Tommy's Death.

Story by Kibo Kishimo on SoFurry

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This is something a wrote a WHILE ago. it sucks i know xD

"I'm dying, slowly, every day since I was 12..." Tommy thought, coughing.

"Everything is going to be ok..." His mother said, crying over him in the hospital.

"No, it's not. You and I both know that. I'm going to die, sooner or later. There nothing we can do to stop it." Tommy said, a slight smile in his face, he was prepared to die.

"I'm going to tell you about the last 2 years of my life... It all started when I was 12..."

*flash back*

"Mom, I'm going to the park with my friends!" Tommy yelled, from the front door of his house.

"Who are the friends you're going with??" asked his mom.

"Just Friendly and Timothy." He said to his mom, who just walked into the room.

"Okay, just be back by dinner... okay?" his mom said... "Okay mommy, I love you." Tommy said, leaving the house.

*back to the present* "And then IT happened..."

*flashback again*

A big Boom was heard and Tommy passed out, on the driveway.

"TOMMY?! Tommy! Where are you?!" His mother called, screaming for her son. She ran outside, to find him passed out on the ground; his flesh was being eaten away by something.


Tommy lets out a hacking cough, "That day... my life changed... it all... Began."

*Flash back. Tommy is in the hospital. First day.*

Tommy wakes up, "Mommy, where are we? I can't move, it hurts."

"We are in the hospital... you-"his mother was interrupted, the doctor walking into the room, asking for her to come out for a minute.

"Ma'am..." the doctor said, "Your son has a rare flesh eating disease. He will die in 2 years..." the doctor said, frowning.

"He- he has what?!" his mother said, yelling, but also crying on the doctors shoulders.

"He has a rare flesh eating disease." The doctor repeated.

"Oh-oh no..." his mother sobbed

*back to present* --- It's been a while. 2 whole years. It's finally come to an end... I'm about to die...---

Friendly and Timothy have come to say their goodbye's. Tommy has slipped into a coma.

With tears in his eyes, Friendly hugs Tommy, "good bye Tommy, you were a great friend..." Timothy, did the same, he started to sob. "Tommy, please don't go, I don't want you too!" Timothy yelled, "Tommy! Please, wake up!"

Tommy had that look on his face (Still in coma) that it was his time to go. Tommy projected his thoughts to everyone that he was saying good bye, that he loved everyone. Then the heartbeat monitor flat lined. He was dead... "Tommy?! Tommy!!" his mother yelled, "TOMMY!!!!"...

The End.