Arlania Ch 1

Story by SorraSongbird on SoFurry

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#1 of Arlania

Arlania, a world of mystery and adventure, but also of decit, and disaster. This is the tale of Dylan and his adventures in this strange world and how he, nearly, saved the world.

Entry# 1

Arnilis, 15, Blue Season

Dear diary journal,

Well, here it is. My story, as requested. If your reading this, your probably going to laugh. I guess I would too, if it didn't truly happen to me. Yes that's right, everything that I am writing is true. One hundred, thousand percent factual, well as factual as I can remember.

This story...It's about my time here, and starts before I came to Arlania. No I'm not crazy, and yes I know Arlania is not a place you can just leave, believe me I tried. I did not come from here, I mean I didn't. I uh...

(several lines are scratched out)

I came from earth. There simple. I'm sure your wondering what earth is, well its kind of like Arlania, planet Arlania. I for one am convinced that they are the same place, but Verilon keeps telling me that I'm an idiot. Regardless, this is an account of my adventures in Arlania and how we, nearly, saved the world.

July 15th 7:31:21pm

Earth 143 Main St

"Seriously! Come on!" Dylan pleads, hands waving in anger. The amount of traffic along with the mid summer heat were putting the young man in a bad mood, and this guy wasn't helping. "My watch says 7:29! I'm not late." The balding man standing in front of Dylan crossed his arms and shook his head. The guy looked to be in his mid 30s and wore a pair of red, faded shorts with an Angry Birds tee that barely covered his potbelly. His face was scrunched in a scowl, showing teeth that were well on their way to putting the yellow crayon out of business.

"Look kid." The man started, his chronic case of halitosis making Dylan wrinkle his nose and step back. "The ad says 30 minutes, or its free. It's uhh," he pulled out his dated Nokia brick phone, "it's 7:31. I ordered at 7 o'clock, meaning this pizza is mine, free of charge."

"Dude it's only one minute." Dylan said brushing a lock of his long brown hair out of his face. "Your my last run of the day. Can you please, just, cut me some slack?"

"Cut you some slack?" The man said smile forming on his grotesque face. "Yah ill cut you some slack. Give me that pizza and I won't call a complaint in on your slow ass. How that for slack, eh?" The man laughed as Dylan all but threw the pizza at him.

"Take your pizza, God!" Dylan said in exasperation as he turned and makes his way to his 95' Honda Accord.

"MAAA!" Dylan heard the man yell from the doorway as he approaches his car. "I got the pizza! I didn't have to pay for it again!"

Dylan groaned while getting in his car. Putting his keys into the ignition, he turned them only to hear the car sputter.

"Come on Betty." Dylan said petting the dash. "Don't quit on me now." It took two more turns before the car roared to life. "That's my girl." Dylan said before turning onto the street and back into the bustling traffic.

July 15th 8:00 PM

Pizza Italiano

"Hey Bernardo." Dylan said entering the small, empty pizza place, the chime of the tiny bell at he door overpowering the soft Italian music. He took of his "Pizza Italiano" hat and sat down at one of the stools near the bar table.

" 'Ey! Welcome back!" Came an accented voice from behind the main counter. A large head peaked around the corner and smiled at Dylan, "What's wrong, my friend?" Bernardo said, stoping his efforts to clean the bar counter to come and stand next to moping boy. The man was very large, standing several inches taller then Dylan, and was very muscular for a baker. His face was covered with a thick, dark, beard that was peppered with a few grey hairs, betraying his age. All of this would have been intimidating if it were not for his kindly brown eyes that were creased with laughter lines.

" Ughh, Nothing." Dylan said looking up at his friend. Bernardo was a long time friend of the Richardson family and had insisted on Dylan coming to work for him after leaving for college.

"This jerkwad called the late card by 1 minute." Dylan explain halfheartedly. "Had to give him the pizza for free."

"Ahhhh, don't worry about it!" Bernardo said while patting Dylan reassuringly on the back. "People do that all the time. They think their so clever at saving $8 but were the clever ones, eh. Pizzas cost one forth that to make!" He started laughing his deep rumbling laugh and Dylan couldn't help but snicker a bit. "But, my friend, this is not the only thing troubling you, is it?" Bernardo asked, giving Dylan a serious look.

"It..." Dylan started and then sighed. "It seems like people just walk all over me, you know? I know like, half the people in the city would have made that man pay, and the other half would have probably beat his ass. I just feel like, I don't know, maybe I should be that way too."

