A Pact Broken

Story by TehDeminz on SoFurry

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The result of boredom at work while having access to a computer. Yep.

This story contains incestuous sex between a mother and her son. If you wanted cub sex here, you'll be disappointed. Arem is in his early 20's.

The title refers to an oath all werewolves swear, after their First Change, to never mate with another werewolf, as it could potentially end in the birth of a monstrous spirit-child. Spirits require purpose, and spirit-children of two werewolves have no purpose. They devote their existence to killing as many werewolves as possible, their parents first and foremost. To boot, they're almost entirely immune to the abilities werewolves usually use to deal with spirits. To break that tenant of the oath is to invite exile, to birth a spirit-child is to deserve execution.

This story is also part of a larger universe I write in, based on the World of Darkness pen-and-paper RPG. Not sure if I'll post those anywhere, since most of them don't contain sex and I know how the furry fandom works. :P

Edit: Apparently this got enough views to show up under the "Popular" category barely a day after I posted it. You are all weird. Weirdos.

Arem had been through much since he took over the pack's leadership from his father. After exiling his own father after their duel for the position of alpha, several others loyal to Arem's father either left or challenged their new alpha in a fight to the death. Their little rebellion was put down quickly, and how her son remained unbroken was beyond her. Lifelong packmates and friends had been among those slain, yet Arem seemed almost unphased. That only served to worry her even more. Where the rest of the pack now saw a strong and able leader, she saw her only child being slowly worn down and run ragged by the pressures leadership brought. Each day his shoulders slumped more, he smiled less, and it seemed he had begun to withdraw from the pack. Even his gaze seemed more distant and far off.

Eru sat in her room deep within the Den, the pack's collective home within the forests outside the small city of New Salem. Her quarters were rather simple, consisting of a wooden chair with fur cushions, a heap of furs that served as a bed sitting off to one side of the chamber, and a bookcase containing various tomes ranging from trashy romance novels to esoteric academic texts, to scrolls containing god knows what. The round stone room was dimly illuminated by a softly glowing oil lamp, the dancing flame causing the shadows it made along the walls and ceiling to do the same. The alpha female hadn't bothered to return to her human form after the encounter with the pair of intruders who had been leeching of the pack's hunting grounds. She felt more comfortable in her lupine form, and she needed all the comfort she could get right now.

Her wolven form was covered in sleek black fur with a patch of white in the shape a Y, with the arms coming down for both sides of her collar bone and meeting in the center of her chest to descent between the gentle swell of her breasts, ending in a point just past her naval. A sudden noise from outsider her quarters caused her to suddenly look up from the mass of furs where she lay curled up, making the many glass beads weaved into her long hair clang and tinkle against one another while her bright blue eyes squinted through the scant light. After a few moments she let out a long sigh and uncurled her body. She pushed up from the ground with her hind legs and, letting her rump hang in the air, reached out with her arms at nothing in particular as she stretched and let loose a long, tired yawn. Eru stood back onto all fours and raised one paw to wipe away the remaining sleep from her eyes before turning and strolling into the hallway of the Den. Suddenly feeling lonely, Eru began to make her way to her alpha's, her son's, quarters. Arem, for all his strength in leading the pack, had seemed to have finally broken. In addition to being forced to kill two more of their already rare race they had soon found out he had left a small child orphaned. To make matters worse, the pup had been heavily injured, only inches away from Death's door. The sight of the broken and bloodied pup had broken both Arem and Eru's heart, but Arem had taken it especially hard. They brought back the young werewolf to hopefully save its life, but no one expected her to live.

