Stranger Part 4

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#4 of Stranger

Jav slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to an abrupt halt in front of the museum. "Just in time! ...Are you all right? He asked, noticing Kit's dazed expression.

Kit still hadn't gotten fully used to Jav's driving style. "I-I'll be fine after a while...!" He said, holding back a reflex to throw up a little.

Jav smiled sheepishly. "Hehe...I'm sorry. I should consider driving as a stuntman or something." He got out of the car, then walked around and opened Kit's door.

Kit chuckled, still shaky from the ride. "Ah... I'll get used to it... besides; at least you follow most of the traffic laws..." He jokingly poked at Jav as he got out of the car and thanked him.

Jav looked at his watch. '9:55' "Great, just in time!" He started walking up the steps to the museum.

Kit looked around almost frantically for Marie and his tail was wagging quickly from left to right. "I can't wait to see them unveil it!" He thought he saw someone familiar out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned to look they had vanished.

Kit walked up to the sign that Jav was standing by, still overly energized. He took Jav by the hand. "Come on! We have to hurry!"

Jav ran down the short hallway and opened the door, revealing a large room full of paintings and sculptures with cloth over their display cases. He looked around, and then spotted Marie. "Mom!"

Kit ran up to Marie and hugged her. "Congratulations!" He simply said as he smiled up at her, his tail going nuts from happiness.

Marie squealed a little, startled by the attention. "Eeep! Oh, it's you two. Welcome!" Jav grinned. "So, when are they going to start unveiling the stuff?" "In a few seconds, actually."

Kit released her from the hug and looked around. "Hey... Where's Atticus...?" He questioned to no one in particular.

"Oh, you'll see." Marie replied with a knowing smile. 'Hopefully whatever he's doing doesn't involve stripping...I'd probably go into hysterics.' Jav thought.

Kit almost didn't like the ominous way she put the message across, and noting the gears going in Jav's mind got him thinking too. 'Oh boy, I get to see what the horn-dog's up to...' the thought played across his mind that the exhibit in question might end up being his answer, but he shook it from his mind, giving his ever present benefit of the doubt.

Suddenly, all the lights in the room dimmed and spotlights above the displays blinked to life. The door opened, and a large group of kids ages 14-16 poured in. "Oh, it's starting!" Jav said.

Kit looked at all the kids filing by with a slightly interested look on his face. He smiled as he looked over at Jav and then back at the children, continuing to watch everyone walk in.

Marie walked over and stood in front of the group. "Hi, I'm Marie Chalfant, and this is what I do when I'm bored and feeling creative." With a flourish, the covers on the displays were yanked off. "Wow..." Jav said, awed at the fantastic work. "This one is my most recent." Marie said, and when Jav looked where she was pointing, his jaw dropped. Atticus was covered completely in silver paint and stood completely still on a platform, frozen in a shy pose.

A young fox standing on the other side of the display stood enchanted, staring at the display's striking detail, completely unaware to the fact that it was an actual person. His eyes took their time searching all over the "statue's" naked form, and it took all his might not to start panting at what he saw.

Kit blushed heavily at what he was seeing, obviously trying hard not to stare as he tore his look over at his now scared looking boyfriend with an embarrassed smile.

Atticus looked at the group of kids, blushing very brightly under the cover of the paint. In reality, he wasn't naked at all. The naughty bits showing were actually a plaster mold, and he was wearing briefs. 'Gah...keeping up this pose is really hard...' He suddenly saw one fox staring at him, obviously liking what he saw. He made eye contact and ever-so-subtly winked at him.

The fox blinked stupidly a couple of times. 'Did the statue just... wink at me...?' Then he broke his gaze a little to spy someone he thought looked familiar to him. His heart both flew and sunk at the same time. 'Is brother...? Oh no...'

Kit couldn't help but ask Jav "Um... that's not how he... usually looks is it...?" He thought that Jav might be insulted. Then he noticed the familiar face from before. 'What?! Little bro? K-Kora's HERE...?'