"Oh, Il mio amico!" Bernardo said, his gaze softening. " There are more then enough people like that out in the world, but few enough like you. You are a good guy, my friend. Keep being good. Good things always happen to those who do good!" He reached a hand out twards Dylan. After a moment of thinking about Bernardo's words, Dylan reached up and grasped the hand.

"Thanks." Dylan said, using the strong arm to stand up. "You always know how to choose the sapiest things to say."

"Yah? Well how about this," Bernard commented handing Dylan a broom, a smile growing on his face. "You can't leave until the shops been swept!"

July 15th 9:46 PM

Earth: Heaven Oaks appt.

Sighing, Dylan got out of his car. Moving over to the passengers side, he opened the door and grabbed two grocery bags filled with the random necessities that he needed, and a Togo box of pizza. He casually walked up the sidewalk, enjoying the warm summer evening and watching the fairly peaceful apartment grounds. The apartment complex where he lived was relatively nice, for the price.

He couldn't help but smile while looking at the rows upon rows of small brick apartment buildings. No matter how shitty his day or hard his college classes, Dylan knew he could go home to the apartment he paid for on his own. He looked at his crappy home and crappy car as a symbol of adulthood. Always think positive he thought while softly humming to himself.

As he walked, he started to hear some kind of commotion coming from across the street. Glancing over, he saw a woman running haphazardly down the sidewalk. Her mascara was smeared, as if she had been crying, and her clothes looked torn and dirty. Dylan took a defensive step back as the woman crossed the street and ran his way, scared that she might attack him in some kind of crazy fit. She ran up to Dylan and stopped, her breath coming in heavy and labored.

"P-please! You have... have to help... me." She said between breaths. Dylan was about to ask why she was running, when he herd the scuffling of several feet coming from the way the woman had come.

"There's the bitch!" A voice called as four men ran down the sidewalk. They were running at full speed, and were glaring directly at Dylan. The men, strangely enough, were all dressed in black business suits and seemed to be having difficulties moving.

"Oh shoot!" Dylan yelled, panic starting to show on his face. Dropping the bags, he swiftly grabbed the woman's hand and started running towards his apartment. Looking back, Dylan cursed as the men started to quickly close the gap between them. _We're not going to make it _Dylan thought when he saw that he was still several yards from his apartment building.

Acting quickly, he veered right towards the apartments parking area. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, he swiftly pressed the unlock button, his car happily replying with a shrill 'beep beep'.

"Get in!" He yelled at the woman while opening the drivers side door and jumping in the old car. He put his keys into the ignition while the woman flopped in the seat next to him, her face stricken with terror. Turning the ignition, the car sputtered before slowly roaring to life.

Always there when I need ya Betty he thought, looking into his rear view to see the men merely feet away.

Dylan threw the car into reverse and quickly started to back out of the parking spot. Right as he got the first foot of car out, the men were upon him, beating at his car and trying to open the locked doors.

"Give us the girl, Human." Dylan heard one of the men yell while smashing into the passenger seat window, a spiderweb of cracks forming on the tinted glass.

No way! Dylan thought, awestruck at how hard the man had hit his window. Another hit and the window shattered, causing the woman to scream as glass shards flew everywhere.

Dylan finished backing out and quickly switched to drive, but, right before driving away, he checked the passenger. To his horror, he saw the woman fighting an assailant who was attempting to pull her out through the window.

"Let go jackass!" Dylan yelled, one hand grabbing the woman's while the other reached down towards his change bin. Grabbing a hand full of coins, Dylan forcefully threw them at the man who was assaulting the woman, pelting him in the face and hitting him in the eyes with the small, metal disks.

"AHHHH" the man screamed, letting go of the woman long enough for Dylan to pull her into the car. Stepping on the pedal, Betty Careened out of the apartment complex, a loud bump sounding as the unfortunate soul in from of the car was knocked up and over the car.

July 15 10:01 PM

Earth Highway 46

"So, what's your name" Dylan asked trying to break the overwhelming silence that had befallen the two. The only time she had talked was when he had asked her where she lived. Upon asking, she had told him that she came from the next town over and that she was just here on business. The rest of the car ride had transpired in utter silence.

From the casual glances that Dylan gave her, he could tell that she was in her mid twenties. She had long black hair, pale skin, and flawless completion. Her pink cashmere sweater and designer skirt looked very expensive, though, at the moment, they were soiled with dirt.

"K-Karen." She says glancing at me from here voided stare out the broken window.

"Alright, Karen, you have any idea why those guys were chasing you." Dylan asked. they were going to have to file a police report and he wanted as much info as possible while it was fresh on her mind.

