Chapter 6: Boderlands

Story by Rayne Cyzio on SoFurry

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#6 of Infected

I was startled when the howling wind stopped whipping around me and I actually felt ground beneath me, well, loose sandy ground anyway. The bright light was still there and it beat against my eyelids as if it were trying to burn them. I lay there, my breathing still erratic from my trip and the fight with the dragon, trying to quell the joy exploding through my pessimistic heart. I was still alive! Take that, Death! I'm untouchable. Eight to zero, baby! Eight to z-e-r-o! I yelled triumphantly in my head as I started feeling the humidity that was setting down onto my fur, making it stick close to my flesh. I cut my celebration short when I heard a stick crack nearby underfoot and came crashing back down to reality: I was alone somewhere with no food or means of contact, thanks in part to that stupid, chauvinistic dragon. I snapped my eyes open and was greeted with the muzzle of a blaster. Even with my limited knowledge of all things gun, I knew that it wasn't a Cornerian make, nor was it Venomian. The barrel was elongated with a small light at the bottom and had black casing around it that led to the handle, while a small pair of iron sights ornamented the tip and end of the blaster. I stared at the barrel for a second before looking past to the anthro wielding it, hoping to find some semblance of familiarity, but couldn't see past the facemask they were wearing.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your hands were I can see them." A distinctly feminine voice commanded as she pushed her blaster down onto the gap between my eyes. I raised my hands above my head with an incredulous look on my face and was shocked to find handcuffs getting slapped onto my wrists.

"Hey, what's the hell are these things for?" I asked defensively, not really in the mood for getting arrested by someone I didn't even know on a planet that, as far as I knew, I hadn't done anything wrong on. I heard the hum blaster charging up a shot and decided it might be in my best interests to keep my mouth shut for a while. I felt a boot get shoved down onto my chest to keep me on the ground and glared angrily at the anthro that had yet to give me an answer. She pulled off her protective facemask and I was almost shocked to see a blue furred vixen glaring back at me, her blue hair blowing in the breeze as she stuffed the facemask into her back pocket. She kept her blaster trained on me and ground her boot into my chest before stepping off, letting me breathe again while my face tried to pick an expression. I picked anger to unleash on this unsuspecting anthro and narrowed my eyes dangerously at her white furred face.

"What the hell, Krystal?! What'd I ever do to you?" I growled angrily as I struggled against the handcuffs, sparks flying off of my right wrist as it ground against the steel. The vixen stared at me as if I were crazy and looked at me closely for the first time before kneeling down next to me. "What did you call me?" She asked in a shocked whisper. I glared at her and clenched my teeth as my left wrist caught on an edge in the cuff and got deeply cut. I ignored it and stared back at her, my hands moving furiously against the cuffs I'd been wrongfully stuck in.

"You heard what I called you, Krystal, now answer my damn question: Why the hell did you put these handcuffs on me?!" I nearly yelled at her before giving up on the cuffs with an aggravated growl and slumped defeatedly onto the ground. The blue furred vixen looked as if she'd seen a ghost when she stared at me and cupped my cheeks in her gloved paws to get a long look into my eyes with her amethyst colored eyes. I found myself quickly becoming less angry as I looked into them and wondered what was going on. My body seemed less tense when she let go of my face and I saw the faintest hint of a smile on her face when she looked back at me.

"First off, my name isn't Krystal, its Bella, so get it right or don't say it at all. Second, I put you in cuffs because you're on my land and I can do whatever the hell I please. Thirdly...." Bella trailed off as she looked down at my right arm, the infection glinting in the sunlight. She was about to say something about it when a deafening roar split through the clear sky. She looked up, her eyes full of anxious energy as she turned in the direction of the sound and put her paw on the compacted staff on her back. I was still calm, but the effect was wearing off and I was starting to get anxious as well.

