Snowbound; a Tina fan story by Dasher Cheetah

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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A TIna and Ray story by my dear friend Dasher Cheetah. Better keep a fire extinguisher handy; this baby is HOT!

Snowbound Part One

The computer convention had sort of fizzled out, due to the increasingly alarming weather reports of a blizzard shaping up. Ray had brought his wife Tina along for some time together with him and time away from the children. They had caused quite a stir among the techno-geek types who normally attended such things. Computer geeks tend to be . . . well odd is a nice way of putting it. A man with a Poodle Anthro wife was getting attention, like bees drawn to a flower.

Tina enjoyed being out with Ray anyway but this had been different. She was used to being ignored or even looked down on when among humans. That was slowly changing as time went on, people growing more used to Anthros mingling with humans. Ray had never treated her as anything other than a person from the day he first met her at their lunchroom in the DMV, where they both worked. Shortly after that, they had dated and Ray showed her that he was not putting on an act. She had been charmed by his manners and openness, to the point that she fell in love. That had been a few years back and they had gotten married, even having children together.

Ray was amused by how Tina seemed surprised at the attention they got. Ray had to point out that he had been a furry before they met and it was pretty easy to tell that many of the computer professionals were too, or at least closet furries. Ray could just tell by the way people would talk to them, who was pro and who was not. He took delight in whispering to Tina, just why she was getting so much attention and seeing her blush. He knew what a delight she was and was proud to show her off in a venue where she was accepted and appreciated.

Tina had enjoyed their time there. That she had Ray to herself at night, with no calls from their pups to interrupt... well Tina made sure they took advantage of that too. Even more, she was happy that they had so few humans acting as if she didn't belong in their company. Wanting to get home before the snow and back to their children, Ray decided to make the three hour drive and Tina agreed.

All the way they talked and laughed as music from the I-pod played gently thru the stereo. It would have been better if they had turned the radio on instead. Then they would have heard the weather reports and known that staying at the hotel would have been the wiser choice.

Ray was happy by how Tina had been treated and she was bubbling over as she talked to him about what a nice time she had had. Ray didn't notice how the traffic had gotten sparse and the snow was falling harder, blowing across the highway. He did chuckle to himself as he thought of seeing how Tina would have been mobbed at a furry convention, before there were anthros. Even today where they were a more common sight, Anthros drew a lot of attention at the cons. Funny how even in the world where they existed, there was still a group of people who identified with furries. Same as had been before Anthros had been created. After all, he was one and he was now living his dream with Tina.

They had driven up in Tina's red Shelby Mustang, to let the engine have some highway miles. As the tires broke traction for an instant, Ray began regretting not having brought the Suburban. A high powered car like the Shelby was more suited to dry pavement and the engine torque was easily overpowering the wheel's traction ability.

The highway had a construction zone that caused traffic to be diverted to a smaller, two lane road for a couple of miles before rejoining once more. Ray didn't think twice about taking it and so made the third poor choice of that day.

The snow had blown up, covering the sign that would have directed Ray back onto the main highway home. Unaware, he continued down the two lane road, away from traffic and towns. It slowed them down much more than Ray had thought it would. It was growing dark and the blowing snow didn't help matters. It wanted to stick to the windows and their breath was overpowering the defroster to let the side windows ice up on the inside.

Watching for a gas station or signs showing there was something up ahead, Ray decided he would pull in at the first chance. Ray took a sip of coffee from the still warm to go cup he had picked up on the way. Once more, the tires slipped and the car began to fishtail, making Ray drop the cup in order to grab the steering wheel. Yet another bad choice was made and as the warm coffee hit his lap, Ray kicked reflexively and hit the gas. Absolutely the worst thing he could have done at that time. The Shelby roared as tires spun and the revs quickly built. The car spun and there was no way to get control back until it stopped.

Ray's loud shout of, "Oh shit!" was joined by Tina's startled yip of alarm. Both were cut off abruptly as with a muffled whump, the car stopped at an angle. They were looking up from the snowy ditch they had landed in, pointing back towards the road they had just left.

Ray looked at Tina and swallowed around the lump in his throat before asking, "Are you alright?" She was but was grateful they both had been wearing seat belts. That last bump could have thrown them out of their seats. Tina was still wide eyed and she panted as her heart slowed back to a normal pace, while Rays' did much the same.

