Chain of Command Ch.3 : Earning Her Marks

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#3 of Chain of Command

(EDIT: I apologize for the horrendous formatting issues with the first upload of this. SoFurry ate all my line spacing. This should now be fixed)

(RE: EDIT: So, My pasting from Word, despite being the same document as the last two chapters, has decided to just ignore all of my line spacing. I again apologize for this inconvenience, but there is exactly shit and all I can do to fix it until SF fixes their story up-loader's formatting issues.)

After months of failing grades, Shadi finds herself summoned to a meeting at the ROTC instructor's office. She knows her grades are bad, but just how far will she be willing to go in order to get herself back above the passing mark?

Shadi stood in front of the ROTC instructor's office nervously, looking up at the two story white weatherboard house. It wasn't so much an office as it was a separate building from the rest of the school. It was Isiat's own little house, provided in part by the school and the actual military as a residences for their personnel on campus. It wasn't strictly his, but Shadi knew he was the only one who stayed there right now. The school's budget didn't allow for two instructors, and after seeing Isiat's credentials and his 'enthusiasm' for the position, they didn't seem to have any plans of hiring others.

Her long tail fidgeted behind her, twitching back and forth erratically behind her. The house seemed smaller from a distance, and now that she was all but at his doorstep, it was far more intimidating. After another disappointing day on the physical testing and obstacle course, he had ordered her to meet her here after school to discuss her grades before he had to contact her parents for a meeting. She'd been waiting a good few minutes, and was beginning to get nervous about how long he was taking. The Major had always stressed how important punctuality was to a soldier, and the one time she had shown up late, he had all but chased their entire troop around the obstacle course while shouting 'motivation' at them.

That had been the one time she had managed to finish at the same time as the rest of the cadets. Since then however, her times had just got steadily worse, and her grades for the class were beginning to suffer. Isiat had descended on her like a vulture waiting for a stumbling beast to collapse in the desert, and this meeting she knew would just be the first part of it unless her grades picked up. But another part of her was reacting to his summons as well. He hadn't touched her like he had that first week since he had stolen her virginity, nor had either of them made any mention of it to anyone. It wasn't like Shadi was one to gossip about anything to her friends, and it wasn't as if she had made any here at the school so far. Even the little Human boy in their class had more in common with the rest of the troop than she did after she had stumbled back to the barracks with a hole in her pants.

She had been humiliated, teased, bullied, shunned, just about everything most people tried their hardest to avoid in their freshman year. Even the rest of the troop barely interacted with her more than they needed to. The NCO's seemed to notice it and didn't step in, but at least they made a point to not participate in it either. Major Carcer had made it damned clear just what he would do to anyone he caught undermining the brotherhood that the military stood for. That didn't save her from the tormenting of her sisters-in-arms however.

They were probably the worst when it came to teasing her. Her barely A-cup tits were still developing, but until they were noticeable, they had come up with a slew of creative and original nicknames for her. No tits, flat-chest, Shadi Smalltits, Shadi Notits, Shadi Bra-stuffer, Paper tits, and so on and so forth. Shadi did her best not to let it bother her, but oh how she wished her chest would catch up to the rest of her body. She was just glad none of them knew about what the Major had done to her, else she would never hear the end of it...

Isiat had been watching Shadi quietly from just inside the front room, sitting in the cushy arm-chair beside the window, hidden behind the slatted shutters. The cigar in between his fingers was beginning to smolder down to the end of its length, and he was quick to stub it out on the glass ashtray beside himself before it began to scorch into the Birchwood tip. He was honestly surprised she had bothered to show up at all. The feline's grades had been taking a nose dive recently, and it was his duty as the instructor to correct that before he had to get her parents involved. A mere formality of his role at best, he mused. There was no saving this one from the chopping block without him tampering with her results, and no doubt she was well aware of that as well...

