Halcyon Part 7-Chapter Six

Story by Torque_16 on SoFurry

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#7 of Halcyon

This is Part 7, Chapter 6.

I worked hard on it. I'm working on Chapter 7 :3

And I'm ronery :c

As the train drew close to the station, Calig looked around and absorbed every detail of the scene in front of him. The platform was mostly empty, except for six vaguely anthropomorphic shapes that looked towards the train as it pulled in.

He and Dom were the only ones getting off at this stop, and they walked up towards the furs standing around on the station platform. Sorren was one of them, and Justin was there as well. The others were furs from the Central, East, and South Districts. There was a fox, who waved at Dom and Calig and then went back to listening to his MP3 player, a lion who grinned at them both, and two wolves, both gray-furred.

The lion waved and asked, "How was the train ride?" Dom and Calig both shrugged, and the lion grinned. "My name's Leon. What are your guys' names?"

Calig said, "I'm Calig, and this is Dominic." The German Shepherd nodded, and said, "I usually go by Dom." The lion grinned, and said, "Dude-that's kinda like-"

The canine grinned as well. "I know what it's like, and it's irritating as hell that everyone takes the worst meaning out of it." Leon shrugged, and said, "I found out that the two wolves are close friends, from the Central District. Special close friends, if you know what I mean." He made a lewd gesture with his fingers, smirking.

Dom rolled his eyes. "I know what you mean. And I don't care." He walked up to the two wolves and offered them his paw, and said, "Heya guys. I'm Dom." The smaller of the two wolves smiled and took his paw. "Nice to meet you, Dom. I'm Alex. This is my... friend James." The other wolf nodded and gave Dom a smile. Calig came over and introduced himself as well.

Dom asked, "Who's the fox?" The wolves shrugged, and Alex said, "Probably someone from East. Leon's from the South-if you can't tell. And you guys came from West, so..."

The German Shepherd nodded, and Calig asked, "What's the Central District like?" The wolves shrugged. "Like the West, only a little more crammed together, and we don't have the massive parks you guys do. Central is the ultimate urban area-streets laid out in grids and massive buildings, as well as smaller single-story buildings spotted among the larger ones. I heard that in the Liberation War, urban combat was the worst in Central-it took the longest to wrest out of CORE's hands."

Calig grinned. "Neat." Before he could say anything else, Sorren turned to the group and asked, "All ready?" They all nodded, and Calig whispered to Dom, "I hate having to move all this luggage around." Dom nodded, and said, "Same here."

Sorren must have overheard them, for he said, "You only need to carry your luggage over to the next platform. That is the train that heads directly to the Academy."

The furs whispered amongst themselves for a moment. If a train was required to head to the Academy, then it must be outside the city. Sorren let them talk for a moment, and then he confirmed their suspicions, saying, "The Lone Wolf Academy is north of the actual District, in the pine forests above it. At the Academy, you'll be 5 miles away from the city, but if you want, with permission, you can head back into the District. You'll have to earn the privilege to do so, and second years and up get to do it whenever they like."

Dom grinned, and Calig said, "Wow. I like the sound of this Academy already." Dom nodded, as did the two wolves. Leon was standing a little ways away, and the fox had his MP3 player put away, and he wandered over towards Dom and Calig. He gave them a slight smile, and said, "Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I was a little nervous." His smile wavered a little, and Dom smiled back reassuringly. The fox said, "I'm D-david. And I'm from the East District." Dom nodded, and Calig gave the fox a smile as well. Dom said, "I'm Dominic. Most people call me Dom. This is Calig, and Alex, and James." They all nodded as Dom listed their names, and David smiled shyly. "You guys know each other?" They shook their heads, and Dom said, "We all just met. Calig and I are both from the West District, and we met up on the train out here."

