Inter-Galactic Wrestling

Story by powerplayer on SoFurry

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Been meaning to upload this for a while now.

Laying more background for my stories. Also wanted to try out some different writing techniques.

Thanks for reading!

Intergalactic Wrestling

"Wowwee folks. What a great match!"

"You got that right Sling. Really got the juices going."

"And what'll the folks at home think when we tell them that there's more to come?"

"You mean...?"

"That's right pal. Cause tonight on Intergalactic Wrestling we have a special planetary match!"

The lights in the stadium go wild, unraveling the lukewarm calm the audience had veiled themselves in. Fireworks rained down from above, piercing the darkness of the arena with colors and sounds too vibrant for words. The alien eyes, each of them as strange and different as the ones next to it, caught and held the lightshow as it disappeared, the refracted light in their eyes turning the darkened arena into a universe in its own right.

"That's right folks! Tonight's main event match will feature superstars who all come from the same planet! Most of them anyway..."

More fireworks. More exultation from the audience.

"You think they know each other Sling?"

"May~be Stump, but you'd better believe that they won't let that get in their way.

"Too true pal. Now let's meet our challengers."

_Two sets of fireworks light up amidst the crowd, showcasing a walkway. _

"Now for our challengers." A pair of spotlights, green and blue, shoots down from above, going wildly amongst the frenzied crowd. Self-same lights proceed to home in on the walkway, fireworks erupting in synch with the lights as they shot up the path. "Up first is a local fan favorite, straight out of the Louisiana Bayou." The first light zooms in on the end of the walkway.

"He's big. He's mean. He's got nowhere else to go. That toe-tappin terror from deep swamplands..."

In the center of that light stands a giant alligator-man. His purple square trunks and bandana-mask went well with his green scales, as did the purple wrist-bands. Pitch black boots completed his wardrobe.


The aforementioned Leatherhead threw his arms up and let out a violent roar, drawing quite the reaction out of the audience. The spotlight remained transfixed on his form as he made his way to the ring, high-fiving the hands (?) of the aliens on either side of the walkway.

"And his partner, all the way from Dimension X..."

The green light rose up from its position on the ground, snaking a trail from the floor to the walls, a drum-roll arising in the background as it shot up the wall.

"His homeworld is gone. His mind in ruins. You never know what he's going to do next. That high-flying, metal-winged nutjob..."

The light stops in on what looks to be a giant blue bat... thing holed out in the rafters. His compact frame, outlined by the now-white spotlight, made a rather colorful impression (no pun intended). On his shoulders was a pair of orange shoulder-pads, the straps holding it in place running an X across his chest. His clawed hands were adorned with orange gloves with the fingers cut out of them. From the inside out. He wore no footwear outside of some orange ankle braces with the backs cut out to make way for his rear talons. Orange skin-tight wrestling trunks were around his midsection, held in place with a light-tan utility belt.


He let out a loud screech over the arena, the hooing and haaing the audience had been giving him when his name was called intensifying. Wingnut stood up and, winking at the camera, did a swan-dive out of the rafters. A pair of wings sprang out from behind his back during the dive, which he used to fly leisurely above the audience, gradually making his way to the ring, gracefully landing on one of the turnbuckles after retracting his wings into the harness in a spectacular mid-air flip.

"Crazy as always. Don't you think they complement each other Sling?"

"Indeed they do Stump. I mean just look at them: not even a month together and already they're making waves."

"Quite right pal. Those last two matches were real humdingers, let me tell you."

"Boy I'll say. Can't believe that those two were able to pull it off. I mean just... wow."

"I know right?"

The arena goes completely dark again, the announcers and audience both going completely silent. Even the wrestlers don't say anything.


The audience completely and totally loses its marbles, a cacophony of screaming resounding throughout the arena. The lights go similarly bonkers, spinning multiple colors all over the place. Theme music begins playing in the background, the base so heavy and loud that it rocks the stadium. And through all this a single spotlight, bigger and brighter than all the others, closes in on a small part of the arena, opposite from where Leatherhead and Wingnut came from.