Eru crossed the threshold into her son's quarters, finding him, still in wolf form, sitting his large chair cushioned with furs. He sat staring down at the ground, arms resting on the arms of the chair and clawed hand gripping the edges. The sight of her son so broken filled her with sorrow. Eru approached her child, earning her a glance but nothing else. The look in his eyes terrified her. Those blue eyes of his, very similar to hers, were dull and listless now. Eru let a pleading whine escape her muzzle, ears plastered against her head and tail tucked firmly between her legs. She pushed off the ground and stood to her full height, reaching down for her son's hand and firmly grasping it. This time Arem had no reaction at all, sitting in his chair motionless. Another whine left her throat and she pulled on Arem's hand until he was forced out of his chair. Eru wrapped her arms around her son and buried her head into his chest, then turned up her muzzle to lick at Arm's, hoping the sign of affection would bring him out of his stupor. At first he just stood there, until Eru again buried her head into his chest.

Finally, Arem moved, wrapping his arms around the smaller werewolf and resting one clawed hand on the back of her head where his claws gently prickled at her skin. Eru snuggled into her son, who moved to lay loving licks across her muzzle and rest his head atop hers. Eru was immediately reminded of her former mate. The last time she had felt so protected and loved was in the hands of Arem's father. The alpha female dragged her head away from Arem's chest to look up at her child, now the near-spitting image of his father. Arem was much thinner and possessed his mother's eyes, but every other aspect of her son from the way he moved to the way he smiled reminded her of her mate.

She thought back to the nights she shared with Nikone, making love and holding onto each other tight as they were tied and drifting off to sleep, utterly happy and content. The memories came rushing back to her all at once, the knowledge that she would never see Nikone again threatening to bring her to tears. Arem looked down at his mother, seeing the glint of a tear falling from the corner of her eye. Arem took the head on his mother's head and took her muzzle into his grasp, gently wiping the tear away. Had Eru been able to smile, she would have. Even that reminded her of Nikone. She placed her hand on Arem's and stroked it affectionately. All the memories of her mate brought a sudden wave of need and desire with the. Eru was suddenly painfully aware of how close her son's sheath was to her core, and mentally berated herself for thinking of her child in such a way. She looked back up to Arem, seeing those brilliant blue eyes looking back at her full of nothing but love and concern. That look struck a chord deep inside her, opening a floodgate of love and need for her son. She loved him more than life itself, and she knew he felt the same way for his mother. Mating between parent and child wasn't unheard of among lycanthropes, and packs had resorted to such unions in times of need to replenish numbers, but would Arem be willing to do such a thing?

Eru grasped Arem's hand and began to slowly move it down her body, placing it firmly on her breast. Arem's eye went wide, stunned and unsure of how to react to such a gesture. Once again, Eru would have smiled had she been able. Her son was understandably surprised, but he wasn't pulling away. She held onto his hand and continued down her body, roving over her toned belly, past her naval, and down to just above her core where she stopped his hand and simply waited.

The entire time she never broke eye contact with her son, watching him intently for a reaction. She was going to let him take that last step, and was dearly hoping he would. Both stood in the darkness for what seemed like hours, staring at each other as Arem fought himself on what to do, the only sound being the steady breathing of Eru and the shallow, unsure breaths of her son.

Just when Eru had been about to release Arem's hand she suddenly felt her son gently insert a finger into her silky folds, eliciting a surprised gasp followed by a sigh of relief. She reached up to lovingly kiss her son, tongue flicking out to run over his muzzle until he returned the affection. Their tongues wrestled back and forth, Eru's over Arem's sharp fangs while his did the same. Arem began to pump his finger in and out of his mother, his hand becoming coated in her excitement. Eru was again caught by surprised and let a pleasured gasp escape from her muzzle. Her breathing was growing quick and shallow and her heart began to thump wildly in her chest. She ceased in kissing her son, looking down between their bodies to see the red tip of his manhood poking out of his sheath, licking her lips at the sight. Already she could feel him on top of her, driving himself into her depths, making her whine in pleasure as he filled her up with his seed; an image made all the more enticing by her lover being her precious son. It was much too soon for that though. Eru wanted this to be drawn out, to go on as long as possible and to show her son the extent to which she loved him.

