The Kidnapping.

Story by Kibo Kishimo on SoFurry

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This is my work.. My fursona and his best friend, Ruzzle Ravewolf (Who you can find on G+) were kidnapped. Ruzzle was killed while struggling but Tommy wasn't...


Hi. I'm Tommy. Tommy SilverTail. I am a fun loving Cerret who just enjoys making jokes, and just making my friends laugh in general. I was once kidnapped... when I was of younger age... that's when my emotions started to manifest themselves into what I like to call, my alternate personality. You see; this personality is the complete opposite of me. He is very hateful, full of anger, and has a strong lust for bloodshed of any kind. Well... Now that you know who I am... I am Tommy SilverTail. And this is my story.

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

A battered figure enters the hospital, his silver fur matted with blood. He gently calls out, "" before collapsing from exhaustion and blood loss.

Medics flooded into the emergency room when this happened. After they had set him up on a IV, he slowly began to arouse.

"W...where am I?" he muttered out to one of the nurses watching over him. "You're in the hospital, dear... You just walked in and collapsed." She smiled gently. "What happened?" she asked curiously.

The Cerret shivered as she asked the question, his fur standing on end. He seemed to not wana talk about it.

"I... I don't know..." he answered all of the questions the same, not sure what the true answer was. He looks out the window, seeing a dark, lambent black van; and his eyes turned hazy, his face cringing as his heartbeat increased on the IV. His fur began to turn a reddish, pure blood red color, his tail turning a even deeper color. His claws.... Oh his claws, they dripped with his blood as they grew and sharpened. Then... just as a nurse walked into the room.... BAM! she dropped her clipboard, screaming and running out of the room at the sight of the disfigured cerret.


Tommy and his best friend, Ruzzle, were walking down the street, heading to their homes from school. School was a rough place if you didn't have friends, or didn't know how to take care of yourself. There were countless amount of bullies, and horrible teachers. They decided to take a short-cut through the woods in the park, to get home 20 minutes quicker than if they took the normal route, going around the park. This park had a reputation of being a place for bad people to hangout. They shrugged it off as a story and continued through the park, It had been giving Tommy the creeps while Ruzzel just continued, without a word. "R-...Ruzzel... I don't like this place..." he quietly whispered. His ears perked as he heard a crunch in the nearby trees, "Eep!" he ran up to Ruzzel and caught up to him. "I'm scared..."

Chapter 2: An unexpected turn.

WACK! Tommy and Ruzzel were both knocked unconscious, their heads bleeding from the blow. Tommy began to groan as he was tied to a bed.

"Mmm... Where am I?" He spoke to himself. He opened his eyes to see he was tied to a bed and he began to freak. "Ruzzel? Ruzzel!? Where are you!?!" he tried to break free but failed miserably. His commotion eventually gathered the attention of the two attackers, dragging a body across the floor, one the faintly resembled Ruzzel, except the body was mangled..

"Ahh... It seems out 'patient' is awake... What should we do, brother?" the first one asked.

"Perhaps we should do the same thing to his friend here..." the second one said.

"What?! What did you do to Ruzzel?!?!" Tommy began to panic. He unsheathed his claws and tried to cut the ropes.

"Stop your moving!" The first brother dropped Ruzzel's lifeless body and slapped Tommy.

"Ahh!" Tommy whined softly, slowly stopping his stuggleing. His attackers eventually left after describing how they would kill him, in every little detail, down to where his blood would drip. Before they left, they had told him not to put up a fight, like his friend did.

As they left, Tommy continued cutting the ropes until he was able to free himself. He slowly walked out the door and attempted to walk out the house, until one of the brothers, hit him with a bat, beating him into a bloody pulp. After he stopped, he managed to claw the attacker, and ran out the door, trying to find the nearest hospital. As he walks in, he gently calls out, "H...Help me..." before collapsing from bloodloss and exhaustion.


Tommy got up out of bed and smirked evily, thinking everyone was out to kill him. He walked out into the hall to see frantic nurses running from the sight of him, and he slowly walked torwards them, still smiling as his claws made a screeching sound as he scratched them against the walls.

"Hehe....haha...HAHAHAHA...!" he laughed franticly, beginning to jog over to the scared nurses, shivering in fear as he reached them. He raised his claw and slashes them, killing them almost instantly as he clawed their throats. He then continues down the hallway, reaching the elevator, heading to the bottom floor.

Chapter 3: Realization.

As he exited the elevator, his takes a left turn, almost immediately running into a wall, a mirror to be exact. He looks at himself in the mirror, shocked that he turned this way... and he slowly began to revert to his normal self. Tears streamed down his face as he remembered what he did to the nurses.

"Did I do this?" he asked himself, staring at his bloody claws, his ears going down. And then he remembered how he got here in the first place. "Them." He growled slightly. He frowns as he remembered his friend's lifeless body that the two men showed him. His eyes glowed a dark red, and he smirked a bit. He NEEDED revenge.

Chapter 4: Redemption.

Tommy exits the hospital, and begins making his way torwards the place where he was captured, and hurt. His eyes are full of rage, and sadness as he storms his way to the woods, finding his way through the darkness. After half an hour of searching, he finally finds the place, and he was not happy with what he saw. They were trying to hide his bestfriends body! He was not happy.. he wanted to destroy them, make them feel what they made him go through. He WAS going to get his revenge and he WAS going to destroy them. He slowly creeped torwards them and one of them looked right at him. He was camouflaged so he went by unnoticed and slashed the 'big' brothers back.

"Argh!" he screamed in pain, whimpering softly, his tail dripping blood. Tommy didn't hear him yell for mercy and he cut off his tail, smirking as he got blood on himself, licking it off with his long tongue. The 'little' brother then ran out and froze in fear. "Is this the little brat we kidnapped?" he thought to himself, running back inside and locking the door. Tommy sprinted at the door and rammed right through it, knocking it down in one quick sweep. He smiled and raised his claw, a slight glare shining into the man's eyes. "Hehe..." he cackled evily, "Time to die... just like you did my friend..." he finally claws the mans throat out and smiles evily, finally getting his revenge, his redemption. It was finally over...