Jav giggled. "No, but it's a pretty accurate representation!" He said, assuming Kit was talking about Atti's 'assets'. "I swear, the number of times he's flashed me..."

Kora made a bee-line straight for who he thought was Kit and tried to remain subtle about it. Kit watched the person with interest before he arrived and they looked at each other. "... Kora?" Kit asked as the kids eyes lit up. "Kit! It IS you!" He practically leapt into his brother's arms, giving him a tight hug. "I'm so happy to see you, but you've gotta hide...!" Kit screwed his face up a little and made like he was going to get Jav's attention to introduce him, but Kora smacked at Kit's arm, shaking his head profusely. "No time! You've gotta hide, NOW. Dad is one of the chaperones!" Kit's eyes flashed dangerously as the pit of his stomach fell away.

Jav was startled at the young fox's sudden approach. "Who's this, hon?" He asked, having not really heard Kora's warning about Kit's father.

Kit's demeanor was a little more panicked but he took time to reply. "T-This is... my brother, Kora... And now I have to hide, if you'll excuse me..." He seemed really distant, and extremely worried.

Jav grabbed his shoulder. "What's wrong? Tell me."

Kit's eyes showed worry as he darted them around from side to side "Jav, it's my dad... He's here, somewhere...!" He ominously blurted out as he continued to look around for his absent father.

Jav's expression darkened. "No..." he said menacingly. "I won't let him anywhere near us."

"What, and let him kill you?" Kit argued darkly. "I'd much rather not lose my boyfriend to him, let alone my life."

"Fine. But I'll look for him, and tell you where he is." With that, Jav turned and walked out the door, looking everywhere for any sign of Kit's father. 'Where is that bastard?!' He glanced out the window, and then did a double-take. Kit's dad was slumped against the side of a bus stop, swigging a Wolfenstein.

Kit sighed worriedly as he addressed Kora once again. "Kora... it's been so long since I left... I'm sorry I abandoned you." Kora only shook his head. "Never think like that, Kitsune! You didn't abandon me; Dad threw you out, basically... I've hated that bastard ever since mom first married him." The revelation had actually surprised Kit. "Korafune, I didn't know that...!" He simply said as Kora smiled wryly

Jav stepped back into the room with a smile on his face. "Kit, your dad's not going to come in here. Actually, I think he's unconscious right now. Last time I saw him, he was outside gulping a beer." Jav put his arm around Kit. "So, this is your brother?" He asked, referring to Kora.

Both Kit and Kora smiled with relief as they heard the news. Kora simply walked up to Jav and held out a hand. "Yeah, I'm Kora, Kit's brother. And who are you?" he asked non-chalantly. Meanwhile Kit waited for Kora's reaction to the response he was going to get, looking back at the statue with a knowing smile. He could bet that Atti was most likely fighting many urges at this point.

"I'm Jav, Kit's boyfriend. Nice to meet ya. Kit said you were a nice guy, as opposed to the rest of his family." Jav shook his hand. "Hey, do you like the art?"

Kora's eyes grew wide with Jav's answer "B-Boyfriend?" He echoed silently "I didn't think he would find someone so quickly...!" Then he heard the question about the art. "Yeah... It looks... great... But, I could swear the statue WINKED at me." Kit looked over at Jav as they exchanged a knowing chuckle. Kora sighed and managed to mutter "Shame he isn't real." Kit's eyes popped open and his jaw audibly dropped.

Jav heard Kit's jaw crack as it dropped, and he raised his eyebrows. "Yeah...shame." He winked at Kit. "And thanks for saying this is great, the whole exhibit is my mom's."

Kit couldn't believe his brother had said that. He had never even hinted at being gay before... but then he figured their father's reaction to his coming out had influenced that. He picked his jaw back up and shakily responded "Y-yeah... if only." Kora smiled quaintly as he looked over at Jav "Oh, really? That lady's your mom? She seems nice!" he cocked his head to the side, similar to Kit when he did it, and gave off a rather cute feel just like his older brother.

