Chapter 2: Tre's First Client

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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#2 of The Pizza Party

Pizza Party

By Duffin Caprous


The following story contains the following acts:


Oral Sex

Anal Sex

Bad Language

Not to mention, it's furs going at it like rabbits, er...bad pun, sorry.... Anyway, young 'ens...if yer too young...that is, under 18...go away!

Chapter 2: Tre's First Client

He awake as his alarm went off and yawned. He glanced at the clock and groaned. It was 4 in the morning...God, he hated morning shifts. He slowly got up and headed into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Man...what a strange dream...he shook his head, hardly even remembering going to bed last night. He brushed his teeth and began thinking about the day before, suddenly realizing that...he hadn't been dreaming! Everything he had done the day before was true. He really had a job at The Pizza Party. A few aspects of the job still irked him a bit...the male part in general...but even as he thought that, a smile slowly crept over his features and he knew what he was going to do.

Trelute pulled on his uniform and packed an extra pair of clothes in his backpack and headed outside to catch the bus which, for once...was right there when he walked outside. He grinned a bit was going to be a good day. As he sat on the bus, he realized that for the first time, he was actually fairly happy. He murred happily and stepped off the bus at his stop, walking in. He knew exactly what he was going to do.

Tasha came up quickly and looked to Trelute, "Trelute, you're on grill, hurry up, breakfast rush is starting!"

Trelute smiled and nodded. As he did that, Tasha gave him an odd look, like she'd never seen that before...because she hadn't. He walked over and pulled on his McDonald's cap, waving to his fellow employees. If he'd heard the whispers from others, he would have heard:

"What's with him today?"

"Prolly got laid or something."

"Him? Who'd want him, he's so depressing."

"Well, not today!"

However, Trelute heard none of their whispers as he was high on life at that moment. The day was fairly uneventful, except for the fact that Trelute covered both grill and french fries while someone called off sick. Normally, he did the bare minimum to get by, but today he actually felt like being useful. It was a wonderful feeling. 2 o'clock came around and Trelute was heading to the time clock to leave, when Tasha cornered him.

"Trelute, since you're in such a good mood, we need you to stay for another shift, Delan called off today," she said assumingly.

Trelute just looked at her a moment and cleared his throat, "No, I'm going home."

To say that his manager was taken aback would be an understatement, "Um...what did you say? You will stay for another shift!"

Even further surprising her, Trelute laughed in her face. Suddenly he gripped his uniform shirt open and tossed it in her face, "Fuck you, you little bitch! You're not going to push me around anymore, I fucking quit!"

Reaching into his bag, he pulled out his spare shirt and pulled it on over his bare chest and stomach and pulled off his McDonald's hat and set it on Tasha's head before walking toward the door. Tasha just stood there, dumbfounded for a moment, but quickly recovered. Being the female she was, she always had to have the last word.

"H-hey! Stop right there, Cubano! You have to pay for the shirt!" She yelled as she chased after him right in front of the customers in the restaurant.

Trelute turned around and flung one of the five hundred dollar bills at her that his new boss had given him yesterday, "Here. Keep anything that's left over yourself. And get yourself laid, you need it bad," and with that, he turned about and left that hell of a job forever.

As he made it outside, he was shaking. His body was racing with adrenaline. He'd never spoken to anyone like that in his life! Of course, he knew he had this other job to fall back on, but...he never realized all of the anger he had built up inside of him. He glanced back inside and saw that Tasha was standing there, looking down at the hundred dollar bill laying at her footpaws, looking absolutely defeated. Normally, he would have felt awful, this moment, Trelute was quite proud of himself. Perhaps now she would think about how she treated her employees and they would work for her more willingly. Eh, fuck her. It was time to get on with his new life and at this moment...he had 8 hours before work and 400 dollars burning a hole in his pocket.

"SHOPPING SPREE!" He called out, causing many other furs to look at his strangely, but he didn't care. He was so excited. The golden retriever knew exactly where he wanted to go first. He headed into the Radio Shack down on Market Street and walked up to the counter to talk to the clerk there.

"I'm in search of a good MP3 player..." he said.

The clerk was more than happy to assist. The rest of the day before work, Trelute went places and bought a few new clothes, some food...and other necessities, with his new money. Glancing at his watch, he realized it was almost 9 and that he had to hurry to get to work, wondering now what was in store for him.

As he walked in, Ashlan was waiting for him at a table and grinned softly to the retriever as he spotted him, "Ah, you made it on time. Good!"

