Ga' Roa Information Pamphlet: Taking Care of Recidians

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#5 of Other

Well, at least they hand out guide to take care of you when you're sold off... How caring of them!

Taking care of Recidians

By Ga'Roa Instellar Operations Manager - Assets Division

  1. I. Introduction
  2. II. Homeworld
  3. III. Physiology
  4. IV. Reproduction
  5. V. Care

Hello there Patron! If you are reading this Pamplet or mini-book, you have recently acquired a one of our fine products, a slave from the planet commonly known to many as Reci! This fine race of industrious creatures, and I do mean 'industrious', were acquired by our Security division as a side product of harvesting their planet for resources. They are quite the excellent workers and are considered attractive to certain individuals and races.

Reci, unlike or possibly similar to your homeworld, has bevy of Megafauna that is enough to send our Arcathion Security running to the cover of their environmental shelters. Imagine verms, which are serpentine soft squishy creatures that are normally tiny things that dig through the dirt, now multiply the size 20x larger and add razor sharp teeth then scatter them all across the planet with an appetite for flesh. These monstrosities are a part of a Recidian's natural diet since a single slave has proven capable of killing these creatures with a simple spear. The planet is now currently being used as a salvage yard and for cultivation of various medicinal plants to be manufactured into chemical salves.

Recidians happen to share an evolutionary history with our favorite race of hemophatgic creatures, the Daesidynes! Daesidynian scientists have confirmed that their superior evolutionary path branches off with both races sharing a common ancestor that used to live up in the trees, though our Daesidyne allies have proven their adaptations to be far greater in the field of battle! Recidians often range 3 folts to 4 and half folts, with spiky quills for hair that exceptionally useful for tailoring clothes together (or assassinate your enemies with a deadly prick of poison!). They have sharp claw-like talons on their feet so watch out!

Recidians are a peculiarly androgynous race, making it difficult to sort out the males and females so if you accidentally receive the wrong gender of your order; we duly apologize and you may receive credit for another slave so you will get two for the price of one! Their cute little complexions are what make them so likeable so why wouldn't not want two! It should be also noted in the next section of their reproductive habits because "phew!", They are really industrious!

Recidians are notoriously fast at reproducing with large litters of two to eight offspring and a short gestation time that only spans few cycles! It also should be noted that the 'males' of this race are the ones that hold the offspring while the 'females' are responsible for providing the genetic data required for the genesis. Daesidyne doctors have discovered that evolution has swapped the neurophysiology of the two genders, making the males rather feisty fighters while females tend to be more 'feminine' in nature so if your male Recidian rapes a female... well no one likes to be raped so punish him severely because that behavior is not endorsed. If you planning to breed them, one should be aware that some members of this race tend to suffer from a dominant disorder that causes cyclic mood changes where a Recidian can easily change from a passive, happy mood to a one of a hypersexually focused mood where they are heavily focused on mating which makes it hard for one to focus on working.

This issue can easily be resolved by 'stimulating' your Recidian slave yourself or providing it an object to stimulate itself with, though they generally prefer something that has some sort of mechanical function. It is also ill-advised for any owner who's race happens to be particularly excessively endowed to take note that 'females' of this race tend to be on smaller side when erect, ranging from 3 to 6 Ioks, if planning to provide stimulation so be gentle unless they are trained to handle it. Now you, the owner, may be thinking "I should breed my slave to get more slaves!", as mentioned above, Recidians are notoriously virile so you might to consider the information below.

They need a lot of attention when they are pregnant, and have difficulty working in their condition in the later stages of their pregnancies. You will notice their abdomens will heavily distend, which is an indicator of how large their litters will be, the more swollen their bellies are, the bigger the litter. An Incubating recidian will suffer impairment to their movement once they reach the halfway point, and will require appropriate bedding of hair or soft fabrics. Once the time comes, you will have to assist in the delivery of your slave's offspring so prepare to get messy, you must grab a warm wet cloth, a bucket of water, and a knife to cut the umbilical cord which is unique to placental mammals. Congratulations! You now have just successfully bred Recidians, now you must allow time for your 'pet' to rear its off spring until they are capable of digesting a normal diet, then the 'Father' will be ready to breed again in a cycle's time.

Now onto the basic care of your Recidian slave, after mentioning some of the more crucial information required. A Recidian's diet consists of insects, so watch out you Iotanids! These creatures are hungry for you! Haha! Anyway, you will find your slave picking at anything that resembles bugs or verms and eating it, which makes them an affordable 'pet' to own since anyone can find their favorite foods in their garden, albeit a Recidian will tear up your garden looking food. They can also be fed noodles and similar grain products if you are planning to supplement their diet with nutritional vitamins, though it is ill-advised for long terms since a Recidian will lose weight fast this way.

Grooming is often unrequired by a master but on occasion, it is necessary to assist in maintaining your slave's hygiene when they fall ill. Do not attempt to cut their quills under any circumstance, they will become highly irritable and it is unnecessary since the quills fall out once they become brittle or weak, then are replaced by a new one. Be sure to use warm or hot water when bathing them, as well as being sure to thoroughly scrub any crevices along with their genitalia. Now time to discuss the more intricate parts of their care and some aspects we mentioned before.

Recidians require mental stimulation in order to be content, and require work to do or they will become depressed or likely plot to run away from you. It easy to provide the basic kind of stimulation which they need, unless you are on a planet that lacks machinery or mechanisms that do work for you, Recidians are excellent machinists, easily figuring how to fix any gizmo or gadget you own, and they might even build an entirely new machine from random pieces of material they find. They also require toys to play with, as well as ones of a sexual nature to satisfy their need for physical stimulation beyond what you, the owner, could possibly provide. It should be recommended that you clothe your Recidian if you happen to reside in colder climate, along with possibly fitting a restraint on them just in case.

Now I hope you enjoy and care for your new 'pet', like many other masters do and be sure to purchase more of our wonderful products at Ga'Roa trading posts near you!