"And here come their opponents."

Within the spotlight are a couple of wrestlers, waving furiously to the crowd. The one on the left stands a well-built rhino-man, sporting a pair of camo-trunks with the letters 'TP' etched across the front. He sported a lime-green mask, topped with what appeared to be night-vision goggles. Fingerless gloves the same color as his mask adorned both hands.

"First we have the walking tank. The loose-cannon. The looove-machine."

Said loose cannon started making various poses, flexing his gorgeous biceps to the enraptured audience.


While he did that his partner, a large furry man with a boar's face and tusks, also flexed his stuff for the fans, timing his poses with those of his partner.

"And his partner: the dancer. The stalker. The master of disaster himself."

Though noticeably slimmer than his muscle-gutted partner, he was still quite a piece of work. Shoulder-to-shoulder he was just a bit taller than Rocksteady, the brown of his fur contrasting nicely with his partner's gray hide. He wore a pair of red and white sneakers and black trunks, with a pair of suspenders looped across his spectacular chest and down his back. A purple visor completed his outfit.


They made their way down the walkway, shouting various obscenities to the couple in the ring, who, by virtue of the audience screaming at the top of their lungs, weren't able to hear most of it. Wingnut, with his better hearing, was able to make out most of it and stepped forward to attack them, a firm hand from Leatherhead the only thing keeping him from going off on them.

"Looks like Wingnut's as easily-riled up as ever."

"Probably got that from his partner."

Rocksteady and Bebop continued trash-talking Leatherhead and Wingnut, first from the ringside, and then right in their faces. The latter stood their ground as the former shouted in their faces, countering their trash-talk with some of their own. Rocksteady, who'd been talking down Leatherhead, said one thing too many to the big gator, and was promptly shoved to the mat. Seeing this Bebop returned the favor, shoving an agitated and surprised Wingnut to the ground. Upon noticing his comrade on the ground Leatherhead immediately lunged at Bebop, who barely managed to roll out of the way. Leatherhead took a stand between Bebop and his downed partner, his narrowed eyes glaring holes into the former's back even as he went to check on his partner. Only when the two were in safely in their corner did Leatherhead turn to tend to his friend.

A whirling sound coming from directly above them broke through the tension. What looked like a tin-plated basketball with black and white stripes came to the middle of the ring, hovering a few feet above the mat. A pair of thin arms came out of small ports on opposing sides, which closed immediately afterwards.

"BOTH TEAMS, TO YOUR CORNERS PLEASE." Though it had no eyes, it seemed to be able to know where the wrestlers were; the wrestlers themselves seemed to know what was going on, at least, going to their respective corners with nary a word.

"NOW HERE ARE THE RULES: THIS CONTEST WILL BE FOR ONE FALL; EARTH-STYLE RULES. VICTORY BY PIN OR SUBMISSION. CONTESTANTS, ARE YOU READY?" The robo-ref pointed first to the corner where Leatherhead and Wingnut were and then to the opposing corner, where Bebop and Rocksteady had placed themselves, with all 4 shouting their affirmative at the top of their lungs.



At the sound the bell they squared off, with Leatherhead and Rocksteady the first ones up.

"Just gotta say Stump, kinda surprised to see these two squared off."

"What makes you say that pal?"

Rocksteady and Leatherhead circled each other for a bit, neither of them taking their eyes off the other. Every now and then Rocksteady would juke Leatherhead but other than that the circle didn't break.

"Well, after that thing with D-Crew I'd have thought that they'd have been best buds by now--whoa!!"

Leatherhead, evidently deciding that he'd had enough of the little stalemate, had lunged at Rocksteady, who simply hopped out of the way.

"Guess some rivalries ain't gonna be solved overnight!!"