Sorren grabbed their attention again as he began to walk towards the other train platform, and everyone followed him. He got into the train, and so did everyone else, after luggage was taken care of. Calig found himself sitting next to Dom again. The wolves were sitting across from them, and Leon was sitting next to David. Dom shook his head as Leon described the two wolves sitting across from them, and said, "That guy is not making the best impression of himself right now." Calig nodded, and they lapsed into silence as the train began to move. It was now 9:30, and the train ride would take about 15 minutes, so they rested their heads against the seats and relaxed.

When the train stopped again, they all got out, and looked around. They were standing on a cement platform in the middle of a pine forest, and a road led through the trees even further north. They collected their luggage and stood on the platform as the train pulled away and back towards the North District.

Sorren walked out in front of the group, accompanied by Justin, and said, "Follow me. The Academy is just ahead." As they walked, Calig whispered to Dom, "Doesn't this seem a lot like Harry Potter to you?" Dom stifled a sudden bout of laughter and Calig repeated the joke to everyone else, who grinned as they walked along down the dark road, following Sorren and Justin.

It was not all that long of a walk, and suddenly large, black gates loomed in front of them. On either side of the gates were towers made of a thick grey stone, and in the towers, furs waved down at Sorren and opened the gate. They went through and saw the Lone Wolf Academy.

In front was a massive courtyard, with a roundabout for vehicles to pull up on, and the whole courtyard was made of the same grey stone the towers were. The main building was off to the left, its double doors facing the roundabout. It was a tall, two-story building, made of red brick, and two lanterns were mounted on either side of the doors. On the right side, there was a smaller single story building that appeared to be a mess hall, and a larger building with a sign on it that said, 'Armory'. Lanterns mounted on black iron poles lit up the courtyard, assisted by the moonlight that shone down as well, shedding pale white light everywhere it could reach.

Sorren pointed over to the building on the left. "Those are the dorms you'll be staying in. We have a total of twenty two-person rooms and eight single person rooms as well. The school is mostly full, and there'll be one more group of students showing up tomorrow, and then that's it. I'll let your dorm guides tell you more about the Academy tomorrow, but first things first... Room assignments."

Dom grinned and whispered, "Ten to one the wolves go together." Calig nodded, and Sorren said, "Alright. You have already been set up with partners, so here you go. Calig and Dominic." The two furs nodded. "You two share one room. Alex, James, you two will share a room." The wolves smiled at each other, and Sorren said, "Leon. You get a single room. David... you have the choice of a single-person room, or one of these others can take you in."

The fox looked around, and Dom gave him a wink. David said, "I think I'll go with Dominic and Calig. If that's all right." Sorren nodded, and said, "Head into the dorms, please. You dorm guide will tell you who gets which room. I'll see you all tomorrow morning."

The furs headed into the dorm, and a tall snow white fox greeted them at the door. "Evening, everyone. I'm going to show each one of you your room, so pay close attention and don't forget. And a note for you all, your day starts at 8am tomorrow, and the day after. Once the new arrivals are all settled, you will start getting up at 5:30 every morning and attending the PT sessions."

She beamed at them, and then said, "Leon. Follow me, please." She walked off, and the lion followed behind her, holding his luggage. After a moment, she came back, and said, "Calig, Dom, Alex, James, and David. Follow me, please. You four will have rooms next to each other. David, you'll share a room with Calig and Dom."

They followed her as she took a left down the hall and continued all the way down to the end of the hallway. At the end of the hall, there were two large rooms-A13, and A15. She said, "Alex, James, you take A13. You three, A15." They nodded, and she handed them each a keycard. "Those are for your rooms. Don't lose them. We don't give out replacements." They nodded, and she said, "At 8am. Remember to get up at least 30 minutes beforehand and get ready, okay? At 8am, the inspector is going to check all the rooms, and then you'll head to the mess hall. I'll explain more in the morning. And I'll be knocking and waking you up, if necessary, at 7:30 in order to make sure you all are ready."

