Princess and the Dragon 10

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#10 of Princess and the Dragon

So another Chapter is up for you guys, I kind of mehed it at the end for I wasnt really feeling like writing. Anyway I hope someone can help me whit the whole donation thing and as always many thanks to my beta reader, read review and enjoy. :D

After that, Mazzirog and Arthur left the cave and took the cage with them, Lillian asked to stay with Malion for a little bit, this rose more than one of Arthurs eyebrows, but he thought 'shes a grown up girl, she can handle herself and Malion seems nice' so he asked no questions.

"I thought we should have some alone time, since we weren't alone in a very long time." Lillian said as she moved closer to Malion.

Malion blushed. "Well, we have very little time, but any time spend with you is worth it." He flirted.

"Aww, that's so romantic of you." She smiled and took his hand. "Soooo... tell me... Malion" She eyed him and teased him. "whats this about you masturbating on me, am I soo... irresistible for you? Or is it just dragon mating season?" She looked him dead in the eye being the most serious, while in truth she was just teasing him and was being funny. She mentally giggled at herself.

I think I don't need to explain poor Malions reaction, his facial scale's turned bright red as the blood rushed to his face... and cock. Even if he was a lizard and hence cold blooded, his face and cock were fire hot and he tried his very best to not let out his fully erect cock from its pouch. He nervously started, his eyes darted all over the place. "Well... I-I... I don't know... I'm sorry Lillian, I shouldn't have done that, I-I just get so lonely here and wh-while it isn't mating season I... I... I'm sorry Lillian." He looked down embarrassed and closed his eyes."

She chuckled out loud. "It's okay Malion." She took his head in her arms and looked into his eyes "I mean... it's not okay, you pervy pervy dragon!" She teased him, but in a tone that was obviously not serious. "I am royalty, you need to ask me for permission to do that!" She teased him and caressed his horns while his other "horn" was trying desperately to get out.

"L-Lillian m-may I please h-have... the... honor of being allowed to masturbate on you?" He managed to let out, his face still bright red.

"No." She casually said and he looked at her with wide eyes, he had expected that as the answer. "Just kidding Malion, why would I give you my panties then?" She smiled at him and he relaxed.

"Th-thank you Lillian, thank you soo soo much." He took her arms, but she quickly shushed him.

"But I prefer you not to, I mean how do I know you love me, when all you want to do is let out your seed, how do I know you love me after that?" She asked him.

"I-I don't know.. but I do love you and I want to prove it to you, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you!" He said.

"Why profess your love for me now, you had more than a month to do so?" She asked him.

"Believe me, all this time without you was agony! I'm sorry that I haven't said anything sooner, I was afraid that you would reject me because we are different species." He pleaded with her.

"You know what Malion, I do believe you that you love me, but I don't believe that it was as much agony for you, as it was for me, you had my panties after all!!!" She caressed his hand. "Tell me honestly, how many times did you cum while fantasizing about me, in this time we were apart?" She made a serious tone.

He was ashamed, he did love her and he couldn't lie to her, on the other hand, he couldn't tell her that dragons are usually always horny when they think of their mates, but he was afraid of her reaction. "I-I don't know, I think it was 5 times per day." He said honestly.

"My my dragon, it seems that you can't live without me." She said casually.

"I-I want to prove myself to you Lillian, tell me what I have to do!" He pleaded.

It was then, that she realized. "Malion, are you a virgin?" She asked.

His face became even more red and he whispered. "Y-yes." He looked back, ashamed. "Dragonesses love big dragons and I'm not one, I never had sex or felt true love in my long life." He nearly cried.

"Well, neither have I, but being a princess, I had lots and lots of suitors, so I'm way more experienced than you." She said, then made a teasing pause. "Buuuut, seeing that I do have feelings for you as well, I have decided.. that... I'm going toooo... give you a chance." She finished quickly.

He lightened up. "Oh thank you, thank you soo so much Lillian." She rose her finger and silenced him.

"I'm not done." She said. "You have to prove yourself to me." She said, but he was not afraid.

"Yes Lillian, anything, anything." He let his heart speak out for him.

"No Malion, NO!" She shook her head. "You are letting your penis speak for you, in fact, if you were sexually satisfied, you wouldn't say any of these things." She scolded him and his ego sunk.

She was right and he knew it, his selfish desire was all that was driving him, he never saw a dragon pussy, so his penis has decided to settle with a human one. If he didn't have a penis and loved Lillian, he would prove that to her much easily. In fact, he DID love her, she was the first female aside from his family to show emotions for him, how pathetic of him to love her solely because of that.