Leatherhead then took to swinging his gigantic tail around, forcing a surprised Rocksteady to do the foxtrot to keep from getting smashed. After a couple of swings Rocksteady grabbed hold of the tail, and was promptly smashed into a corner.

"Wowwee!! I'll bet somebody's seein' stars."

Rocksteady leaned on unsteady legs against turnbuckle, barely catching sight of Leatherhead's charging frame.

"Rocksteady better look out, cause here comes Leatherhead with the--oohh!!"

Rocksteady's body lurched as Leatherhead ran into him, the latter's shoulder colliding with Rocksteady's stomach. Leatherhead jabbed Rocksteady a couple more times before pulling back.

_"Whoa nelly! Looks like the grey guy's seen better days." _

Rocksteady used his arms to brace himself while the rest of his body slumped backwards against the turnbuckle. Leatherhead, having stepped backwards, took off towards Rocksteady, who narrowly managed to side-step the lumbering lug-head.

Leatherhead roared as his shoulder collided with the turnbuckle, the entire ring rocking from the impact. Staggering backwards and clutching his shoulder he was totally unaware of the fact that Rocksteady had gotten to his right-side, until the latter's arms were firmly latched around his own mid-section.

"Rocksteady's going around the back."

With a loud groan Rocksteady lifted the larger beast and, in an impressive display of strength, took several steps before slamming him down into the mat.

"Oh Oh! And here's Rocksteady with a sidewalk slam!"

"That Rocksteady, quite the powerhouse!"

Rocksteady wasted no time in rolling Leatherhead up into a pin. The hovering rob-ref came down next to the gator's head, slamming his ridiculously oversized mitts down onto the mat.

"And here we go with the pin-"



"And Leatherhead kicks out before the 3 count!"

"Good thing too. Can't have these matches ending too quickly. Think of the ratings!!"

Rocksteady yelled disbelief at the ref, who remained steadfast in his decision. Rocksteady helped a weary Leatherhead to his feet, and promptly launched him into the ropes. He jumped up with both boots jutting the air, only to fall to the canvas looking particularly silly when Leatherhead grabbed hold of the ropes and stopped himself. He collected himself quickly enough though, bouncing to his feet to glare at Leatherhead, who simply responded by tagging in his partner.

"And in comes Wingnut."

The big blue bat bounced over the ropes and rushed towards Rocksteady, who juked out of the bat's path.

"Excellent display of athleticism by Rocksteady here..."

Wingnut charged him again as soon as he got his bearings, with Rocksteady evading his assault yet again, stopping himself just a few feet from the turnbuckle. Wingnut then turned around and planted his feet on the ground (as best he could, given his unique physiology), set his arms above his head and slowly began to close the distance between them.

"What's this now? Looks like Wingnut's wants to play."

With a smirk Rocksteady adopted a similar poise, walking as slowly to Wingnut as Wingnut was to him. When they meet midway they locked hands and began to push at each other.

"It's a good ol' fashioned fingerlock folks."

"But who do you think'll win Stump?"

"You really have to ask Sling...?"

The contest of strength didn't last long; Rocksteady's greater strength forced the smaller Wingnut to his knees. But Wingnut wasn't giving up, visibly and vocally straining against the bigger and heavier wrestler. With a supreme display of strength Rocksteady shoved away the smaller Wingnut, whose body bounced off the canvas and whose back hit the turnbuckle with a loud thud.


"I'll bet he'll be feeling that one tomorrow, eh Sling?"

Rocksteady was on Wingnut before the latter could recover, grabbing hold of his shoulder and forcing him stationary against the turnbuckle. He gave Wingnut several vicious chops across his chest, pushing him back whenever he inevitably turned away to clutch his chest. Grabbing Wingnut's arm Rocksteady sent him running across the ring, straight into the opposing turnbuckle.

"And that one too no doubt!"