Arem's hand never stopped working her, the pumps of his fingers growing more firm as he became surer of himself and of the idea of lying with his mother. Eru left him play with her entrance for a few minutes more, rewarding his dutiful attentions with pleasured whines and gasps when spikes of ecstasy shot up her spine. By now his hand was covered in her excitement, but he showed no sign of stopping in his ministrations any time soon. Reluctantly, Eru pushed her son's hand away until his fingers were no longer inside her, leaving her with an empty and hollow feeling that she would see remedied soon.

Arem's ears went flat against his head and he whined plaintively, leaning down to shower his mother's muzzles with kisses and affectionate nuzzles as if apologizing for doing something wrong. Eru merely returned her son's affections. As she leaned forward to return his kisses, she felt the entire length of his shaft press into her belly. He was a good size indeed, and again she pulled back to look upon him.

The entirety of his manhood had escaped his sheath now, bobbing proudly up and down with each beat of his heart. His tapered tip glistened with clear pre, and only then did she notice the twinkle of the same fluid on her belly from where he had rubbed against her as they kissed. Licking her lips, Eru let her furred hand travel down to her son's groin, rubbing her padded palm against the underside of his shaft as she got a feel for how large he really was. This caused Arem's breath to catch in his throat, surprised at how delicate his mother's touch was. Eru tried to laugh, though it came out more as a gentle, churning growl, amused by his reactions to most everything she did. When she looked back down to admire her handiwork, she was amused to see a knot, still small but definite, forming at his base. Her thighs began to rub together of their own accord as she began to ache with need to be tied with her son as he came into her again and again. Thankfully there would be no child born from the union since she wasn't in heat, just the bliss of climax with her son and the pleasant sensation of being filled.

With her hand still holding him firm she gently pushed him forward until he had no choice but to sit back down on his makeshift throne, looking up at her with curiosity and barely contained lust. Eru knelt before him on both knees, eyeing his manhood like a starving animal as she leaned forward to gently nuzzle his shaft and furry orbs, inhaling his masculine scent. The scent of him drove her wild with need and finally her tongue flicked out and tasted of her son. Arem flinched but relaxed quickly after, a relieved sigh leaving his muzzle. Eru licked and tasted her son's shaft, closing her eyes and losing herself in her work as Arem sat looking down at her, trying his hardest to hold back the pleasured whines threatening to escape. She bathed his cock as a mother would her pup, covering every inch of him with her tongue until she moved her head up and gently took his pre leaking tip into her muzzle. The alpha female flicked her tongue across his head, licking off the clear pearl of precum and growling contently at the taste. The vibrations from her growls made Arem shiver in delight, earning his mother a sudden spurt of his excitement to lick away. Eru slowly lowered her muzzle down Arem's shaft, enveloping her son's manhood excruciatingly slowly and looking up at him with a mischievous twinkle in her bright blue eyes. Arem's whole body tensed as she slowly took him into her mouth, his breathing becoming rapid and shallow as he tried to fight back the pleasure lest it all ended too soon. His tongue hung freely from his mouth as he panted with the effort, staring down at Eru with half-closed, unfocused eyes.