Ray took his foot off the brake pedal and gave the car as little gas as he could. He hoped they weren't as stuck as he thought they were. The sound of spinning tires and lack of movement confirmed it, they were stuck.

Pulling out his I-phone, Ray saw the unwelcome message that there was no signal and mentally groaned. This was just great! He looked to his right and saw Tina looking back at him with concern. This was bad... Very bad.

Tina had heard her cousin Violet tell stories of her time in Alaska. The cold, the snow and the hard life it was. This wasn't Alaska but it was every bit a blizzard. To go out in it would mean exposing yourself to the warmth stealing wind and the wind would blow away any trace of your trail back; as well as making it hard to see more than a few feet in any direction.

Ray cleared his throat and began, "Sorry about that. I should have not tried driving back in this or at least pulled into a motel when I saw how bad it was getting. Strike one for male pride . . . There should be a town just down the road..."

Tina looked stricken, her ears drooping as she said, "No! You don't have the right clothes or coat to go out in this! I have my fur in addition to my clothes and coat. I can walk..." Ray looked stern as he cut her off, "No! It is my place to protect you and I got us stuck."

Outside the Mustang, the wind howled and there was a flash, followed by a muted rumble. Both jumped in surprise as an old Weather Channel report rose in Ray's memory. It had said how lightening can happen in snow storms, when the snow is falling particularly heavy. He knew the chances had just dropped for them and now he was feeling fear. Tina, their children, his father and Tina's Family . . . He had too much depending on him and he didn't dare fail.

From outside the car came a pounding on the driver's side window and they both gave cries of surprise as they turned to look at snow being brushed away from the window. A hooded outline came close to look in and they heard, "Hello? I don't want to question your choice of parking places but could you use a ride?"

Ray cracked the window and yelled out, "Thank God! Yes! Please?" He pushed on the door and found it was stuck by snow that had already drifted in. The figure outside held up a shovel and called back, "Hang on. Let me help. Grab what you can carry from in here and we can get your bags from the trunk. Then we can get in my truck and figure things out."

In minutes, they were ready and stepped out into the teeth of the storm. Their savior was in thick down pants and an arctic parka and mittens. It was impossible to tell who or what it was but neither were willing to question providence at this point. Opening the trunk, Ray was urged to the side and the figure reached in to pull the bags out as if they were briefcases. It gave a motion of it's head and called out loudly, "Hang onto me and each other. We will be warm and safe in my truck as soon as we get there."

Ray took Tina's hand in his and put a hand on the figure's shoulder, feeling a muscle padded and solid frame. It led them up the slight rise to the road and the welcome outline of a Chevy Suburban idling, lights shining. It set the bags down and pulled the back door open as it urged the already cold couple to get in. Tina scrambled in and moved out of the way so Ray could get in behind her. She looked back to check that her husband was alright before looking around. The door shut solidly and the interior light went off with only the soft glow of headlights thru the windshield and lights from the instrument panel.

From the passenger seat in front of them came a rich female voice asking, "Are you both alright? What were you doing out in this?" The outline of a slender, pointed muzzle and a pair of bright eyes under a set of erect pointed ears were the first things they noticed before the drivers door opened and the light showed a lovely Anthro Vixen looking at them.

The parka clad figure got into the truck and shut the door before turning to look back at them. The Vixen looked at it and said teasingly, "Jason? What did I tell you about taking in strays?" Ray and Tina were dumbstruck by this unexpected situation. The figure reached up to open and pull back the hood, its' owner chuckling lightly as he answered, "Aww, Vicki... But they are so cute! Can't I please keep them?"

The hood revealed the round ears and short muzzle of a Cheetah who was grinning easily before blowing the Vixen a kiss. The female Fox snapped as if catching the kiss in her teeth and chewed quickly before turning back to the surprised guests with a smile. She gave a nod of welcome and said, "I hope you two are prepared to be our guests until this ends? Everything is shut down for five states and we are a few miles out of town."

The truck was in four wheel drive and it lifted on air bag suspension, giving it more ground clearance before pulling away. Jason took care in driving as Vicki began explaining that Jason had come to town to bring her back to his home, where they could share some quality time snowed in. It was lucky they had seen the lights of the Mustang shining up or they would have driven by and there was not likely to be anyone else out here to see them.