With a sigh, he pulled himself up from the seat, marching his way into the corridor and opening the front door, letting the afternoon light pour in to the otherwise almost unlit house. Isiat was always more at ease in the dark... "Stryker. Front and center." He called out to the slightly distracted feline, making a gesture of holding the door open for her as she padded inside. God, he couldn't get over just how much she looked like a pup with its tail between its legs as she slunk inside, following the line his finger drew up the stairs towards the one lit room at the second story landing. The brass placard on the door Read his name, with the title "Snr. ROTC Instructor" beneath it.

She didn't speak as he followed her up, seeming to make an elaborate show of closing the door quietly behind himself after she had entered, taking her seat on one side of the heavy mahogany desk in the center of the room. There wasn't a lot in the way of decorations inside, a single picture frame with Isiat's face on it surrounded by his various medals hung off to one side, and an almost bare bookshelf took up the length of the opposite wall. Behind the desk was just a few sets of filing cabinets and what looked like a small refreshments tray sitting atop a bar fridge. Isiat strode over, sitting himself down and folding his paws atop the green felt that covered the tabletop between them.

"So, Private Stryker. Despite my best efforts, it seems you are still failing my class." Isiat sighed softly, like a mentor might when addressing his disappointment in an underling. "Would you care to hypothesize as to just why that might be? I'm bound to ask because of the school. Any troubles at home? With friends? Anything you say here is in complete confidence."

Shadi wasn't so sure. His tone didn't exactly inspire confidence in her, nor did his questions. He knew full well what went on when he wasn't looking, the NCO's were trained to be his eyes and ears, and they reported to him on a daily basis like carrier pigeons returning to their coop. He knew damned well why she was failing his class, and the fact that he even had to ask just seemed to infuriate her! She had to bite her tongue to keep from shouting at him, but then, he made a gesture that was just taunting her.

"No stripes in here, Shadi. Say what you will." He almost grinned behind that stone wall face of his, holding his arms out to the sides as if he were lowering his defenses, giving her a free blow at him. She could feel her claws digging into the wooden armrests of her seat, putting pin pricks in the wood as she tried to keep her temper under control. He struck with his words like a neatly placed fencing strike after a solid ten seconds of silence had lingered between them, cutting the air with a crisp, barking voice.

"You're weak, Shadi. You're fat, soft, and weak. Those aren't traits that will find you any place in the armed forces. Your team mates are right to ridicule you for it. It's the most grounded form of trying to get you to harden up, and yet, for whatever reason, you still resist it. You don't try any harder, nor do you seem to strive for advancement and recognition like your peers. You're an anomaly in an otherwise perfect pecking order. You don't fit in. But that will change." He nodded calmly, twisting his palms outwards towards her with his digits interweaved, stretching his arms out with a satisfying 'pop' of his knuckles.

"You simply need a different form of encouragement, and less of the sort they offer you. Would you like for their taunting to stop, Shadi?" He asked her, and the bluntness of it was like a brick wall. She rolled her eyes.

"Of course! You don't think I'd do better without them making fun of every attempt I try?! Without their name calling, their constant harassment. It's bad enough they make fun of me for how I look. If they knew what you did to me, You'd be fired and I would never escape that reputation." She passed it off like she was trying to make a threat to him, but it did not have the effect she wanted. He didn't even flinch. The only reaction he did give to it was a sly, arrogant grin, and a single flick of his tails.

Bingo. She was right where he wanted her. "I would be, that's true. Tell me Shadi, did you enjoy what I gave you? You're more a woman now than any of the other little bitches in my class who would play at being soldiers. You're chubby, slow, hell, let's face it, you're just a fat lazy cat. A chubby little preteen with no tits, no friends, and no hope of passing my class as you are. You don't need tits. You don't need friends. But I will see hell freeze over before I see a single goddamn failure in my class, and if that means you have to suck me dry just to get a passing grade, then guess what Private?" He growled in a way that made Shadi want to scoot back in her chair as much as she could, her long tail wrapping around the legs as he rose to his feet, sidestepping the desk all to neatly, his belt buckle hanging open loosely.