"Uh, h-hello, Sir," Trelute said, stuttering a bit. Remembering what he did to the wolf yesterday made him a bit nervous.

Ashlan chuckled a bit and stood, "Come, let's get you clocked in and everything."

Trelute nodded and followed the wolf into a back room which appeared to be the employee lounge.

"This is where you employees can come on your breaks or...after a particularly exhausting delivery..." he said, smirking to Trelute.

The room was fairly large. It had anything one could want in order to entertain themselves. There was a large leather couch, a big screen television, ping pong table, XBox, PS2, even a powerful looking computer.

"We all share this computer. Each employee has their own hard drive on the computer, so you can put whatever you like on,," he chuckled at Tre's reaction to putting porn on a company computer, "Just make sure you keep your illegal porn on your own computer. Anyway, go ahead and log in. Your user name is your first name and the password is the last four digits of your Social Security Number."

Trelute sat down and entered in all of his information. A questionnare popped up on the screen and he glanced it over a bit.

"This is our New Employee Information screen. It will ask you various questions about yourself, including some very personal ones. Answer honestly. Don't answer what you think I'll want to hear or you will get some very...unwanted deliveries, understand?" Ashlan said as he leaned down on the desk with one paw, looking to Trelute.

Tre looked up to Ashlan and nodded a bit, "Y-yes, Sir."

"Now, just because you answer no to something on here...doesn't mean that I won't ask you to do it. If you're the only one available, then you will be sent to do it. But, I am a kind employer and you will more than likely get a little bit more in your paycheck for doing it," he said with a wink, letting Trelute know that to Ashlan a "little" meant a bit more than that to him.

Trelute nodded a bit and Ashlan left him to fill out the questionnaire. As he went

through the questionnaire, he couldn't believe some of the questions they were asking. It was like a Purity Test he took a few year ago. Questions like "Have you ever had sexual intercourse with more than two others at once?" and "Do you enjoy getting tied up?" All he could do was answer them as honestly as he could. Had it been a purity test...he probably would have scored less than 20% pure...

The door opened and Trelute looked back, expecting to see Ashlan. Instead he saw the vixen from behind the counter he saw yesterday. She grinned upon seeing him.

"Hey there...Trelute, right? The new guy?" she asked him.

He nodded a bit and smiled a little, "Yeah, how'd you..."

"Oh, bosswolf's been raving about you since you left the interview yesterday! 'Oh, he's so hot.' 'I bet his body's gorgeous.' 'Such a good muzzle too!'"

Trelute's face turned beat red and he turned back to the computer, causing the vixen to giggle a bit.

"Aw, I'm kidding. He doesn't usually act like that, but we could all tell he was excited about you. I'm Samantha, by the way. Or Sam...or Sammy. Anything works, really," she said, smiling softly, "Anyway, I'm supposed to show you how to make pizzas for awhile."

Trelute's face looked a bit disappointed and she giggled again. He did his best to try and hide it, but it still showed.

"Hehe, oh you thought all we did was fuck around? We're still known for having some of the best pizza in the city, you hornball," she said to him teasingly.

He blushed a bit in shame and looked down, when he felt a paw gently press to his chest.

"Mmm...but if you pick up on it quickly enough...we might have some time to...take our break together," she said softly, giving him a suggestive wink.

His face quickly brightened and he let her lead him out and into the kitchen. He could feel the heat coming from the three large pizza ovens taking up the back of the kitchen. Four others were working there making pizzas and putting them into the ovens. There were five pizza stations, just in case it ever got busy enough that they needed them. Sam led Tre over to one of the stations and grinned to Tre, beginning to explain the process of making a pizza from dough to bake. It was all very simple and Trelute had seen is before in TV commercials and shows.

"Sam, I need a large Double P Special!" said a skunk wearing a headset, obviously taking delivery orders. Sam grinned a bit and nodded as she looked to Tre.

"Alright, you make this one. It gets everything, like a Supreme pizza," she said.

Trelute nodded and began to make the pizza, working quite quickly and Sam nodded, happy at his progress. After a few minutes, he made the pizza and was about ready to pop it in the oven, but Samantha stopped him.

"Hey, wait a didn't put everything on it," she said to him. He looked a bit confused and she giggled, "The Double P Special gets something a little extra...well, special."