Eru's nose finally bumped against his groin and again she took in the scent of her son's potent musk, proceeding to tease the cock in her mouth by using her tongue to press the top of him against the ribbed ridges on the roof of her mouth as she withdrew from him, leaving his dick shining with her saliva. Arem whined in protest in an attempt to urge his mother to take him back into her mouth. Instead, she dipped her head low and lay one long lick across his shaft from growing knot to tapered tip, flicking her tongue over another drop of pre clinging to his tip. Again she bent down low and began to lap at his balls, running her tongue over the furry orbs ever so slowly just to see her son squirm. Her efforts worked exactly as she wanted them to, as Arem wiggled restlessly in his seat, hips giving half-hearted thrusts trying to find a warm and wet place to bring him even more pleasure. Pre was now practically pouring from his tip and down his length, and his knot had grown to its full size signaling his end would be soon. Eru's heart gave a flutter at the notion of letting her son cum in her mouth. She brought her head up immediately from his sack and wasted no time opening her muzzle and taking him back in until her lips bumped against the large knot at his base. As she began to bob her head up and down the length of his dick, causing the beads in her hair to jingle wildly against one another, Arem rested a clawed hand on the back of his mother's head, claws prickling gently at her skin. The gestured earned him a content growl in response, sending more pleasurable vibrations through him. The telltale signs of climax made themselves known: his dick throbbed powerfully in her muzzle and his balls seized up and pulled tight against his body as Eru bobbed her head up and down on his length. Eru looked up at her son, blue eyes twinkling brightly in the dim light. Arem threw his head back and whined softly from the pleasure of the alpha female's mouth, finally giving in and letting himself go. Eru felt him throb in her mouth and brought her hand to his knot and gently but firmly squeezed, immediately tasting her child's seed on her tongue. Arem's hips thrust weakly into Eru's muzzle as he came, rope after rope of cum spurting into his mother's mouth. Eru took him fully into her muzzle, down to his knot, and swallowed down each spurt of her son's seed as he offered them. Arem's breath caught in his throat as he came, holding his mother's head down into his lap while she tried to swallow down everything he gave her. After what seemed like forever, the thick ropes of cum became a trickle, and then ceased altogether. Arem released his mother and slouched back in his seat, eyes vacant as he stared up at the cave ceiling, panting heavily with his tongue lolling out of his muzzle.

Even though her son had released her head, she kept him in her mouth suckling from his cock like a pup trying to get its mother's milk, drinking down as much of his seed as she could until she pulled off from her son with a soft pop. Her tongue flicked out and she gave several fond licks to Arem's manhood, gently nuzzling the organ as he tried to recover. Now that she would have to wait for Arem's knot to subside, Eru noticed the own fire growing between her legs, her thighs absolutely drenched with feminine liquids. Painfully aware of her own needs now, Eru couldn't but let her hands wander down her body to brush gently against her sensitive lips. After a few moments of being lost in her self-inflicted pleasure Eru brought her hand back up to find her fingers covered in a glistening wetness.

By now, Arem had recovered, though his manhood still proudly bobbed up and down as the knot had not yet deflated enough to recede back into his sheath. Eru flinched lightly as her son leaned forward and licked her hand clean of her nectar, licking his lips and savoring her taste. Eru looked up at her alpha, immediately seeing the effect her taste and scent had on him. There was a certain glint in his eyes that promised unspeakable pleasures fused with pure love and tenderness that only existed between a mother and her precious son. In an instant the roles had been reversed. Arem was now her alpha rather than her son, and as he stood he grasped Eru's hand and pulled her up with him, wrapping his arms around her and laying licks and kisses onto her muzzle. She opened her mouth slightly to accept her son's affections, flicking out her own tongue and wrestling back and forth with his. Eru had been so caught up in the taboo kiss she hadn't noticed Arem gently urging her back toward the pile of furs in the corner of his room that served as his bed. Before she knew it, she was gently laid down on her back, her son and alpha lying atop her as he deepened the incestuous kiss, running his tongue across her ivory fangs. Arem released her hand and broke the kiss, much to her displeasure. She whined with want and need, ears folded back against her head. Desperate for release, Eru tried to grind her folds against the leg Arem had purposefully positioned between her thighs. The movement earned her a small growl and a stern glare from her alpha. She gulped in fear of some kind of punishment from him, moving to lick at his chin in submission followed by her throwing her head back to offer her throat to him. Arem seemed satisfied with the gesture, the growl dying in his throat as he lowered his head to take advantage of Eru's submission, licking and nipping at her exposed throat with razor sharp fangs. She flinched and gasped with each small pleasurable sting of his fangs. Arem began to move down her body, nipping at the white patches on her collar bone and nibbling at the tufts of fur on her chest. Desperate whines left Eru's throat, voicing her desire for Arem to stop the exquisite torture and give her release, but her alpha seemed to ignore her cries and took his own sweet time with her.