Ray let Tina do the talking for them as he looked at the Vixen and the back of the Cheetah's head. He had put on a hat with a western feel but not quite. The golden eyes would flick back in the rear view mirror at his passengers but the Cheetah remained quiet as he concentrated on driving. It took almost twenty minutes to go a couple miles and that was with no traffic! There were no lights visible ahead or to either side and it was hard to tell where the road was but the driver navigated easily the road he had lived just off of for most of his life. They were going so slow that the click of a button on the dash went unheard but brought forth lights ahead and an opening garage door. Jason pulled in and hit the button to close the door and the wind blown snow out. He shut off the truck and smiled back, "Well, we made it! Home sweet home. Let me welcome you both to come inside."

Vicki smiled and said, "Well, his home. I live in the city mostly. But come on in and make yourselves comfortable!" Everyone piled out and Jason got the bags from the back as Vicki opened the door and led the way across to the house. Because the garage was separate from the house, a short trip thru the snow and wind was required. Motion activated exterior lights went on and Vicki opened the door to the house, light coming from further inside. Ray reached back to take the heavier suitcase and it was released with a smile. Jason nodded and said, "This way back to the bedroom and bathroom. You can pick from a King size bed or a pair of full size beds. Both rooms are free and either one is fine with me. Then we can see if my land line is still up, so you can let your family know you are alright, hmm?"

Tina had already picked the one with the king sized bed it seemed and Ray looked around with a smile. Solid construction and well insulated, homey atmosphere and comfortable was Ray's conclusion. Jason gathered up the coats and took them to hang up as he let Vicki bring them to the living room. She had them sitting and relaxing as Jason stirred the banked fire, adding wood to it. It crackled and sparks rose as the wood caught fire and Vicki handed the cordless phone to Tina. She knew the Poodle was worried about her children and needed to let her mother know where they were. Tina had said as much to the sympathetic Vixen on the ride. Family was very important to her and most Anthros.

Ray stood by, listening as the news was passed on and Jason stepped over to ask, "Make yourself comfortable. Care for a drink? I'm having wine but I can have coffee or tea in a short bit, if you prefer?" Ray accepted the offer of a glass of wine for himself and Tina. After what they had been thru, they could use a little calming relaxation a drink would help provide. He had no plans to drink more than that tho. Jason had saved them and he seemed friendly but Ray hardly knew him. There was a limit to how far he would drop his defenses.

Ray gave a snort of amusement, getting curious looks from the others. Ray had an embarrassed grin as he told them, "Sorry but I couldn't help wondering if this was all a cheesy plot for a horror movie... Something like The New England Chainsaw Cheetah!" The look of surprise, followed quickly by laughter from the Cheetah, told them he was not offended. Vicki laughed behind her hand and said, "Your disguise is slipping, Jason." Fresh peals of laughter greeted that and by the time breath was recovered and eyes wiped, the ice had been broken.

The two couples talked, learning about each other until a growl was heard. Vicki looked embarrassed before Jason laughed softly and said, "My manners! Goodness... if you are hungry, our guests must be famished!" The group retired to the kitchen where Jason took a pan from the refrigerator and stuck it in the oven. Lifting the lid from a large crock pot released a savory smell into the room and four sets of mouths to watering.

"Fresh bread will be ready in a few minutes. Kinda informal but I hadn't planned on more than one guest. Still, there's plenty to go around so please help yourselves to more." He and Vicki handed out bowls and spoons as all lined up and got their share of a hearty old stew.

During dinner it was discovered that they shared mutual friends! Jason remembered Felicia and Felicity, the Siamese sisters who he and Vicki had met at Sex Club. Ray's telling he and Tina both worked for the DMV, reminding the Cheetah that so had one of them. They had been brought home along with the Border Collies, Paul, Emily and Tracey. That had been a fun time and Jason began to hope that this might turn out to be a better time than he had been thinking it would. He relaxed and decided they would see what happened.

Long used to her lover's ways, Vicki sensed that Jason had become more interested in these two new friends. She looked them over considering a moment before deciding that if things went that way, she would not be adverse to getting friendlier. Humans were more exotic in that they were not common in this area. Ray didn't look bad and Tina was very cute and friendly, so why not? How to test the waters tho?