They nodded, and she smiled, and walked away. Dom nodded to the other wolves, and said, "See you guys in the morning." They nodded, and headed into their room. Dom opened the door and everyone went in. The room was plain, with two bunk beds on the opposite wall. The bunk beds were steel frames, with a fixed ladder in place on the right side of the bed. To the right of the door, there was a decently sized bathroom with a large shower. On the left, there was a small closet, but underneath each bed, as they picked beds, there were steel lockers, with a number pad on them. They had the numbers for the passcode taped on, and each fur entered theirs in, and then set it on their headboard for memorization. The bed's steel frames were designed to hold up to 1,000 pounds, including the lockers, as the tag on the bottom of the top bed read.

David took the bottom bunk directly across from the door, and Dom let Calig have the other bottom bunk and took the one above Calig. Before they went to bed, however, one last surprise was in store. Justin walked in and shut the door. He grinned, and said, "You guys forgot one thing-there has to be a third year somewhere on this dorm wing. Yours is the only room with a fourth spare bed, so I decided to hole up in here. That, and the wolves next door probably want their privacy." He climbed up to the bed, slipping under the covers, as did everyone else. He got up and turned out the lights, and then laid back down. All of them fell asleep within moments.

The next morning, Justin got up and shook Dom gently until he woke up. He said, "Time to get up, Dom. It's 7:30." The German Shepherd nodded, and Justin went to wake up the others as Dom yawned, and got out of bed, stretching.

Calig gave himself a small smile as Dom's hindpaws dropped from above and nearly hit him. He said, "Careful, Dom. I'm below you, remember?" He gave the dog a wink and a grin, and the German Shepherd rolled his eyes. David slid out of his own bunk, yawning, and Justin asked, "Everyone awake?"

Calig nodded, and Dom shrugged. David only yawned again in response, and Justin grinned. "All right. You guys have the option of sharing the shower in here-two at a time-or using the communal showers at the end of the hall. Think of a locker room set of showers-no privacy. Everyone will be there this morning, so you won't be all alone. And you are going to the communal showers. I'm kicking you all out so I can take a nice hot shower alone and relax. The doors auto-lock when you leave, so someone needs to bring their key." They all nodded, and David yawned again. Dom searched his bags for a towel, and Calig simply pulled his out of the bag he'd had it in, and they both waited patiently for David to find his.

When they were all ready, they headed out the door and heard the lock click, and took a right, heading towards the door at the end of the hall. Multiple shower heads could be heard running, along with the talking and laughter of quite a few boys. Behind them, Alex poked his head out of his room, and said, "Hey, guys. Wait a moment?"

Calig turned, as did everyone else, and the wolf stepped out of his room, holding his keycard and a towel. He was wearing shorts and nothing else, and James stepped out of the room after him, also wearing nothing but shorts and carrying a towel. Calig whispered to Dom, "Do you think we should have just grabbed a pair of shorts instead of wearing the same clothes we were last night?"

The German Shepherd shrugged, and said, "I don't think it matters much. You have the key, right?" Calig nodded, and held it up for Dom to see. He nodded, and Alex walked up to the group, James following behind, and said, "Well, what are you all waiting for? Let's go shower!"

Dom shrugged, and the German Shepherd opened the door. The showers and noise grew louder as they entered the large room. The shower room was massive. On the wall opposite the doors, multiple showerheads were spaced out, so that as many furs as possible could use them. On the walls to the left and right, there were lockers, each with a last name, and then first name, and a long number. In the space between the doors and the opposite wall, there were poles mounted at various intervals, each with four showerheads so that the entire complement of furs in the barracks-for that was what the whole building was-could shower at once, if necessary.

About half that number of furs were in the shower room, most without clothing as they stood under the hot water, most talking to each other. Dom looked around at the lockers, and when he spotted the one with his first and last name, headed towards them. Alex tapped Calig on the shoulder, and said, "I found the locker with your name on it. It's right next to ours." The Doberman nodded, and he followed Alex and James as they went over to the left side of the room, and found his locker in between theirs. He asked Alex, "Do you know how to open these?"