Arem finally made his way to his mother's breasts, licking around the sensitive nipple before taking the little nub into his mouth and suckling gently. Eru sighed at the feeling, bringing her hands to his head and holding him close, reminded of how he had suckled her for milk when he had been a pup. Though she hadn't produced milk since then, Arem stilled suckled and licked at her breasts as urgently and eagerly as he had those many years ago, drawing a content growl from his mother that sounded more like a cat's purr. She urged him to her other breast, which he did gladly as he took her other nipple into his mouth. Eru felt a shiver run up her spine due to her son's tender ministrations, back arching and pushing her breasts against him as her fingers ran through the thick mane of fur on his head.

Much to her displeasure, Eru felt the warmth of Arem's mouth and tongue leave her breast, leaving her nipple suddenly freezing cold. Her whine of protest was cut short as she felt Arem begin to move even lower down her body, licking and nipping at the fur and flesh of her belly, then even further down until he sat just above the source of the wonderful nectar he had tasted before. Anticipating the feeling of his rough tongue against her sex, Eru tensed and waited, only for that feeling to never come. She looked down her body to see her son looking up at her expectantly, his hot breath against her nethers sending a shiver up her spine. Arem remained still, blue eyes glinting with mischief until Eru pleaded with a desperate whine for his tongue, reaching for his head and trying to push him down that last little bit, but to no avail. Arem remained perfectly still, eyes never leaving his mother's until her head fell back and her legs spread wider for him, giving her alpha total access. This seemed to be the signal Arem had been waiting for and finally he flicked out his tongue and lay one long, slow lick along Eru's slit, causing her clawed hands to dig into his thick mane to tickle the skin beneath. The twinkling embers of his eyes disappeared as they closed, losing himself in his work and lapping eagerly at the clear nectar that began to pour forth and wrapping his arms around her thighs. The air left Eru's lungs in a great sigh of relief, hands leaving Arem's head to play with the soft fur of the pelts they both lay on. Utterly content, Eru sat back and reveled in Arem's attentions. Barely audible purring growls rumbled in her chest, turning into soft gasps of surprise every time her alpha's tongue flicked over her clit. Arem's tongue dipped into her, finding every silky fold and crevice it could in an attempt to find the source of the feminine nectar as if he were dying of thirst and had just found the purest, coolest waters.

The sudden fervor from her alpha forced a strained whine from her muzzle and she quickly rose as best she could with him still hold her legs down and open. She watched through half-lidded eyes Arem frantically licking and tasting every part of her core he could, inside and out, hips thrusting into his muzzle every time his cold nose bumped against that sensitive button of hers. Her legs tensed and a feeling like a spring being tightly compressed spread through her. Feeling the tension in her legs, Arem took her clit into his mouth and suckled gently, then trapped it between his front teeth and nibbled lightly. Eru let out a long whine, tapering off into shallow gasps as her chest heaved. Her hands flew to her alpha's head and pushed his muzzle tightly against her groin, twitching and humping against his face as spike after spike of pleasure shot up her spine. The pleasure seemed to go on forever, snuffing out every other feeling until at last she fell back onto the furs, happy as can be and completely out of breath. As soon as her hands left his head Arem resumed in his fun, licking up the mess of girl-cum his mother's climax had made. Eru twitched and moaned, finally pushing his face away lest the over-stimulation drive her mad. Arem relented and withdrew from between her legs, crawling beside his mother on the furs and plopping down next to her, face glistening from nose to neck with proof of her climax. Eru flipped onto her side to face Arem, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding the back of his head with one hand, bringing the larger werewolf's face down to shower him in licks and kisses, licking up her own juices in the process. The taste and smell of her own excitement immediately re-awoke the lusty beast that had taken hold of her today, despite her still recovering from such a recent climax. She would be sleeping very well after this.

