Finally Free

Story by RoxyWabbit on SoFurry

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#2 of Sophe

The quiet farm boy rested his head in the cool grass of the clearing where he last saw Sophe, his earthen Goddess. He had dreamt of her nightly, her silken skin, her soft scales, her musical voice and rhythmic movements as she wrapped herself around him.

Inhaling deeply he could still smell her essence on the wind. The smell of the grass, the earth, the flowers, all of it combined evoked the memory of the time he spent with her here. When he closed his eyes he could almost hear her, feel her breath on his neck. Sadly when he opened his eyes she was never there, just a gust of wind or a falling leaf.

It had been weeks since she had come to visit him. Their first meeting was so intense and so powerful that he came back to this very spot daily. He cultivated the earth, took care of the trees, he took care of the animals... he loved the earth around him as she told him he would. Each tree he nursed back to health, each flower he planted, each vine he cultivated, every act was a show of love for his snake like mistress.

At night, when the sun began to dip low on the horizon, Glenn would take a leisurely walk through his well tended land. Silently his eyes scanned for any sign his love had returned to him. Every rustle in the grass, in the trees, every shadow, brought him joy as he strained to see Sophe in all her glory. His heart falling into his stomach each time she failed to show herself.

Her words played through his head nightly... "When you are ready, you will find me." How cryptic. He was ready for her... but she was no where to be found. He craved her kisses, her touch, to feel her warmth again.

With a reserved sigh and a glimpse at the early night sky, the full moon already burning bright, he turned and began to make his way back to his cabin.

"Leaving so soon, Glenn?" Her voice pierced the cool night air like a beacon of warmth. "The night has just begun, after all. Won't you stay and play with me for a while?" She slithered out into the open, the light making her soft red tendrils glow almost orange around her pale skinned face.

Glenn stared at the serpentine beauty as she approached him. The moonlight on her scales when she moved made it seem as if coral, opal, diamonds, rubies and garnets dotted her tail. When she stood still, her scales reflected the moonlight like the stillest of waters giving her an aura of undefiled beauty. Her skin shone like the purest, untouched, winter snow and the contrast of her warm red hair and eyes against her skin of the truest white made him shiver. She truly was a Goddess, she was his Goddess.

"I was beginning to think I'd never find you again, Sophe." He spoke as he slowly, tentatively, walked towards her.

"MmM, well my dear, when you think you've truly lost me, or you no longer need me, that's when you need me the most. That's when I will come for you..." Reaching her hand out to him she smiled. "Tonight I shall show you the secrets of the dark, the deep magic that resides here under cover of darkness. Tonight, you shall truly know the land and it will know you."

Resting his hand upon hers, he smiled gleefully. "Show me your world, madam. Show me the beauty, the power that I've been overlooking."

Their fingers intertwined and she led him deeper into the forest, far beyond the land he had cultivated to honor her. Her eyes remained fixed on something the farm boy could not see as he followed her. Her eyes remained fixated on their ultimate goal, and his remained fixed on her in all her primal glory.

She stopped suddenly, turning to look deeply into the eyes of her new love and pulling him closer to her. Standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking a water of the purest, clearest blue Sophe whispered. "Come, bathe with me."

Without a moment's hesitation she flew through the air, her lithe body twisting as she slid into the cool crisp water and looked up to Glenn. He tossed his clothing aside and looked down to his slippery saint, her hair now deeper amber and matted against her porcelain skin and dove into the water next to her.

She quickly darted around his body, her tail and hands and hair and lips taunting his skin as she moved too quickly for him to know her next movement. With a quick stop, Sophe wrapped her tail around the boys neck and pulled him towards her.

"Do you trust me, Glenn? Do you trust me with your life?"

"Yes, Ma'am... I trust you with my love, my life, with all that I am."

She tensed her tail around his neck, pushing him down into the water. "Do not fear me and you shall be rewarded."

Glenn's body shivered, his head slowly being pushed under the water, his lungs tight as he struggled to breathe. The hold on his neck began to make him sleepy, the cool water surged into his lungs and he thrashed against her. A cool hand brushed across his forehead reassuringly and he went limp, his body becoming as fluid as the water around him. She kissed his lips tenderly, her tail sliding away from his skin.

"You have been baptized, purified by the cool waters. You have been reborn in the moonlight. Tonight everything is as you desire, your every wish to be obeyed. Tell me Glenn, how may we, the servants of the forest, serve you tonight?"

Glenn's head swooned with power, with passion and he lunged at his slinky goddess and kissed her wantonly. As their kiss grew deeper he felt one with the earth, the water, the sky, the sun and the moon. Pulling back from the passionate embrace Glenn pulled on Sophe's hair roughly. "I want to be like you, one with the forest, one with the earth, forever. I want to slither in the sands and swing through the trees. Please, let me be like you."

Sophe grinned and ran her finger tips along Glenn's square jaw and hissed softly. "You want to be one with the earth forever, my lover?" He nodded and stared into her eyes, his breathing slow and deliberate as he relaxed into the cool waters. "Then it shall be."

With a hiss and a growl Sophe embraced her lover in his last moments in his human form and her eyes glowed a fiery orange red. Her jaw unhinged and she engulfed the farm boy; his head, his torso, and his legs in one quick diving motion, absorbing his human form. As she wrapped her tongue around the last of his human flesh she groaned, from deep within her ever expanding frame, and screamed with a primal passion that shook Glenn to the core.

Floating in the ether between existence and non existence, Glenn felt free. His body and mind soared and expanded till he felt as if he were one with the entirety of the universe itself.

In a flash of blinding light, and an ear piercing scream, Glenn burst forth from Sophe's breast his body transformed, his strong young body still glistening with a beautiful tan, his legs now fused into a long, thick tail in gold and warm browns.

Gazing into the water at his new form, Glenn smiled and dove in. His slinky new form slid effortlessly through the water and he laughed with new found joy. Sliding up to his lover, his Goddess, Sophe he laughed. "Thank you, my love. For the first time in my life.... I feel free."