Problem solved when Tina mentioned Ray was an artist and convinced him to pull out his laptop to show them his work. A bit shy, Ray did so, picking carefully the more 'normal' folder and bringing that up. There were drawings of Tina and their children that were complimented favorably upon and so Ray showed more of his work.

Jason and Vicki noticed there were a number of Foxes, Vixens in particular and with a throaty laugh, Vicki pointed that out. Ray managed to blush as he admitted they were a favorite subject of his. Tina of course knew her husband's interests. If he were not a furry at heart, their getting together might well never have happened in the first place. Not that he ever saw her as an Anthro first and a person second. She knew that her husband was not so shallow but she was happy he had no prejudice against anyone for their ancestry. Too many humans did but that was changing.

Jason and Vicki had been on a love seat by the fireplace, comfortably leaning together and letting Tina and Ray have the couch. Things were comfortable enough that they even had another glass of wine before Tina gave a yawn. Jason pointed out that perhaps tomorrow would let up enough to see about getting their car out of the snow and told them to make use of the bathroom. He had one in his bedroom so they wouldn't need to worry about being walked in on.

That sounded good so they bid each other a good night and Ray and Tina went to their room. Getting ready for bed, the four person hot tub in the master bathroom drew their attention. Ray said, "Seems like Jason likes to live comfortably. I wouldn't mind having a place like this myself. The mansion is nice but a smaller get away place would be good too, wouldn't it?" Tina agreed it would and eyed the hot tub before deciding that as nice as it would be to lay in with Ray and cuddle, getting her fur dry for bed afterward was more work than she was willing to make tonight.

They dressed in their normal night wear and as most married couples will, talked about the day and their hosts while getting ready for bed. Snuggling under the covers of the bed, Tina hugged her husband and she pressed up against him as she asked softly, "So, what do you think of Vicki? I saw how you were eying her tail..."

Ray tried to deny it but she tickled him until he laughingly admitted he had looked at her but no one could attract him like she did. Just the right thing to say of course and since she had noticed how solid the house was, it was nearly soundless in the bed room. Her hand slid down to gently hold her love's maleness and she said in a low voice, "R-a-ay?" Ray knew that tone and knew as he began to stir under her caress, that it would be pretty hard to deny his wife's request.

Down the hall; Jason and Vicki were already enjoying each other, as they had planned to do before rescuing the human and Poodle anthro. No sense in wasting their time as the rooms were soundproof and neither were particularly shy about such things.

Back in the guest room, Ray and Tina were laying side by side after their recently completed reaffirmation of their love. Ray was breathing a bit hard still but he was rapidly relaxing with his hand in Tina's. Tina had been thinking about the vigorous way Ray had made love to her. She wasn't complaining but wondered at where his enthusiasm had sprung from. Was it from being rescued from danger this afternoon? New surroundings? Or maybe meeting Jason and Vicki had something to do about it?

Tina teased, "Well! That was fun! My tail wants to wag from happiness... And speaking of tails, Vicki sure has a furry one, doesn't she?"

To Ray's credit, even as near sleep as he was he answered, "It sure is and long too. But I wouldn't trade yours to have it." He fell asleep and Tina smiled at him. It also started a different train of thought in her. She knew he had always loved vixen's. He drew enough of them after all... They had both been pretty much novices before finding each other. She knew she had been his only anthro, as he had been her only human. Her father demonstrated that one could be married, stay that way and still have outside interests. He had received forgiveness for it, after working hard to prove himself to his wife. They had taken in the Saluki, Flower. She was carrying Stan's pups and needed their fathers' help.

Her thoughts turned to Jason and Vicki. The pair were relaxed and comfortable together, being nothing but kind and welcoming to them both. She had noticed Jason looking at them more than a bit curiously. Come to think of it, so had Vicki and they had both received nearly equal attention. Tina blushed at that and felt a little funny flutter thinking about it. This wouldn't be just helping thru a heat, something she had done. Would it be different with a female, not driven by her hormones?

The answer to a question she had not really feared but did wonder about, came to her in her mind and she snuggled up tighter to Ray as she sighed happily. Ray was her husband, mate and dearest love. No manner of sexy tail would ever come between what they had and Tina went into a peaceful sleep.