Once Arem's face was clean, Eru pushed her son onto his back and rose to straddle him, bending down to pin his arms by his wrists. Not willing to relinquish his dominance just yet, Arem struggled to free his arms and failed as his mother growled and dug her claws into his wrists in warning. The struggle ceased and the growl became a deep, rumbling purr in her chest as she bent down to nip at Arem's neck, lapping at the love bites to soothe their sting. She buried her muzzle into the fur of his chest and inhaled his scent, unable to get enough of that intoxicating smell of sex and male, animal musk. Eru's revelry in Arem's potent scent was interrupted when something moist and rigid poked at her rump. She released his arms and sat straight up, turning to be greeted with the sight of the tip of Arem's manhood emerging from his sheath and grinding against the plush fur of her rear. Her stomach and heart fluttered while she watched the rest of the right red organ escape his sheath, a great contrast to the near pitch black fur that covered them both. Suddenly she was apprehensive, wondering if she really wanted to make that final plunge into having an incestuous relationship with her only child. They were both under great stress, Arem doubly so, and a pang of guilt shot through her. Had she taken advantage of him in his weakened state for the sake of the temporary pleasures of the flesh? She nibbled on her bottom lip as she thought about what to do next, tearing her gaze away from his straining shaft to look back down at him with ears folded back in shame. Arem looked up at her with wide eyes, concern and worry written all over his face. It was the same look he often gave her when he was still a pup, always worried about her in everything she did. Where she saw his father and her mate at the start of this whole ordeal, he was her sweet baby boy again. She loved Arem more than anything in the world, but she had taken advantage of him and only added to his burden as alpha. Eru heaved a large sigh and moved to rise off Arem, keeping down a barely suppressed whine.

Eru was startled, breath catching in her throat as she suddenly found Arem's arms wrapped around her form, hugging her tightly to him. Arem rested his head atop Eru's, staying still and enjoying the closeness and the mingling warmth of their bodies. Eru wasn't sure how to react at first, a million thoughts running through her head at once. Slowly, she returned the hug, snuggling her face into the fur on his chest partially out of affection and love, partially to avoid looking him in the eye. The silence was heavy in the cavern, only their breathing and the sound of his heartbeat thumping in her ears making any effort to break it. Again she heaved a heavy sigh, her mind made up.

Eru unwrapped her arms from around her son, placing her hands on his chest and angling her muzzle to kiss at his chin while she slowly pushed him back down to the ground. She took his face in her hands and again flicked out her tongue, running it over his lips until he opened his muzzle slightly to kiss her back, tongues meeting and dancing back and forth. The kiss was broken when Eru felt the familiar feeling of his moist, hard tip again prod at her rear. Biting her lip in contemplating, she briefly thought about taking him in another, more taboo opening. The mental battle didn't last long and she decided against it, for now. Her want to be tied and her womb to be filled with her child's seed were too great at the moment. She rose and sidled back so she straddled his groin, all traces of hesitation gone. Eru shifted so the underside of his shaft sat between the lips of her sex and began moving her hips back and forth to cover his manhood in feminine liquid until it glistened in the dim light, causing her to lick her lips at the sight and sensation. After slathering her son's shaft in her excitement she placed a hand on his belly and pushed herself up slightly, reaching down with another to wrap her hand around his girth to guide it into her folds. Just as the narrow tip sat nestled just inside her sensitive lips she stopped and watched Arem squirm beneath her, aching and desperate to be inside her. Eru smirked as best as her wolfish features would allow and slowly began to descend, enveloping her son's dick painfully slow. She clenched around him and began to breathe heavy at the sensation of slowly being filled, feeling every small twitch of Arem's hips as he tried to hold himself back from giving in to that primal instinct to rut and breed. Eru relished the control she had over him now, growling deep from within her chest when she finally hilted him, savoring the feeling of having a male inside her after so long, made better by her mate being someone she loved so dearly. Arem had thrown his head back, eyes tightly shut as he reveled in the tight, wet warmth surrounding his manhood. The rumbling in Eru's chest turned into a churning growl in an animalistic imitation of an amused laugh at her son's current state. Eru moved the hand on Arem's belly, bringing it to her breast and rolled the furry globe before lightly pinching the nipple between her padded finger and thumb, closing her eyes and losing herself in the sensation.