Rocksteady charged directly on his heels, and slammed Wingnut with a fully body press. When a visibly disoriented Wingnut stumbled backwards Rocksteady gorged him from behind, slamming the battered bat into the corner.

"Rocksteady's showing no mercy!"

He repeated the move again, clutching the ropes for leverage as he gorged Wingnut several more times. When Rocksteady pulled back Wingnut took to stumbling backwards again; only this time instead of attacking him Rocksteady ran beneath him and wrenched his arm through his legs and over his right thigh, threw Wingnut to the mat, where he quickly curled him into a ball.

"And here's Rocksteady with a roll-up."


"Could this be it?"


Wingnut kicked out of the pin just as the robo-ref's hand was about to hit the mat again. Rocksteady roared in frustration, his clinched-fists jerking about everywhichwhere.

"And here comes Wingnut with the kick-out."

"Rocksteady ain't takin' this too well now is he?"

Rocksteady brought a wobbly Wingnut to his feet, and dragged him over to his own corner, forcing him to the turnbuckle as he tagged in Bebop.

"You mean like last week and that thing with the D-Crew?"

The two then proceeded to gang up on him, alternating between chopping him across his chest and instigating his partner Leatherhead, who was getting riled up by the minute.

Bebop pulled Wingnut away from the corner as Rocksteady withdrew from the ring. He then placed a hand on Wingnut's trunks and, locking the other arm around his head, brought him up off the mat, over his shoulders, and then back down.

"Wingnut just can't win today."

Wingnut came down hard in the middle of the ring, clutching his back in obvious agony. Bebop didn't give him any time to recover though, and very quickly set him back against the ropes. Leatherhead had apparently had enough and stepped into the ring. The cyclical robot was right on him though, using its oversized mitts to keep the agitated alligator from rescuing his team-mate. The other team took advantage of the situation, double-teaming Wingnut while the referee was distracted.

"The Crew was trying to recruit Bebop."

Rocksteady held him in place while Bebop gave Wingnut several vicious spears to the gut, with Wingnut spewing copious amounts of saliva after each hit.

"Is that what happened? I'll bet Rocksteady wasn't about to let them take him."

After several hits Bebop took Wingnut out of the corner placed him in the middle of the ring. He then ran back to the ropes, bouncing off them and went charging at Wingnut with his arm out.

"Not without a fight, anyway. And that's what caused all that madness last week. Rocksteady took out 2 of them before security could break things up."

Wingnut jumped over the charging boar man, barely missing the latter's outstretched arm. Bebop kept going though, bouncing off the ropes behind his acrobatic adversary and rushing him from behind.

"Looks like Wingnut bouncing back."

"Haaaa... I see what you did there, Stump."

Bebop turned around just in time to see Wingnut take a dive between his legs. The blue bat sprang to his feet and rushed to the ropes in front of him, which he used as a spring to launch himself at Bebop. The burly boar turned on heel just as Wingnut went flying at him; and as such, was unable to stop Wingnut from crashing into him. Bebop was sent sprawling to the mat, with Wingnut in tow, and was held there, shoulders to the mat, by Wingnut's body.

"What do you think was the cause of all that Sling?"


Bebop used the whole of his upperbody to push Wingnut off before the 2 count.

_ "It was probably because of that new guy. You know, D-Crew's top enforcer."_

"You mean Gus? What's he want with Bebop?"

Wingnut sprang to his feet, using Bebop's pre-occupation with the snout he'd hurt during his latest attack to give him several kicks to his right side, cumulating in a vicious jump kick to the back. Bebop struggled from the assault, arching his back as he rose to his feet. Wingnut then dished out several blows to the chest, sending the already reeling Bebop into a stagger.

'Wingnut is on fire!"

Wingnut then turned from Bebop and launched himself into the ropes, using them to once again shoot himself forward. Bebop brought his hands up to defend himself, but didn't stop Wingnut, who slipped on through. Locking his legs around Bebop's neck Wingnut twirled his upperbody backwards while spinning around by the hip ever-so-slightly, throwing a surprised Bebop to the canvas.