"You will hit your goddamn knees and you will ask just how many times you have to suck me dry to pass my class until you can keep up with the rest of the troop." He snarled at her, and before she had an opportunity to react, he had grabbed her by the back of her head, his fist curling tightly as he pulled on her hair, making her cry out in surprise as he unceremoniously dragged the fourteen year old to her knees on the hardwood floor in front of him. She struggled to get her head out of his grip, reaching up with her paws and sinking her claws into his arm before he gave an even sharper yank that encouraged her not to try that again.

Shadi's mismatched green and brown eyes looked up at him defiantly from the ground, even as he unbuttoned his briefs, letting his swelling member bobble out into the open air. Her eyes seemed to widen at the sight in surprise. She had taken all of that?! The lewdly twitching, dappled maroon flesh seemed like a log of maleness, and yet somehow, her tiny little body had taken him all but to the slowly swelling knot at its base. She found herself paralyzed in a strange mixture of shock that this was happening again, and awe at the sheer size of the vulpine. Isiat, however, wasn't frozen in place.

With what seemed like a practiced move, he tugged her hair down, forcing her to look up as she opened her muzzle to gasp at the sharp pain. He didn't miss a beat, promptly shoving his broad girth between her ajar lips to plug her maw with his prick. Shadi felt herself immediately growing damp between her legs, and she squirmed on her knees as the thick, musky odor of her instructor wafted through her nostrils, the chubby feline sealing her lips around him and giving a long, hard suckle on his tip.

She was rewarded instantly with a spattering of pre-cum that dribbled down onto her tongue, the salty and almost bitter flavor making her cringe slightly, but determined, she carried on, glaring up at Isiat the entire time while his paw kneaded at the back of her head. "There's a good grunt. If you were half as good at soldiering as you were giving head, I'd have half a mind to promote you..." He murmured lustfully, watching the barely teenager as she sucked on his cock like a well trained whore.

Shadi was damned good at this; there was no denying that... Isiat was more than enjoying himself, the feeling of her short, textured tongue lathering across the underside of his shaft as he forced her to bob her head on him was to die for. Each time he tugged her forward, he rolled his hips, forcing just a little more of his girth into her spread muzzle like he had with her virgin tight snatch. He could smell her arousal on the air, the chubby little whore. She was enjoying this, despite what the expression and glare she gave him said.

She was busy suckling on him like a pup to the teat, and gods was it good. His prick was beginning to leak a steady flow of his clear, watery preseed spilling into her throat like it was running from a tap. She would need a bit of coaching, for sure, but for a first time, he could have mistaken her for a seasoned brothel worker. She swallowed as much as he gave, the little bit of excess dribbling down around his shaft from the corners of her slips as she scowled at him, one of her paws reaching between his legs to grip his furred sac, carefully rolling his jewels between her fingers.

"Mmmh, there you go. Just pretend it's a popsicle. Shouldn't be too hard for a fat bitch like you." He growled out hotly, and Shadi squirmed about slightly, rubbing her thighs together in a futile attempt to deal with the growing heat between her legs. Isiat could smell the need on her, coming in waves each time she parted her thighs enough to let the sweet, lusty scent of her arousal escape. She would make a good addition to his entourage, and if he made her is personal orderly, well... Perhaps he was getting a little bit ahead of himself. For now, her title as he little bitch would be more than enough for her.

His paws reached up, releasing her long hair in favor of the much better handholds that her ears offered. His fists bunched around the long, fennec like appendages soft and easy to tug on between his fingers. He gave her a sharp yank to keep her focused on the task at hand, and all but buried himself into her muzzle with a forceful thrust of his hips. Shadi's response was just as sudden as his thrust, and she immediately pulled her head back, her lips sliding free from his shaft as she coughed and sputtered, her gag reflex kicking in with a vengeance.

Isiat simply looked down and shook his head with a clearly amused chuckle. "You know, I'd say you suck cock like a pro, but clearly you need a bit more practice. Relax." He ordered her, tilting her head slightly upwards as he squeezed her cheeks inwards with one of his paws, forcing her lips open as he lined himself up again, before pulling her back down onto his length, entirely uninterested in letting her adjust at her own pace. She was under his command and damned if she wasn't going to learn how to please him at his pace.

