtle irritation wasn't enough to make me raise an arm and flick it away, not that I could wrapped up as I was, but with annoyance it remained. Her tails loosened and tightened around my body knowing that I was now awake. The fur rubbing against me was exquisite.

"Hungry?" She asked making my brow arch in question.

'Why would she ask-' My thought was interrupted as a tail pushed my chin up until whatever had itched my nose was poking at my lips. I tightened them shut on impulse. A hand gently pressed my head forward and I found the nub poking against my sealed lips. My chin rested on softer flesh and fur as I figured out what was going on. She was going to nurse me! Another tail or two swirled around my head creating a dim furry world between me and her. I pulled away and turned my head to face the ground. No matter how grateful I was for everything she had done, I just couldn't do it. A tail briefly rubbed my cheek in persuasion.

"Are you alright?" She asked bringing a hand to my cheek with concern.

"I-I'm sorry but I... just can't." My nervousness was very clear, and I was embarrassed just to refuse. Her hand stroked my neck and back, waiting to see if I would change my mind. A quiet sigh was soon heard from above.

"That's fine." She apologized to my surprise. I felt her tails raise me up once more into a reclined position. I heard quiet shuffling around to the left that was probably caused by her countless fluffy appendages. This time she produced a small bowl and brought it close to my face. "Here. You can drink this." The wooden bowl's lip touched my own. I tensed expecting something bitter like before, but no such taste invaded my mouth. Her hand held my head as I ate my fill from the limitless bowl. It tasted like a plain soup with a lot of medicinal herbs in it. She eventually nudged the bowl away from me when I had my fill.

"Ah, thank you. I couldn't move that much." I tried sitting up on my own, but those tails draped over my mid section stopped me.

"You need to rest. Your ribs are still hurt." She gently ran a hand over my side making the skin tingle. The fur and skin like areas of her hand felt so unique and wonderful at once. I couldn't stop myself from humming from the sensual caresses. Those snake like appendages of hers carefully maneuvered me back so that I was laying down facing her once more. Feeling around with my hand, the ground we rested on was some sort of mat similar to the fur coat.

'It's a fur rug.' I assumed placing my hand somewhere on her tummy that gently rose and fell in time with her breathing. I explored her front with a cautious hand, pausing several times in case I overstepped her kindness. My mysterious savior didn't seem to mind at all though, and allowed me to continue unrestricted. The body underneath the plentiful amount of fur was warm indicating that she was definitely not directly human. But the fur itself was very soft in itself as I ruffled along. My hand bumped into a soft mass that felt to be a breast.

'Oops.' I immediately moved my hand back down. My face blushed red, but nothing was said from above much to my relief. I did know from her voice and chest that she was a female, but a female what? 'A witch doctor?' I combed through her tummy fur. No, they probably live in bayous and have hardly been mentioned living in mountains. My fingertips ran over a small fleshy bump hidden in the fur on her front, and then a second not too far from the first. "Are you still hungry?" She asked as I realized they were hidden extra teats.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm fine." I said quietly trying not to strain my sensitive throat or embarrass myself again. "Don't you need to eat?" I wondered. All living things had to eat.

"I'm alright, let's worry about you." That was very kind of her, but why was she being so kind to me? Did she expect something in return? My thoughts only tired me out without an answer. I rested my head against her bosom, thankful that she was there to save me. My cheeks blushed remembering that despite the strange coat of fur she was naked. A tail brushed under my chin in return, but before it could slip away, I grabbed the tail and kept it under my chin. She heartily chuckled feeling me snuggle closer to her.

"You're warm." I explained out of embarrassment and hid my face into the fur. A hand rubbed my back in return and the rest of her tails returned to coil around my body, as if to hide me from my own nervousness. The one in my hands slipped away and loosely circled my neck much like a living scarf. I took a deep breath through the fur coat. She smelled like the wild flowers and trees, yet so nice and comforting at the same time. An arm hugged me close and I nestled as close as possible to her feeling the fluffy tails weave around, joining us together.

"Rest all you can." She whispered caressing my back. The areas of skin on her hand felt a lot like softened leather and easily lulled me to sleep.

I woke up and gave a small stretch half expecting the countless tails normally constricting me to loosen. This time however, I only felt a subtle quietness and less warm. A gust of wind outside could be felt in the form of a draft. A draft? Blinking my eyes I found myself staring at a pair of freed bare arms. She was gone! I immediately sat up without any pain and looked around the space for the first time.