The vixen pointed over to the far station where another Double P Special was being made and Trelute's jaw simply dropped. He watched as a male jackal had his pants pushed to his knees and was pawing himself off right over the pizza! The canine had his head back a bit and suddenly gasped as his cum shot out and splattered all over the top of it. The jackal panted a bit as he reached over and grasped a spatula to smear the thick cum all over the top of the pizza before tugging his pants back up and pushing the pizza into the oven.

"Y-y-you guys...d-do that to pizzas?!" He said a bit loudly.

Sam giggled a bit and quickly sushed him, not wanting their "regular" customers to hear him, "Don't worry, hun...that is a "special" order pizza. Only the customers who know they can order it get the special sauce. Now, go ahead and add it."

Trelute looked at her, quite embarrassed. She expected him to drop his pants and whip it out to jerk off onto someone's pizza? The vixen looked at him expectantly, like she didn't see the problem at all. She then grinned a bit.

"Well, here, let me help you, Trelue," she said before slinking up behind him. She reached her paws around and fumbled with his belt for a moment before tugging open his pants and sinking a paw into them to fish out his sheath. He heard a soft gasp as she found it and realized how hung he was.

Trelute could almost feel Sam's grin as she began to stroke his thick sheath to get him hard. He closed his eyes, unable to believe this was happening, but pleasure began to wash through him as the vixen stroked him off, a bit of his red doghood sliding from the sheath.

"Oh're gonna be popular here, big boy," Sam said a bit louder than Tre would have liked. It caused everyone in the kitchen to stop what they were doing to look at him, making him blush profusely. In a few moments, he was rock hard and 10 inches long over the pizza. He heard a few whistles come from the audience of employees as Sam let both of her paws slide up and down his quickly slickening shaft. Trelute let out a soft moan as her soft paws worked him over expertly. She'd obviously been doing this job for a long time, she knew how to get a male off quickly.

"Yeah, like that, big boy? Gonna cum all over for the customer?" Sam said, whispering up into Trelute's ear.

He shivered, feeling so naughty and finding himself enjoying it a bit. It was such a thrill to be doing such exhibitionism right here. His knot begin to grow large, the size of an orange, causing quite a few gasps around the kitchen. All activity had stopped as they all stared at Trelute's erection drooling precum onto the pizza. Sam's paw suddenly gripped the golden retriever's knot tightly and jerked him off rapidly, causing him to suddenly cry out loudly as his balls pulled in and thick globs of cum shot out onto the pizza, his legs shaking a bit as he came all over the pizza. Sam's paw quickly went over Tre's muzzle to muffle his cries, again, not wanting to alert any customers to their activities.

"Mmm, yeah...that's a good grab that spatula and smear it all over. Get a good coating," she told him. He picked up the spatula as Sam grinned and pulled his pants back up and tried to fit his still-hard cock back into his pants, but she realized that she had to waitfor him to go down before he could go back in!

"Mmm...guess you should wear looser pants from now on,'ll have to do this a few times during the day," Sam said, giggling a bit.

Tre couldn't believe what he'd just done. He never could have seen himself doing

any sort of public scene, but there...he'd just let Sammy paw him off. Right in front of everyone. They took the pizza and put it in the oven and Trelute realized that it was already midnight. He saw Ashlan come up with what appeared to be an order.

"Sam, if you're done jerking off the new help, you've got a delivery. Go ahead and take Tre with you, show him the ropes," Ashlan told her, smiling a bit to Tre, showing that he didn't mind that sort of thing a bit.

Sam giggled softly and nodded, grabbing Tre's paw as she tugged him to the back room. As she tugged him along, he couldn't help but wonder what might happen with him going with Sam to a customer's home.

"Okay, now, what has Bosswolf told you about all of this?" She asked him after closing the door.

"W-well...just that we...have to do stuff for them," he said nervously, causing Sam to smile a bit more.

"Come on, you're gonna be doing it, you can say it. Yeah, we have sex with the customers, but, what specifics?" She asked him as she looked at him.

"U-uh...nothing," he replied.

"Well, because we try to be really legitimate, there aren't any records of our customers and what All we really get is a vague idea...maybe they're straight...maybe they like know, that sort of thing. You've gotta be prepared for anything."


"We'll discuss it a bit in the car, come on," she said, smiling, as she grabbed a heating bag for the pizza and walked out. She was handed one of the Double P Specials that Trelute had helped to make and he blushed a bit more. Sam just giggled again and lead him out to her car. She got in and handed him the pizza to hold as she started the car.

The vixen pulled out and began to drive to the address provided by the customer.