Meanwhile, Atticus was straining to keep still, his eyes staring right at Kora. 'Oooh...he looks cute! And he was looking at me!' He smiled inside his head. On the other side of the room, Jav mouthed 'All yours!' to Atti.

Kit looked over at Jav and thought he saw him mouthing words, but didn't catch what he had said. He couldn't help himself as he cocked his head to the side just like Kora was doing before, and Kora just sighed again. 'Geez, it would be so nice to have a guy like him... but what would everyone else think...?' Kora asked himself as he stared almost dreamily at the statue, now that he didn't have to hide it as readily near his brother.

Jav walked over to Marie and whispered something in her ear. She seemed confused, until she looked over at Kora. Then she nodded her head. "Alright guys, come into this room." She said to the kids, who followed her in. Jav looked at Kora. "You stay here...I've got something you'd like to see." Marie started explaining the room. This is my photograph gallery-" her voice was cut off by the door shutting.

Kora cocked his head to the side again, and Kit only chuckled slightly as he thought he knew where this was going. Slowly he pushed at Kora, urging him to move up closer to the statue all the time laughing inwardly. 'Oh this ought to be great! I can only imagine how well he's going to take this!' he thought as he looked at his brother with a big grin.

Atticus couldn't believe what was happening. 'Yes!' he thought, and then winked at Kora again, this time less subtly.

Kora's eyes popped as he stumbled backward, inadvertently tripping over Kits tail "YAAH!" He fell flat on his tail with a slight "oomph!" as he scuttled away from podium slightly. "T-The statue WINKED at me, I swear it did!" He was shocked and at the same time excited 'Is it alive?! How...? Wait... what's going on here...?' Kit couldn't help but laugh as he looked up with an expectant grin at Atticus. 'For being a horndog, he's definitely dedicated to his role... There's no one else in the room, and he still hasn't jumped on him? That's gotta be a record of self control.'

With one smooth, fluid motion, Atticus stepped off the platform and bowed in front of Kora. "My apologies." He said, and then started to laugh.

Kora was sputtering at this point "W-What's g-going on here...?!" He was absolutely lost, but in the back of his mind he thought he was piecing it together. 'That's not a statue...? That means he's real...?' He began to blush openly as he started to feel a little hard. He was tempted to tackle Atticus right then and there and kiss him, but thought the better of it. 'Might break the paint... besides, it wouldn't be proper of me.'

"This is my brother, Atticus." Jav said. "Don't worry, he's not like this all the time. The silver is just a tight-fitting suit." Atticus smiled at Kora. "Hi..." he said, acting uncharacteristically shy.

Kora's blush deepened as his tail swished around on the ground after he picked him self up and walked up to Atticus. "Nice to meet you..." He coyly said as he grinned slightly, never taking his eyes off of Atticus' body. He had also shot quite a few not so covert glances southward as well.

Atticus saw the glances and grinned. "Like what you see?" He suddenly pulled off the plaster mold, revealing his pink briefs. "Gotcha!" Jav almost contained a laugh, but not quite.

Kit chuckled heavily as Kora's blush was soon reaching a shade of red close to purple. He almost stared hungrily, and Kit looked at him with a little surprise showing on his face. 'I never knew my brother was a horn dog, too...' Kora was fighting the urge to just stand and stare, but losing quickly as he almost began to pant.

Atti noticed Kora's...'predicament'. "Feeling all right...?" He said, not knowing Kora's name.

Kora's tail began to whip back and forth "Y-yeah..." he absently mentioned as he continued to stare. Kit chuckled again "Geez, Kora, calm down already...!" He jokingly chided his little brother, who whipped around to look at him confusedly. Kit pointed at Kora's tail and he couldn't help but giggle a little "S-sorry. Can't help it..." He simply said as he somewhat snapped back to reality.