"I'm not hurt or sick!" I looked over my body unable to feel a pain or ache anywhere. Not even my throat was remotely sore. But more noticeably all the fur that kept me pinned down was gone. Oddly enough I felt more naked without all that fur than with it, and I did miss waking up wrapped around in its softness. Looking around, the home resembled a small den like that of an animal, but it was undoubtedly human by design. Indentations were made along the wall in a few places and I crawled towards each. One was a basin filled with cool water much like a sink, another an empty hearth, and another towards the end contained burning incense. Looking back towards where I had slept with her, the bedding was revealed to be a mat mostly constructed out of fur with a soft foundation of sand and moss beneath it. I picked up a few hairs that were mostly orange with a little black and white. 'Definitely not a civilized human.' I concluded to myself. Although that didn't excuse how frightened I acted towards her hospitality. A bird chirping outside caught my attention, and reminded me that I had been cooped up inside for over a day.

"Should I wait for her to come back or should I leave?" I asked myself sitting down on the bedding against the wall. I was very curious to know who and what she was but I didn't want to over stay my welcome. "A little sunshine won't hurt." I decided and walked over towards the brightly cast entrance. I had to bend over and nearly crawl to get out of the strangely placed home. Hunched forward, I could see the ground in detail with the help of strong sunlight. What I saw however made me freeze. Not footprints, but large paw prints, fairly large paw prints were clearly visible in the soft dirt. Uneasiness settled over me while I crawled out and stood up. Had I been in some animal's den dreaming of everything that had happened? My first steps outside, however, were halted by the strong sunlight waiting for my eyes to adjust. It was noticeably dryer and warmer outside. Warm enough to make that dreadful night seem so far away. Stepping into a shaded spot, I looked down at my body and there wasn't any evidence of a broken bone, scarring, or even a bruise for that matter. I felt over my side where I had landed. Everything had been healed as if the incident didn't happen.

Gazing around, I found myself in a pine and oak forest that seemed awfully familiar until something caught my eye. "My clothes!" The garments were hanging out on a branch in a sunny spot, rustling with the light cool breeze. I quickly approached and felt the fabric of my shirt. It was completely dry and clean. "I can't believe this." I stopped to look around, only to find something else that I recognized. There was a small shrine only a couple steps away, and it was the same one I passed trying to find shelter during the flood. The basin holding fox looked brighter as if it had been cleaned.

"You woke up earlier than I had predicted." I turned around finding the source of the voice. My breath was instantly taken away. I blinked unsure how to describe the figure. Standing before me wasn't an animal or a human, but a unique combination of the two. As much a fox as a human. She had the head, neck, and legs of the vulpine, but the body of a human like me covered in orange, black, and white fur. Yet despite the odd appearance, I couldn't help but see her form as beautiful and stunning. I felt a shot of fear pulse through my body as she took a digitigrade step towards me, nine large white tipped tails dancing beside her. I had never seen anything like this before in broad daylight, but what if she was the demon that had chased me? I took half a step back for each one she took forward, knowing full well this creature could outrun me and possibly kill me. Her neck and legs made the vulpine taller than me. The first tail reached out far enough and touched me, gently resting over my side. I recognized the sensation immediately and relaxed.

"You healed me." I knew that she was the one who had helped me. The fox gave a nod as the one tail wrapped around my waist, slowly being joined by the others. Each was warm and soft like a luxurious orange coat against my skin just as they were the days before. She soon stood in front of me with the rest of her tails curled around my body acting in place of clothing even when she didn't even bother covering herself up. Finally it hit me. "You're a forest spirit! A kitsune!" I shockingly exclaimed only for her to give a shy nod with her black triangular ears perked back. To see one in person was very rare and often a sign of good luck in itself, and I had spent over a day with her.

"No one has visited my shrine in so long except for you." She said pointing at how old and unattended it was. "But you came by offering something when you had nothing." The kitsune held up my black jacket, now dry and harmless to my health.

"Oh! Well... You're very welcome, but it was already soaked through from the heavy rain so I couldn't use it anymore."

"Why did you travel so far up the mountain? It can be dangerous at night." The kitsune asked weaving a few orange tails around my body as if it were still cold. It failed to bring a smile to my face, reminding me of my house practically being swept away down through the lower hills.

"I... I don't have a home anymore."

