True feelings pt2

Story by Taiden on SoFurry

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So yeah, this is it. To sum it all up Victor ends up with Matthew and Victor's other friend, Maria just watches, loving every second of it like a rabid fangirl.

Now dressed in his gym clothes, Victor was walking around the track with the friend he once dated, Maria "...And that's why I always take it with me." She had just finished telling him why she had a sketchpad with drawing materials in her bag "Do you have something to say?" She smirked at Victor "You seem down. Or worried I think."

"Uh..." He thought about telling her about how he feels about Matthew although he did doubt her. Still, he knew that he could trust her "Can I tell you something rather personal?"

"Ooh a secret." The lynx was now curious "I won't tell. Trust." She put her hand over her heart "So... What is it?"

"U-Um it's Matthew. I wanted to tell you that I-"

Maria stopped him "That you like him in 'that' way?" She laughed as Victor questioned how she knew that "Come on Vic, I see how awkward you get whenever you are with him. It's almost too obvious!" Seeing as how serious Victor was being, she stopped messing around "Seeing as how I'm right, have you told him yet?"

"No but I want to." The wolf twiddled his thumbs as he went through all the possible scenarios in his head "I don't even know if he likes me back. I don't even know if he likes guys at all!"

"Well there's only one way to find out." Maria tried to remember if Matthew ever told her his orientation or not "I guess we should just hope he does." With one more question, she asked "When do you plan to tell him?"

Victor was thinking the same thing "Today maybe? After we get through all of our classes of course." He thought that it was a good idea seeing as Matthew walked home with him and Maria because they coincidentally lived a reasonable distance away from one another "It seems like a good time to do so, right?"

Maria nodded "Yeah that'll work."

"But how should I tell him?" It's pretty much all he needed help with as he wasn't that good with conversations "Do I just say it or what?"

"No no. You hold hands, look him in the eyes and say "Matthew Pierson, I love you." and that will win him over for sure." Stopping herself from laughing at her own comment she continued "Just say it however you want to as long as the point gets across, it's all good."

Soon after the period was ending and their teacher dismissed the class to go to the locker-rooms to change then leave

"Alright Victor, talk to you later." She waved and said to the wolf as she walked off

While he was changing Victor realized that he was worrying too much about his feelings and it was making him uncomfortable with himself "Quit worrying, you'll be fine." He thought as he took a deep breath and walked outside to continue on with his day

The rest of the day seemed to fly by to Victor seeing as that it was already time to head home already "...They should be here." Victor's ears slid back as he nervously looked for Matthew and Maria as they usually would meet up and start walking home together "Is that them?" He looked out into the near distance seeing a familiar feline motioning for him to head over to them

"Hello again Maria and...Matthew." Victor glanced at Matthew and saw him happily walking along side them "So anyway, during Art I had found this thing that you might-"

Maria nudged Victor with her elbow making him look at her "Hmm?" She pointed at Matthew and whispered "Go on, do it." Victor gulped and nodded when she said "Oh no I dropped my book." In a quick motion she purposely tossed her textbook on the ground "Wait a moment guys." She nudged him again "Do it. Nooow."

Victor nervously turned to Matthew and shakily said "Uh Matt..."

Matthew didn't let him continue "Wait before you say anything else, tell me why you have been avoiding me and haven't been talking to me recently. Please Victor." The coyote looked at the slightly taller wolf "Did I do something to get you mad at me?"

"Er, n-no it was because I was planning t-to..." Victor was immediately turning red "I was going to tell you..."

"Tell me what Victor?" Matthew was hanging on every word he said "You can say it."

"I was going to tell you that I...that I like you." Victor looked away with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie

"Well yeah, we're friends aren't we?"

"N-No. Well yes, but I-I mean that I like you more than that." Victor looked Matthew in the eyes "As in something closer than that..."

Matthew's face was void of all emotion "" A slight smile formed " me?" Maria was standing back, nearly squealing in joy at the scene happening in front of her "I-I don't know what to..."

"I don't mind if you don't feel the same way or if you don't like males it's just something I had to tell you." Victor saw that Matthew's tail was swaying from side to side, he knew that Matthew only did this when he was happy "Hopefully this didn't ruin our-"

Matthew suddenly embraced Vicor "I feel the same way." He let out a small laugh then let go of the wolf "I didn't want to say anything because I thought that you would have turned me down."

"Turn you down? I would never dream of doing such a thing." Victor smiled "I feared that you would do the same to me."

Maria was awestruck. This was almost exactly like that pairing fan fiction she read prior to this moment "Great! Now kiss."

"Wu-What?" Victor faced her in shock "M-Maria did you just say that?" Victor turned back to Matthew "L-Let's just forget that she-" In a swift movement, Matthew brought Victor's head close to him by pulling the collar of his hoodie down and kissed him right then and there, leaving Victor shocked "Matt. Did-Did we just- Did you just..."

"Yes Victor. Yes I did." He said triumphantly "Now if the two of you can, do you want to come over to my place? I have something that you might be interested in."

"Wow." Victor was surprised at how quickly he switched the conversation from them being together to something else but he couldn't care less "Yeah of course I'll go with you."

"I'm in too!" Maria shouted catching up with the two of them

Immediately after they continued walking, Matt and Victor smiled at each other for a brief moment before Victor put an arm around Matt and pulled him close