"Ummm...Bella, what--" Her paw muffled the rest of my sentence as she continued to stare somewhere to my right. I couldn't see what she was looking at, but she seemed to relax slightly when whatever it was seemed to leave. She looked back down at me and pulled me roughly onto my feet with a quick tug at the middle of the cuffs before unlocking them and stuffing them in her pocket. She stared at me wonderingly for a few seconds and flashed me a quick grin before looking out to the west, where slight gusts of wind were coming from. I looked with her and saw the fading tracks of some massive beast heading in that direction. I didn't even want to know what could've made those tracks, but my curiosity was a very overpowering thing. I looked back at Bella with my maw open to ask, but she was already walking towards a nearby sand dune, leaving me standing there like an idiot. I'll get her back for that one. I thought as I jogged after her, glad that I'd grabbed a thin shirt with the heat bearing down on me as it was. She stopped at the crest of the dune to wait for me and pulled out a set of keys from her pocket, adrenaline burning in her eyes as she looked at me. I wondered what the keys went to and mentally rolled my eyes at my apparent idiocy. She jumped down to the other side of the dune and I heard a quiet, metallic thud that was closely followed by the sound of an engine gunning to life. I quickly followed her over the dune and angled my drop so I wouldn't hit whatever it was that Bella had jumped down into. I landed with a roll to soften the impact and sprung to my feet to stop myself from rolling off a cliff that was almost immediately behind the dune. I struggled to keep my footing and fell backwards onto my butt when I overcompensated, my head hitting a massive, black tire. I rubbed my head and got onto my feet, using the tire as a support, and marveled at the dune buggy that Bella was sitting in. The chassis and roll cage were painted in the same color as the sand that stood behind it, as were the panels that covered the wheel wells and exhaust. The wheels had spikes coming up out of the material for better traction and fog lamps bolted to the grill for driving in the dark, although in a desert like this, the moon would probably provide enough light for you anyway if you weren't in a cave. The front and back of the buggy were equipped with heavy energy rifles that were mounted on almost invisible pivots that allowed them to swing in whatever direction the target was in. I stared in awe at the vehicle I was going to be riding in and barely caught the goggles that Bella'd thrown at me.

"Better put those own. Dust storms are really nasty on this planet. Besides, seeing as you don't pose a threat to me, I might as well be hospitable and show you around." She called out over the snarl of the engine as she revved it gently. I hurriedly took my seat next to her and fit the goggles over my eyes as she shifted into drive and gunned it forward, sending us speeding through the sand. I stared out to my right and saw the long drop that awaited anyone dumb enough to not pay attention to where they were going. Far below us was a deep valley littered with rocks, wrecked star cruisers and even more wrecked buggies. Scattered among the twisted heaps of metal and rock were small, moving specks that made odd, guttural noises that I had to strain to pick up. I couldn't tell what the creatures were, but I didn't want to think of what they could do to someone if they ever caught up with them.

"Stalkers. Stupid scavengers, like to mess with stuff that doesn't belong to 'em, but can't hold their own in a fight." Bella pointed out as she saw me looking into the gorge. Her voice caught me off guard and I jumped slightly in my seat before I remembered that she was in the buggy with me. I nodded and went back to staring when I noticed a cloud of dust in the gorge, bearing down quickly on a group of Stalkers that had congregated around a massive battle class Cornerian cruiser that had gaping holes in the hull and was half buried in the sand; giving it a strange, almost serene presence in such a mechanical graveyard. The Stalkers fled in a hurry and made for a cave not far away from the ship, chirping and groaning in terror to each other, making me wonder at the level of their intelligence. They seem to be able to talk to each other through a series of clicks and groans. I don't see the point in harming a creature with that high an intellect. I thought as the dune buggy quickly followed them into the cave, much to Bella's distaste. She swore angrily and shoved her foot down onto the pedal harder, making us jet forward and completely clear a dune she'd launched us off of. I clenched my teeth as we hit the ground again and was almost knocked out of the buggy before I remembered to strap myself in. I quickly tied myself into the harness and sighed with relief as we continued to speed across the desert landscape, occasionally getting shot into the air by errant dunes, but for the most part I enjoyed myself. The sun was moving slow across the sky and more than once I found myself looking up at it, wondering if the orbit this planet was slower than Corneria's.

"So... what's your name? It's usually common courtesy to tell someone your name in return for theirs." Bella asked loudly. I mulled the thought over in my head if I should use a fake name or my name, but I didn't want to lie to someone who'd been this trustworthy of me so far. So, I decided on the truth. "It's Hazel." She seemed accepting of the name and didn't talk for the rest of the drive, her eyes occasionally darting to my right arm and back to the desert ahead of us before I could catch her staring. I didn't pay her to much attention, but I kept the fact in my head incase this sort of thing was a rare find.

The wind started picking up as we left the dunes behind and started traveling across a large salt flat, nothing noticeable on the horizon or around us. By then, the sun had only moved a mile in the endless hours we'd been driving and it was getting incredibly hot. I was sweating underneath my clothes and I was sure that Bella was too, but she didn't show any form of discomfort. She let go of the wheel for a second and shrugged out of her jacket before shoving it behind her into a bag attached to her seat. She wore tank top that was cut off at midriff and had a similar style to it like the half shell bikini top that Krystal had given to me awhile back. I ignored the compulsion to head down memory lane and kept my gaze fixed ahead of me, the image of her well-sculpted breasts nestled nicely in her shirt burned into my head. I stared off into the distance and saw a buggy coming towards us extremely fast from the right. As it got closer, I could pick out the silhouettes of a driver and a gunner sitting directly behind them with their turret pointed at us.

