First Time: Heat, pt II

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#14 of First Time Series

Well, after a couple months of distractions, I am back!! Back with more lusty tales, and the continuation of the story of our four friends at Ivalice Academy!

When we left off, the four 'champions' of Ivalice had been given a free day off from their events, and the planned to use it to the fullest. After making a new friend in the form of an Australian stallion, Renfear took Alex back to their dorm for a little "initiation", while Glauron went off with Prof. Reston to draw up plans for the next challenges. This left Auren and Nate to answer the call of Nate's uncle, Blayde, down at the club where they were asked to take on a special, last-minute appointment...

Nate's paws brushed over the multicolored row of shirts hanging from the rack, half-appraising them with his stoic stare as he waited for Auren to come out of the change room. Flicking his gaze up to the closed door, the wolf gave a soft sigh and continued to look around as he waited.

After leaving Blayde's office at the club, the friends decided to do a bit of shopping to kill a the few hours before they had to head to their appointed room and begin preparations for their clients. Since it sounded like it was quite the high-end appointment, Auren had suggested they grab some nice clothes to wear for the dinner portion of the night. Nate had agreed, although to be honest, shopping wasn't really his thing. The real reason he agreed to go out was simply so he could finally spend some time with the silver drake alone. Nate and Auren had become friends weeks ago when Renfear had introduced them, and they had spent nearly every day since then hanging out together with their little group. The deeper feelings towards the silver drake had started shortly after that, when the wolf was still confused about having feelings for more than just Renfear. Granted, though, that situation had turned out for the best. They had really only become official boyfriends just yesterday, and before that, Nate couldn't remember very many times where it was just he and Auren spending time together. He loved Renfear and Glauron, of this there was no doubt, but for once it would be nice to spend time with just the handsome dragon he felt so strongly about.

Not to mention they hadn't even made love yet.

I mean, yeah, we did the vore thing that one night, he mused to himself. Plus sleeping together last night. But still....the two of us have had sex with everyone in our quartet except each other. Nate sighed and leaned against a rack of pants gently, his mind beginning to wander. Am I being silly? I know Auren cares for me - damn that dragon sure can kiss - but I want to feel_it; to get that rush of mating with one another. That same high I got when Ren and I did it for the first time, that feeling that you are with someone who wants more than a one-time thing. Someone who-_

"You still out there, wuff?" came a slightly muffled voice, shaking Nate from his thoughts.

Flicking his ears and stepping over to the closed changing room door, Nate cocked his head. "Er...yeah?"

A pair of jeans flopped over the top of the door. "Could you grab me the next size up of these? This pair is a little tight in...places."

Nate chuckled as he retrieved the pants, trying not to visualize what Auren meant, and searched for a similar pair one size up. Since the incident with Perch last week, the drake was still adjusting to his newly-grown body, finding it annoying when most if not all of his current wardrobe was no longer capable of fitting his body properly. Auren had certainly not been lacking before the change, but after gaining nearly twenty pounds of muscle, and a few inches in height, it was safe to say the poor drake needed some new clothes. More than once, a conversation had been interrupted by a subtle ripping sound as another shirt of Auren's failed to contain his newly-enlarged torso.

Of course, Nate and the other two saw _no_problem with Auren strutting around in too-small clothes. Still, the gentle teasing from the wolf as they left Blayde's office earlier had been the last straw, and Auren made a beeline for a clothing store as soon as they had reached the mall.

Chuckling to himself, the silver-furred wolf tossed the new pair of jeans over the door, along with another he thought his friend might like. A deep rumble of thanks reverberated through the door, making the wolf smile again. Auren had roamed up and down the racks of the Suburban Outfitters store for nearly a half-hour, piling shirts, pants, shorts and even underwear onto his cart. When Nate had raised an eyebrow, the drake simply muttered that there was very little in his closet now that actually fit with any degree of comfort, hence why he needed such a big haul. His lupine companion asked if he was sure about this store, as it was one of the higher-end clothing outlets with plenty of designer labels, but Auren just winked and said he was eager to dip into the paycheck from BITN. Blayde had compensated Auren handsomely for all the crap with Perch, and as a 'thank-you' for staying on as an Alpha-employee. Another reason why working at this club was so alluring; Blayde did not hesitate to treat his people well.

The gentle squeak of hinges brought Nate out of his musings and he looked to the figure stepping out of the change room. For a minute, he had to blink to make sure it was the same dragon that went in there a few minutes ago. Auren had always had what some would call a 'sporty' attire, usually plain shorts or track pants topped with an athletic shirt of some kind, which hinted at his active lifestyle and playful nature. However, as Nate looked on, it was like seeing a whole other side to his friend.

The dark blue shirt hugged his torso nicely, managing to be tight _and_fitting in all the right places, showcasing the hard abs of the dragon while still managing to be loose around his neck area. Looking lower, the jeans he picked out complemented the blue of the shirt with their black and grey fade-wash coloring. The jeans sat slightly tilted on his hips, riding low and sexy, and were form fitting around the drake's waist and thighs, highlighting the muscles and bulges there, but not as constricting as his older pants were, becoming looser and airy down towards his ankles. Auren looked less like the 'sporty' type now, and more like a preppy jock.

Or, as Nate's mind put it; HOT.

" do clean up pretty good," the wolf smirked, eyeing his friend's choice of clothing.

Auren just smiled, and gave a little spin. "Not bad, huh?" His wolf nodded again. "Good. Now, lets see what you think of the rest of these..."