"Anymore?" She asked innocently with those soft golden brown eyes.

"The flood took everything else I had. I don't know where to go now." I responded with dismay. Looking down at her animalistic paws, I had really lost everything except for my clothes dried out on the branch. A tail rose up and bumped into my chin, raising my eyes to hers. The dazzling vulpine eyes were full of contagious hope and optimism. The kitsune turned me back around to her den's entrance where she had taken care of me.

"Stay home with me." A few tails curled around me as her arm brought me closer to her. "Our home." A smile crept along my lips feeling her furry cheek rest on my bare one, whiskers poking in front of my nose.

"Our home?" I asked with uncertainty receiving a hug from the kitsune.

"Yes. You can live in the forest here with me." She claimed with conformation.

"A-are you sure? I mean it's your home-"

"Of course I am sure." She led me back to her den's entrance after retrieving my clothes. It felt nice to have on something decent again, although I couldn't put my shirt on with all those fluffy appendages snaking over my body. We sat down on the ground facing each other, able to smell the incense still burning from inside. The late evening sun felt nice against my skin since I had been kept in a cave for so long.

"So... not enough magic to rebuild my house?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that." She admitted. "At times I wish that it did." Two of her tails rested against my side. Well it was worth a shot to ask.

"Thanks for helping me. I mean you're a forest kitsune and I'm just a human with some bad luck."

"I think that you have some good luck from visiting my shrine. You weren't in very good shape when I found you." I nodded solemnly remembering the feeling of the sudden impact.

"What would a spirit like you be doing way up here though?"

"This mountain is my home and I protect it and everything on it. You lived outside my realm of jurisdiction so to speak. I wish I could have warned you better." She sighed allowing her whiskers to droop.

"Do you have a name by chance?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh. My name is Fuwa." Her smile returned once more. A fitting and pretty name for the fox.

"Well Fuwa... Your tails are very soft." I raised my arm where two had already coiled around like a fur sleeve.

"Thanks. I'm glad you like them." Her ears folded back flustered. One of the other fluffy appendages brushed my chin in appreciation. "I take it they were warm enough at night?"

"Very." I responded with a light blush. I did enjoy sleeping with them surrounding me.

"Good." The fox curtly nodded. "They help a lot with making medicine." She waved a few around

"How did you heal me so fast?" I asked watching a tail coil and uncoil around my arm.

"I helped speed up your recovery with some helpful medicine that I had stored up, and keeping you motionless was a must for an immediate recovery." She explained.

"Well you did a great job. I feel great! No pain or anything discomforting." Her ears folded back again as she appreciatively smiled. A cool breeze rushed by and chilled my uncovered skin.

"Let's go inside. It's late." She got up and slipped in with all her tails trailing behind. I immediately followed and crawled through the low entrance. I paused to let my eyes adjust while the kitsune padded over to the bedding and quickly made herself comfortable lying on her back. "How do you wish to sleep?" She asked nudging my leg with a digitigrade foot paw. I looked at the beautiful female laid out before me unsure of what to say. "I can sense that you are nervous." Her voice sounded as if it had nudged into my thoughts. She was perfectly correct in her assumption as I finally slipped my shirt on.

"Umm. However you like I guess?" I stated as a few tails caught my wrists. I allowed their white tips to coil around comfortably maintaining a firm grip on me. The kitsune churred happily and pulled me down to the bedding. She rested my head against a soft breast as her numerous tails began to curl around me. I looped my left arm under her neck over to her shoulder, and my other one went across her midsection. A few tails prodded around me seeking entrance through the openings of my clothes. They didn't relent pushing through no matter how small the gap was, and I found myself wriggling around to help them along. A warm purring sound emitted from her throat in approval as the appendages coiled around my body underneath the fabric causing my shirt to ruffle from the constant movement. Her hand rested on my chest when they finally stopped moving and allowed both of us to snuggle close. "I won't be wearing a shirt very much at night." I observed the puffed out appearance the fabric now had. A heartily chuckle was given in response.

"Is this comfortable?" She asked.

"Uh, I think so." I felt conscious of my soft pillow.

"You like sleeping this way." She rested her muzzle above my head, barely leaving a spot on me not covered in her fur.

"How do you know that?" I asked while her hand rubbed over my chest in small circles.

"I know you love it. I can sense it." It must have been her hand pressed over my heart, but I didn't mind. Having a wonderful furred chest to sleep on with nine fluffy tails entwined around my body was sublime. "Thank you for staying with me." She whispered before giving my forehead a kiss. "Goodnight."