His prick slid along her tongue, and within moments, the tapered, spade tipped head of his length was pressing against the back of her throat, the little feline huffing quietly though her nose. "Deep breath, and suck." He growled, his cock throbbing and coating her throat with his pre-cum as he pushed forward further, forcing her to accept him as his paw moved to the back of her head, holding her in place more than a little securely.

Shadi wanted to gasp, to cough, to spit, something! Her body was screaming in protest and it felt like she was about to throw up, the wonders that would do for her grades. She fought back the dizziness and rolling feeling in her stomach as Isiat's paw on the back of her head slowly went back to her ears, scratching like he was praising her. "Swallow, if you don't want to choke." He commanded her, and she obeyed quickly, the muscles in her neck contracting and pulling downwards to her stomach. The Major groaned out loudly as her throat massaged him, constantly rippling and squeezing around him, milking his length for the pre-cum his furred testicles were leaking out.

And then, she choked anyway. Pulling off of him, she recoiled, gagging and gasping as her face went bright red, the Keynari's prick leaking a dribble of his watery preseed across her hair as she fell to her paws, retching. She didn't see it, but Isiat was grinning from ear to ear as he watched her, one paw giving his cock a few strokes to splash her face with pre-cum as she rose back up to her kneeling position, trying to catch her breath.

"Well, fuck it. You tried private. Next time, you'll do better." He nodded almost sagely, and Shadi managed a halfhearted snarl. She despised him as much as she loved the way he treated her. Her soaked through panties would have testified to that. Even as he pulled her up by her hair and frog marched her towards his desk, she barely put up a struggle. Her tail lashed and beat futilely against his side, but the much larger, stronger and older male barely seemed to notice. Even when she halfheartedly tried to squirm out of his grip as he bent her over the top of his desk and yanked her trousers and panties down without comment, she knew she wasn't getting away. Each second that passed made her want to stay just a little more anyway.

The cold air brushing against her sex was like drops of ice water on her sensitive flesh, making her entire body tense and a quiet gasp of absolutely unbidden lust. Now that she had seen the Major's 'batton' up close and intimately, her lions were quivering eagerly, the horny little teen practically begging for him to fuck her silly and leave her soaking without so much as a word. Still, even as she lay her chest against the soft felt cover, and flicked her tail up over her back, the massive fluffy tip twitching to and fro.

Isiat leaned himself down across her body, hovering over her, his breath hot and raw against the nape of her neck. The dominant growl that left his lips let her know just who's bitch she was, and just what the male intended to do with her. His voice rasped in her ear as his teeth grazed along the edge of the large, Fennec like appendage, tugging at the tufts of fur that hung from their rims. "I say moan, you moan. I say beg, you beg. And you don't cum until you have my permission...Do I make myself clear, private?" There was no room for objection in his tone, no negotiating, and no leeway. Simply doing exactly what he told her to, with no questioning of anything allowed. She was his underling; his Omega. He would make her his bitch before she ever thought of another male.

"Sir..." She breathed quietly, wriggling her rump in a provocative way, the tip of his length brushing against her nether lips and leaving a messy streak of his pre-cum and saliva smeared through the soft, silky fur. He pressed himself against her rump without so much as waiting for her to give any sign she was ready; Her slick cunt and the beads of her arousal dripping from her swollen slit let him know already what he had suspected since she had walked in. The bitch was in the midst of her heat. Poor girl, she probably didn't even know it herself. Wouldn't she be in for a surprise? Gods he was going to have fun with this he mused, his paws roughly grabbing the feline by her already broad hips.

His digits tangled in her plush fur, clenching fistfuls of her tan fur and pulling himself forward, his hips rolling up against her, gliding his cock along the cleft between her netherlips, spreading her slickness and nectar over him. The way he planned to fuck her, she'd be grateful for the extra lubrication. For now though, she simply made pathetic and desperate whining sounds, wordlessly just begging him to fuck her. But she was here on his terms, not hers. He would set the pace, and if he wanted to hear her beg for it like a good pack bitch, she would goddamn well beg for it.