For the next little while, Nate was treated to a one-dragon fashion show as Auren showed off just how well these designer clothes accented his new muscular frame, causing Nate to lick his chops every few minutes. After at least six different outfits, the old Auren reemerged in his plain hoodie and track pants, all the new clothes folded and bundled in his arms as he strolled to the cashier. Proudly flashing his BITN identification card - which Blayde informed them doubled as a bank card, which he had already linked to their personal accounts.....somehow - the silver drake barely blinked at the high amount that flashed on the register. It felt nice to not be scrimping anymore.

With his new clothes swinging by his side in bags, Auren led Nate out of SO and back into the mall. The wolf's ears flattened as the dull roar of noise washed over them again, and Auren flashed an apologetic smile. "Sorry....I know you said you hate malls."

"Its fine," Nate mumbled, sliding up next to the dragon. "I'm just not a fan of crowds."

The drake nodded and shifted his bags in his grip, freeing his left hand to gently curl around Nate's right. The silver-furred wolf blinked in surprise at the gesture, not expecting the display in public after the four of them had mentioned how they preferred to keep their relationship confined to their private lives. Still, walking through the mall with Auren holding his hand caused a smile to spread across his muzzle that he just didn't want to erase. A few people gave them looks, but neither cared as they made their way towards the exit.

Taking a taxi back to the club, the silver duo headed up to the room that has been reserved for their appointment. They still had nearly two hours before their clients would show up, but Auren suggested they relax and plan how they wanted things to go. It was already decided that the dragon would do most of the cooking while Nate entertained before dinner, but there were still other finer details to work out. Stashing his new clothes in the large closet, Auren shucked off his hoodie and shirt, stretching and flapping his wings a few times. " glad its the last time I wear those small clothes."

"I told you before, going around shirtless wouldn't be so bad," Nate chuckled as he took off his own over shirt, leaving his torso as bare as the dragon's. "Not like it's illegal or anything anymore."

A fair point, since 65-70% of the world was now populated by furs, and as such, the global views and laws regarding clothing had become rather lax. Full nudity was still slightly frowned upon by more developed countries, but with many citizens having a natural fur coat - like Nate for instance - it was not uncommon for people to go about their day in only the barest of lower-body clothing, so as to appease some level of modesty. Still, seeing as how many furs were not as 'exposed' as normal humans, it wasn't a shock to see a few people here and there without a stitch of clothing. It was just another example of how far the world had come in terms of accepting the emergence of furs in the past few centuries.

Crossing his bulging arms over his chest, the silver dragon quirked his muzzle in a grin. "You just want to see me strut it around naked, don't you wuff? Admit it."

"Yup!" Nate smiled shamelessly, eyeing over his boyfriend's toned body. "Why hide such a work of art?"

Auren snorted and laughed, shaking his head. "You can be so corny sometimes," he rumbled, turning back towards the kitchen area. The wolf just grinned after him, watching him go as he set about getting the dinning area ready for their guests, as well as the bedroom area for the after dinner fun.

Nate admired Auren's half-naked form over the next hour as he watched the dragon prepare for tonight's meal, simply enjoying the time the two had together before their clients arrived. It had taken Auren only a few minutes to familiarize himself with where all the cookware was, and soon, had a collection of frying pans and pots lined up and ready to go. More than a few times, the drake sauntered over to the closet where the small freight elevator was hidden, placing in a request for this ingredient or another. Despite knowing nearly everything about his uncle's club, Nate still had to smile at the genius of the custom elevator system, and how it linked to both the main kitchen downstairs as well as the large underground storage area beneath the club.

Each apartment-like room was fully stocked with things like clothes, drinks and any other supplies a companion might need during a period with a customer. The large closet was actually a high-tech requisition system linked to the main computer in BITN's basement. All one needed to do was input the supplies or equipment they needed, and it was shuttled up by the service lift inside the closet. Blayde had shown the boys the vast basement of the establishment, where all their supplies and such were stored, as well as the automated equipment that ferried it to the various rooms. Between that, and the high-tech computer system that monitored and ran everything, Auren didn't even want to guess how big a dent in Blayde's pocketbook all this had cost.

Still, the drake had to admit, being able to acquire something at the press of a few buttons was sure handy when it came to preparing to entertain. Speaking of which, as he began slicing up the vegetables he had just received from the req. system, Auren looked over his shoulder at the wolf lounging on the couch watching him. "Did you grab some things to help clean up afterwards?" he asked, fighting to keep the grin off his face.

"Of course," Nate smiled back, looking perfectly innocent as he nudged the bundle of towels nearby on the bed. He was about to add a retort of his own, when his nose took off and his ears perked. Whatever Auren was cooking was starting to take shape, the sizzling of the frying pan music to his ears, and the lupine's stomach rumbled in response. "Mmm....please tell me its almost dinner time....that is starting to smell good."

Chuckling, Auren checked the nearby clock. "Hmmm....ten minutes to. Just enough time." Turning back to Nate, he flashed his trademark grin. "Why don't you throw on a shirt and go meet our clients downstairs? I'll have this finished by time you get back here." The wolf nodded and retrieved his shirt, sliding it over his lean and muscled frame as he headed out the door.

In no time at all, Nate was padding up to Garcia's desk, smiling at the bubbly vulpine who was tapping away at her computer. The chitchatted for a few minutes, until Garcia nodded to the front entrance, where a group of three furs had just entered. "There's your night, handsome."

