A mewtwo Story Chapter 1

Story by Jardenon on SoFurry

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#1 of A Mewtwo Story

Chaper 1: birth

He felt it, he felt a feeling. It was a warm. It was a new feeling. A sensation like none other he had felt before it. In fact there was no other feeling ever felt by him. It was the feeling one feels when he is being born. Many don't remember this feeling, but his circumstances would be different. He felt it only because it was a different kind of birth than the one you and I went through. No wild contractions or being squeezed into odd positions.

He heard a voice but could not yet understand it. What was it saying? He could not tell. He felt he needed to know, but yet he still could not move. Only the melancholy sound of liquid pulsing through his body could be heard, and understood. He knew he was alive, but what was this strange feeling? This strange existential sensation that made him aware of his limited surroundings throughout the entirety of everything around him that He felt the need to find out more, but he drifted off into his first slumber before he could.

"Doctor, would you care to look at this?"

An older man dressed in a white laboratory smock came to the control screen.

"Ahh, he has gained a consciousness and not just a stable brain rhythm." Said the doctor. "What is the data on this Pokémon's brain activity?"

"Stable, and functioning within the parameters expected by the simulated data." Said the young Scientist.

"At last some fruit from the labors of our staff! This is a great day Valerie! This is something to show director Giovanni!"

"I agree, but should we wait a while to see if this one survives unlike the actual Mew clone we attempted?" Said Valerie

"Nonsense! This one is special, and we must show the director that we may have a way for him to beat that trainer yet!"

"I hope you are right doctor. Mewtwo might just be the Pokémon our director has been waiting to receive for far too long!"

The laboratory was quiet that day. The humming of highly advanced computers and the bubbling of the containment tanks was all that could be heard. The biological research department had been losing funding lately. Mostly for the reason that Team rocket had lost most of their manpower at the defeat of a young trainer only a month previous. It was not a shock that this same trainer went on to decimate the elite four, and in turn become a champion, but that made matters nonetheless grim for the Rocket research corporation.

* * *

The doctor had left the laboratory and traveled to the top floor of the installation in team rocket's secret base. When he reached the director's newly fortified door he stopped.

The door was a necessary precaution now. The champion trainer blew the director's old door down with his Pokémon like it was a sledge hammer hitting a tin can. He could still see some of the scorch marks on the walls around it where the trainer's charizard blasted it. He also saw some carbon scoring along the red carpet where a few Rocket guards had lost their lives in a fruitless battle. It was a bitter reminder of this trainer's ridiculously awesome power.

The doctor pressed a button on the wall next to the door. And a camera above it instantly swiveled in the direction the doctor was standing.

"Ahh, Doctor Thaddeus! I am hoping this is a beneficial visit. I am in a rather bitter mood today, so I hope you are not here to deliver me bad news. It would be...A bad career move." The director spoke through a speaker next to the wall button.

"On quite the contrary sir, I come to you baring good news! It's about "The" project." Said Thaddeus.

There was a brief pause and the doctor heard the large bolts that held this massive door in place unlock with a clanking sound. The doctor entered the dimly lit room. It was a massive room with many bookshelves covered in multiple books lining all the walls like a small library. The carpet was red in this room as well, with the same carbon remnants as those in the hall. A bitter battle was waged in here, but the trainer was gracious enough to not harm the director, only to give him a warning to cease his operations.

Director Giovanni was not amused by such an ultimatum, but he made the trainer think he had won by moving his illegal operations to the less noticeable underground crime world.

Sitting in a large battered black chair, behind a large cherry wood desk with gold trim was the director; a tall thin man with slicked up black hair, red dress coat and black tie. He had golden cufflinks and a black shirt underneath. Emblazoned on the coats right pocket was the decorative "R" symbol that represented his once powerful and dominating organization.

On his desk sat The Persian that was always at his side. It was the one Pokémon he felt was fine outside a Pokéball. There was only one light in the room as the red tapestries were drawn over the large window that overlooked his estate. And that came from a fancy, tall brass lamp that stood next to his desk.

"What about the project?" The director stated coldly.

"Begging your pardons, sir but the project is about ready to come from his tank. We estimate that this new psychic Pokémon will have a new very powerful type of psychic powers this world has never seen. As you know we took the D.N.A. of the legendary Mew specimen as well as human D.N.A. and combined it to make a Pokémon with psychic powers much greater than that of both a Jinx and an Alakazam combined. But unlike the Alakazam this Pokémon is not a cannon made of glass, and has the ability of great defensive powers as well." The doctor hesitated, as he grew slightly nervous of the director's emotionless stare. It was a very unnerving feeling. He felt the director's eyes seemingly piercing his soul.

"Go on..."

"Well he is ready to be "born" and you told me you wanted to be the first face he saw." Said Thaddeus nervously.

The director gave a smile, and ascended from his seat. His smile gave the doctor slight Goosebumps.

"Well that is good news then. Lead the way good doctor."