_"And a beeeautiful hurricanrana by Wingnut." _

Bebop crawled towards the edge of the ring and clutched at the bottom ropes, looking rather haggard.

"What does Gus wants with Bebop?"

"Don't know. Probably to get back at Rocksteady for their last match."

Wingnut took advantage of Bebop's dilapidated state and rushed to the ropes after him. He leapt through the hole the first two ropes made on his right side, grabbing them with his arms and twirling his body around towards Bebop, sending the mutate tumbling back into the ring with a well-placed double-heeled kick.

"Rocksteady did do quite a number on him."

"Maybe he should check out Wingnut sometime."

Bebop righted himself about center, though he swayed on unsteady feet like he was drunk. Wingnut, having righted himself after kicking Bebop, jumped on the top rope and threw himself at the beast-man, locking his legs around his neck and flipping Bebop overhead. The boar, having been sent through the air, was in no condition to counter Wingnut's next attack, which sent him sprawling outside.

"And out he goes!!"

Bebop was followed shortly by Wingnut. The latter slammed Bebop's head several times against the ring, letting Bebop fall to the floor.

"Boy I'll tell you, Wingnut is punishing Bebop tonight."

Wingnut then picked Bebop up by his trunks and strap and hefted him into the ring. But before Wingnut could enter the ring he was attacked by Rocksteady, who softened him up with a few punches before slamming him onto the ground.

"I'll bet that he didn't count on Rocksteady though."

The ref was too busy looking over Bebop to notice the beatdown going on outside. And Leatherhead's antics weren't much help either.

"Boy, Leatherhead really needs to check that temper."

"Which is probably why D-Crew isn't all that keen about scouting Wingnut."

As soon as he was done beating on him Rocksteady tossed an injured Wingnut into the ring, where Bebop was recovered. The banged-up Wingnut was in no condition to fight, something Bebop used to his advantage.

"But isn't Gus a lot bigger than Leatherhead?"

"Like size matters when you have a temper like Leatherhead does."

Bebop struck Wingnut with several vicious kicks to his side. He then brought Wingnut to his feet, only to give him an armbar so hard that it knocked him back to the mat.

_"Man Wingnut's just not having a good night now is he?" _

"It's 2 against 1. Not much he can do."

Wingnut bounced off the mat, only to fall victim to a running armbar, courtesy of Bebop. Bebop did this several more times, running circles around Wingnut and decking him to the mat whenever he bounced back.

"Bebop's really laying into him."

"And after taking such a beating. Small wonder D-Crew's after him."

Bebop forced Wingnut to get to a corner before clutching the ropes on both sides and ramming him with a vicious spear to the torso.


Several more shots followed, each one seemingly rocking Wingnut further into the turnbuckle. Bebop then stepped back and took to running forward, only to hit the turnbuckle when Wingnut moved out of the way. He clutched his shoulder back as he staggered back, whereupon Wingnut caught him in the same rolling pin Rocksteady had him in earlier.



Although Bebop kicked out in time, it was apparent that he wasn't getting up soon. The two laid within the ring, visibly wasted. The two then tried to go to their respective corners, where their partners were leaning over the ropes with their arms out, urging them on. Bebop got to his corner first, calling in Rocksteady.

"And in comes Rocksteady!"

The big rhino pulled Wingnut away inches before he was able to Leatherhead, who, true to form, went crazy, drawing the ref's attention away from the real action like only he could. Wingnut was dragged to the opposite corner, where Bebop was waiting for him. Rocksteady steadied Wingnut onto the turnbuckle, where he and Bebop went to town on him, punching and kicking him respectively.

"Leatherhead's distracting the ref from what really matters. Again."

"Hey ref, turn around!"

