Band Changelings Part 2

Story by BinaryHedgehog on SoFurry

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#2 of Band Changelings

Queen Chrysalis has a plan to attack the Crystal Empire again, but this time as a Marching Band! Based on the Spongebob episode "Band Geeks"

With her new devious plan, (pause for maniacal laugh), she went around put up a ton of posters around the hive... even the bathrooms which goes without saying freaked some changelings out. The poster read as follows:


We are attacking they Crystal Empire again, but this time we are going in disguised as a Marching Band for the Equestria Games. In order to pull this off, we need to actually be able to play like a Marching Band, so we are going to have rehearsals before we go. Practice begins tonight, 8:30PM sharp in the audience chamber.

Be there... or die!

At around 8:32 that night, Chrysalis finally started to return back to the hive... "Auuggh! That stupid rental clerk made me late! He couldn't tell the difference between an oboe and an elbow!" Chrysalis pauses for a moment and then states "Great, now I'm making puns..."

When she finally arrives, all the changelings are just standing around shouting "blah, blah, blah" to sound like incoherent conversation. The audience chamber is a large room surrounded by black, porous pillars that might remind someone of Swiss cheese. The floor is green and has a slight glow to it. Outside, the sky is purple, as it pretty much always is for some indiscernible reason. Chrysalis lands at the podium and begins to speak.

"Alright everybody, settle down!" Chrysalis yells. "Now, how many of you have played musical instruments before."

A small changeling with an executioner hood chimes in. "Do instruments of torture count?"

Chrysalis just states "No."

Soon, another changeling asks "Is mayonnaise an instrument"

Chrysalis replies with an annoyed "No, Steve, mayonnaise is not instrument." Before Steve could ask his next question, Chrysalis cuts him off with "Horseradish is not an instrument either." Being so done, she decides to start class. "Alright, now everybody repeat after me" Chrysalis plays a few notes on her clarinet. "Now the brass!" The brass repeats her correctly, but a bit poorly... "Now the winds!" The woodwinds perform on par with the brass. "Now the drums!" Sadly, all the percussionists tried to blow through their mallets and sticks and they all shot towards Chrysalis pinning her to the wall. "Too bad that didn't kill me..."

Chrysalis now begins the next lesson. "Alright, now let's try stepping in rhythm"

Doomie stands up and asks enthusiastically "Is this the part where we start kicking?"

Chrysalis replies, quite irked, "No, Doomie, that's the chorus line."

Steve stands up "Kicking? I wanna do some kicking!" He then kicks the changeling next to him. Well, that changeling didn't take that hit lightly, and she beats him up and out of the audience chamber. Steve screams, and then there is a few seconds of silence. He sticks his head into the room, "whoever stole the white carriage, you left the lights on." He then walks in as he apparently was stuffed into a trombone, making notes as he walked. When he finally sat back down, the slide came down, but oddly when he opened his mouth the sound became lower!

All Chrysalis could think at this point was It's going to be a long week...