She continued to stare at him, a curious look of her face, before shaking her head, and looking back out the window. Dylan sighed long and slow. This wasn't about to go anywhere He thought as he continued driving on the vacant highway.

Jun 15 10:35 pm

Earth Highway 46 Exit 112

"This is my exit." Karen suddenly said, knocking Dylan out of his mental trance. Quickly merging into the right lane, Dylan got off the highway and traveled down a long dark road.

"What were you doing in Victorville so late at night?" Dylan asked, carefully navigating the dark roads Karen instructed him to take. He had never been in this area and the lack of street lights was starting to freak him out. The road was completely dark, save for the two circular beams of light emanating from his car.

"I was, searching," She said and reached down to grasp at her necklace. Glancing over, Dylan saw that the small necklace was very ornate. It consisted of two dark stones, the color of which he couldn't tell in the dark. The stones themselves were encased in a swirling pattern of shinny silver that gleamed slightly in the dim light that reflected from the road.

"Ok." Dylan said starting to get agitated. If i am going to be stuck driving god knows where, he thought, the least she could do is not be so cryptic. "Ill bite. What were you searching for?"

She squeezed the necklace between her fingers and it suddenly began to glow. Dimly at first, the purple glow started to gradually grow brighter until it was all but blinding.

"For help, human." She said reaching over to touch Dylan's arm. Dylan turned his head for second. Just a second. To see what this crazy woman was doing and why the hell she and her necklace were glowing purple. Just a quick look, and when he looked back, his heart dropped.

"Oh Shit!" He screamed as a large deer wandered into the road, right in his way. Dylan tried to quickly turn out of the way, but he was too late. Time seemed to slow as his car collided with the animal. The last thing he remembered was a strong tingling sensation, before everything went black.


"You do it." Came a muffled voice. Everything on Dylan's body hurt as he slowly regained consciousness.

"What? Why me?" Came a much higher, raspy voice. Dylan cringed at the sound and slowly opened an eye. Blinding light pored in, causing him to groan and squeeze his eye shut.

"Because your both Surmilans!" Came the first voice, a little clearer now that Dylan's head had cleared a bit. Slowly prying his eyes open again, he was able to resist the sting of light long enough to notice that he was in a forest clearing, a large one at that. There were hundreds of trees, bushes and other flora surrounding his current position. Birds chirped happily in their homes while several small animals scurried around. Dylan could also make out a small dirt path that led into the trees a few feet from him.

_What... Where am I _Dylan thought, wincing at the coursing pain shooting through his head. He tried to remember what he had been doing but was drawing a large blank.

"Oi! I get it," the higher voice said from behind Dylan, "jus 'cause we both 'ail from the same reagon means I know it. Well I got news for yor fuzzy ass. I dont know every fuckin 'izard or snake we meet! Tis the third time you've asked me!"

Dylan groaned from his place on the ground. He noticed that he was lying on his back with his arms outstretched in a prone position. He was starting to regain feeling of his body, or at least enough to where he could move without it being unbearably painful, but whenever he tried, his body refused to cooperate.

"Hey! It's waking up" came the first voice again. The sound of metal could be herd clinking together as whoever was talking moved. "Go on, see if he's ok."

Dylan finally managed to get his body to cooperate long enough to look towards the two talking, and gasped at what he saw. Two creatures from right of a Si-fy movie, were standing and talking casually.

The first one looked like some kind of cross between a wolf and a human. It was completely covered in grey fur with white spots on his ears and feet. The wolfs arms, legs and chest were similar to a humans, but everything else was completely wolven. Its feet appeared to be entirely wolven in nature. They looked like large, compact, canine paws that had dark, long, blunt, claws jutting from them. Its hands were more human in nature, only difference being the grey fur, black pawpads, and claws. The head was entirely wolven, complete with two twitching ears, black wet nose and a canine muzzle. A long wolven tail jutted from its back and wagged slowly in small arcs.

It wore a suit if what appeared to be black leather armor. Upon the wolfs arms were gleaming metal bracers that held a howling wolf head insignia. His black armor was broken up by areas of dark blue along his shins shoulders and chest. Around his neck was a long blue scarf that trailed down his back in a flowing stream of fabric.

The second creature was some kind of lizard, thing. It was short, barely half the height of the wolf, and was covered in green scales. It wore a suit of brown leather armor that looked worn with age and had two daggers strapped to its waist. The creatures head looked like the a cross between a lizard and a snake. It even had the signature slitted pupils in its golden eyes and long ridged reptilian tail. It was standing with its arms crossed in a "I'm not amused" pose that, despite its size, was very intemidating.