Nate turned his gaze to the trio that walked into the foyer, and ran a careful eye over his clients. The first was a male Rottweiler, roughly the same height as he and Auren, but not as muscular. The dog's black and tan fur stood out against his lighter colored polo shirt and jeans, and the canine walked with the air of someone who held himself in either real or self-imposed importance. Second, was a tiger, a few inches shorter than his canine companion. The traditional orange and black striped fur moved with gentle ripples over the feline's toned frame, although he too was not as overly muscular as Nate, instead more on the lean side, comparable to a swimmer's build. In between the two taller furs was a shorter fox, his fur a gentle mix of darker, rusty orange and a lighter brown. His head barely came up to the tiger's chin, and the other two displayed and almost protective nature around their smaller vulpine companion. Both the Rottweiler's friends were dressed in the same manner, and Nate partially wondered if they came from a school with a dress code.

Reaching the desk, the Rottweiler nodded to Garcia. "Thomas, appointment for three?" Nate noticed his tone was clipped and slightly accented, hinting that they were indeed not from around here.

"Of course," the indigo-furred vixen smiled, pulling up their info on her screen. "We have Room #5 all ready for you. This is Nate, one of your companions for the evening," she said, gesturing to the handsome silver wolf next to the desk. Nate smiled politely, extending a paw, which the Rottie accepted with a nod.

Shaking paws with both the tiger and fox as well, Nate motioned up the stairs to where the rooms were. "Shall we?" The Rottie nodded, and the trio followed the silver wolf up the stairs. As they walked, Nate grinned to himself and made sure to make a show of his form as they climbed the stairs, his tail swishing from side to side. Behind him, a gentle rumble from the tiger let him know the at least the feline liked what he saw. "My partner is preparing dinner," the wolf said in a conversational tone as he led them down the hall. "I hope it appeals to what you had in mind."

"Provided it isn't a vegetarian meal, I should think it will be fine," the tiger purred, still admiring the wolf walking before them.

"Indeed," the black and tan canine added as Nate brought them to the door and opened it politely for them. "After seeing the price of your services I would is that?" the dog trailed off, sniffing the air as the door was opened. Nate found himself unable to answer, as he too sniffed the air with a hungry expression. He had only been gone ten minutes, but the smell that greeted them was easily tenfold than when he had left.

"" the shorter fox whispered, looking towards the dinning room with a curious expression.

The lights had been dimmed and soft music was playing from the suite's speaker system, creating a relaxing atmosphere. The table was formally laden with dinnerware and decor, the quality of which befitted a high-end restaurant. The scarlet tablecloth draped over the formerly plain table, and was topped with a fancy centrepiece that reminded Nate of a Christmas wreath with candles. The silverware and fine plates stood out nicely against the dark red background, drawing attention to the food atop them. The delicious smell wafted from said plates, and four distinct rumbles came from the stomachs of those still standing in the doorway.

Beside the table was the silver dragon, now dressed in one of his new outfits, the deep blue of his shirt accenting the color of his scales wonderfully. His form-fitting black jeans - the ones he had showed off to Nate in the store - drew the eye almost as fast as the prominent muscles that showed through his shirt, and Nate wasn't the only one the licked his lips at the sight. "Ah, welcome," the drake rumbled deeply, setting the last plate on the table. He smirked as he saw Nate's expression matching that of their guests, and strolled over to greet them. "Auren," he said happily, extending a paw to the wide-eyed clients.

"Er...Thomas," the Rottie replied, shaking himself from his stare and returning the shake. It was not lost on Auren how the dog's eyes travelled up and down his form, making the dragon bite back a grin.

The tiger was next to shake the handsome dragon's paw, although his gaze drifted between the two silver companions, almost as if unable to decide which he like more. "Gerald," he finally purred out.

Lastly, the shy, shorter fox smiled at the hunk of a dragon, his furry ears twitching. "I'm Tyler," he said happily. Auren smiled back, and gestured that they seat themselves at the table while he retrieved the drinks from the kitchen.

As the trio seated themselves and stared at the food, Nate hurried over to Auren with wide-eyed wonder. "I was gone ten minutes!" he hissed. "How the heck did you manage all this so fast?"

Auren's eyes twinkled as he grinned back at his boyfriend. "Ancient dragon secret," he chuckled playfully, nosing his partner's snout with his own as he gathered some wine from the counter. Nate shook his head in disbelief as he followed Auren back out into the dinning room, seating himself next to the tiger as the drake offered out the wine.

After everyone was poured a glass of the rich red wine, Auren began serving out the food, talking about each dish as he did so. "Tonight, we have a mix of a few different dishes. For starters, sautéed vegetables over wild rice with garlic and herbs," he growled proudly as he placed portions of said dish onto the plates of their guests as well as his and Nate's own. The tiger, who had been the one to oppose any sort of vegetarian meal, was the first to try a bite of the aromatic dish, purring in approval as he nodded towards the dragon. Both the Rottie and fox followed suit, murmuring their own approval as they began the first course.

Sipping his wine, Nate dropped back into his formal demeanor as he asked Thomas and the others where they were from, noticing the small crest on each of their shirts that they wore. The pair of companions learned that their guests were actually from Rozzaria Academy, and Nate caught himself from blurting out that they were from the local academy of Ivalice. Who knows...they might be competition? he mused. Plus, it would be rude to steer the conversation away from their clients when he and Auren were supposed to be the entertainers.

After listening to the trio talk about their academy for a while, Auren stood and began dishing out the next course while Nate cleared the first set of dishes away. Stealing a quick glance at the pert ass of his friend, the wolf licked his lips as Auren disappeared into the kitchen, only to reappear with a tray filled with bowls of hearty smelling stew. "Next up," the dragon purred, happily getting all eyes on him, "something a bit more hearty, an old family recipe." Auren placed the bowls in front of everyone, trying not to smile to hard as everyone licked their chops as the scent of the stew hit them full force. "This is an Irish stew, passed down from my great great grandmother."