"Okay, so, tell me what you like," Sam said, glancing to him. He blushed a bit more, knowing exactly what she meant.

"W-well, um...I haven't really...uh...ever..." he said, looking down at the pizza, mumbling, his words trailing off.

She let out a soft gasp and giggled, "A virgin, hmm? Well...that will change really quickly...maybe tonight...of course, our customer is a guy,'re obviously not gay...are you bi, by any chance?"

Trelute swallowed and shook his head as his gaze almost burned a hole into the pizza. "O-o-other than...what Mr. Ashlan made me do for...for my interview, I n-never thought..."

"Ah...well, you'll need to work on that...I mean...with that nice cock of're gonna get many guys asking specifically for you!" she said, grinning as she drove her car.

He gasped and blushed, looking to her, " really think so?"

Sam giggled and nodded as she turned into an apartment complex and pulled the car into a parking space, "Oh, definitely, handsome. I know I would."

Trelute just sat there with the pizza in his lap, blushing deeply as Sam got out of the car. She giggled and opened the passenger door.

"Come on, big boy. This guy is into exhibitionism...likes guys watching him while he...does his business, so don't worry, you won't have to make contact...yet," Sam said, grinning, as she took the pizza. Trelute got up and followed behind her as they made their way up to the apartment. Sam knocked on the door and they waited.

For Trelute, it seemed like quite awhile. He was extremely nervous at this moment. After a few moments, the door opened to reveal a fairly young raccoon. He was slightly chubby and about 5'8". Trelute blushed a bit as the coon smiled to him.

"Hi, Pizza Party, at your service!" Sam said cheerily, and with a little bit of allure as well.

"Hi there! Come on in, I'll get your money," the raccoon replied, leading them inside, before closing the door.

Sam smiled and set the pizza on the table and walked to the coon, leaning against him, tracing her finger over his chest, " wanna eat that pizza now, or..."

The coon grinned widely and murred, glancing to Trelute, "Mmm...who's that?"

Sam giggled a bit, "Oh, that's Trelute. He's new...and a virgin."

"Sam!" Trelute said, blushing profusely, fidgeting with his footpaws, near the doorway.

The coon smiled and looked to Sam, "Can with him?"

Sam didn't look the least bit hurt at the coon passing over her for Trelute. Indeed, she seemed almost proud.

"Oh, I don't know...big boy over there's never been with a boy before," she said, grinning, "It's up to him."

Trelute was feeling quite nervous by now and looked over to the coon as he slowly walked over to him. In all honesty, the raccoon had a certain cuteness to him that Trelute had never noticed in a male before, but...he still wasn't really sure about this gay stuff.

"Maybe...a five hundred dollar tip will help him decide, hmm?" The raccoon asked, smiling softly to Trelute. Trelute couldn't believe it. A five hundred dollar tip? He swallowed and slowly looked up to the coon, "And I'm in a submissive mood, don't even have to do anything, but sit back and enjoy...big boy."

Sam giggled and smiled, looking to Trelute, who looked obviously unsure of himself. She grinned and walked over to him. Trelute felt a bit cornered as the two furs both faced him against the doorway.

"Mmm...I'll even let you play with me a bit later if you do this, Tre, but no pressure," she told him seductively.

His walls were slowly breaking down and he looked to the coon, blushing as he slowly nodded. The raccoon was almost giddy as he gripped Trelute's paw and tugged him to the couch. Trelute let himself be pushed onto the soft couch and looked up at the coon, who quickly got to his knees and stared at the quite obviously large package of the dog...and he wasn't even hard yet.

The coon swung his head to look at Sam, "My gods, he's huge!"

She giggled in return, "Oh, I know..." she said as she winked.

Trelute listened as they talked about him like he wasn't there, his blush getting deeper and deeper. The coon turned his head back and grinned, leaning his head down to press his nose against Tre's crotch, breathing in his virgin musk, murring happily. His paws gently caressed the golden retriever's thighs as his tongue slid along the crotch of his pants. Trelute blushed very deeply and looked to Sam, who just stood there giggling and was obviously getting a bit aroused.

He suddenly felt paws grasping at his belt and they pulled it open. He looked down to see the coon, who's name he didn't even know, tugging his pants open to reveal his boxers. The pants were pulled to his knees and the raccoon's paw slide up to cup the obvious bulge in his boxers, causing the dog to gasp at the touch to his crotch. It was different than Sam's...her touch had been delicate and soft, but the coon's touch was more firmer and sure. He knew just how to hold it to make it feel good...since he had one as well, of course.