"How does this whole magic thing work again?" I asked probably for the tenth time this week. Living in the forested mountain with a spirit was very different compared to living in my old home to say the least. Life was more easygoing and went by slowly compared to every quick rush I used to deal with, but there was always a warm body to sleep next to. That was a very pleasant change. Someone to talk to while being wrapped up in fluffy tails was another thing that I enjoyed a lot too.

"It's tough to explain so quickly." She brushed a tail against my cheek. "I may have told you that already." That much was definitely true. I shifted in my seat thinking of what to do. Fuwa usually sat down in the sunlight for most of the day and ground herbs or walking around where she planted various small gardens. I spent my time tagging along with her and getting used to the relatively new area, but I wanted to explore on my own. "Going somewhere?" She asked playfully tugging my bare arm with an attached tail as I stood up.

"Yes. I want to see the area where my old home used to be." Her head titled curiously. "I didn't get much of a last look."

"Just be careful. That's far down the mountain and into the lower hills."

"I will." I promised with a smile as the tails slowly untangled and let me go. The mountainside was very scenic and beautiful without the early night shading everything. I made my way down after giving a prayer of thanks at her shrine. I found it funny that she would receive my prayer as a thought. The mountain's slope gradually steepened as I followed a winding path down. The further I went, the more I could see the impact that the heavy rain had. Empty stream beds had been freshly carved into the mountain from the excessive rain over a week ago, and piles of leaves and mud had accumulated against tree trunks. Even a fallen tree marred the journey down. A small grassy clearing soon came into view. 'The backyard!' I clamored down the rest of the incline and onto flatter land. Stepping out of the tree line, I was saddened at the sight before me. There was hardly any evidence that someone had lived on this land before the violent storm. A lot of displaced silt, mud, and branches littered the area with a new tiny creek where part of my house had been. There wasn't even any birds or other wildlife around. "I could've been buried here." I stooped down by a small footprint in the fresh embankment. I traced my finger around the print in the damp sand before wiping off the granules. I exhaled only to notice my breath fog in front of me. The air suddenly became cool catching me off guard. Goosebumps formed along my arms as I stood up.

'What's going on?' A coarse cough from behind startled me. I spun around only to jump back with a shiver at the sight before me. 'A kitsune!' The vulpine's appearance chilled me worse than the sudden drop in temperature. Black fur darker than a shadow covered his body and three swaying tails. A small amount of silver decorated his face, arms, and paws through the darker fur in varying patterns. The fox bore a long scar running down his left arm where his inky black fur thinned out. It looked very recent with the pink flesh. Unforgiving brown eyes glared angrily at me.

"That lucky human." A hoarse deep voice greeted me with a sinister smile. "Disgusting." He finished with a half sneeze.

"Who are you?" I asked the approaching fox. His tails slithered in the air like ocean waves as he circled around me. I felt very uneasy near him, and he didn't exactly look friendly.

"Obviously a fox." He finally answered as if I had given him a toothache. "My name is Nano though, and I'm glad to see that I wasn't wrong when I felt a healthy vibrant soul trekking down here."

'Vibrant soul?' I thought in confusion.

"Fuwa act like a fur coat on you?" He scowled seeing a few strands of orange fur suck on my hair and on my body.

"You know Fuwa?"

"How could I not?" He leisurely walked around, starting to circle me. "She treats every living thing like an infant."

"Fuwa does not baby me."

"Look at you. Naked as the day you were born. How disgraceful!" The silver fox continued to circle me. The fact that I at least had my pants on didn't seem to resonate with him.

"You even smell like her!" His three jet black tails briefly gripped my side as if to emphasize his point.

"Hey! She saved my life from falling off a cliff." I defensively stated.

"I know. That crafty fox always has a way with good luck. I was just scaring you." My eyes widened with realization.

"Y-you're the demon!" I pointed a shaky finger accusingly. For a change he smiled and lewdly revealed his teeth.

"Took you long enough."

"What do you want? I lost everything from the flood that night." I stepped away from him. Nano casually followed with his tails snaking low above the ground.

"But human," he stepped on a stick, snapping it instantly. "I only desire one thing." His grin turned more sinister, and revealed a plethora of sharp teeth. I stepped back only to feel my back bump into a tree trunk.