"Ummm.... Bella. I think someone might be here to see you." I noted as the buggy continued on its way, only to swerve away from us and start driving parallel with our buggy, even though they were at least thirty feet away. The turret gunner turned in his rotating gunnery post and started unloading at something that was chasing them, throwing in a few swear words along the way while an angry roar answered him. I cringed unintentionally at the sound and heard Bella laugh as she watched my reaction.

"What's wrong, Hazel? First time seeing a firefight?" She laughed as I nodded, kept in rapt attention by what the other buggy was doing. Or rather, what it was trying to do. The buggy was trailing smoke now, the gunner lying limp against the side of the buggy with various rips through his chest while the driver was trying desperately to escape whatever it was that continued to harass him. It only took all of four seconds for a mammoth-sized beast to rip through the small buggy and send the occupants flying into the air, their arms and legs flopping around like ragdolls while the beast tore apart the buggy with its massive claws and teeth. When it was satisfied with what it had done, it looked up and turned its gaze onto our speeding buggy, it's red eyes glaring death at us as it loosed another roar. It's wings unfurled on its back and it took off to give chase, its wings riddled with rapidly closing bullet holes from the last fight. If I thought it looked destructive on foot, it definitely looked downright apocalyptic in flight. Its teeth and claws were stained a permanent dried crimson from the blood of its foes while a fresh coating of oil was dripping from its muzzle and trailing on the ground behind it. I felt my blood run cold as it's stare seemed to bore its way into my mind and found that I couldn't tear my gaze free from its. I felt a sharp, acute stab of pain hit the base of my skull and tasted blood in my mouth as a presence invaded its way into my mind.

"What are you doing on my planet, Rapturian? Your kind hasn't been here for over a century and I don't intend on having your filth back here to wipe out more of my race! Leave now or I might decide to devour you instead of letting you die and have an honorable burial someplace else." The alien voice boomed heavily in my head, making me scream in pain. I tried to repel the creature from my head, but it was persistent with trying to kill me from the brain down. I coughed up some blood onto my shirt and was thinking of sending a severe shock through my head to end the pain, but the creature predicted that and screwed with the neural pathways between my arm and my brain so that it went limp at my side. The giant beast was already hovering above us, waiting for me to die or just relishing the thought that he would have the chance to kill another Rapturian, I couldn't be sure, but I didn't want to have Bella suffer for whatever my race had done to warrant this kind of hatred. I forced my right arm up against the creature's control and lifted my left arm until it was pointed, palm out, towards the monster's fleshy looking underbelly. I felt my arm tingle with energy as the charge traveled to my paw, but my brain was taking a mental battering against its onslaught to try and stop me. When the charge was big enough to short circuit an unarmed mech, I clenched my teeth and shot the bolt from my hand. It collided with its stomach in a clash of sparks and the smell of burning flesh assaulted my nose as its consciousness ripped away from mine with a pained roar. I coughed more blood and heard Bella swearing as she saw the state I was in, but the giant shadow looming over us cut her sentence short. I barely looked up to see the creature plummeting towards the ground, the blood flowing out of its stomach and onto the ground in giant puddles while its wings were trying desperately to keep it airborne. When its wings failed and slumped exhaustedly against its sides, the massive creature fell to the ground with a deafening boom, sending dust and debris flying everywhere. Bella shoved her foot down on the brake and skid the buggy to a halt to survey the damage I'd done to the monster.

"I've never seen anyone take down a bull Scarbora of that size single handedly, and with lightning shooting out of their paws no less! I can't believe you didn't tell me you could do that before... hey, where ya goin'?" She asked as I struggled against my harness. I finally got out of the stupid thing and dragged myself out of the buggy with my right arm, gingerly keeping from moving my left arm too much. I stumbled towards the monster with a clenched jaw as fragments of it's consciousness drifted into my brain the closer I got to it. The stench of it's blood hit me full on as I grabbed onto one of the horns protruding from its head to keep myself from falling over and started breathing through my mouth to keep the smell from making me vomit.

"Why... why have you come back to me? Haven't you done enough damage already by forsakening me to die?" The Scarbora seethed as he shook his head to dislodge my paw from his horn. I sank to my knees infront of his face and grabbed my left wrist so I could place my paw on his massive forehead. "I don't know if you can understand me, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for whatever my race has done to you and your kind, but that is a vendetta that I cannot adhere to nor will I take part in it. I have done nothing wrong to you for you to hate me and neither have you done the same to me. I'm not tied to whatever fate I've inherited, for I don't have a single ounce of animosity towards you." I didn't know what else to say at that point, for I found myself lost in the pain and misery that I was seeing in the Scarbora's eyes as well as the memories he was sending into my mind. There was death everywhere; bodies of Scarbora and Rapturians littered the ground while others continued to fight with no regard to limb or blood loss. There seemed only a single-minded desire to kill the creatures that were invading his homeworld. I watched through his eyes as his family and brethren were killed for protecting their caves and land. I watched his nestmate get overwhelmed by many of my species and get taken away in chains, her muzzle bloodied and her soft, rose hued eyes staring mournfully at him as she thrashed away against her captors. When the memory ended, tears were coming down the sides of my face while a wave of understanding washed through me.