Trelute began to realize why, perhaps...males liked other males...considering girls only get access to it maybe 4 hours a week...but guys had it their whole lives. His thoughts were interrupted as the boxers were tugged down and the raccoon gasped in delight, seeing the large sheath. He paw quickly darted for it to squeeze and stroke it.

"Oh ARE a big boy, aren't you?" the coon said, grinning as his paw slid up and down the sheath.

Tre gasped and let out a soft moan at the touches to his sheath. He looked quite sexy with his boxers hafhazardly shoved to his knees qith the cute raccoon on his knees between his legs. Sam quite obviously approved as she had a paw down her pants as she watched from a chair. In a few moments, Tre's red doggyhood began to make its presence known and it slid a bit from the tip of his sheath.

"Mmm, yes...come on, let me see it..." the coon said, obviously enjoying the naughty talk.

Trelute certainly obliged him and let out another soft moan as more and more dog meat slide from his furry sheath. He felt the coon's paws grasping at his cock, stroking it firmly and slowly, obviously not wanting him to cum yet. He leaned his head back against the back cushion and breathed a bit heavily as he was pawed off. Suddenly, he felt a wet warmth surround his tip and slide down his shaft, making him moan out even louder. He looked and gasped, seeing the coon diving down on his hard cock.

Sam just watched the boys, murring happily as she played with herself in her pants, but mostly letting the boys have their fun. The coon began to pull up, sucking in all the way to the tip before pushing back down, making Trelute grip at the couch cushions, moaning out as he felt a new pleasure he'd never got to experience before. A bit of pre leaked into the raccoon's muzzle as he bobbed a bit faster on that long thick cock.

Trelute's knot began to inflate a bit and in a few minutes was at full size. The raccoon pulled back and groaned as he licked his lips, a paw reaching up to wrap around the knot. He couldn't eve reach his fingers all the way around it. It was about the size of an apple.

"Oh gods...I need to have this inside of me so badly..." he looked up at Trelute adorably, smiling, "Oh, will you fuck my ass, stud? Please?"

Trelute blushed immensely and looked to Sam, who just grinned and said nothing. The golden retriever sat there with a rock hard erection and slowly looked back down to the coon, who reached up to slowly stroke Tre's cock, making him gasp and moan again.

"I'll throw in another hundred if you do it, baby," the coon said.

Trelute gasped and moaned out, nodding a bit as the pleasure and promise of six hundred dollars took over, "O-o-okay..."

The coon cheered and quickly dove back onto Trelute's cock, sucking it hard and bobbing quickly, causing Trelute's toes to curl in pleasure as he moaned out loudly and closed his eyes. He felt saliva drooled down over his shaft and the coon slickened him up even more before pulling back to smile even more.

"Mmm...I don't even want lube. Just shove it in, baby..." the coon said before crawling away a little, sliding to his paws and knees, bending down to lay upon his arms. He wiggled his ass enticingly as well.

Trelute swallowed and slowly slid off the couch, looking to Sam, who gave him a thumbs up. He shivered a bit. His lust was beginning to take over and he slowly crawled over behind the coon. He'd seen plenty of straight porn to know how to fuck someone. He assumed it was the same way with a guy, his tailhole. He grasped his slick cock and pressed it up aganst the coon's plump rear and slid it around until he found the inviting tailhole. Before he knew it, his doghood was sliding up into his first male, making him moan out loudly.

The raccoon moaned as well as he felt that huge cock slide up into him. Yes, he had some fairly large dildos, but there was nothing compared to having a big ass dog cock shoved up your ass. His eyes fluttered a bit as Trelute slid in to his knot. The coon wanted it in him as well, but he would wait til Trelute slammed it in from the passion of fucking him. He reached a paw back and grabbed Trelute's ass, squeezing it tightly.

"Gods, yes...oh fuck, you're so it, big boy...fuck this naughty coon...make me your bitch," the coon said, lust filling his voice.

Trelute swallowed and blushed deeply, but lust was beginning to take him over as well. He slowly began to pull back and thrusted back into the tight raccoon tailhole, making him moan loudly. Pre lubed up his insides as the dog pulled out and thrusted back in once again. Trelute grabbed at the coon's ass as he sped up a little, fucking the raccoon, his knot hitting against that tight entrance. Tre didn't think he could ever fit that inside the raccoon.