"But Lillian, I truly do love you, I'd fight any foe to win your heart, do any task?" He pleaded, but she shook her head.

"No Malion, no. You simply don't get it, do you? You are saying that and you mean it, I KNOW you love me and I do... love you." She admitted. "But if you didn't have a penis, you wouldn't be driven to love me, would you love me still, if you didn't have one?" She asked him.

"Oh ancestors, yes!" He exclaimed.

"Well then, THATS what you need to prove to me!" She took his hand again and looked down. "I ask this for a few reasons: 1st, As a princess, I must be a virgin before I marry, 2nd, Even if you do love me, you would just role over the bed and wouldn't care about me the moment your seed leaves your body and 3rd, What if you found someone more beautiful than me? Would you just shoot your seed at her and forget about me?" She asked.

Malion was on the verge of tears. "No Lillian, no! I wouldn't, I love you, just say what shall I do to prove it." He begged.

She smiled sadly and hugged him. "Listen Malion, I KNOW you love me even without that male thing of yours, but I need you to prove it to me, I need to know you aren't driven only by it!" She said.

"Then I'll prove it to you, do you want me not to masturbate on you?" He asked.

"Well, that can be a start." She said.

"But then I need your help." He replied.

She rose her eyebrows. "How?" She wondered.

"Order me not to do it." He said.

This shocked her, she froze and looked at him. "Malion... I can't just order you around, if you want, you can masturbate on me, you don't need my permission to do that sort of stuff." She felt shame, how could she drive him to this, make him think he is unworthy of her, sure he was driven by lust, but aren't all males.

"No, you don't understand Lillian." He looked away, not daring to look her in the eyes, he closed his own and turned his back to her. "I had just recently found out that I have whats called a fetish... I was always small and I was always humiliated by others, but now I know that I..." He stopped for a few seconds. "I like that, I like it when another is in charge of me, I like my female to be the alpha, I like her to order me around, I like her to humiliate me..." He looked down, embarrassed, he felt like he lost all his pride and male ego.

Lillian took this easily, she knew about this fetish, royalty and nobility were often perverse and she knew a lot of couples who did perverse fetishes. "Oh Malion." She went in front of him and hugged him. "You silly silly dragon. I don't think ANY less of you for admitting this to me. I love you and maybe I shouldn't have said what I've said. I KNOW you love me and even if your lust is a part of that love, it's still love." She smiled widely at him and that put him at ease. "I Lillian Nastranov, promise to you Malion, that I will NEVER abuse you, order you without permission, hurt your pride or ego, or be unequal to you in any way possible, I also promise to you not to abuse your desires, or to blackmail you and abuse your desires, I promise that your sexual desires of submission won't interfere in our normal relationship and that you will always be my equal and I will never ask you to submit to my own opinion, or use your sexual submission in any other aspect of your life." She took his clawed hand and put it on her cheek and smiled at him.

"Thank you." Was all that he managed to whisper, as he hugged her closely.

"Now dragon, you have a speech to deliver." ________________________________________ At the same time, in a cave far far away.

"I'm soo soo happy." Malions mother said, as she cried out of happiness on her mates shoulder.

"Yes, we didn't even need to mentally interfere, she loved Malion for what he is, she truly does deserve him." He kissed her on the forehead of her muzzle.

"He is so brave to admit that to her and she is such a good person for accepting him." The proud and happy mother continued to cry out of joy. "I'm still surprised, that we didn't even need to persuade her to accept him. I have a feeling that this human will fulfill Malions every wish." She said.

"Now honey, let's gear up, we have a son to protect and some Štih to kill." Her mate said as he placed a long lick on her muzzle and the two cuddled.

"But didn't he want us to stay out of it?" She asked him.

"Please, Malion is just proud, he doesn't want us to interfere, so he could show off + if we aid them, then less people will die and dragons will be viewed better, not to mention that we will improve Malions chances and get to meet our future daughter in law." He said to her as he cuddled her.

"Yes, let's get ready." She said. "Malion can reach Elision." ________________________________________

Soon after, in front of the town square on a makeshift platform, the cage was placed wide open for everyone to see (but it was safely locked up), Arthur rose to the platform.

Good men and women of Detomia, I call you here today to rejoice at this grandiose and sad moment. We found out who is our dreaded enemy, they are called Štih and Pozeri. "The beast made the cage tremble at the sound of its name. „They are many, they are relentless, they are... evil beyond description." The townsfolk and even the soldiers shivered. „But fear not, for they are many, we are more, for they are relentless, yet we are rightous, they are evil, but we will prevail!" The people cheared at the general's inspiring words, but one clap was heared the loudest, the clapping continued until the man claded in steel plate's entered the clearing in front of the platform. At first, Arthur didn't recognize his father, but the townsfolk and the soldiers all bowed down and so did he.