The Rottie was the first to take a spoonful of the dish, and his eyes widened as the flavors hit his tongue. A hasty lick of his lips, and another spoonful vanished into his mouth just as quick. Tyler and Gerald followed suit, with only the fox pausing to yip, "This is great! Is this real mutton?"

"Aye, it is," the dragon purred proudly, his fangs gleaming in the soft lighting as he saw everyone enjoying the food. A gentle thwapping from beside him caused him to stifle a giggle as Nate's tail started up, the silver lupine digging into his own bowl rather quickly. This time around, conversation was almost non existent as it was replaced by gentle slurps and swallowing as the five furs ate. Nate polished off his bowl, half-tempted to start licking the dish clean it was so tasty, but managed to restrain himself in front of their clients. Auren shot him a glance and a wink, as if he knew what was going through the wolf's mind, making Nate blush and smile back. I swear...if these guys weren't here...I'd be all over you, Auren. You're amazing tonight.

"I have to say, I am very impressed so far," Gerald said, using a napkin to dab his lips. He smiled and inclined his head to the two silver companions. "Both with the meals and the company." His glittering green eyes travelled over the dragon and wolf opposite him with with delicate slowness, taking in every visible detail that could be seen above the table.

Thomas nodded in agreement, the Rottweiler patting his lean stomach. "Indeed, I fear I may not be able to continue if you keep up such great dishes, Auren."

The silver drake flashed the dog a killer smile, one that made Nate swoon as much as he saw the fox Tyler do. "Well, hopefully you save room for after dinner entertainment," Auren rumbled softly, rising once again to clear the current course from the table. "We were told it would be quite...extensive."

That got a chuckle from the Rozzarian trio, and Gerald the tiger leaned back in his chair, his eyes now wandering over the lower half of the dragon as it was revealed from behind the table. "Well, as we stated before, your club is well-known for many things, and we are eager to try them out for ourselves." A slight purr escaped the tiger's lips as Auren turned around, his tail flicking across the bum on his jeans slowly.

Grabbing the last few dishes, Nate followed Auren into the kitchen area, stating they would be just a few moments bringing the main course out. Sliding up to his dragon friend as Auren dashed a little garnish on his masterpiece, the wolf hissed, "I don't know if I will make to after dinner if this keeps up!"

"What do you mean?" Auren asked, turning to his friend with slight concern in his electric blue eyes. "Are you alright? Is something not agreeing with you? I can get some medi-" He was cut off as Nate captured his maw with his own, a growl of surprise escaping him. The kiss was quick, but spoke volumes as Nate's tongue caressed that of his dragon. Auren had to fight from grabbing the wolf and pinning him to his chest to keep the moment going, but reluctantly broke the kiss when Nate did. "Wha...?"

Nate nipped his cheek softly, smiling. "You are turning me on so freaking much tonight. Those clothes, this food....if it wasn't for these clients I'd bend you over that table and-"

"Ah first," Auren teased, now wearing his ultimate 'I know you want this' grin as he tapped the wolf's nose. "Then we'll see if you get any dragon." Picking up the main platter, he sauntered back into the dinning room, making sure Nate got a good long look at his ass.

Despite already having finished off two courses of delicious food, Thomas, Gerald and Tyler's stomachs all chorused in unison as the scent hit their nose. It never mattered how much food you have already eaten; the smell of a roasted turkey would always make your belly ache for more. Setting the large bird down at the center of the table, Auren tried to keep from licking his own lips as the scent filled his own snout. He pulled out the carving tools as Nate managed to set out the main course plates, his expression showing how much he was keeping from openly panting in desire as his black nose twitched at the aroma of turkey.

It was Thomas that finally put it to words. "Damn....we might not even get to the after-dinner activities!We'll be so bloody full of food!" He looked up at Auren with a large smile. "Hopefully you don't fill up too much, Mr. Chef."

"Oh, I'll always have room," the dragon chuckled, passing out the first slices of moist poultry as Nate served the plates. "The perks of being an Alpha."

Hearing that sultry tone and teasing jest, Nate fought down a wave of arousal as he felt the front of his pants tighten up, his sheath plumping slightly. _Damn you....._he laughed in his head. Glancing around, Nate noticed he wasn't the only one, as all three of their clients made subtle adjustments under the table, the smell of arousal almost starting to compete with the food.

After everyone was served up, the dish included the paw-made stuffing that rested inside the large bird, as well as rich gravy made from the drippings. There was a small salad and rolls as well, to round out the main course, all somehow made by Auren in the short time Nate was gone. At the moment, however, it didn't matter, as everyone was stuffing their faces as politely as etiquette would allow. Still, even Auren had to admit the food was so delicious he was having a hard time restraining himself. Conversation slowed down to a trickle as both clients and companions proffered to savour and devour the meal before them, both out of enjoyment of the food and as a show of appreciation to the host dragon for his work.

In all too short of time, the plates were clean, and Nate had to fight back a whine of disappointment as Auren cleared the remaining food from the table. All present had agreed to limit themselves to a single plate of the main course, else everyone would be too full to participate in the later 'activities'. Still, Nate's stomach gave a soft rumble, the silver-furred lupine knowing he was far from actually full. He made a mental note to have Auren cook for them another night, one where they could all eat their fill.