Next morning they woke to gray skies and it was still snowing. Not going to be going home today either. Until it stopped, getting the car out or help from town would have to wait. They got cleaned up and dressed before heading downstairs to the smell of fresh coffee, pancakes and bacon! Following their noses, they saw Jason cooking with help from Vicki and both looked up as Ray and Tina entered.

With good mornings all around, Jason asked them to sit as he set out plates of prepared food and invited them to eat. Jason said it looked like the snow was going to stop in the afternoon but the wind and cold continue till the next day. It wouldn't be until tomorrow before the plows reached them and he hoped they could be patient until then.

The usual words of sorry to impose and gratitude for generosity extended were exchanged and Jason only chuckled as he told them they were quite welcome. Breakfast went by as the two couples chatted, getting to know each other better. Once it had been cleaned up, Vicki announced that she intended to go out in the snow and play for a bit. Her thick coat made playing in snow enjoyable. More so than for Jason or Ray but Tina agreed that that sounded like fun, so the males knew they were all going out in the weather.

Jason built a fire in the fireplace for after and he loaned Ray and Tina some better clothes for the weather, before all trudged forth. The frozen lake and snow covered trees were beautiful and the silence of all but wind and blowing snow seemed almost magical.

Vicki broke the spell by hitting Jason with a snowball and laughing as he scooped some to toss back. Tina looked at Ray and grinned as she bent down for her own supply. Ray laughed and the pair joined in pelting each other with snowballs as they shouted and laughed.

Play was stopped when Tina saw something and put her hand on Ray's arm as she pointed. At the trees edge, there was a dark four legged shape and others further back in the trees. Jason looked up, then over and smiled. He said calmly, "More visitors!" As he began a slow movement in their direction, Vicki came over to Ray and Tina. Tina looked and whispered with concern, "He . . . He isn't going to...?"

Vicki laughed gently and said, "Of course not! These are friends of his. Be calm and quiet, you will see." Jason stood a few yards away and one of the Doe Deer walked up to him. She rubbed her head against the Cheetah and he scratched behind her ear for a moment before pointing back to the waiting ones and motioning them forward. He led the silent herd of Does and yearlings back.

A few feet away he stopped and introduced them all, "This is my friend Doris and her herd of females and children. I am letting them use my garage as a shelter from the wind and snow." Ray and Tina couldn't be more surprised when the Doe he was petting said, "Hello Vicki. Hello new people. Jason says you are nice and can be trusted. I trust him completely so I am happy to meet you."

Jason and Vicki burst out laughing at the thunderstruck expressions on their guest's faces. Tina was the first to move and held her hand out to be sniffed as she exclaimed, "You talk! I have never met a non-anthro who could. This is too much! C-can I pet you?"

Doris looked at the poodle anthro and considered a second before nodding and stepping closer to permit it. As Tina gently stroked her neck, Jason explained that they had met one summer years back and how surprised he had been to learn they were intelligent too. He had saved her fawn and eventually granted her and her friends sanctuary on his land.

They all followed as he went to the detached garage and opened the door. Inside he set some hay out and told her to have a nice time but he was going to head into the house and get warm again. Doris answered, "Alright and thank you again Jason. It is much easier on us that you let us shelter here. If you want, you can see me later..."

Jason chuckled softly and said, "Thank you Doris but I have guests to take care of too. I'll see you at another time my dear." He led them back inside, laughing softly and once inside, got a cup of coffee and brandy for himself and Ray as well as cups of coffee and Irish Creme for Vicki and Tina. They sat around the fireplace as they talked about the fact that Jason had real feral deer as friends. Jason was fairly open about it but said that maybe one day, when they got to know each other better, he would tell them the whole story about it.

After an hour or so, Jason said, "I would enjoy a soak in the hot tub after being outside. I am much more comfortable in the warm than the cold. Of course, as my guests I invite you to use it first if you want." Tina looked at Ray and nodded as she said, "That would be nice but I believe it is big enough that we all four can fit in it?"

Ray looked in surprise at his wife. Jason and Vicki smiled then Vicki said, "Hot tubs are more comfortable in the fur, Tina. We can scrounge up some suits for you or Ray, if you don't care to relax that way. I know humans are more nervous about being nude than we who have fur are but Ray might be offended?" Tina smiled at Ray and said, "Dear? Do you mind if we all share the hut tub without suits?"