"That's why you attacked me as you did. I had no idea my race was so violent." I whispered painfully as I stared down at my blinding right arm as it reflected the sun's light back into my eyes. He blinked at me once and made a deep, rumbling sound in the back of his throat, as if he were trying to clear his esophagus of something. He kept the thrumming note going for over a minute before he belched a black ball of fire onto the ground infront of him, crackling soundlessly as he lay his head back down with a satisfied look on his face. I felt its warmth even in the stifling heat and was comforted by it; my body accepting the gentle heat as if it were a cool breeze. As the flames flickered and burned on some of the salt in the ground, I was greeted with another batch of memories; happy ones of him and his nestmate flying together in the sky, spending time with one another, taking care of the egg that would be their child, doing things that made them feel as if they belonged with each other. I felt that I didn't deserve to see these memories of his life, but he continued to show me, as if trying to give me something that would help me to understand what he was. I was so wrapped up in what the Scarbora was showing me that I didn't notice the light grip someone had on my shoulder. I turned slightly to my right to see Bella standing behind me, a careful look in her eyes as she stared at me, the look asking what I was doing. Before I could give her a response, the Scarbora heaved a deep, raspy breath as he tried to get my attention. I turned back in time to watch him open his maw slightly and spew a continuous stream of black flame onto my infected arm from the corner of his mouth. I jerked my other arm back to avoid being burned, but as I watched the flames lick at my arm, I noticed that the giant crack was filling out and the other rough patches on my arm were getting smoothed out. I also felt his connection with my mind start to slip away as he continued to exert himself to give me a last gift, and I wanted to stop him, but the look in his eyes deterred me from intervening.

"Rapturian, I was moved by your words today and I am glad that I get to take them to my grave. I give you my memories and my gift of flame as compensation for all of the atrocities that I have made you endure. It is with hope that you spread these memories and let all who ask of the once great Scarbora race, masters of the sky and rulers of the land, know that I passed on in peace. May your journey be successful, young furred one, and let the wind give you strength." The Scarbora thought quietly as his life ebbed away and he lay his head down onto the ground. I watched as the fire twisted around my arm and slowly sunk into it, giving it a slightly brighter glow as well as an extremely smooth feel. Both Bella and I watched in silence as the last Scarbora died in peace, flying high in the sky with all his dead friends and hopefully reuniting with his nestmate. I dried the tears from my eyes and felt not only the weight of my memories, but his as well, swirling around in my head as I stood up and turned to face Bella. I don't know what it was, but something made me feel as if I were older in more ways than one.

"Where are we headed now, Bella?" I asked as I stared back at the buggy. She didn't answer me at once, but stood there in a daze as she looked back at me. Then she composed herself and gave a heavy sigh as she nodded towards the west. "We keep going the way we were. Should be able to make it to where we're going in a few hours if there aren't any other 'holdups' along the way." She answered as we walked back over to the buggy, leaving the Scarbora where he lay and the black flame still burning, standing as a testament to what used to be.

Neither of us said much of anything during the next few hours. Bella kept to her own thoughts while I relived what memories the Scarbora had given me. I frequently found myself marveling at his history as well as being mystified as to why my race was so intertwined with his. At times, our two races coexisted together without so much as a cross word, but at others, there was bloodshed caused by something that seemed insignificant when both races could benefit from each other so well. I felt a warm sensation in my infected arm that pulsed in time with my heart beat, but ignored the urge to allow my curiosity get the better of me and play with my new power. The salt flat stayed the same for majority of the trip, but that didn't bother me too much. The sky was beginning to darken finally when we reached the crest of a hill that led into a valley that was covered in lush greenery where the air seemed to become less arid and moister. I took in a deep breath and almost gagged on the terrible smell that was wafting up from the trees and flora. Bella laughed again and pulled two face guards from her pack before putting hers over her mouth. I quickly did the same and instantly was relieved to be able to breathe normally again. She drove down into the valley and found a path that had already been cut a long time ago, making it a lot faster for us to get through the lush forest. Before we made it to the other side, a series of groans reached my ears before the sound reached Bella's and I could hear the Stalkers following us from the safety of the forest trees, their paws beating softly against the soil as they easily stayed with us. I couldn't see what they looked like, but a voice seemed to get into my head that sounded fearful and full of panic. "Beware, Rapturian, this planet is not what it appears to be." The Stalker warned before the entire pack drove deeper into the forest. I stared after the fleeting forms and wondered what they meant by that. Before I could ponder it any farther, Bella stomped her boot down onto the accelerator and sent us rocketing through some bushes and into the open desert again. I pulled my face guard off as soon as we were upwind of the forest and took in a deep breath of desert air before sighing heavily. I heard my stomach growl and almost asked if we were there yet when Bella suddenly slammed on the brakes. The buggy skidded a few feet in the sand before coming to a rest in the middle of the desert. Her face looked grim as she got out of the still running buggy and walked forward till she was infront of the buggy. She reached her paw out and I watched as it disappeared in thin air with a ripple effect on the surrounding space. She pulled it out satisfied and got back into the buggy, her face looking even sadder as she sat there.