"You know what you want, don't you chubby cat?" He teased her, his cock dripping preseed messily over her cunt lips.

"I... I want to pass, Sir." She whimpered in response. Not good enough. He needed to hear her say it at this point, his own twisted fantasies all playing out she he ground the bulb of his knot against her sex, the meaty lump of flesh spreading her sex with a wet, sticky noise as the arousal covered flesh parted with his grinding.

"And just how do you plan to do that Private? You can't run, you can't shoot. Just what do you have going for you? What will you do to pass this class?" He snorted, as if mocking her desperate need. Her own hips had begun to rock back against him, the feline's breath coming in quick, rapid pants. By god she really was oblivious. He'd have to educate her on that...

"Mmhhmm..." Shadi started, biting the corner of her lip as she dropped her waist as much as he would allow her to, his pointed breeding spire's tip sliding just between her womanhood, spreading her open around his length. "I will please you Sir. Just please! I need it... I need to pass... I need... I need..." She stammered between breaths, a soft moan escaping her parted lips, her tongue hanging out to the side almost comically.

"You need what, Private? Go on, say it you fat little slut. Tell your leader what you need from him. Well? Spit it out!" He barked, snapping at her just enough to make her jump, his cock sinking into her another inch as her body reflexively tightened around him, drops of her arousal beading down the glistening, dappled flesh of his fuck pole.

"Nnghh! I n-need you! Please! Fuck me like you did on the track!" She cried out as he drove himself into her, sparing no courtesy for the almost virgin tight teenager, his much older and experienced manhood savaging her pussy like a pack of wild dogs over a fresh kill. He sunk himself to the inexperienced female to the hilt, not stopping until his knot ground to a halt with her vulva stretched around it, his cock tip all but up in the felines womb, preseed messily spraying against her cervix.

Shadi let out a cry and launched a paw forwards, biting down on her hand as she moaned out noisily. She'd never felt anything quite as deep in her as Major Carcer was now. Not even the dildo she'd tried from her mother's drawers after her first time could touch the places he was now. This male, old enough to be her father, was bringing her pleasure like she had never felt. The pain in her paw where her teeth had dug in was nothing in comparison to the new highs she was feeling in her quivering body, her legs shaking like leaves in the wind, threatening to give way.

And once he pulled back, he bred her proper. Like a bullet train shooting through a tunnel, the Major's thrusts were wild and fast; deep jabs that prodded at her very core and made her spine arch backwards as she tried to push herself back against him. On his fifth thrust, her legs did give way, and for the briefest moment in time, she fell, until the Major's paws slid down to her thighs, catching her and hefting her legs up on either side of his chest. The new angle let him get even deeper as he fucked her like an animal, setting off something deep inside of her, and like a dam bursting, she screamed, not even attempting to cover it as she came like a waterfall; sweet, sticky feline honey dribbling down around the Major's shaft.

It took her a good thirty seconds to recover, but when she finally did get her bearings once more, she realized something. Major Carcer had stopped thrusting, just holding himself inside of her instead, his cock occasionally twitching with his pulse. She whined, trying to rock herself backwards, to bring back that peak she had just been brought over, but Isiat just squeezed her thighs harshly, growling. She stopped, her ears folding submissively.

"I'm sorry Major, I couldn't help it..." She spoke between pants, her voice barely above a meek little whisper. Isiat didn't respond, but she felt his grip loosen on one of her legs, and carefully so as not to drop, she wrapped it around his back, hooking her foot over the base of his tails. And then she yelped.

The resounding slap of the former commando's palm striking her rear rang out around the room, leaving a big, red paw-print on her subtle flesh. "You fat little horny bitch Stryker. You ASK before you cum, is that clear Private?!" He shouted at her, the little feline whimpering as his paw smacked across her opposite ass cheek painfully, her head nodding an affirmative as she fought back a moan. The sudden strike had made her entire body tense around him, and despite the pain, it felt good. Really good...