"Ughhh!" The lizard said, a sound reminding Dylan more of a hiss then anything else. "Fine. Ill do it this time but You. Owe. Me." She punctuated each word with a poke at the wolfs stomach before turning and walking towards Dylan.

"You alright snake?" It said in its raspy voice, eyes scrunching in concentration. Dylan blinked a few times, watching at the beast.

" 'Ey!" The lizard said snapping its scaly fingers in front of Dylan's face. Dylan could only stare in shock. The creature was so strange. All of this was so strange.

"I think it might'a got its brains bopped out Cornin." The lizard said to the wolf.

"Nah Korell." Cornin replied while walking over to the two. "It just looks confused, is all. Hey! What. Are. you. Doing. Out. Here?" The wolf said slowly.

Something in Dylan's mind clicked and he freaked out. He quickly tried to move backward, but something attached to his legs impeded his movement. Looking down he saw a long, scaly, tube that was connected to where his legs should be. He stared at it with a puzzled look on his face, trying desperately to feel his legs. He tried to kick but the long thing just flipped about, sliding smoothly across the grass. He trailed his eyes along the thing, watching as it widened from its tip and made its way up towards where it connected to his scaly body. His scaly....

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He screamed as he flopped backwards and brought his hands in front of his face. To his horror, they were covered in brown scales with sharp talons protruding from his fingertips.

"He lives!" Cornin exclaimed, laughing a bit at his joke. Dylan barely herd a word. He frantically searched his body to find it completely wrong. His chest was covered with tan scutes while his arms were covered with the same brown scales of his hands. Half way down, his body transformed into the thick coiling body of a snake, stretching for what seemed like forever. His lower portion was covered in the same brown scales as the rest of his body, but was periodically interrupted with wide black stripes. Reaching his hands up, he felt that his face and head had changed two. His nose and mouth had stretched into a long serpentine muzzle, while his ears had completely disappeared. Well not completely, he still had little holes on the side of his head that he guessed were his ear holes. His hair was gone, replaced by a smooth, scaly scalp.

"What, what happened to me?"Dylan questioned in shock, his long tail and body coiling up around him in reflex.

"That, my scaly friend, is what we are trying to figure out." Cornin said walking over to the confused snake.

"What... What did you do to me!" Dylan yelled pointing at the wolf who held up his two hands in a defensive gesture.

"Wow, wow, wow." He said, a friendly smile forming on his canine muzzle. "We are only trying to help you. Speaking of which are you a male or female? I can never tell with nagas, no offense." Dylan gave the wolf a confused glare before looking down at where his crotch should be. There... There was nothing there! At all! He cautiously took one hand and began to rub at the scales where his package used to be, starting to panic.

"I-I-I don't k-know." He said looking at the wolf with pleading eyes.

"How can ya just, not know!" Korell said, walking towards the end of Dylan's tail, which was still coiled around his body. "And that's definitely not how ya tell'f a snakes a girl er boy."

"What?" Dylan said, confusion and disbelief spreading in his serpentine visage.

"We'll then, miss snake expert," Cornin said with a theatrical bow and arm wave, "why don't you enlighten us."

"...Fine." The lizard said grumbling other incoherent words under her breath. "But know this, snake," she said pointing angrily at Dylan. "I will only do this once and if I find ur only playin' dumb ta get some service, I will flay 'ur big, scaly, ass alive. Got it?" She didn't give Dylan a chance to reply. Reaching a scaled hand up, and ran it along his scales. Her touching felt strange on his serpentine body, like a caress he could feel but he knew he shouldn't. He was about to question her intentions when her hand ran over a portion of him that sent a jolt of pleasure through his entire body.

"Ah, here it is." She said as she began to caress that sensitive spot. Dylan twitched as pleasure corsed through his body, the feeling unlike anything he had ever felt before. Looking down he saw that Korell was caressing around a long vertical slit along the underside of his body near the end of his tail. Her fingers felt like heaven to Dylan, sending electric bolts along his coils. The feeling wasn't localized as he was used to, but was full body wide, core shaking pleasure.

"Ohhhh, I-I can feel ssssomething in there!" Dylan said when he felt a stirring in his slit. He could feel his penis swelling with all the attention.

"Good." Korell said stopping her ministrations, much to Dylan's disappointment. "I was about ta just stick knife in 'ur slit if I 'ad to do that any longer. Woulda been able to tell real fast."

"W-What?" Dylan stammered, coiling more tightly in an attempt to get away from the tiny lizard.