"Hazel... I'm going to do something that might make you hate me for the rest of your life. Do you trust me to get you out of the situation before things get bad?" She asked heavily as she gripped the steering wheel till the tips of her claws poked through her gloves. I nodded my head and wondered if this was what the Stalkers were talking about. Bella looked over at me with a torn look on her face and drove through the still rippling shield that made up a cloaking device, not another word spoken between us.

When we passed through the cloaked gateway, I thought about bailing for it then and there, but I felt as if I needed to stay. Ahead of us were a few archways and lit torches that burned with enough brightness to rival that of the desert sun, but they cast an eerie glow on everything the light touched. We drove underneath each arch and I heard Bella growl uneasily as she drove out into the open, where a somewhat tinted kind of sunlight greeted us. All around us were anthros of different species; talking loudly to each other, bartering for food and other things. I caught more than one pair of eyes staring at my right arm, and I was beginning to become self-conscious of it. There were merchant stands everywhere, pushed up along side buildings, hanging from the buildings themselves, but no matter where I looked, I couldn't seem to find a sort of method to all this madness. Bella took a sharp left and left behind the busy main street for a darker, more secluded alley that was wide enough for her buggy to fit in comfortable without scratching or knocking down anything. She let up on the gas and let us coast for a while till we emerged from the alley, where she gunned it down the tree lined drive and drove towards an enormous mansion. There were steeples that had been added to it, giving it the feel of a church, but the lack of anthros here made me a little on edge. I spotted a few birds flitting about, but other than that and the sound of the buggy's engine, the place was utterly quiet. I strained to hear anything, but all I got in return were a few moans and some desperate pleas for mercy. I didn't like this place at all. Bella drove up to a massive entryway that was bared by a few armed guards and drifted to a stop just infront of the nearest one. She cut the engine and grabbed her jacket from her pack before giving me a meaningful look and stepping out of the buggy.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. I have a present for your employer and I don't think he'd like to wait very long to 'play' with it." She said in a foreign tongue that was probably for the guards as she put her jacket back on. I understood her perfectly, although I don't know how, and shivered when she said the word play. The guards nodded after a few more minutes of speaking and opened the doors to let her through. She gave her thanks to the six Doberman and gestured for me to follow her. I got up out of the buggy hesitantly and followed her quickly; not wanting to be left alone with six very bored looking guards. As we walked into the dark hallway, the doors were closed almost immediately and I heard the boom echo down into the darkness. I heard the click of handcuffs as Bella put them around my wrists again and I didn't struggle for fear of what I was being used for, but when she fit a collar around my neck and pulled tightly on the lead for me to follow, I knew exactly what the plan was now.

"Your selling me off as a pet, aren't you?" I asked in a saddened voice, finding everything that had happened today seemed to fit neatly into place as the realization hit. When she didn't answer, I knew I was right. Why else would she have kept me along for so long? I sighed defeatedly and dragged my feet along against the pull of the lead, forgetting that I could easily escape with just a well-placed shock. She pushed open a door on the right and walked me into a brightly lit room with a stream trickling underneath a small bridge that led to a high backed chair that was raised on stage. There were also plants and other things floating in the brook, but I paid more attention to the sound of the stream than my surroundings as I saw, with a humorless chuckle, the irony in the situation.

"From one prison to another." I muttered under my breath. I watched Bella's body tense up when I said that and knew this would plague her for a while. She stopped at the foot of the stairs that led to the high backed chair and dragged harshly on the lead to make me stumble forward so that I was standing ahead of her. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Hazel. I couldn't see any other way and this'll help keep him off of me for a while. I'll come back for you; trust me...." She trailed off quietly as a door opened to the right and a panther walked out onto the stage, his flowing blue robes keeping most of his body from view except for his face, which made me almost snap the lead and kill him on the spot now. He took a spot behind and a little to the right of the high backed chair before the actual anthro of the hour came out. He was garbed in a sparkling white tunic and matching breeches while a black cape billowed out behind him as he walked to take his place in the chair. He had an impressive broadsword on his hip that was sheathed in a satin looking scabbard that was adorned with gold leaf swirls and jewels embedded in each little circle that the swirls made. He was impressively built and looked to be in his late twenties, but that was a given by the way he looked at me like an object of lust rather than a woman who deserved respect. He yawned heavily and held out his paw for something and closed it around the tied end of the sack that the panther held out for him.