Atti decided to take advantage of Kora's absentmindedness, and stepped forward. Without warning, he leaned in and kissed Kora's lips lightly.

Kora squirmed slightly, not expecting the kiss, and was about to push him away before he realized it. 'Hey, this actually feels good...' He murred a little, then tried to hide it unsuccessfully. The kiss deepened. Kit merely looked at Jav with a knowing smile. "We kinda knew this was going to end up happening." He said to Jav with a deadpan sort of voice followed by another chuckle.

Atti made a small "Mmmmm..." sound, then pulled away from Kora. He blushed and smiled. "D-did that?"

Kora smiled dreamily as he began to slightly tent out a little. "Oh yeah... That was great...!" He replied still half out of it and blushing heavily. 'Oh my god that was... amazing!' he thought to himself. Kit raised an eyebrow towards his brother and Atticus like he was seeing a foreign couple. "Geez, what happened to Atticus?" he whispered in Jav's ear as he regarded the two younger boys.

"I don't know!" Jav whispered back, equally amazed. "Maybe Kora brings out his inner shyness..." Atticus smiled again, this time blushing through the silver coating. "Uh...t-thanks!" he replied, having been looking at Kora's crotch.

Kora traced Atti's glance downward and his blush was reinstated as he stuttered "A-Ah! S-Sorry! Oh, geez... how embarrassing..." Kit smiled empathically at his little brother "You get used to it after a while, Kora." He coolly stated as he pecked Jav on the cheek since no one else was around. "Hah... there's a bit of an Atti-like reaction, I suppose, though he's still being pretty un-Atti-like." He whispered again in Jav's ear

Atti stepped right up to Kora. "Hey...a-are you, I mean, I'm just asking, w-would you like to...go somewhere...with me?" Jav kept his hopes up, he thought that Kora and Atti were a good match.

Kora's ears fell a little as he snapped out of his joy to realize what he was doing. He sniffled a little like he was fighting back some tears. "I... I'm sorry, Atticus... I... Really shouldn't have let any of this happen... I couldn't, really." He sadly muttered and Kit's ears drooped a little as well. "Oh, no..." He simply mumbled

Atti's lip trembled a bit. "...Oh. I-I get it..." He turned and stiffly walked away into another room, closing the door as he went. Jav's ears caught the sounds of crying from inside.

Kora's ears fell further. "Oh geez... I didn't mean to hurt him like that..." He teared up as he ran towards Kit and buried his face in his brother's clothes. Kit rubbed his shoulder knowingly and sighed a little, his face dropping and tearing up a little as well. "I understand..."

The door to the other room opened, and Marie and the kids walked out. "I hope your bus doesn't run out of gas on the way!" she called after them, then noticed Kit and Kora. "What's wrong?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

Kora took his head away from Kit's stomach and looked over at her with a genuinely sorry look on his face. "I'm sorry, ma'am... I made your art cry." he had been inadvertently cute by saying it, and Kit let out a slight chortle but realized how sad Kora was feeling at that point.

Marie patted his shoulder. "You don't have to cry..." She looked out the door, and saw that Kora's class was leaving. "Come on, you should go with your class."

Kora sniffled as he looked up at Kit. "Would you walk with me...?" He said completely forgetting about a certain other problem. Kit had as well as he looked over at Jav and smiled wryly, his eyes saying "You, too, hon." He looked back at Kora and chuckled slightly. "Sure, bro. let's go."

"Okay." Jav said, and started to walk out with them. "It was nice meeting you, Kora. I hope you can come back sometime." Jav grasped Kit's hand and put his arm on Kora's shoulder.

Kora sniffled again as he looked up at Jav. "T-Thanks. You're a nice guy!" he sniffled again as he felt the caracal's arm around his shoulders, making him feel better. Kit started to lighten up as well as he even went as far as to try and cheer Kora up a little by tickling him. Kora giggled a little as they continued down the halls towards the bus.

