The Hypno Bunny ( Part 2)

Story by nictheman on SoFurry

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This is part of the story Hypno bunny i wrote yesterday. I hope you enjoy it, im always open for critique as a new writer. Again enjoy this, part 3 will come soon enough!

The Hypno Bunny (Part 2)

By Nictatew

The pair slept soundly through the night, only with the quiet sounds of a crinkling diaper breaking the silence. Soon, morning rose and the diapered wolf woke slowly, still only half asleep. He felt weird for some reason, he just couldn't put his paw on what it was. He shrugged and turned over. His eyes shoot open when he hears an unmistakable crinkle. He looks around the room for the source of the sound till his eyes move down to his crotch. He was wearing a thick pink diaper! Even worse he was wearing a dress too. He sits up quickly "What the hell?!" He yells which causes Rebecca to wake from her slumber. She wakes up slowly as well, never really being a morning person. "Huh?" She says as she sits up to find the source of the loud yell till she comes across to the wolf's crib and giggles as she recalls the events the night before. "Oh it seems my baby girl has woken up." She smiles and walks over to the wolf, only in her bra and panties. "Did you sleep well baby girl?" The wolf growls angrily "You, your that bunny from last night. What the hell did you do to me you bitch!" The bunny gasps "That is no way to talk to your mommy, naughty naughty girl." She lowers the crib and you can tell be the anger on her face she means business. The wolf tries to escape but his limbs aren't working with him this morning. Rebecca sits on the bed and puts the wolf over his knee. "Bad girls get spankings" The wolf's eyes widen "No no, please no I'm sorry" The bunny smiles "I know you are, but your gonna be even more sorry after 10 good licks and if you use a bad word again, your gonna get 20 licks" Rebecca pulls the wolf's diaper down and rubs his butt softly. "Lets hope this teaches you a lesson" And with that statement, she buckles down and swats the wolf's rear hard causing the wolf to yelp and tear up some "Please no more im sorry!" The wolf pleas but his pleas were ignored. Rebecca bears down and swats the wolf's rear 9 more times and by that time his bottom is bright red and her paw is stinging. "Now are you gonna be a bad puppy again?" The wolf who is now crying and whimpering can do nothing but nod his head. "Good" She smiles and pulls the diaper back up on his bottom.

The bunny sits the wolf up on his bottom in her lap causing the wolf to let out a pained yelp. The pain subsides for the most part after his gets comfortable and looks at the bunny "Would you like to know why your here, i mean you should know anyways. Its your fault your here" The wolf tilts his head. "Do you remember pushing me up against a wall, attempting the rape me. The wolf's eyes widen "Y-ya I do, but i don't think this was necessary if you wanted to teach me a lesson. Why not just take me to jail?" The wolf asks still a little confused over the punishment "Well i could have done that but that would be no fun." The wolf growls "YOU THINK THIS IS FUN YOU BI-" The bunny raises her hand and the wolf recalls the events that just happened. "S-sorry, please don't spank me again, I'm just surprised and confused. Id rather go to jail then this though" The rabbit smiles "And that's why i'm doing it, not to be mean but to teach you a lesson you wont ever forget" The wolf can only look defeated, knowing he cant get himself out of this or even run away. "Why don't my limbs agree with more, its like i'm a baby" She smiles "That's because you are, if you not mature enough to leave a innocent women alone you must be an immature baby" The wolf can curse at the bunny a thousand times but hes afraid of the outcome. The bunny speaks again, explaining further "I have a special power called hypnotics which as it sounds means i can hypnotize people. Yesterday i hypnotized you to let go of me and follow me home. I also made it so you would wake up unhypnotized but has the strength of a baby" The wolf is in awe at this. "Your new name while your here is Amy by the way, it better fits your new stature." The wolf growls "Amy? Amy! I am a male wolf, not some baby puppy" The wolf yells again causing Rebecca to swat his rear, causing another pained yelp to come from the babyish wolf "That's what you used to be, now your Amy, my baby girl, my puppy" The wolf, now Amy is in shock at this turn of events. He never figured his behavior would ever come back and bite him/her in the ass but it did and now he was paying for it.

Amy looks up at his 'mommy' "Alright, i get that i'm not getting out of this. What are you gonna do to me. Torture me, hurt me?" The bunny giggles and shakes her head "Worse, i'm gonna humiliate you. There wont be a moment in the day when your not blushing. Again i don't want to be mean or punish you. You deserve worse then this but i'm giving you this second chance. Will you take this calmly and respectably or are you gonna fight me this whole time. I Would advise choosing the first option, the second will only leave your butt a bright red" The wolf puts his hands under his butt with a whimper "I-ill be good m-m-mommy" He blushes brightly as he says mommy. "Such a good girl you are, now lets begin"

The wolf nods as he is lifted up with an eep, surprised at the strength of the bunny. "If you were this strong, why didn't you fight back harder last night?" The bunny smiles at Amy "That's simple, I am not a violent wolf. And what lesson would you learn from getting beat up by a little bunny?" The wolf blushes at his helplessness. "Well i-i-" He shuts his mouth. Rebecca carries Amy into the living room where she sits on the couch with him back in his lap. "You must be so hungry, you haven't eaten since last night i'm guessing." The wolf nods. His eyes widen when he sees Rebecca let one side of her bra fall to the side, revealing one of her large furry breasts and a pinkish nipple. "Well this is your breakfast" The bunny smiles and Amy blushes as bright as his bottom was moments ago "I-i have to drink from that, but its so humiliating" The bunny nods "Well isn't that the point, i would use bottle but i don't have any so this'll have to do for now" The wolf tries to protest again but feels his face forced into her breast, mouth directly over her nipple. "Drink up baby girl" The wolf tries to get away but can only sigh and give up, what other option does he have anyway? With a bright blush on his face, he starts to suckle on this breast. At first nothing comes out but soon, sweet, smooth milks starts pouring into his mouth with each suckle. He actually likes this milk, this causing him to blush even more, how bright his face must look right now. Amy drinks his breakfast for about 5 more minutes before coming up from the nipple. "I-im full mommy" Rebecca smiles and giggles. She reaches around him and pats his back softly. The wolf wonders what is going on till he feels gas building up and going towards his throat. A large belch erupts from him, causing his blush to stay bright. "S-sorry mommy" Rebecca shakes her head and rubs Amy's back "Don't worry, babies are supposed to burp after all feedings. The wolf can only nod his head in agreement.

After this feeding, Rebecca wipes off Amy's mouth with a cloth, getting all the milk of his lips from the burping. "Now baby girl, time to go into town for some shopping." Amy's eyes widen "W-what? Were going into public, cant i at least have a longer outfit, this diaper is humiliating." Rebecca shakes her head no "Im sorry Amy but no, this is part of the humiliating besides we need to get you a stroller in town and more diapers and outfits. At least in the stroller you can hide somewhat." The wolf pleas with Rebecca but she isnt having it "Your going like that and thats final" Rebecca says in a strict firm tone making to wolf stay at attention. "Y-yes mommy" He gives up. Now sense i cant carry you all the way down town and you cant walk i have another solution. You can crawl just fine so...." She pulls out a leash and a collar.

To be continued....