"So, Bella, I see you've found someone who might actually satisfy me for more than a few days." The wolf said in a bored, almost slurred voice with a heavy accent. I fought the urge to punch him in the face and stood there like the helpless, frightened vixen I was portraying, my eyes kept to the floor. Bella nodded once and took a silent step forward so that she was next to me. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see that she was clenching her jaw against the same feelings I was having.

"So it seems, Alexander, so it seems. About the matter of my payment...." She trailed off as she looked at the sack in Alexander's paw. He tossed it with a lazy flick of his wrist and she caught without looking winded. She dropped the lead and with a last look at me, turned towards the door. I stared after her and felt a breeze hit my chest as someone lifted up my top. I looked back to see that the panther was already standing infront of me, appraising the size of my breasts as if he were looking at jewelry. "Hey--" I started to say when the panther slapped me across the face. The slap barely hurt, but the humiliation from it made my cheeks burn an angry red through my black fur. I felt the tingle run down my arm again, but I reigned in the energy flow and clenched my paw into a tight fist to keep from striking him back.

"You won't speak unless spoken to first, vixen. It is a great disrespect for pets to talk in Alexander's or my own presence without being told to otherwise. Do I make myself clear?" He spat angrily in my face. I nodded dumbly and looked away as he went back to looking at my chest, prodding it every now and then with his claws or squeezing my breasts to make sure they were just right for his 'master'. I looked back at Alexander and saw that he'd left, leaving me here with the perverted panther. I wondered where he went when the panther picked the lead up off of the floor and tugged on it harshly, taking me by surprise when he started pulling me up the stairs to the chair. He sat down in it and forced me onto my knees before tilting my chin up so that I could look him in his bright yellow eyes.

"Now, I want you to do something for me." The panther said in a commanding voice, though I could hear a slight hint of nervousness in it. He moved his robes around until his half emerged member was staring me in the face, already slick as if someone had done this before I had. I huffed noisily through my teeth as I glared up at him as if he were actually serious. He gulped loudly and grasped a pawful of my hair before shoving my head down onto his cock, taking me by surprise. He held my head there as his cock started getting bigger in the warm confines of my mouth and pulled my head back just to shove it back down again. He was forcing me to give him a blowjob. I struggled against the handcuffs I was in so I could force him to suck his own cock and see how he liked it, when he groaned and made me pull off his slick member with a rough yank. He came as soon as his dick was out of my mouth and sprayed his hot, pungent seed all over my face. Wow, he came only after six thrusts. I noted as he covered his throbbing member with his robes. He sat there for a few seconds to get his erection under control before he stood and grabbed my lead. "Now we get you cleaned up for Alexander."

I was beyond angry at this point. This panther was leading me around the palace as if I were just a pet who didn't know how to walk on her own. Every time we passed by someone, he forced me to bow at his or her feet before they moved on and continued to drag me along to who knows where. More often than not, I found myself wanting to burn him alive for making me do this, but my curiosity as to where we were going had more control than my lust for revenge. I did make things difficult for him though. Whenever we passed a lit torch, it would flare to an unimaginable size and startle him. I guessed after the first three times that the Scarbora's gift was doing that, so I didn't complain or laugh. When we finally made it to a small set of double doors, the panther pounded on them and dragged me forward so that I was standing beside him. When the doors opened, awaiting us was a tall dragoness with wavy, sand colored curls that spilled over her shoulders and wearing the same robes as the panther was. Although, unlike the panther, she actually smiled when she saw me and held out her paw for the lead. He gave it to her without a word and stormed off in the other direction, not giving her or me another look. The dragoness gently pulled on the lead and I followed her into a large room that smelled of many different kinds of flowers. There was a large pool in the middle of the room that had wisps of steam coming out of it, so I figured she was going to give me a bath. She unlocked the handcuffs with a key she produced from her sleeve and gently put them down onto the ground before pulling my shirt over my head. I wasn't in the mood for a fight, so I let her continue what she was doing until I was standing naked infront of the bath water. I watched her disrobe as well and stared in amazement as she stood there, her silver scales glittering in the sunlight that was filtering through a window high up on the wall. She stepped into the water and held her paw out for mine with a genuine smile still on her face. I grasped it and gingerly followed her into the water; the warm liquid instantly making my tense body relax and my hesitance fade away. She pulled me slowly into the middle of the bath and cupped some water in her paws before dumping it onto my head, sending it cascading down around me and flattening my hair to my fur.