The wolf shrugged, and then said, "Hang on." He pointed to a piece of paper taped carefully to the locker, right above the lock. "That is probably the combination. I'd use it, and then memorize it, so no-one can get into your locker." Calig nodded, and said, "Just like high school lockers." He read the combination and instructions, and then opened the locker. It wasn't all that large-enough room for his clothes and the room key.

He stripped quickly, and looked around, a little shy. The two wolves on his left and right were already unclothed, and they gave him a smile, and Alex asked, "Ever done this sort of thing before?"

The Doberman shook his head, and Alex smiled. "Just find an unoccupied showerhead and use it to shower and stuff. We'll even go with you, if you want." Calig shrugged, and Alex smiled again, as did James. "I guess we'll come along, then."

Before Calig closed the locker, he grabbed the necessities for showering, packed his clothes and the key in the locker, and shut it, making sure it locked. He turned and surveyed the room, choosing a set of three showerheads along the one wall nearest to them. He pointed, and Alex nodded, the three of them heading towards the showerheads. When they got there, Dom was using one nearby, and he gave the three of them a grin and a wave. They waved back and then started up the showers, the hot water hitting their bodies and making the wolves jump-the water was very hot, and it didn't seem like there was a way to adjust the heat setting.

As Calig showered, he glanced around the room at the other males showering, seemingly unconcerned at being unclothed around each other. He smiled to himself as he started to think of not-so-appropriate subjects, and the wolves on either side of him grinned to themselves as they saw he wasn't paying any attention to his own body-which was making his wants rather apparent.

Alex tapped the other canine on the shoulder, and said, "You should take a look at yourself, hon. You are rather... perky." He grinned, and Calig blushed when he looked down, and the Doberman tried to calm himself, embarrassed. As soon as Calig was done showering, he walked back over to his locker, the two wolves trailing behind him as he opened his locker, and grabbed his towel. Since the three of them were comparatively alone, as everyone else was concerned with showering, or drying off and leaving, the two wolves looked at each other.

As Calig began to dry himself off, Alex opened his mouth to ask Calig a question-and Dom walked by. The German Shepherd said, "You guys all done showering and everything?" The three of them nodded, the wolves now opening their lockers and reaching for towels, and grabbing their clothes. Dom grinned, and said, "Guys, it's 7:50, so I'm heading back to the room. We've got, what, ten minutes to dress, or so?" They nodded, and Calig wrapped the towel around himself and nodded to the two wolves, following Dom out of the room. David showed up and the three of them opened the door to their room, walking inside and then shutting it, making sure it locked. The shower was shut off, and Justin was nowhere to be seen, so they went to their lockers and got clothes out, beginning to change into clean clothes.

Calig was changed first, and as he waited for the others, he knocked on the bathroom door-which was shut-and when he got no response, turned the handle. It was unlocked, and the canine went into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.

He had already turned on the lights, and as he looked around the bathroom, he saw something that surprised him. The bathroom floor was empty except for something red underneath the sink. The Doberman knelt down and grabbed the article of clothing.

When he saw what it was, he immediately felt confused. What he was holding in his paws was a pair of red lace panties-women's clothing. Except that Justin was male. And the Academy was all male-there weren't any female teachers, not that he knew of. Calig was confused, but other than the assumption that Justin was a cross-dresser, he couldn't think of anything else, and stuffed the panties into his pocket. He would find a way to return them to Justin later, and ask the wolf why he had such clothing. Or perhaps he would just not ask and return the clothing without confronting the wolf face-to-face.

He made sure that the underwear was out of sight in his jeans and then walked out of the bathroom, sitting down on his bunk. He opened his locker and stuffed the panties underneath several other items of his, worried that someone would see as he did so.