„Your majesty!!!" He shouted as he fell to his knees.

„Very impressive speech, general!" He applauded.

„Your highness, we didn't expect you for another couple of hours." Arthur said, as the king dragged him up.

„You can be surprised, how fast a worried father rushes to aid his child." He whispered to Arthurs ear.

„These are grim news general, why do you say to us that we rejoice?" The king asked out loud, hoping that Arthur will carry on, he was not disappointed.

„Because, my king, we have a new and powerful ally who can crush our enemies. His scales are made out of steel, his fangs pierce the thoughest armor and his fire rains death on these defilers! My king, my people, may I introduce to you, Malion the dragon!" Then Arthur pointed backwards, as Malion landed on top of a building, holding the roof firmly with his claws, he let out a small guff of fire, as a symbol of power. Most people let out a sound of awe, some screamed, others cheered. The king stood frozen in his tracks, luckily for both him and Arthur, Malion overheard the conversation and had enough tact to improvise.

„Your royal highness." Malion bowed on his forarms. „Let me introduce myself, I am Malion of Uvrnuti, clan of Izopa?eni decendant." He then made a big bow with his head and waited for the king to continue.

The poor king barely managed to keep his composure, he did not know anything about the dragon, this was all new and a surprise to him, but he knew that he had to be polite.

"Greetings and good health to you Malion, I am king Handralus Benetusia Sigurni of Nastranov dynasty, monarch and absolute ruler of all of Detomia, I trust that you have come to aid me and my people." The king was red in the face, but he tried his best to keep a cool head.

"Yes your highness, I have settled here many thousand years ago and have rarely interfered with mortal affairs, but I can not allow this evil to spread! I can not allow the people who live right next to me, to suffer a fate worse than death, my honor forbids me. Štih comes to destroy all, regardless of its shape, size, believes... Štih isn't picky, it absorbs, assimilates and destroys all in its path, what it is doing in this part of the world I don't know, but know this, I will aid you in this struggle!" He made the ending cheerful and the soldiers cheered and so did most of the people. Soldiers had more to cheer for, a dragon was aiding them in battle and that was more than a good reason to celebrate.

„Now your highness, may I suggest that we talk about tactics for the upcomming battle?" Malion asked.

The king, by this point regained his composure and quite calmly said. „I quite agree, let's go to the main tent, soldiers, general lead on!" He ordered, not noticing Arthur behind him whispering to Malion the words. „You were amazing, thank you!" To which Malion just smiled.

Soon after, in front of the main tent, all the officers were gathered, as well as the king and princess (who so far only listened to the dragon at the speech).

„So, tell me... may I call you Malion." Fabio was the one to break the ice.

„Yes, you, all of you, please call me by my name." Malion said.

„Right Malion, do any more dragons live on our Island?" Fabio asked, he was like Lillian, always curious about the unkown, especially about other species.

„No, not that I know of, no, I haven't either seen or sensed another dragon in these parts, thats why I made my home here, to be at peace." Malion answered calmly, he mentally said to himself. 'Now I know how dragons feel when they go and meet their mates family!' If he was warm blooded he would sweat, luckily for him, he had enough tact to keep this going.

„I trust that you must have meet many other species and had quite a few adventures." Luca added, sitting next to Fabio.

„Well, yes and no. Yes I meet many people, since I traveled a lot, but as for the actual adventuring, no, you see I'm much smaller than most dragons, even if I have all the advantages of being one, however, my brother Elision whom I personally invited has had many a tale to tell and I have no doubt that since the last time I spoke to him, he made a few tales more." Malion said, as he shifted uncomfortably on the tree trunk that the soldiers dragged in for him. 'I really should have told them it's fine, still I must not be rude.' He thought to himself.

„And your brother, is he as open as you... if I may ask?" Luca asked curiously, he as well as Fabio and Lillian was a huge dreamer.

„Of course, he knows many humans and has many human friends... and lovers if I may add." He said, hoping to break the awkwardness and silence that was created at the table, by the fact that a fire breathing dragon was there sitting right next to them, luckily he was placed so that Mazzirog and Arthur were next to him.

His joke was semi effective, some of the perverts and generally younger officers laughed, while the more conservative part was disgusted at the thought of the two species interbreeding.

„Boys, leave Malion alone, can't you see that you are tiring him with all your questions!" The king said, he had lazily made a pose in his chair and he held his head on his arm, which was holding a hankerchief for he was sweating a lot, he managed far better than some others.