"Ahh! Yes Sir!" She managed to get out, and before she could so much as turn to see just what the Major was doing, he began drilling her again, his cock pummeling her swollen little sex without mercy. She could feel his tip leaking into her, each lewd, messy little detail of their coupling brought to the very forefront of her mind as he drove himself into her like a nail gun into plywood. Her thighs were beginning to get soaked from the combined fluids and arousal leaking from her stretched sex, the vulpine's knot pounding away like a battering ram at the fortress gates.

Isiat let out a groan of pure bliss. This bitch was too good to be true. Any moment he expected to wake up in his bed, painfully hard and with a mess on his sheets, but after each thrust, it never came, just the needy little omega feline's moans and huffs of ecstasy as he nailed her up against his desk. Each wet slap of his balls slapping up against her slit was like a bell ringing out, the creaking of the floorboards underneath the sturdy table utterly lost to them both.

"God Stryker... Are you always such a goddamn chunky desperate fuck when you're in heat?" He snarled as he changed his angle up slightly, lifting the felines hips by pulling her legs up higher, giving him a front row view of his cock disappearing inside the kitten's hungry pussy. Slick feline cum clung to his knot in ribbons, stretching out each time he pulled back from her gripping hotness, and messily squelching between their bodies as he hilted her. He knew he was getting close, his knot throbbing in anticipation, his balls starting to tighten up against the base of his sheath...

Shadi's eyes shot open, a sudden panic gripping her. Wait, in heat?!? She squirmed as the icy rush of adrenaline shot through her, her body clenching down around the Major like a vice as with a sound that sent a bolt of both pleasure and fear raced up her spine. She had paid attention in biology, her mother had explained it to her. If he was in her while she was in heat, he could get her preg..!- "NggaaahH! Major, please! Don't!" She cried out, but her protest was quickly lost beneath her as both she and the older male tensed up. The peak was unavoidable now.

She came hard as his knot forced its way into her far too young and small body with a wet 'pop', forcing her sex to part further than she had ever been before. The feeling was painful, but the moment he slipped within her fully, it was as if his knot had meant to be there, her swollen lips bulging outwards from the pressure. That was when she felt it, just like she had the first time.

Isiat's nostrils flared as he inhaled sharply, taking in the hot, sweet scent he knew all too well. Arousal. Fertility. Heat. He erupted within her like a fire hydrant , tied firmly to his bitch as he unleashed the contents of months of being pent up right into the receptive felines cunt. Without so much as a second thought about it, he unloaded himself right against the barrier of her cervix, warm ribbons of hot, Keynari cum spattering and painting her tight passage white with his more than potent enough seed. He full knew the risks, but bitches in heat who would let you fuck them bareback didn't come by every day, and Isiat was going to goddamn savor it, emptying himself into the plump little lioness underneath him completely, his knot ensuring that not a damned drop escaped around the vault-like seal.

Shadi was almost hyperventilating as she came down from the body wracking climax, her face pressed down against the soft green velvet, sweat beginning to bead on her brow. Her mind was racing almost as fast as her heart was. There was no way they'd escape this if she was in the middle of her heat. She'd be ruined, even if Isiat did end up going to jail, that didn't change the fact. She wasn't ready to be a mom! She could feel his hot, gooey cum pooling in her rippling birth canal, and she shifted her shoulders, trying to lift her front so that at least maybe it would pool back towards his knot. She wavered for a moment as she tried to lift her torso, but fell back to the tabletop with a thump.

With a startling, almost surreal clarity, she felt her insides relax just for a moment, and in that instant, her cervix opened, and the vulpine's deposit into her body rushed inwards, the warmth flowing into her untouched and pure womb, marking it forever with her teacher's; her leader's essence as it poured into the core of her, soothing her heat as millions of years of biology and life began to run their course, his sperm hunting out the very first of the young teen's released eggs, seizing her fertility by sheer force as the last dregs of his cum pumped into her. The male's cock twitched and throbbed within her tight passage, and he let out a long, contented sigh of carnal bliss behind her. Shadi just lay there, in a dazed mixture of pleasure and shock. Oh god... What had she gotten herself into?