As the plates and platters were cleared, Nate led their Rozzarian guests into the bedroom/sitting room of the suite, while Auren set about sending the leftovers down to the kitchen to be packed up and cleaned. After politely offering a cup of tea to their clients, the silver wolf sat on one of the plush armchairs in a slightly seductive pose, earning more than one hungry stare. "Now, since we have danced around the topic all night, why don't we just get right to it, hmm?" He flashed a grin of pearly white fangs to the trio as Auren came in and sat next to him on the arm of the chair. "We read the basic description in the appointment book, but let's hear it from you three on just what you wanted to end the night with."

Gerald, the tiger, coughed gently into his paw as he straightened, his eyes looking over the wolf and dragon hosts. "Yes, you know, we specifically requested 'Alpha-employees' tonight, so obviously you understand how the night will ultimately end?"

"Indeed," Auren rumbled deep in his chest, flashing his own fang-filled smile.

"Right that case, I guess we should describe what shall happen between now and then, eh?" the feline chuckled, licking his square muzzle in a slightly nervous gesture. He paused for a moment, shuffling slightly under the careful eyes of the silver duo, causing the Rottweiler to interject.

"I will have sex with you, Auren," the canine grunted, though more out of slight embarrassment than gruffness. "And, seeing as how I will ultimately end up you prey, I will also top."

"No problems there," the drake chuckled, his killer smile still on his muzzle.

The tiger coughed gently again. "Which means, Tyler and I will threesome with you, Nate. I would also like to top you, while Tyler gets pleasured whichever way he desires."

The wolf nodded, although he was smiling as wide as Auren was. "After which, you three want to be eaten?"

"Not quite," Thomas muttered. "Yes, after reaching our climax, Gerald and I are to be swallowed. However, after which, Tyler has a more specialized request."

Turning to the smallest fur in the room, Auren raised and eyebrow, prompting the fox to yip, "I want you two to fill me with Thomas and Gerry!" He blushed and giggled at the same time. "It feels good when they both cum in me, I get all bulgy, but if you two-" he pointed at the wolf and dragon "-gulp them, then cum them into me, it'll be even more awesome!"

Both Nate and Auren chuckled at the vulpine's enthusiasm, noting how the tiger and Rottie showed some slight discomfort and blushing at their companion being so open and forward. "Just one little thing first," Nate asked softly, turning to Tyler. "You do know how to expel and reform someone after they are inside you, right?"

"Yup!" the fox grinned brightly. "These two give me lots of practice!" Another pair of serious blushes appeared.

"Good," Nate chuckled. "Just have to make sure about that." Standing from the chair he was in, he stretched, and began unbuttoning his shirt, sending the clear signal that he and Auren were ready to begin. Everyone else followed suit, and after only a minute or two, all five of them were naked and already showing more than a little arousal. "So...who wants to start?"

Thomas the Rottweiler shuffled slightly, the stood and came over to Auren, cupping the dragon's firm rump in a paw, and giving a growl of approval. With a gentle tick of his head, the canine led Auren over to the king-size bed where they lay down and began grinding against one another. Watching the handsome dragon get intimate with the Rottie distracted Nate long enough to lose focus, only to give a soft yelp of surprise when a pair of warm lips wrapped around his sheath, and he looked down to see Tyler smiling up at him as he teased the larger wolf's flesh. Behind him, Gerald the tiger was unashamedly feeling up his ass.

Feeling the Rottweiler's cock grinding and rubbing against his own emerging arousal, Auren had to fight his instinct to roll over and pin the smaller dog to the bed, reminding himself he was to play bottom this time around. Still, watching the canine's eyes widen as the full 12-inch draconic shaft came into view, he knew the Rottie was playing over second thoughts in his mind. "Damn...uh..." Thomas stuttered, unable to take his eyes off the thick cock. "I almost feel jealous for Tyler now," the dog grumbled, giving the dragon's shaft a few hearty pumps, earning a soft moan from its owner. Auren was about to playfully suggest a change in the program, when he felt himself turned over and his rump hoisted up. "Nope....I got a bone to bury," the canine growled. "Sorry, stud."

"I'm not complaining," Auren chuckled, stretching out and forming a pillow with his arms as he raised his tail and hindquarters for the Rottie. Looking over his shoulder, Auren saw the dog was packing a decently-sized seven inch cock, and knew right away it would be no real stretch to let this dog knot him. His three boyfriends possessed more of a challenge when it came to size, so the dragon barely loosed a grunt when the tapered head of the Rottie's cock pushed inside of him, spreading his warm passage around its girth. Thomas panted atop his back, relishing in the warmth of the dragon as he felt his cock spurt a few jets of pre, slicking up his partner, and allowing him to give a few short thrusts. Auren arched his back slightly as more doggy cock slid into him, parting his tight muscles, getting into a comfortable position as Thomas pushed most of his shaft in and started to thrust.

The Rottie gripped Auren's waist firmly as he thrust, slow at first, but quickly building in speed and force when he realized the dragon was in no discomfort. After only a minute or two, Thomas felt his balls slapping into the larger dragon's as he got into full doggystyle mode, mounting the silver-scaled host. " hot and tight...gods I'm gonna enjoy this," the dog growled happily. Auren simply chuckled, stifling a moan as the hard rod inside rammed his prostate, and started moving in tandem with the Rottweiler.