„Trust me king, you have nothing to fear from me, treat me like you would any other person." Malion calmly said.

„Quite right." The king replied and he shifted to a normal sitting position and he grabbed his coat by the neck, to loosen it up a bit.

„Now I do believe that you have some questions sire?" Malion asked.

„Yes, I do in fact." The king started, carefully choosing the words. „I may be the monarch of this region, but if what you say is true, then you are the oldest living citizen of what we humans call Detomia." The king slowly started, in his mind he had to choose the words very carefully, he had to watch out, not for the dragon in front of him, but for the nobles who wouldn't look too kindly on him saying such stuff.

„I suppose that is correct." Malion answered.

„Then I have no right to expel you from this isle, as some would have want me." He made a pause, letting all his current opponents there (and there were quite a few) know that he was not to be trifled with.

The king drew his sword. „I the king and ruler of all Detomia, then dub you as a citizen of Detomia, you are free to walk among our people and our land." He said and pointed the sword to Malion. „Has any man an argument against this?" There were a few murmurs, but no one voiced any objections. „Good." The king said. „I understand, that you will be helping us in this war against... what did you call them again?" The king asked.

„Štih." Malion said. „It's called Štih. And yes, as I said, I will aid you any way I can." Malion then explained to them about Štih and told them all he had told Arthur, as the conversation passed, the mens opinion of Malion grew.

All the while, Lillian watched from the corner, she stood in the semi shadow of a tent, but was ignored, her respect and love for Malion just grew and grew.

'He's like a big child, yet he is so smart...' She thought to herself. 'He is so naive and yet so wise...' She shook her head and rolled her eyes. 'So small and yet so strong...' She took her head with her left arm. „Now I'm the one being childish and love sick." She whispered to herself. She tried to tune herself out, but there was this dragon in front of her, DRAGON out of all things... She always knew, that the only reason people were friends with her was for personal gain, but with Malion it was different. She was wrong, she shouldn't be angry at him for, well... being a man, every man fantasizes about his woman... She just called herself his woman, this has to stop, she needs to stop thinking and just at the right time, salvation came.

„He is magnificent isn't he?" A voice spoke next to her, half of her wanted to flinch, but the other half was carried away.

„Yes he is." She said, but then her mind came back from what ever place it had gone to.

In front of her was a man she must have known, he looked so familiar, he had long hair like most nobles, but everything about this man wasn't clear. He had long nails as a noble, but they were hard and unkept like a farmers, or a warriors, he had a military uniform of a noble, but was clearly not one.

„Excuse me, but who are you?" Lillian asked.

„Oh my pardons." The man kneeled and took Lillians hand in his own. „I am Bistri ?isti Valorfar, the brave knight of Vuko Jebina." He bowed his head to her. "Or at least that's what I aim to be." He smiled to her and then looked at Malion once again. "You know, he truly is what a man expects from a dragon." His smile wouldn't fade.

"He is." She said.

"I'm not buying this, things that make you lose your mind, body and soul, this is nonsense." A older officer yelled, to which Arthur whistled and two men took the sheath off the cage and the beast screeched and the old officer yelled, everyone would, if they didn't laugh at the officer.

"This truly is disturbing." Another man said.

"Arcanius, did you record all this?" The king asked.

"Yes." Arcanius replied, as he hovered over a magic book which Malion gave him, to make the spell to record this meeting.

"Go now, every second counts, inform the southern allies!" The king commanded and the mage left with haste, literally jumping on his horse.

"I almost forgot." The king said as he stood up. "Men, this is Bistri ?isti Valorfar, he came here with 500 men he gathered to aid us." He started.

"Oh god!" Valorfar face palmed himself. "My young cousin is here to play war again. Except, this time I don't know if I can protect him."

Now, Malion would have stayed there all night and told humans many a thing, but he was needed, he and Arthur pardoned themselves and left to ward the village entrance, the HUGE influx of soldiers (all 11 000 being here) made a huge strain on the supplies, which were luckily coming from the captiol, Arthur had to clear out the big number of people for Malion to take a look.

"I sense magic this way." The dragon said and pointed to a nearby guard tower.

As the two entered Malion instantly saw it, a teleportation rune which Liura must have used!

"Now Arthur, it is up to you to get your men to safety, order them back at once!" Malion nearly yelled at the half giant who sensed really seriousness in the dragons voice, he know that many lives were at stake and that he had to do this by himself, for his father would never approve such a mission. Arthur took a deep and long breath in the face of his ongoing determination to do good in this world.