* * *

What was this new sensation he felt now? He felt his environment changing. Mewtwo felt a new consciousness in the area. This consciousness had a strange new emotion he had yet to feel. It felt like this consciousness was holding hatred inside his heart. It wasn't for him but a shielding of some kind did not allow him to delve deeper. The mind was just a blank of empty hatred. What he did know was he was not the cause. In fact he found a strange type of joy emanating from this new entity when it thought about him.

The other familiar thoughts that he read had left the area. It was just him and the strange joy outside. He heard a voice again. It spoke almost directly to him. He heard it and understood it quite clear.

"Come to me Mewtwo! I free you now so that you may one day call me master!"

Suddenly a mechanical whirring sounded, and the amniotic fluids started draining from his tank. Mewtwo's violet eyes snapped open. The fluids were gone and he felt very cold. Suddenly the tube attached to his belly popped off quickly, and retracted into the floor of the tank. There was a slight pause as the blinding light focused in on the tall man in the red coat outside his tube. The smile on his face was evidence that he was happy to see Mewtwo, who sat motionless in the tank except for his shivering due to how cold he was.

Then, two small round areas in the top of the tank popped open and a fan turned on through one of them. The fan blew refreshing warm air, quickly drying off Mewtwo within the tank. This went on for a small period of time.

Then the tube opened, and Mewtwo was greeted to a plethora of new sensations given to him in the form of smell.

His muscles worked to find balance as the tank then tilted to dispense Mewtwo to a soft padded area on the floor before it.

"Doctor Thaddeus did no justice in describing you. You look like a magnificent warrior capable of destruction. He also said you would be able to understand me! ...Do you?" said Giovanni triumphantly.

Mewtwo's expression was one of confusion but he nodded. He didn't know why he knew this creature's speech, but he accepted it.

"Very good! I am Director Giovanni, and you are Mewtwo. It is said that you may be the most powerful Pokémon in the world. And I will be the one to put you to that test. It is your destiny, and it was what you were made for!" He said with the slightest amount of pomp.

Mewtwo attempted to communicate the way Giovanni did with his lips. He stammered and wheezed to put together a single syllable. It all came out sounding like gurgling noises.

The director laughed.

"A psychic weapon like you has no need for spoken words Mewtwo. Speak to me with that powerful mind of yours. I know you can."

Mewtwo gave it a little thought. The director told him that all he had to do was speak to him with his mind. Would it be possible? Would the director hear him? It seemed that there was only one way to find out. He focused his mind on the directors' and spoke.

"Meewt-twoo? Iiis that wh-what I am?"

Giovanni smiled. And spoke to Mewtwo again.

"That is indeed what you are and who you are. You are my beautiful creation. With you I will destroy all who oppose team rocket! Finally, five years of research by hundreds of people. You finally sit before me. Now stand, and be recognized by your master!

Mewtwo nodded again and attempted to move, but he felt very weak. His muscles had never been used before, and it was very laborious to get on all fours. His limbs quivered under his weight. If it weren't for the scientists using electro-stimulus on his muscles, he probably would not have been able to move at all. Mewtwo fell to the ground after about a minute of trying to stand up.

Giovanni looked rather disgusted at Mewtwo now. Giovanni hated those stronger than him, but he did not feel pity for those weaker.

"Try again!" Said Giovanni sternly.

Mewtwo felt hurt but determined to please the one person he knew in the world. He felt he needed to show the director that he was worthy of his praise. And a new force of power willed by his mind surrounded his body in a visible blue aura, and he stood up effortlessly before his master.

The director knew just what was going on.

"That's it my beautiful weapon! Your mind can will the collapse of kingdoms, so merely standing up should be, but an insignificant task to one such as you!" Giovanni then moved his left wrist to his face. Thaddeus, Valerie, come in and marvel at our new weapon."

Mewtwo wondered why the director repeatedly referred to him as a weapon. He didn't even know what a weapon was as the words meaning escaped him. He turned his head as two others came in.

First Valerie entered. Her red hair was hindering her vision as it fell over her eyes. She drew them away to reveal blue eyes under a pair of round glasses. She stared in awe at Mewtwo. He was taller than the director and stood there glowing in a slight purplish-blue hue. A massive purple tail flicked back and forth, and he acknowledged her presence with a curious expression.

The Thaddeus entered and shuffled by her, and quickly approached the colossal Pokémon.

"What did I tell you director?! Is he not a work of pure genius?! And you have yet to see him in battle!"

Thaddeus laid a hand on Mewtwo and ran his hand along his shoulder.

"So when do you wish to start his training director?" Thaddeus said without even looking at Giovanni.

Giovanni Smiled.


The doctor turned his head to the director, paused and then nodded.

"I'll fetch a suitable test subject for the battle. You will be very impressed by what this Pokémon is capable of"

Mewtwo looked at the doctor and wondered what they were talking about. This all was very new to him. At any rate he was about to find out just what was in store for him.