Ray knew something was now up but he didn't know what. Tina only gave him that smile when she was planning on some surprise for him, usually a pleasant one. He had been to gyms and such but being naked with a pair of strangers? Admittedly good looking strangers and ones who had been gracious as well as showing that tho predators, the Deer trusted them. The look of slight confusion left his face and Ray gave a light smile as he said, "Why not? If you are willing, then I am too, my love."

They adjourned to their bedrooms and got ready. Jason had the water running and a pot of tea ready by the tub before Tina and Ray stepped into the big bathroom in robes. Jason stepped into the tub, joining Vicki and letting the two decide what they would do. Tina was first to open and remove her bathrobe. All her white curly coat was revealed, trimmed on her normal poodle pattern. Ray shrugged and took a breath, joining his wife and they stepped into the hot tub.

The hot water was so good as the heat began to soak in. The lack of ogling was noticed and the sheer normality of being without clothes to Jason and Vicki, struck Ray. He tried to relax. Vicki on his left and Tina on his right, left Jason sitting across from Ray.

Small talk began to lead to subtle innuendos and soft teasing on all parts when Ray went quiet and blushed as his forearms went down across his lap. Vicki caught on and said gently as her slender black furred paw touched his upper arm, "Thank you if that is for me, dear. That is a nice compliment."

Tina leaned against Ray and said softly, "I already said she is pretty Ray. That you would be attracted to Vicki doesn't really surprise me."

Jason smiled in a friendly manner and said, "Please don't be embarrassed about this, Ray. We are all as the goddess made us and there is no shame in that. It's a natural reaction and we are not offended by such. I learned some time ago that we are all souls, riding different shapes and sexes but the soul has none. What is important and all that there really is, is the person inside those shapes. Respect and love are the only way to be to each other. Contrary to what you may have heard and Fox reputations not withstanding, Vicki is not going to pounce you. You are a married couple and we would never transgress that boundary . . . without express agreement from all involved."

Ray had been sipping some tea and made a classic spit-take. It was too good and the four dissolved into laughter that left the previous tension drained away. Tina knew at that point, she could do this with no regrets, so long as she knew Ray would be happy and agree. Tina was proud that Ray had followed her lead so far but now, they needed to talk. Tina looked at her husband and said, "I know you and I know your love, Ray. It's not like Stan and Georgette haven't enjoyed more than each other and I don't think I need you to prove the love I already know we have by complete monogamy. If you would like to, you have my permission but only if you think you are comfortable with it."

Jason's ears stood up as he heard that and he thought it couldn't be a coincidence. Jason asked, "Those names are familiar. Do you know a poodle with purple hair?" Tina squeaked in surprise and said, "Violet?"

Jason and Vicki looked at each other and each thought of the same thing. That night after the second Sex Club! Jason cleared his throat and said, "Small world, isn't it? We met them and Koji a few years ago at a club. They came to my place for a weekend and we all went to a concert together. Will wonders never cease?" The cheetah chuckled and Vicki joined in before seeing the disbelief on Tina's face. She told her, "We had a nice weekend dear but I'll let you ask them about it, so you don't think we are not discreet. We all parted friends so I don't think there should be a problem. How are Georgette, Stan, Violet and Koji?"

With this new information, Tina relaxed even further. It was almost as if they had become closer already and there was a new connection with the cheetah and vixen. If something bad had happened, she was sure she would have heard about it from one of them before now.

The ball was in Ray's court and he was frankly confused. He hadn't expected this but knew his love for Tina was unbreakable. He admitted to a bit of guilt over wanting to enjoy a long time fantasy but unsure if he should. Looking at her, he could easily see that she had been honest and was waiting to hear what ever he decided. Jason and Vicki looked interested but relaxed as they cuddled together.

The human relaxed as it occurred to him that losing Tina was the only real reason he would never betray her. Tina and their children were the most precious things to him. He knew he and she would talk more about this in the future but if Tina was comfortable with this, was he? He wasn't foolish, selfish or chauvinist enough to think that if he was going to play, Tina was going to not be included. The little thought that she might enjoy it more than with him popped up to be squashed as Ray remembered their times making love and how they knew each other so well that they fit together as a solidly mated couple. Tina was half of his heart and not even a super stud would break that.

Ray leaned down and kissed Tina, letting it grow hotter as it went on and delivered his answer, "I love you. Shall we see if we will grow closer with our new friends?"