Isiat let his head tilt back, muzzle facing the ceiling with a long sigh. Calmly, he lowered the feline's legs and feet back to the floor, his knot firmly plugged within her clenching cunt, guaranteeing neither of them was going anywhere for at least fifteen minutes... With almost too much casualness for the gravity of the feline's situation, he reached into his shirt's pocket, producing both a cigar and lighter, making short work on clenching the rolled tobacco between his canine teeth. The flint wheel sparked, setting the dried leaf alight. The soft glow of embers was the same colour as the setting sunlight outside, and he took his time with his first drag, letting the richly flavored smoke roll around in his muzzle before he exhaled.

Shadi finally seemed to rouse from her stupor, looking over her shoulder at the male with something akin to shock, disgust, and outrage. "What... What the hell have you done?! I'm in heat! Didn't you learn what happens when you have sex durin-"

Isiat cut her off with the faintest gesture, raising a single digit on his free paw to silence her protests. "You agreed to this. You wanted this, don't you remember? 'Fuck me like you did on the course?'" He reminded her with the most smug grin she had ever seen, like he was all too proud of himself. In truth, he was. She was by far the tightest, hottest fuck he had ever had, and he hadn't even needed to pay her or buy her dinner and movie ticket first. "You really think I'd be stupid enough to knock you up? Hell, you're already fat enough to fool people without that." He chuckled, reaching back into his breast pocket a little deeper, pulling out a single, foil blister.

"Here. Take this." He grinned, popping the small packet and laying the pill in his open palm, reaching around and before she could protest, shoving the morning after pill into her muzzle. He clamped her jaws shut with his grip, using his free paw to rub along her throat, like he was encouraging a pet to swallow the medicine he had just forced down her gullet. She fought him for a moment before she finally swallowed, gasping and sputtering quietly, a scowl on her face as she glared at him.

"And don't give me that look. You fucking begged for it, so now you have to be along for the ride. That's how this works Private. I call you, you come a running. I tell you to blow me on the parade grounds, you fucking kneel and suck until your jaw goes numb. I tell you to bend over the desk and raise your tail, I'd better not catch you hesitating if you want so much as a hope of passing my damned course this year. Do I make myself clear Private Slut Kitten?" He asked her, blowing a lazy cloud of cigar smoke right into her face with a smug grin.

Her eyes shot daggers at him, but she nodded none the less, growling out the words. "Yes. We're clear, Sir..." At that moment, she wasn't sure if she wanted to kill him, or let him fuck her again. A slight twitch in her nethers answered it for her as he pulled himself free from her snatch, making her cringe as his knot came free. A torrent of cum spilled out from her cunt before it had a chance to seal up again, pooling on the polished wood floor between her legs messily.

"Good girl. And this is strictly off records between you and I. If you so much as think of speaking out, I'll see you ruined before I get so much as a reprimand. Now clean yourself up Stryker. You've got a two hour session with the troop tomorrow at 0900 sharp. You'd do well to be early for some extra training. Clear?" He fixed her with a firm gaze as he re-zipped the fly of his pants, letting her know there would be hell to pay if she was so much as a minute late. He padded his way around her almost lazily, the smoldering cigar still triumphantly gripped between his teeth. It was all she could do to manage just to stand up enough to shuffle back into her pants, a wet patch quickly forming between her thighs as the remnants of his breeding leaked out.

He slipped down into his seat once more, looking almost exactly as he had when she had first walked in, his numerous tails draping over the arm rests to either side of him. He looked up from her file briefly, before batting a paw at her, beckoning her away with a wave of his wrist as he began to write down some notes in the folder.

"That will be all, Stryker. You can show yourself out. I'll see you at 0830 tomorrow. Dismissed."