The dastardly duo then took hold of Wingnut and hoisted him over their shoulders before slamming him down behind him. Bebop got back outside before the ref came back, but by then the damage had been done.

"It's too late now Ref!"

Rocksteady then went over to the stumbling Wingnut and pulled him away as he was trying to get to Leatherhead again. Rocksteady then pulled Wingnut into a leg-lock, twisting and pulling on Wingnut's ankle. Wingnut pulled towards the ropes, pounding the canvas the whole way. Rocksteady tried to stop him by applying more pressure but was unable to do so in time and was forced by the ref to let him go when Wingnut grabbed the ropes.

"First good call you've made all night ref!"

Rocksteady then pulled Wingnut up and half-carried/half-dragged him over to the turnbuckle. Rocksteady gave Wingnut several vicious chomps across his already battered chest, forcing him back whenever he tried to pull away. Rocksteady then climbed atop Wingnut and then proceeded to pound him while the audience counted along.

"1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"... "10".

After he was done he jumped off and pulled Wingnut into another slam, hefting him up and over his shoulders and then slamming him down hard behind him. While Wingnut was laid out Rocksteady then took to the top rope. When he got there he paused, stirring the crowd with outrageous posturing,-

"And there he goes again."

-and then jumped at Wingnut, who rolled out of the way just as he slammed down.


Wingnut laid there gasping for air while Rocksteady writhed about in pain, clutching the elbow he'd landed on. Slowly but surely Wingnut began to crawl towards Leatherhead, while Rocksteady was still struggling to recover from his botched move. He managed to tag Leatherhead in just as Rocksteady righted himself, tumbling out of the ring while Leatherhead went to town.

"And in comes Leatherhead!"

Leatherhead went on a rampage, first flooring Rocksteady with a stiff arm to the chin-

"And down goes Rocksteady!"

-then his partner Bebop, who he decked off the side of the ring.

"And there he goes again!!"

He turned back to Rocksteady, socking him just as he was getting up.

"Leatherhead's really fired up!"

Leatherhead then pulled Rocksteady up and threw him into the ropes. Leatherhead was right on his heels, throwing all his body weight into full-body press that flattened Rocksteady against the turnbuckle. Leatherhead pulled back, watching as Rocksteady took a few uneasy steps forward before falling face-first to the canvas. Leatherhead rushed over and turned Rocksteady over, dropped on top of him for a pin.



Leatherhead is tugged by the leg off of Rocksteady by Bebop. The ref warns him off, with Leatherhead voicing his own complaints. Wingnut surprises them both, clobbering Bebop from behind. He immediately goes running back Rocksteady uses the opportunity to go attack Leatherhead, grabbing the big guy's tail. Leatherhead tries to shake him off but Rocksteady holds on.

"Looks like Rocksteady ain't goin' down without a fig--what's this now?!?"

From out of nowhere Wingnut slips in the ring and gives Rocksteady a low-blow from behind, crawling back out the ring before the ref can see him. Rocksteady releases Leatherhead's tail and falls to his knees with a weird look on his face, clutching his crotch. Leatherhead turns around and picks Rocksteady up by the nap of his neck before slamming him down, hard , and pulling him into a pin. Bebop tries to once again break up the pin but Wingnut pulls him back out of the ring before he can.

"Is it over?"






"It's over!! It's over!!"


Leatherhead pulls off of Rocksteady, who lays there moaning while the gator down at him.


Leatherhead roars and flexes for the fans while the fight between Wingnut and Bebop comes to a head. Bebop rushes in and pulls Rocksteady out of the ring. Wingnut comes in and is hoisted onto Leatherhead's shoulders and joins him in basking in their victory. The two then join in on trash-talking the retreating pair of Rocksteady and Bebop.

"Woowweee folks!! What a match!!"

"Ya got that right pal!!"

_"Be sure to join us next week for even more excitement, here on Intergalactic Wrestling!! _

"Thank you and good night!!""

_ _