Across the room, Nate was on his back on the floor, 69ing with Tyler as Gerald held Nate's legs up and on his shoulders, pushing his thick feline cock into the wolf's anal passage. Nate let out a soft moan around the mouthful of fox cock he had as he felt his rump invaded, the barbed cock rubbing against some sensitive points inside him. Like Thomas with Auren, Gerald wasn't wasting much time with foreplay as he started thrusting as soon as half his cock was inside Nate. A few deep thrusts, each one making the wolf moan and arch his back, and the tiger set into a steady rhythm of taking the handsome lupine's backside. Atop the wolf, Tyler squeaked and moaned both at the attention his own cock was receiving, as well as the delicious taste of Nate's proud nine inch wolfhood in his maw. Bobbing up and down with real gutso, the fox was clearly eager to get every ounce of wolf - and later dragon - into him that he could, happily gulping down the splashes of pre as they jetted from Nate's rock hard member.

Back on the bed, Auren and Thomas had worked up a sweat as the Rottie pounded into the muscular dragon below him, grunting and growling in desire as his cock rammed back and forth into the warm passage. Moaning happily, Auren felt the dog's knot already hitting against his entrance, evidence as to how worked up this trio must be to be approaching climax so early. Still, his job was to entertain, not judge, and so he started pushing back on the bulge of flesh eagerly, trying to work it in faster. A lusty whine from atop his back encouraged him, and after another minute, a wet pop followed by a pair of gasps signalled the Rottweiler's knot plunging into Auren's tight passage. "Oooh....shit...oh fuck....mmmmmmyes yes yes!" Thomas moaned as his sensitive knot was compressed and clenched by the dragon's walls. A few more thrusts and he threw his head back in a howl, his doggy shaft erupting inside Auren, spreading warmth throughout the drake's bowels.

Spurred on by their friend's orgasmic shouts, both Tyler and Gerald redoubled their efforts with Nate, the tiger pounding his own cock into the wolf's backside as the smaller fox humped downward into Nate's waiting maw. Nate himself was in an immense amount of pleasure from the double treatment, but tried to clench down on his orgasm as he felt Tyler start spewing in his mouth. Gotta save it..._the wolf grunted to himself. _Fuck his mouth is good....but can't blow....gotta fill him...! Above them, Gerald let out a roar of bliss as his own peak hit, flooding Nate's backside with warm feline seed, the barbs on his cock flaring out and rubbing against the wolf's insides. Swallowing the fox's load as it pumped into his mouth, Nate rocked and ground against Gerald as the tiger grunted in his own orgasm, pools of warm tiger cum building inside him.

Auren's hearing was almost completely consumed by the sound of heavy panting on his back as Thomas the Rottweiler sagged and recovered from his orgasm. Rubbing along his lower belly, the dragon felt a brief twinge of disappointment at the lack of a bulge. He had gotten so used to the large loads his friends produced, not being filled to the point of expansion was almost unsatisfying. Still, his client had gotten off, so that was what mattered. He felt the thick knot of the Rottie grinding against his entrance as the dog grunted and moved atop him, pulling at his pucker gently. Auren was about to say something, when a wet pop sounded and Thomas managed to pull his half-engorged knot from the dragon's backside. I getting _ that _loose? Auren chuckled to himself. Feeling the dog drop to the bed beside him, the drake rolled onto his side and smiled at the black-and-tan canine, asking the unspoken question. "Yeah," the dog grinned, batting the drake's side. "That was good, thank you." The pair gave a brief stretched, before Thomas rolled over and half-laid across Auren's chest, and the silver-scaled companion got the message, grinning widely as he opened his jaws with a hungry rumble.

Over on the floor, the trio of Nate, Gerald and Tyler lay panting as well, two out of the three floating in that state of post-orgasm bliss. Tyler rolled off Nate's chest with a giggle, moving away from the muscular wolf as the tiger stretched out and winked lustfully at the lupine. Nate needed no more encouragement than that, rolling to his feet and pouncing the feline, already opening his jaws wide and lowering them over the orange-furred head. He heard and felt a sigh of contentment from Gerald when the striped cat's muzzle hit the back of his throat, before he swallowed in reflex and felt the feline's head start to push down his throat, the wolf's jaws stretching slowly. Watching as his snout crept over the tiger's neck and to his shoulders, Nate swallowed again, feeling the gentle _click_as his jaws popped from their sockets and allowed his maw to stretch even wider as his tiger meal began to disappear into his body.

Meanwhile, Auren was in a similar state on the bed, now having moved to all-fours as slightly less that half a medium-sized Rottweiler was hanging from his own stretched jaws. His neck and torso had already started to bulge out with the form of his meal, and with a gentle flips of his head, Auren swallowed again, pulling Thomas in up to his waist as the bulge of his prey reached the beginning of his stomach. Growling in pleasure at the feeling of a large meal sliding down his throat, Auren tried to pace himself in order to give the client a proper, and enjoyable, session, but it was hard when his predator mind urged him to gulp the tasty doggy down. As Thomas' cock ran over his tongue, the canine's hips now sliding into his throat, Auren made sure to 'hold' onto the essence of the dog as he was trained, then began swallowing in urgency to get down the last of his meal. His belly bulged out around the form of the Rottie now inside him, and with a few more gulps, the tan footpaws disappeared into the mouth of the hungry dragon as they too slide down his gullet.

Suppressing a belch, Auren rolled onto his side and rubbed his bloated form as he looked over to Nate, where the wolf was busy swallowing the waist of his own partner. The orange-and-black tail of the tiger sliding into the companion's throat twitched and swayed like mad, showcasing just how much the feline was enjoying the end of their session. Tilting his head to the ceiling, Nate quickly swallowed and gulped the remainder of the tiger, his hips disappearing, followed by his thighs....then calves...before finally he licked up the end of the feline's twitching tail and swallowed it with a grin. Nate groaned happily, and like his dragon boyfriend, rolled onto his side to bask in the delicious glow of being so full.