"Wha-what?" I stuttered.

"Your energy." He unsheathed his claws taking a step closer to me. "I need it to live." My body froze up feeling a sense of dread as the fox pounced.

A few small trees and branches rustled in the cool breeze. Fuwa looked up from her pestle and mortar feeling her fur move from the wind. Her black ears dialed forward to where the mountain sloped down to the lower foothills.

My head felt light and fragile. I frowned slowly opening my eyes unable to see much. Déjà vu crept over me like a slug. My surroundings were dim, but I could make out a furry figure in front of me. 'Fuwa?' I recognized the white and orange fur around me. I peered past the curve of her breasts seeing a white jaw in full view between them. I was on her lap? The kitsune's legs beneath my head and back confirmed my assumption.

"Ugh, my back." I tried moving only to feel how sore most of my muscles were. Tails writhed as the fox immediately looked down and cradled my head with her hands.

"You're finally awake!" She exclaimed with a gasp and helped me into a better reclined position. My body stiffened from the sudden movement as I tried organizing my thoughts. Her face was visible by my side with a very concerned look. I noticed that she had a bandage around her upper left arm.

"Are you alright?" I asked despite how vulnerable I really was. A laugh managed to escape her lips.

"I'm fine. I am worried about you though."

"What happened?"

"The demon you encountered that night came back and found you while we were far apart." She explained as the memory of walking down the mountain returned to me. "I came as fast as I could, but I found you in a pool of your own blood. He was stooped over you hungrily waiting to rip the soul from your body." That sent a shudder down my spine.

"But he was a kitsune like you though."

"Not all kitsune are good." She sighed giving me a gentle hug to not exacerbate my injury. "I wouldn't have forgiven myself if anything worse had happened to you." Her arms and limbs hugged me tightly without loosening. Her cheek and muzzle pressed against my face. "Your body was so cold to the touch." That was tough for me to imagine in this state. "I almost couldn't think straight."

"Too tight!" I wheezed.

"Sorry." She loosened her grip somewhat around me.

"Did he hurt you?" I looked back at her bandaged arm.

"He did take some of my energy."


"The source within every living thing. It's essentially your soul. If you take some then you became tired, and even more then very exhausted. Too much and you pass out. Even more and you will die."

"How much did I lose?"

"Quite a bit, although recovering helped return you to normal." I remained silent and breathed an internal sigh of relief. Fuwa had saved my life for a second time. A tail brushed against my cheek and flicked over my forehead. "You just need to rest for a day or so, and this should help a lot." She brought forth a small cup. I peered inside and noticed the liquid was light blue like a cloudless sky.

"Is this going to taste bad?" She swirled the liquid around.

"I don't think so." Fuwa smelled it. "It will make you sleep."

"I could use some good sleep." I remarked as the cup was brought to my lips. I downed it easily like water. Tails shifted and set me down onto her lap once more before coiling around my body in a cozy furred blanket.

"I'll be right here this time when you wake up." She rubbed her damp nose against my cheek as my eyes began to droop. I didn't have time to say a playfully snarky remark as I slipped into unconsciousness with her holding me dearly.

*(Sudden shift to third person for a paragraph!)*

A concerned look overcame the kitsune as she cradled him. That demon fox had stolen some of her own energy, and waiting weeks for it to recover naturally could be dangerous if another threat made itself known. The healthy human's skin had a healthy look once more that caught her observant eye. Instead of a pale gaunt, his cheeks were full with a hint of red. Fuwa unconsciously licked her lips with envy. 'I need his energy.' She watched him softly breathing through one of her tails as he wore a content grin.

The sun shined warmly on the mountain without a cloud in sight. Thanks to Fuwa, I recovered quickly like before without too much trouble. The bandage around her arm had been removed a day ago leaving a vague scar that would slowly heal. We walked hand in hand along the barely noticeable pathway that led to the spring. I kept glancing over at the fox's face. Her amber orange eyes had lost some of their luster since she saved me for a second time. "You look tired." I observed giving her paw a squeeze. She nodded but didn't ask to stop and rest.

"That evil kitsune somehow got a little of my energy before I could defeat him."

"Are you going to be alright?" I asked looking at her with concern. The grin remained on her face as she nodded.