"Oh don't mind her." Cornin said walking over and putting a paw in the topmost of Dylan's coils. "She's just grumpy because its sunny outside and and everyone's happy."

"Watch it ya royal boot licker." Korell snaped. " If I wasn't tryin'ta change ma ways, I'd cuff you between the ears."

"Whatever." Cornin said holding his hands up. "What's more important is if our friend is ok. He seems to be having some kinda amnesia or mental whoha going on."

"I have no idea whatssssss, whatsssss..." Dylan tried to say but his flicking tongue kept distracting him. Each time his tongue flicked out and returned, he was sent a jolt of sensual information that was completely alien to him. "Whatsss, going on."

"Yah, we figured that much, cap'n obvious." Korell said critically.

"Hey! Stop, seriously." Cornin said giving the lizard a harsh wolf glare. Korell glared back before stomping a foot and crossing her arms. She walked away, grumbling death threats, and leand herself against a tree.

"Ignore her." Cornin said turning back to Dylan. "So you don't remember how you got here... Uh what's your name?"

"Dylan, my name is Dylan." The naga said, still trying to put all of this together in his mind.

"Dylan?" The wolf asked while giving the naga a curious look. "That's a strange name for a snake folk. You sure thats your name and your not, I don't know..."

"Maby he was one of those human slaves." Korell said under her breath.

"Oh maby." Cornin said, swatting at some kind of biting insect. "Are you a slave?"

"W-What?" Dylan said, shocked. "I'm a... I mean I wasss a human. Just, yesterday, I think." Dylan said struggling to remember how he came to be in this strange place.

"Eh, you were human?" Cornin said, his fuzzy head tilting to one side. "Mmm, you don't look like a human, far from it actually. Musta got a larger bop on the head then we thought."

"They probably raised 'em so that he was thinkin' he was human." Korell started "I 'erd they do that, makes better slaves that way." She poked her head with a clawed finger. "Mind control." She nodded her head towards Dylan.

"Makes sense." Cornin responded giving the naga one more glance before smiling.

"Don't worry...Dylan, we will help you. As future Paragons we have to get our practice in early!"

"Para...? What are you talking about?" Dylan asked completely confused.

"Korell! We shall escort this hapless naga to Forshen!" Cornin said completely ignoring Dylan's meager protests,

"Great." Korell said sarcastically. "More work, as if navigatin' through the entire Cornian forest isn't 'ard enough..."

"Umm..." Dylan started.

"Hey don't listen to miss killjoy." Cornin replied. "You will love Forshen, best ale in all of Arlania." He took his hand and leaned back as if downing a cup.

"Where? Look I just..." Dylan tried to say.

"And the girls!" Cornin said, his tail started wagging excitedly.

"No girls want 'ur perverted ass, Cornin." Korell said while laughing under breath.

"Hey! No woman can resist the Babe Magnets charm." Cornin said pointing at the long sword on his back. It looked like one of those Japanese ninja sword you see in movies. Dylan thought while looking at black and blue sword scabbard. A katana or something like that. Looks pretty cool actually.

"I've been around you for months and I can barely stand you." Korell replied hands on her hips.

"You don't count." Cornin said. "You hate everyone always." Her eyes flash with a curious look before they reharden.

"True, but that still doesn't improve your chances."

"Guysss!" Dylan yelled, on the verge of having a breakdown. "Please! Tell me what the hell is going on. Where am I and Why. Am. I. A. Snake!"

"Hey calm yourself." Cornin said, takin a step back. "We're going to take you to town and I'm sure we can find all of your answers and even get something for your amnesia."

"I don't think... Oh forget it."Dylan said. Town sounded good. Maybe he'd find someone normal there.

"If your done consoling the scaly baby," Korell said turning around and walking twards where the path led into the trees. "We should get going. Suns going down in a few hours and we have a ways to go."

"Right! Onwards to the women." Cornin said before walking off a few paces. "Come on, you heard Korell. Suns going down soon and I doubt we will live to see morning if she has to camp again." He winked at the stunned naga.

"You know what," Dylan said finally giving up. "I don't even care. its not like have a choice. So what's the use in fighting?"

"That's the spirit!" Cornin said placing an arm around the nagas shoulder as they made their way towards the forest path. "I can already tell you and I are going to be great friends! Much better then Mrs. Grumples."

"I herd that Fuzzbrain!" Korell said from further up on the path. Dylan shook his head and chuckled at the strange pair. He looked over at the wolf who was smiling like a newborn baby. At least he wouldn't have to go through this alone. And maybe, just maybe, he could figure out how and why he was even here in the first place.