"Wow....that was so hot," Tyler he fox panted, his hungry eyes roaming over the bulged forms of the two companions. He padded over to Nate to rub the wolf's bloated belly, earning a murr of pleasure from the silver lupine. As he watched, Nate's body shivered, then the sounds of digestion began and Tyler looked on as the large belly of the wolf began to ripple and shrink slowly. The wolf let out a soft moan as the familiar waves of warmth surged through his body as he digested his meal, getting that rush of both power and lust from the process. Ensuring Gerald's imprint was locked securely in his mind, the wolf directed his body to concentrate the digestion and growth into one particular area, then arched his back and let out a long moan of pleasure as the warmth rushed to his groin. His stomach gurgled and shrunk as the tiger inside was digested, only to be turned into potent fuel inside the wolf's testes, Nate's furry sac beginning to bulge and grow in tandem with his shrinking stomach.

There was a grunt and a gentle roar of pleasure from the bed, causing Nate to look over as Auren underwent the same changes. He watched as the dragon's body shifted and bulged, his belly growing smaller as the sac between his muscular legs grew, filled with Rottweiler-turned-dragon seed. For a handful on minutes, the gentle moans and sounds of rapidly digesting meals filled the suite, and Tyler the fox jerked his head back and forth at the two silver companions, unsure which site was hotter.

Finally, Auren grunted on last time and stood, balancing himself with one paw on the bed as he tried to adjust to the weight of his basketball-sized testicles that hung between his legs. "Urrgh....damn....glad I'm not going far," he mused, rubbing over his now-normal shaped torso. Shuffling over to where Nate and Tyler lay on the floor, he watched as Nate's process finished up shortly after, the wolf now sporting similar sized balls as him. Shifting his gaze to the panting fox nearby, he grinned his trademark grin. "Ready, foxy?"

The smaller vulpine nodded eagerly, and scrambled in between the silver duo, lifting his tail to Auren as his muzzle dove for Nate's cock once more. The lupine let out a long moan as his wolfhood was encompassed inside the warm maw again, shuffling up to his knees so as to give better access to the eager fox. "F-fuck..." Nate whimpered, his cock already throbbing hard and leaking pre once more. He gave a few gentle thrusts into the eager vulpine swallowing his cock. "No way this is gonna last long," he panted.

Chuckling, Auren lined himself up with the tight rump flagging him, pressing his 12-inch dragon cock in with slow yet firm pressure. A long sigh and growl of pleasure escaped his maw as the fox's ass spread eagerly around his cock and he slid in halfway. " argument there, Pup." Holding the smaller fox's hips, Auren began thrusting into Tyler with slow, steady rhythm, getting in deeper each time until the vulpine's entrance pushed back against his sheath and slightly swollen knot. Growling happily, Auren thrust Tyler back and forth between himself and Nate, causing the fox to squeak and moan happily as he was used by the two large and dominant furs. His throat bulged out as he swallowed all of Nate's cock, his nose pushing into the silver-furred wolf's sheath, and the pair of companions began fucking him in earnest.

Thrusting the fox back and forth between them, Auren leaned forward and down to capture Nate's mouth with his own. Despite being here for the service and pleasure of their clients, the drake wanted to have as much 'them' time as he could. Judging by the way Nate's tongue darted out and wrapped around his own, he understood the wolf felt the same way. In the middle of their muscled and sweaty forms, the sounds of wet smacking and groans reached their ears as they humped into the submissive fox impaled on both their cocks. Auren could feel the sway of his over-filled balls between his legs, the weight of them nearly throwing him off balance as they moved in time with his thrusting. Reaching forward, he cupped the back of Nate's neck and pulled him closer as he deepened the kiss, earning a soft moan from his boyfriend as they bred the small vulpine.

Nate was in heaven, feeling Auren's tongue sliding along his as they kissed, the sensations of being with his dragon almost enough to even cancel out the feeling of his cock forcing its way down Tyler's throat. He felt his knot swell and push at the fox's nose, earning a squeak every time it did so, but he only thrust harder, eager to spill his load in the client so he could get Auren to himself. The dragon grunted in his mouth, but never broke the kiss, as his paw groped and massaged the back of Nate's neck. There was a loud, wet, squelching sound every time Auren thrust, followed by a sharp ram of his hips and a loud squealing moan from the fox between them. Nate giggled into the passionate kiss of his partner, knowing Auren had just knotted the poor fox below. That image, coupled with all the stimulation, was enough to bring Nate to his own peak. Knowing he would never get his knot inside Tyler's jaws without some difficulty, Nate instead reached down and squeezed around his lump of flesh, simulating a tie as he gasped and howled out into Auren's maw, a rush of heat racing from his loins to the tip of his cock.

Tyler was filled and battered from both ends as the studly silver duo rammed their hefty cocks into him. He could already feel the copious amounts of pre from them filling him up, sliding from both entrances down to his belly. When Auren rammed forward and popped that big, thick knot into him, the poor fox though he would pass out from pleasure. Thomas was nowhere near that big! Feeling that massive dragon cock lock into his ass, Tyler sucked hard and deep on Nate's cock in his mouth, knowing the wolf couldn't be far behind. Sure enough, the throbbing wolf meat in his mouth swelled and pulsed, and the fox grinned as he waited for the gooey end. Above him, a roar and a howl suddenly erupted as Auren and Nate hit their climaxes, and floodgates were opened.