Arem whined beneath her and she opened her eyes to look down at him, smirking as she knelt to kiss him in apology. When she sat back up she also lifted herself from his body, dragging his shaft out of her until just the tip remained inside, only to fall back down until their hips met again. She rose and fell, rolling her hips every time she hilted him, getting a better feel for his shaft inside of her. Eru began to rise and fall quicker and quicker, beginning to pant as the pleasure began to mount, tongue lolling out of her mouth. She began to ride her son in earnest, bouncing in his lap and loving every pleasured grunt and whine she pulled from him. Much to her annoyance, her climax was already close after a few short minutes, still being oversensitive from another just a short while ago. Her hips began to buck against him, strained whines leaving her muzzle as she felt every muscle tense. Eru fell onto her son one more time and let herself go, hips bucking and body shaking with every spike of pleasure that shot up her spine. Arem beneath her grunted as his mother's silky walls clenched around him, squeezing and trying to milk him of his seed, but he managed to hold out to take advantage of his mother's orgasm induced stupor.

Eru suddenly found herself on her back, Arem having risen and grabbed her, flipping her over and driving himself back into her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hooked her legs around his waist, holding onto him close he thrust himself in and out, rushing toward his own climax, made easier by her tunnel constantly squeezing and clenching around him. As Arem pounded into her, Eru reached up with her muzzle and kissed him, moving down to lick and nip at his neck, letting him do with her as he pleased and loving every second of it. Arem upped the tempo and reached down to return his mother's kiss, exposing his neck when she began to lick and nip at him. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, tiny drops of saliva dripping onto the ground as his breathing grew heavy and labored. Eru beneath him began to whine as yet another climax began to mount in her nethers, hugging up against her son as it finally hit her, gently biting into his neck to stifle the drawn out moaning whine he had drawn from her.

By now, Arem's knot battered in and out of her lips, making it more and more difficult to thrust into Eru. She had gone silent, lost in the pleasure and aching for her son's seed. His thrusting nearly came to a complete halt, his knot expanding and locking him inside, making her gasp and moan in surprise and clench tight around him. Arem grunted, his thrusts now short and frantic until he finally gave in to the pleasure.

Eru growled contently as her son finally let himself go, squeezing her walls around his dick as he filled her up, rope after rope of seed spurting deep inside his mother. Eru kissed him lovingly; happy as jet after jet of cum filled her, straight to her unprotected womb, though thankfully there was nothing there for his seed to find. She placed a hand on her belly and reveled in the warmth that began to spread from deep within her, eyes twinkling in amusement as she felt each and every twitch of his organ as it unloaded inside of her.

Arem felt his orgasm ebb away, but the afterglow took its place soon after. He tugged fruitlessly at his mother's sex, only to find he was tied to her. Too exhausted to try and pull himself out, Arem collapsed beside Eru and cuddled up to his mother, falling asleep almost as soon as his head hit the ground. Eru rested her head next to Arem's chest, listening to the thump of his heart as he slept away. She idly rubbed at her belly, enjoying the feeling of his seed inside her, trapped there by his prodigious knot. Looking up from his chest, she smiled as best she could at the sight of her boy so happy and content while he slept, reaching up to lick at his muzzle before falling asleep beside him, the sound of his heart acting as her lullaby.