"What's your name, dear?" The dragoness asked in a motherly voice as she started gently scrubbing out my fur with a washcloth that she'd gotten from somewhere. "Hazel." I answered quietly, wishing I could think of something better than just giving up my real name. She scrubbed in tiny circles on my stomach, making me giggle quietly at the tickling sensation, which made her giggle as well. She scrubbed my breasts in sensual, yet soft motions with her paws as she cleaned me off. I murred happily at the feel of her paws against my breasts and cupped her paws in mine, helping her move lower down my body.

"Well, Hazel, you sure are a feisty vixen, now aren't you?" The dragoness asked in a whisper as she let herself be guided down to my waist. I nodded slightly and felt her lips press against my neck, the smell of strawberries coming from her hair. She moved closer to me until her breasts were pressing against my back and her fingers were softly rubbing my womanhood. I moaned quietly and let my paws fall from hers and into the water with barely a splash. She moved her lips to my cheek and rested her chin on my shoulder while she continued wiping off my body. I felt her paws rub my back and all over until all of the dirt and sand that had accumulated on me since this morning was gone. I was about to grab her paw again so she could go back to what she had been doing before, but she had already grabbed my paw and pulling me out of the water. The faint smell of roses wafted from my fur as she led me the far side of the room before drying me off with a warm towel she'd picked up from off of the bench there. When she was done, she slipped me into an immaculately white robe and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips before she snapped her claws together.

"My names Faith. I hope you fair better than the rest." Faith whispered lightly as several anthros walked into the room from the doors I'd come in through. I didn't know what she meant by that, but the next thing I knew, I was being dragged roughly through the doors by a particularly angry looking tigress and was blindfolded before I could ask where they were taking me.

The blindfold was taken off from over my eyes a little while later, but the scenery of the room I was in was different. I was standing in the middle of a bedroom with a massive, silk laden bed that had curtains of even more silk draped over the sides, keeping the bed itself obscured from view. I didn't know what to expect, so I made my way over to the window and pushed open the glass panes, the cool night air feeling good against my fur. I leaned against the frame and stared up at the starry sky, thinking over what kind of night I'd be in for. I toyed with the lead of my leash and thought about severing it so no one could pull me along again, but I decided against it. They'd just end up putting another one on me again. I thought sullenly with a sigh. I shifted my gaze to the full moon high above me and started reciting a few lines from my favorite epic to try and ease the tension in my stomach.

"I shall wait with bated breath and sword held high, forever torn betwixt the desire that would be my undoing and the bliss that would make me whole. My heart yearns for your return; it burns with a passion, pleading for yet another encounter with you. My flesh desires to dance with you once more, yet my spirit is hesitant. Will you break me in twain as you have many times before? Or will you stay and take my blade from me? It is for you, my ill-fated love, which my heart screams for, kills for, and dies for. It knows neither for what it needs nor the consequences of its actions, but only the desire that you have awakened in its depths. Each beat is torture to me without you here to hold me close. Each moment without your warmth is anguish, deep and ripping. Come back to me, my love, so that we may be whole again...." I trailed off as I blinked the tears out of my eyes. Never ceases to bring me to tears. I thought wryly as I wiped them away with the back of my paw. I heard the hollow sound of someone clapping and slowly turned my head to see Alexander standing against the open doorway, a smile lighting up his face as he looked at me and closed the door behind him.

"Ahh, Loveless. Act 3, I believe. It is a very touching epic if I do say so myself." He said in a slightly happier voice than the one I'd heard the first time I saw him. He was wearing a pair of silky looking pants and no shirt, giving me a good view of his snow-white torso. I smiled tentatively back and let my eyes wander over to the bed then back to him. He pushed off of the doorframe and walked calmly over to me until he more than a foot away from me. I stared at the glow in his hazelnut brown colored eyes and sighed through my teeth, the sound making a hissing noise as it passed through them. He chuckled gently and lifted up the sleeve covering my infected arm, making the metal glimmer slightly in the moonlight. I tried to pull the sleeve back down, but he beat me to it and grabbed my other paw in his, keeping me immobilized while his smile grew larger.