The coon moaned out loudly and shivered as Trelute fucked him nicely, speeding up a bit. The coon thrusted back at the cock filling him up, stretching him wide. He couldn't wait to feel allthat hot cum surging inside of him. He bet the dog came like a firehose with balls like that.

Trelute sped up even more and began to pound his hips into the coon. He didn't even realize what he was doing at this point, the pleasure was just so overwhelming, he had to keep going. His knot was slowly stretching open the coon's hole as he pumping in and out of him. His thrusts got a bit harder and faster each time, making both males moan out loudly in pleasure.

Same just watched and occasionally let out little moans as she played with herself, but she didn't want to distract Trelute at all, hoping he might come to enjoy males and get even more clients from Pizza Party.

Trelute's thrusts were becoming frantic. Having never mounted anyone before, the pleasure was going to overtake him before to long and he shuddered as pre drooled deep inside the writhing raccoon under him, making him pante heavily.

"G-gonna...gonna..." Tre panted out as he closed his eyes and dug his claws into the raccoon's sides as he pounded into him.

"Yes...fuck yes, tie me! Make me your bitch, you stud!" the raccoon cried out.

Trelute didn't need much more incentive. He pumped his hips a few more times and suddenly, tossed his head back as he gave a suddenly, instinctive, sharp thrust into the raccoon, forcing his knot to painfully pop into the raccoon's abused tailhole. He howled out as a deluge of hot cum flooded the coon's tailhole, filling him up quite easily. The knot kept it all locked tightly inside of his tunnel as the dog continued to fill him with spunk.

The coon, in turn yelped out in a bit of pain as that huge knot forced him wide open before popping inside of him. Despite the pain, that set him off and he came hard, his seed shooting a few feet in fron of him, creating a line through his carpet. He panted heavily, feeling that cum back-up inside of him, filling his belly.

"Oh...gods...yes...y-yes, so good..." the coon panted as he thrusted back against Tre, loving the dick inside of him.

Sam grinned widely and readjusted her pants before walking over to give Trelute a soft kiss on the cheek, murring.

"Mmm...congrats,'ve mounted your first it?" she asked softly.

Tre was still recovering...and still cumming...inside of the coon as she kissed his cheek, "U-u-um, I...I don't know...f-f-felt so good..." he said in response.

Sam smiled and nodded a bit. All three rested until Trelute's knot was released and popped out of the coon's tailhole. The coon turned and kissed Trelute deeply. For a moment, Trelute blushed, but then returned the kiss, rapping his arms around the chubby raccoon. He felt the coon's tongue pressing at his lips and let him in, his tongue metting the coon's. They kissed for a moment and then broke it.

"Mmm...I like you, stud...what's your name, I'm gonna ask for you special sometime," The coon said, moanin softly as he felt Trelute's cum drooling from his tailhole and down his legs.

"U-u-uh...T-trelute...sir..." he said, blushing at being told he'd be called for, special.

The coon grinned and went to his pants, tugging out his fat wallet. As Trelute pulled his clothing back on, the coon, handed them both six hundred dollars. He then took another hundred and slid it down the front of Trelute's pants, giving his sheath a final grope.

"And that's for being so fucking sexy," he said, grinning, before leading the two out of his apartment.

Trelute just stood in the hallway for a moment, Sam smiling at him. He thought back to the last hour or two of events...he still couldn't believe this had been happening to him. He just had sex with a male...he never would have seen himself doing that.

Sam grabbed his paw and lead him to the car, grinning softly, "I think you did well for your first day. Considering the circumstances, I'll drop you off at home. I think the bosswolf will understand why. But, from now on, you've gotta be able to get a good three or four fucks in in a day understand?"

Trelute nodded a bit, still contemplating what happened. Sam drove him home and he got out, waving a bit. He watched the vixen drive off and he slowly went into his apartment, flopping down onto his couch/bed, almost instantly falling asleep, his mind at war with itself over many new things.


Well, this episode was a bit more light-hearted than the last one. I don't plan on depressing people with every one of my stories, but, trust will cry again. I've got a few...plans, we'll say. Anyway, I was so inspired by all of your comments. I've never received so many. I usually get one or two comments, but I think this time I have more than ten. I even received a few private emails, which I REALLY appreciate. And don't worry, I plan one doing this series for a LONG time as it just seems to flow from my fingers. I don't even know if anyone reads this, but, I do appreciate all of your comments, thank you.

And...since I had so many comments about it...I spell-checked this chapter! :P

Want to email me, my address is [email protected]