No-one else saw or mentioned anything, and the relieved canine laid down on his bed, stretching. Dom tapped him after a moment, and said, "Calig! Stand up!" The Doberman nodded and stood up, as Justin walked into the room. The wolf was wearing black combat fatigues, very much alike the ones he had on at the Lone Wolf demonstration at Calig's school, and he said, "It's good for you three that I happen to be in charge of room inspection. Stand at attention-well, never mind that. We'll actually be teaching you that today. Consider yourself lucky that you're not actually going through real training for at least one more day. Tomorrow is when the fun starts." He grinned, and said, "And so, today, since you are new here, I'll be lenient. This one time, I will not check to make sure your room is as good as it should be-which it actually is, for once. Other than the beds." They nodded, and Justin said, "This is normally the last room to be inspected, so you all are doubly lucky on that score. That also means I am not going to be very lenient concerning any improper cleanliness in here. Understood?" They nodded, and the wolf smiled. "I am your friend here, but I am also your supervisor. I can be both, and I will be a very good friend to you. But when I am your supervisor-as in this case-don't try and ask for favors and such. I may be your friend, but the rules come first. Understood?" They nodded again, and Justin said, "Enough with the lecture. Follow me to the mess hall."

They followed him out the door, and Alex and James joined their group as they headed up the wing. The other furs from the barracks were already streaming towards the single story mess hall. Alex smiled at Calig and said, "We didn't pass our inspection. But since this is first day, we got a pass. A one time pass. How about you?"

The Doberman shrugged, and said, "Ours passed, actually. We just need to get into the habit of making the beds and we'd be perfect." Alex nodded, and the wolf was silent as they followed Justin. Before they entered the mess hall, Justin turned to the group and said, "Something important for you to remember. Second, third, and fourth years wear dress uniforms, with differently colored emblems and rank insignia than first years. Each year grade has its own insignia, and you first years will wear combat fatigues for the duration of your first year here. When the last set of students arrives, you all will receive your fatigues and be expected to wear them properly." He smiled as they nodded, and said, "Also-this isn't official, but first years generally sit at their own tables. Only second, third, and fourth years mix together. I'm an exception, as I'm in charge of you all."

They nodded again, and then Justin opened the doors to the mess hall and walked in. An avalanche of sound hit them as they walked into the room, and saw the multitude of furs in full dress uniform sitting at the tables, and some in line, serving themselves.

Justin headed towards the table nearest to the door, which was unoccupied, and all the first-year furs followed him, sitting at the table. Justin had to shout over the group and the ambient noise in the mess hall, and he said, "This will be your primary table for the rest of your first year here. Don't forget it. Now, how many of you know your ID and number?"

Only one or two paws went up, and Justin rolled his eyes. "Did any of you plan ahead and obtain your ID's from the administration building?" They all shook their heads, and Justin growled to himself. "You all are making me miss out on my breakfast, because you couldn't be bothered to head over to the admin building. Follow me. And move fast. Just because training hasn't officially started yet doesn't mean I can't take over as drill instructor and make you pound out push-ups. Now get moving!"

The whole group headed back out the doors, into the cold-it was the northernmost section of the continent, so it was naturally colder-and Justin led them back towards the roundabout. Once at the roundabout, they headed towards a building Calig and the others had not seen the previous night. It was located a little ways away from the mess hall, armory, and barracks, and was a large single-story building made of thick concrete and steel.

Justin walked in through the double doors, the first years following him in, and the staff looked at each other as everyone crowded inside. They were clearly used to this happening with every group of first years, and they shouted for quiet, as did Justin. Once everyone had quieted down, Justin spoke with one of the staff, and they nodded.