"I knew there was something special about you when I saw you. You're a Rapturian, aren't you?" Alexander asked excitedly. I stared up at him in shock, not really knowing what to say to his claim. I shook my head and cringed when he shoved his lips against mine, keeping me to him by clutching my arms to his chest. He pulled away after a few seconds and licked his lips as if to savor the taste of my mouth before letting go of my paws. I shuddered when he did that and felt a slight tug on the lead as he grasped it firmly in his fist. He roughly led me to the bed and grasped me around the shoulders before throwing me onto the silky covers, lust now evident in his eyes as he ripped the robe I was wearing to shreds. He stood up straight and stared at my now naked backside before dropping down onto the floor and shoving his muzzle into my cunt. I held back the moan I wanted to let loose and tried to turn over to kick him off of me, but the way his tongue was lashing around inside of me was sending electric shocks of pleasure shooting through my body. He continued his torture for a while until he started twisting my engorged clit in between his fingers, making me groan through my teeth in defiance. I didn't want to satisfy him, but what my mind wanted and what my body wanted were two different things entirely. He started thrusting his muzzle into me and I moaned loudly as his tongue lapped over my G-spot repeatedly, making me want to grind my hips into his attacking mouth. I came with a scream and drenched his cheeks in my cum, riding out my orgasm while he drank noisily from my pussy. When he'd had his fill, he pulled his muzzle from out of my still leaking cunt and grabbed my lead as he stood. I turned my head to see what he was going to do next, but all I got was his cum soaked face that still burned with a lust that meant he was nowhere near finished with me. He pulled on the lead harshly and made me get up off of the bed before shoving me onto my knees, the bulge in his pants evidence of what he wanted me to do.

"Pull them off, my pet." He commanded in a heavy tone that made me want to obey him, even though my brain fought against the hypnotic voice and tried to get the control of my limbs back. I grasped the waistband of his pants with my paws and yanked them down quickly, his now fully erect ten-inch cock barely touching the tip of my nose. I parted my lips slightly so I could let my tongue play over his sensitive shaft and gave him a long lick on its underside before closing my mouth over the tip. I suckled on him for a little bit before deepthroating him and started bobbing my head up and down on him, my nose touching his stomach each time. He groaned in pleasure when I started fondling his sack with my infected paw, making me redouble my efforts to make him cum. I dragged my tongue up his shaft with a deliberate slowness that made him groan and took my mouth from his cock before pumping it gently with my infected paw, making him jump slightly but moan even louder. I felt his paws grab onto my head and let my arm fall as he shoved my head down as far as it would go onto his dick before he came in the back of my throat, making me gag on his seed. Some of it passed down my throat, but most went exploding out of my mouth and back down onto his crotch. He held me there for what seemed to be a few minutes and when he let go of my head, some of his cum was dribbling out of my nose and onto the floor. I panted from the way he'd just came in my mouth, but I couldn't find any words to express the way I was feeling.

"Clean it." Alexander said in the same deep voice that made pleasing him the forefront of anything my body should be doing. I licked some of the excess cum from off of his shaft and was rewarded with a late jet of cum that splattered on the bridge of my nose. I ignored it and continued cleaning him off until his dick was dripping with my saliva, much to my irritation. Why can't I control my body? I thought as he tugged on the lead, bringing me back up onto my feet with some of his cum still dripping off my lips. I stared at him with innocent eyes and heard him laugh slightly as he dropped the lead onto the ground, the leather making a quiet thwack when it hit the floor.

"Lie on your back." He told me with a voice barely above a whisper. I did as I was told and lay down on the bed, my paws cupping my breasts while I stared up at him. He chuckled slightly and said something unintelligible before grabbing my hips in his paws and roughly shoving his cock into me. I gasped a little and thrust my hips back into his as he started pumping his member into me, our hips colliding to make a quiet slapping sound. My cunt was already sensitive from my orgasm, but this made my level of pleasure skyrocket as he kept thrusting harder and harder into my tunnel. I heard him moan more than once through that annoying smirk on his face and he thrust his hips into mine once more before he came heavily inside me, making me cum right behind him. The smell in the room was definitely sex, but it smelled worse to my guilt-addled brain. To me, it smelled like betrayal and pain. Alexander pulled his cock from out of me with a grunt, his knot slipping free of my lower lips with a squelching noise. He pulled up his pants and made for the door, his breath coming in slight pants, but he held himself well. He opened the door sluggishly and looked back at me with a smirk that seemed heavily contrasted to the sneer that the dragon had given me in the same sort of situation, albeit without the sex part.

"You'll learn to love it here, Rapturian. And even if you don't, there's nothing you can do about it. I control your every move, so this will become much worse if you don't cooperate. Goodnight." He said with a deadly undertone as he closed the door silently, leaving me with his threat and a sense of disrespect that made me want to vomit violently. I remembered my words from a couple of hours earlier and shivered as whatever influence the wolf had over me worked its way out of my system. From one prison to another. I crawled stiffly to the waiting pillows and slipped one of the covers over my shoulders before falling asleep quickly, the memories of the Scarbora rushing around me to take my mind off of Alexander. I snuggled deeper into the warm blanket and let myself drift in the sky with the beings who rightfully owned it.

So ends chapter six. Longest chapter I've written and glad of it. Hope you guys like it and no ripping off any of the characters in this story ever. Alexander is a douche.