When they were in the lobby of the museum, a realization hit Jav. "Oh, fuck..." he muttered.

Kit looked over at Jav while still walking without thinking about it. The tall rather gaunt figure of his father loomed up in front of him as he walked sidelong into his chest. His ears immediately fell flat against his head as he pulled his head away from his fathers chest fur to see him glaring angry and slightly drunk at his son. A sadistic smile played across his face as he exhaled, beer obvious on his breath. "Hello, SON." He clutched Kit's shoulders tightly, digging his claws into them. Kit yowled in pain as Kora started to shudder and back away in fear.

"HEY! Get your hands off him, you bastard!" Jav snapped, then made an 'Oh shit' face as he realized who it was.

Kit's father whipped his gaze over to Jav with a particularly evil glare as he dropped his son and walked up to Jav, using his impressive height to try to intimidate Jav.

"And just WHO are YOU to be telling ME how to treat MY CHILDREN?" He practically boomed at Jav, an obvious vein appearing in his forehead.

Jav growled menacingly. "Fuck off before I make you leave." He drew himself up to full height, and started to prepare for a fight.

Kora rushed over to Kit who was still slightly recovering from the claws to his shoulders. He was slightly twitching like his heartbeat had grown several times its strength. Kora knew what was coming, and he backed away from Kit and rounded on his father.

"YOU BASTARD! LEAVE THESE TWO ALONE!" drawing his father's attention the man whipped his head around and glared angrily at his younger son, shutting him up instantly. Kit's head shot up, his eyes shining silver and his irises cat-like in appearance.

"Get... Your... Hands... Off... Of My... Boyfriend." He seethed through his teeth as he lunged towards his father, only to be caught in his arms and held in a headlock.

Jav stumbled back, the man's violent reaction was more than he expected. He tripped and smacked his head on one of the steps. "U-uhh..." he said, and blacked out.

Kit's eyes watered as he saw his boyfriend knocked out cold on the floor. It was soon dragged out of his mind by the sharp pain around his neck as the pendant he was wearing was ripped off of his neck.

"Boyfriend huh...?" Kit's father interjected icily as he clutched the pendant tightly in his hands. He looked at it as if appraising it before he looked down at his son.

"Then you don't deserve to have this!" He practically hissed as he chucked the pendant down on the ground in front of him, making it shatter entirely. Kit cried out in anger as the pendant broke, and Kora tried desperately to get his father's attention again, if only for a second. He couldn't think of anything to do besides scream his name.

"DERRICK!" Kora belted out as loud as he could, making him stiffen. He glared angrily back at the younger son again and chuffed at him. Kora decided to go for it.

"I'm gay!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. An icy silence filled the room save for Kit's struggling breaths as the headlock tightened. Derrick returned his attention to Kit.

"You... YOU DID THIS TO HIM!" he instinctively shot his hand up to Kit's ear, pinching at the stud and tugging hard on it, making Kit yowl in pain again.

Jav's eyes snapped open at Kit's screams of pain, but he saw everything through a blurry haze and his hearing was dulled.

"K-Kit?" he said, then his vision cleared. He saw Kit slowly choking in the headlock, and saw Derrick trying to tear his earring out.

"TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" He screamed, ignoring the blood seeping down from the cut on the back of his head. He brought back his arm, and punched Derrick squarely in the gut.

Kit felt a slight tearing sensation as some blood leaked out around his piercing. It had been slightly torn, but the pain was excruciating nonetheless, being a sensitive spot for him. His father had almost torn it out until a large "oomph!" and sharp exhale behind him signified the punch to the stomach. He felt the grip loosen as he fell flat on his face, not wanting to catch his fall and more focused on his ear in pain. Kora was practically sobbing heavily as his father was still standing even with the punch but oddly he had stopped reacting to anything.