Unable to gasp around the thick, nine-inch lupine cock buried in his throat, Tyler could only moan and widen his eyes in shock as the first jets of cum pumped down his throat. A split-second later, the same feeling assaulted his hind end, feeling thick spurts from Auren surging up into his bowels. After the first few jets, the tide became nearly continuous as the silver duo pumped the remains of Tyler's friends inside him. He felt Gerald and Thomas' imprints surge into his mind, and he held onto them like he had trained, barely able to let out a squeak as the pints of cum kept blasting into him. He could feel his belly rounding out and stretching, already filled to capacity as it stretched further and further, filling his entire body with a rush of pins and needles. More and more, Auren and Nate kept thrusting and filling his smaller body with the remnants of the tiger and Rottweiler, causing his small rust-colored frame to bulge out larger and larger.

"Ffffffuuuucck!" Auren roared as the last or his orgasm washed over him and he sagged backwards, his thick knot tugging at the fox it was buried in. Struggling to keep himself upright, he blinked to clear his vision, his body and mind nearly overwhelmed by the back-to-back rushes of being fucked, swallowing the Rottie, then pumping the dog's remains into the fox between him and Nate. Shaking his head one last time, he looked down at the form of Tyler before him, and tried not to laugh too loudly. The once-lithe and trim fox was now bloated and pudgy, looking like he had gone on a month-long binge of junk food. Opposite him, Nate fell backwards with a sigh, his own spent cock popping from Tyler's mouth and flopping onto his belly with a wet splat. Auren saw that Nate's own body had returned to normal proportions, and felt that his own had down the same, the soupy remains of the two clients they had vored now sloshing around inside the panting fox. Leaning forwards, Auren licked the vulpine's dusty-orange ear plafully. " do you feel?"

Tyler panted, licking his muzzle as he tried to find the words. _Full_came to mind, as did_oh-my-god-there-is-so-much-in-me!,_but all he could do was mumble and moan as he shifted his bloated form on Auren's thick knot still locked inside his fluffy ass. Finally, he took a deep breath and wriggled forwards, pulling off the dragon with a loud, wet pop, earning a growl of surprise. Tyler let out a soft yelp at the rough action, but forced a smile when his rump instinctively clench up from the twinge of pain. He smiled up through his lashes at the dragon kneeling over him, and Auren smiled back when he understood the fox was alright. For a few minutes, they trio just remained where they were, panting and coming down from their orgasms. Then...

"C-could you two help me up?"

By the time Auren and Nate returned to their dorm, it was nearly midnight, and the halls of the Academy were eerily silent and empty. Shutting the door as quietly as they could, they saw the bedroom door to Ren and Glauron's shared room already shut, and heard the gentle sounds of snoring coming from behind it.

After finishing up with Tyler and helping the fox on his way, the silver pair had retreated to the restaurant for a quick meal of the leftovers Auren had sent down. Despite having just eaten before, the acts of sex and vore, along with everything else, had seriously drained their energy, and they needed a helping repast. They briefly checked in with Blayde, getting an approving nod from the large wolf on their performance, and willingness to come on on their one day off for the appointment. The large lupine club owner told them there would be a little something extra in the paycheck for tonight, before he ushered the younger furs out, telling them to go home and rest, as he was expecting a stellar showing tomorrow.

Coming back to the dorm, they spotted a short note from Glauron cheekily asking if they had fun, followed by a reminder they needed to be up early tomorrow to meet Reston for the next challenge.

"Aww...." Nate groaned as they moved into their own room and started undressing. "I was hoping for some 'us' time," he pouted, looking over the sexy form of his dragon as Auren stripped down to only his boxers.

The drake chuckled, and slipped under the sheets quietly. "Yeah, I know...but we do need some rest. I'm bushed anyways." He saw the dejected look on Nate's face as he climbed into bed alongside him, and Auren slid over to wrap an arm around the wolf's midsection. "You okay, hun?"

The wolf's ears were dropped flat atop his head as he lay down. For a while, he was silent, just laying there as Auren held him from behind. It was a silly notion in some ways, considering the relationship between the four of them, but still, it had begun to eat away at Nate sometimes. Finally, he rolled over and locked eyes with the dragon holding him. "We haven't had sex yet," he muttered.

The figurative light bulb went off behind Auren's eyes, and he nodded. "Ah..." Pulling Nate closer, he rubbed the wolf's belly, earning an begrudged - but genuine - murr of affection. "Soon, Pup, soon," he murmured, nuzzling the lupine's snout. "I'm eager for it too, but it seems like we'll just have to wait a bit longer." A tired grumbled came from the furry stud in his arms, and Auren leaned down to give his neck a nip, earning a yelp and a smack from his paw. "Come on....don't be a pouty puppy."

Grumbling, Nate nevertheless leaned up to the lick the dragon's jaw. "Fine. Curse you and your lovable snuggles." The pair chuckled and cuddled closer, Auren resting his head atop Nate's as he held the wolf to his chest. He felt a paw slide over his lower belly and grope his sheath through his boxers, making the wolf growl in both pleasure and exasperation. "If we win the next challenge; you, me, this bed, and no interruptions, got it?"

There was silence for a few moments. "What if we don't win?"

"Then we trade the bed for another location, smartass," Nate growled nudging his head upwards into the dragon's. "Either way, you are _mine_tomorrow." The growl turned into a giggle as he felt Auren's tongue trace across his cheek, ending in a tender nip.