The staff member grabbed a clipboard and looking down at it, began to read off names, last, then first. The class began to split up into groups and move off with each staff member into a separate room, and finally, Calig, Dom, Alex, James, David, and Justin, along with several other furs, were left. The staff member called out, "Anderson!" Dom nodded to the group and moved to stand by the staff member, who called out, "Hilfson!" David went to stand with Dom. "Piers!" James went to stand with the growing group, and the staff member called out, "Rorsk!" Alex went to stand next to James. "Jameson!" Calig noticed with a slight jolt of surprise that Leon was here, as the lion walked over and stood pointedly next to Dom, staying away from Alex and James. "Stagheart!" Calig went to stand with Alex and James. Alex whispered, "Stagheart? I've never heard of a last name like that." Calig grinned and said, "I've never heard of Rorsk." Alex shrugged, and Justin walked over to the group. The staff member, a male deer about 5'6", said, "Follow me." He headed down the hall, and the group followed him as he entered a room, and then he said, "Line up in two rows."

They worked out the arrangement, and the buck said, "So you all don't know your ID or numbers?" They shook their heads, and Justin sighed. The staff member continued, "Then I'm going to hand you all a card, with your ID and number on it. Don't lose it. And you might find it a good idea to memorize your number, otherwise you'll end up holding up the chow line-and doing that doesn't win you many friends."

They nodded, and the buck passed around cards to people. Calig accepted his card and silently admired the male deer's muscle and confidence as he finished handing out cards to the rest of the people.

As soon as everyone had their cards, Justin saluted the staff member, and then walked out the door, followed by everyone who was a first year. They met up with the rest of the class and followed Justin back to the mess hall.

The mess hall was a little emptier than earlier, but it was nearly 8:30, and the first years practically ran to the line, and within 15 minutes, everyone had their food and sat at the table. Calig sat down in between Alex and James once again, and noticed Leon looking at him and then shaking his head. Calig gave a soft growl as he stared at the lion, who looked away. Alex noticed this and asked Calig, "What's going on with you and Leon?"

The Doberman shook his head. "I'm sure you guys have noticed the comments he makes about you two. And his treatment of anyone who hangs out a little too much with you." The two wolves shrugged, and James said, "He doesn't matter. If he doesn't like us, then he can go screw himself." The wolf grinned as he said this, and Alex rolled his eyes before saying to Calig. "And whatever he thinks... well, let him think what he wants. I've got enough to worry about. And rumors won't hurt anyone."

Calig shrugged, and he dug into his food, as did the wolves next to him. After he had eaten, and everyone else finished, Justin stood, and said, "Take your dishes up to the bin to be washed later. Then come outside in front of the barracks and find me."

He walked out, and Calig went with the other first years and took care of his dishes. As he walked back towards the double doors in the front of the mess hall, Leon caught up to him and said, "So you're with the faggots now?" Calig growled at him and asked, "What the hell is your problem? Do you even know anything about those two, or are you just assuming that they're dating because they're close friends?"

Leon shrugged. "They're furfags. I can tell that they like to screw each other at night and that they feel for each other in a way that isn't right for any normal male. So if I were you, I'd find someone else to hang out with, unless you want to become a faggot yourself."

Calig growled again and shoved the lion. "Shut up and go bother someone else, asshole. I'm not gay, and neither are the two wolves." Leon snorted, but he walked away and joined another group of furs heading for the door. Calig walked outside into the cold and shivered, his fur barely providing adequate warmth. He walked over to where Dom and David were waiting, and asked, "Can you guys believe what Leon thinks?" Dom shrugged, and said, "I don't much care about Leon's opinion. Let him spread whatever rumors he wants about those two wolves. They can handle themselves, and I, once again, don't care if he says they're dating or screwing each other or whatever. I have things of my own to concentrate on."

Calig nodded, and he turned his attention to Justin, who said, "Now that you all are here, we can get started with the basics. First, though, follow me out to the fields, where I can get a good look at all of you. And I'll be introducing you to your instructors, who'll start teaching you tomorrow."

He started walking again, and Calig followed him, as did everyone else. Justin walked out on a long, gravel road through the forest-not the way they had come in, but another path out.

It was chilly, and fog hung in the air as the class followed along behind, and the fields grew closer, slowly resolving into large, green shapes throughout the fog.