"I'll recover just fine. You don't have to worry." She reassured me with a tail pat on the back. I didn't argue as we passed by the numerous trees until sparse grass was finally under our feet. It was a small clearing surrounded by a small cliff face and short pine trees. In the center of it all was a small spring the size of Fuwa's den. Perfect for relaxing in the water. I hastily shucked my clothes aside at a nearby bush.

"What? You're not going to join me?" I noticed the vixen idly standing aside.

"Not this time, but don't let me stop you from enjoying the water." That was definitely not going to be a problem for me.

"Will your fur take too long to dry?" I teased finding a spot that was deep beside the waters edge.

"That will never be a problem with the sun shining." She glanced at the sky, unable to spot a cloud.

"Ah, the water really is warm." I winced briefly before quickly submerging all the way to my chest. I laid back with my arms propped up on the embankment. I felt fur brush my back before being replaced with her warm leathery hands on my shoulders.

"You feel tense." Fuwa amused me as she gave me a divine massage. A tail looped around my neck so that I could relax completely under her ministration. The other eight were probably dancing in the air. I sunk lower into the water without getting her wet while she generously kneaded the muscles. Moments like these made time seem unrealistic. "I'll be in the den waiting for you." She whispered into my ear just as she finished.

"Mm. Ok." I mumbled drifting off into a light sleep with the birds chirping and the breeze gently rustling the trees. The surrounding forest was very relaxing as I heard her padding away. I did do some exploring the other day but sore muscles were long gone by now. The subtle scent of pine and honeysuckle gave the air a subtle flavor to delight on. I lulled through a nap before getting out to lay on a small path of grass. The sun had hardly moved, and I still had plenty of time to dry off in its rays by the water's edge. My skin was dry and warm as I sat up enjoying the serene weather.

'Where are my clothes?' I noticed that they were missing from where I had left them.

'Did Fuwa took my clothes?' I looked around unable to find them. The warm temperature didn't make it unbearable, but the ones I had were my only set. 'This doesn't make sense.' I searched my way back to our cave dwelling without a thread so to speak. Concern had manifested itself within me as I crawled through the entrance inside. What if something new was playing tricks on me under her nose?

"Fuwa, have you seen my-" I stopped seeing the kitsune sprawled out provocatively on the bedding. Her back was arched slightly to accentuate the size of her breasts. The fox's tails swayed and coiled in the air as if they were casting a spell of some sort. Slender white and orange thighs were open revealing her woman hood completely to me. Behind this exotic show were my clothes folded neatly at the head of the bedspread.

"Hello." A silky smile greeted me with an equally silky voice as I stared into her amber vulpine eyes. She intently observed my reactions, and my attention was completely centered elsewhere despite the verbal invitation. A padded finger lazily drew over a taught pink nipple before allowing its claw to gently tug the flesh instead. A few charming tails obstructed my view as they sashayed towards me.

"Oh, uh... Fuwa." My voice dropped feeling a pair of tails grab my wrists. Her tongue flicked over her front teeth hungrily.

"Come to me." She whispered with a coy smile spreading her legs slightly as the tails entwined around my wrists pulled me closer. Her womanhood was was only noticeable as a rift within her white fluffy nether fur, and a touch of pink was clearly visible. My back arched forward as I was carefully laid on top of her. The kitsune's body was so warm and inviting that I relaxed on her. Two tails wrapped around my thighs and the remainder rested on my back as if I planned on wearing a blanket. Fuwa craned her neck foreword allowing her her whiskered muzzle to brush against my cheek before sliding back and locking lips with me. I leaned into the gesture and allowed her to peruse me. Her vulpine legs eagerly squeezed my hips throughout the sensational kiss. A satiny tail brushed against my uncovered crotch. I didn't think much of it until the fluffy appendage repeated the action. A tingle spread through my groin as the soft fur subtly aroused me. I tried moving away from the mischievous tail, but she wasn't intent on letting me go. "Uh Fuwa. Your-"

"Sh." The kitsune hushed me with a clawed finger placed against my lips. Her warm expression relinquished my uncertainty as blood readily engorged my member. My now full erection pressed against her heated sex without restraint. Looking down, I watched as she aligned me to her entrance. She brushed my tip against her labia but stopped. A hand pushed my chin up so that her vulpine eyes met mine once more. The amber orbs nearly twinkled from the lighting. "I need your energy." She admitted in a soft whisper as the rest of her tails coiled and uncoiled comfortably around my mid section and shoulders. The white tips dangled to the ground waiting for a response, but I felt a hint of hesitation. Wasn't that why the silver furred kitsune attacked me? Her hands soothingly stroked and massaged over my back and sides, and those paw pads felt heavenly against my skin. "Please don't be afraid." She continued with concern. I hummed feeling my muscles naturally loosen. It was hard to remain fearful of someone so kind and persuasive. I nodded ignoring any ill thoughts and did the honor of finishing what she had started. My breath nearly left me as I penetrated her to the hilt.