"Now leave us alone!" Jav screamed.

Derrick's eyes were slightly unfocussed and he looked like he was coming to a realization. Both of his "sons" were gay... that meant... A sadistic smile played across his face. "Kora stays." The words were hardly out of his mouth and already the room felt icy cold once again. Kora felt like he had been stabbed and he let out a whimper as he looked at his father imploringly. Derrick merely glared at him dangerously and said nothing.

Jav hugged Kora comfortingly. "Don't worry. It'll be better here." He whispered. "And you!" He said to Derrick. "I repeat, fuck off before I make you."

Derrick merely scoffed as he walked away. "Like I need a fag like you telling me what to do. Have fun with the fairies, Kora." He icily grated as he walked out the door, leaving the battered and torn scene behind him.

Jav held Kit's hand. "He won't bother us again." He turned to Kora. "I think there's someone you'd like to talk to..." he said, but Kora was already running towards Marie's gallery. Jav smiled. "Like brother, like younger brother, right?"

Kit looked up at his boyfriend meagerly. He coughed a couple of times, his throat partially impacted by his father's large arm as he smiled and wagged his tail weakly. He remembered the pendant on the ground and a tear escaped him. "Mom's Pendant..." He croaked slightly as another tear rolled down his cheek. Blood rolled down his ear and a single drop hit the tiled floor.

Kora rushed down the halls back to the exhibit where he had left before. He rushed right past Marie and grabbed the handle to the door that Atticus had disappeared behind. 'Oh my god, I wonder how he'll react?' he thought to himself as he twisted the knob and yanked the door open.

Atticus looked up with eyes red-rimmed from crying. He had taken off the silver suit and removed his face makeup. "K-Kora?!"

"Atticus...!" He breathed as he walked into the room. "Something horrible happened...!" He said still trying to catch his breath as he rushed into a hug with Atticus. He didn't care if Atti didn't want to hug him or not he needed the comfort. He was obviously shaken from the fight he had witnessed.

Atti murred into the hug and put his arms around Kora. "...what happened?" he practically whispered, he was so relieved that Kora came back.

"We were about to leave... We had all forgotten about dad, there was a fight, oh my god, I'm just so scared...!" He simple breathed as he held Atti closely and tightly. Tears were rolling down his face as he hung in place, too scared to do much else. He had still neglected to mention the biggest piece of news.

Kora felt a pang in his heart as he pulled away from the hug. "Let's just say I can take you up on your offer now." He seriously said as he kissed Atticus straight on the lips, murring slightly as his mind reeled. 'Good lord, I didn't think I'd actually do it...!' he exclaimed to himself.

"Mmmp!" was all that Atti could say. 'Oh...this is nice...' he slightly tented out his briefs. 'Even better then Shane...'

Kora murred a little louder now, pressing his tongue in on the kiss, darting inside Atti's mouth. He wondered silently to himself where he had learned to do all of this; as it had felt like second nature to him. 'Oh god, it feels so right.' He thought to himself, tenting out again.

Atticus moaned into Kora's mouth, feeling his tongue darting in. 'He' good...' He suddenly felt a little pressure down below, and realized that his bulge was touching Kora's. 'Oh crap!'

Kora felt the pressure below as well and moaned into the kiss. His eyes shot open as he tried to look down and saw their tents touching. He blushed brightly but continued the kiss as if nothing had happened. 'I just want to keep this going forever...!' he thought to himself.

Kit looked back at his boyfriend and smiled devilishly as he had almost fully recovered from the fight before. He grabbed his lover and said kind of loudly "Aw, fuckit, c'mere!" and pulled Jav into a huge kiss on the lips. He thought to himself 'If little bro can do it so can I, dammit!' laughing inwardly.

Despite all that had happened; Kit's disownment, Kora's abandonment, Jav's dysfunctional family, Atticus' all ended all right. Kora and Atti looked at each other and simultaneously said "I love you."