"Mmm." I heard a murr from above. The vixen's inner walls immediately clamped down in the mating hug while I tried to make sense of the sensation. My whole length throbbed within its new snug confinement. I moaned without even moving. Her heated silken walls were too pleasurable! I started to pull out feeling the slick environment react. The vixen's muscular walls rippled excitedly with intimacy causing me to whimper. She was already very wet from being aroused as I glided back into her, earning a sensual moan of approval. Her muzzle had no trouble reaching me and happily brushed against my cheeks lovingly. Yet she desired more and the predatory look that possessed her eyes proved it. She panted vocally and laid down grinding her hips into mine. Our bodies passionately rubbed against each other as our lovemaking found a rhythm to dance with. Claws pinched my skin as the fox's face contorted with pleasure ever so often when a sensitive spot was struck. The loose tails swirled and whipped around us as the tempo increased, wrapping and squeezing in synch with her inner walls. Her body resembled an ocean wave, and I was caught in the center of it.

I wanted to stop and ask her about what would happen, but she didn't want to stop. Her tails even helped me thrust as I began to tire out. My member grinding her insatiable lust was indescribable past the physical senses. The passion of our combined motions flared as we both moaned in unison. Her walls tugged me closer and closer, coaxing me to climax with its powerful caress. It felt as if something was tugging inside of me to hurry up and release, and the feeling was becoming impossible to fight.

"Fu-F-" I tried to at least warn her, but the pleasure became too much to bear as the intense feelings quite literally burst. Her tails thrusted me forward one final time and kept me deeply embedded. Arching my back, I cried out as my seed splashed into her loving body. Fuwa shuddered as her tails and insides squeezed me firmly. My entire body tensed feeling each dwindling creamy rope being timely milked with every pump. Fuwa was in a daze as much as I was. Her head stared at the rocky ceiling, tongue halfway out of her muzzle. With the last of the last drops received, my arms gave out and I laid on top of the kitsune completely exhausted. Those wonderful tails quickly surrounded me like they always did in their furry embrace, and her hands began caressing my neck and back. It all felt so soothing. Looking up, I found her eyes to be brighter than I remembered and shining full of life. The smile along her muzzle was even more jovial than before. My body was entirely drained that I couldn't even return a smile to her.

"Should I feel this weak?" I found it difficult that just one round had me physically emptied.

"I received a lot of your energy during sex, especially at the end," she added with a warm smile craning her head closer to me, "but you willingly gave it." Her lips softly touched my own and I melted into a compassionate kiss. The fur around her mouth prickled against my skin accentuating the loving gesture. A tail even helped support my limp body.

"Mmm." I smiled as her damp nose pressed under my own. The fox lips were thin but supple to the touch. It felt like she was giving a little touch of energy back with each passing moment we were locked together. Her tongue glided over my lips as we parted. I held onto her shoulder as she laid her head back down on the bedding. "How much more energy do you need?" I asked wearing a strong blush wondering how much more I could physically supply for her demand, not that I was complaining.

"With you... Not too much." She continued caressing me. "I don't want you to fall ill again, but that doesn't mean we can't share more moments like this." A cute purr rumbled from within her. I smiled and rested my head against one of her breasts like I always did when we slept. Her honey sweet breath wafted within my olfactory, adding another layer of euphoria and calmness to the mix.

"So we can take a nap to recover?" I suggested as her tails joined the intimate contact, weaving us closer together. The kitsune's arms joined the furry mix and hugged me tightly as well.

"Of course." She replied with a kiss to my cheek before a tail curled around my neck. We simply enjoyed each other's body heat as the lovely afterglow floated away, although lovely was easily an understatement. "I'm happy that you stayed." She murred pleasantly. "It was very lonely here without anyone."

"I think I'm happy too." I replied, too weak to keep my eyes open. Sleep always acted like a heavy, yet furry, blanket around me.

"You're happy. I know that you're happy." She replied with that omniscient tone of hers. The kitsune kissed me on the forehead in goodnight.