Destiny's Burden

Story by Travis_Scar on SoFurry

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My first chap. of my new story, Destiny's Burden. I hope everybody likes it. I'm a new writer so any advice, support, etc. will be much appreciated! Thanks! :D

*My first chap. of my new story. I hope everybody likes it. I'm a new writer so any advice, support, etc. will be much appreciated! Thanks! :D. Also, I have Lee's (main character) quotes are like this (*) while other characters have (") just to avoid all the constant annoying "he said, she said, bla bla bla".*


*You should know by now, I'm not a wolf*

"Ha, I guess you're right. Thank you, Lee." Lee just nodded, *Let's go, we don't wanna waste any sunlight.* S---- smiled and grabbed her stuff, "Let's go". And then they were off, their journey had begun.... "Now don't you go on thinking you can cuddle with me every night!", S---- said playfully. Lee laughed, *Hahaha, wouldn't dream of it.*, then Lee realized, he couldn't remember the last time he laughed.

Chap. 1

Our story here starts at the beginning, the very beginning. Lee was born and raised on Mt.Simon. As a little fox, he was perfect, normal, happy, and always obeyed authority. He lived with his parents and his brother, Richard, who was 4 years older than him. Richard was the favored child; honest, older, strong, confident, and brave; but he loved to show off, like an immature hero. Though Richard was a fox as well, his personality was always like that of a lion, though instead of being labeled weird and different, he was praised for it. As kids, Lee and Richard were fine. But then they both grew older. When Richard was 13 (Lee 9), he became cocky. He always hid it from their parents, but Lee knew. On some occasions, he would even pick on Lee in front of his friends. Although, Richard always thought that Lee was his little brother that had "so much to learn", he never once considered that there were any problems between them.

Lee was never a loner, though never very popular either. He used to be in the middle, with friends who weren't popular at all, but not exactly "losers". Then some years later, when Lee was 11, he changed. He started having friends who were causing more trouble. Though they were indeed more popular, they were only "2nd best". That's all Lee saw he could be in his very little town, just 2nd, to his parents, friends, brother, and everybody around him; though nobody said it.

Lee got into more and more trouble, his parents yelling at him more and hating the things he liked and did. His parents never knew "what to do with him". What nobody seemed to understand, was that he was better than all of that, and better than his brother. He was smarter and stronger (inside and out). People there were just too stupid, not even his friends could see it; nor girlfriends. He had searched for his soul mate, somebody there that would understand. And he had found a few girls who he thought were like that. They told him that he could "trust them", so he did, talking to them about any problems he had. But in return, they all back stabbed him, betrayed him, broke his heart. Which did nothing but make him trust nobody and bury all of his emotions very very deep inside him. He knew he was a very loving and compassionate person, but it seemed that it was a curse rather than a gift.

Nobody else knew this, nobody else knew his story, nobody cared.

So at 14 he decided to run away. Though to him it felt more like an escape. He brought nothing with him, to prove to his family, himself, and everybody else, that he didn't need anything or anybody's help.

For 7 months he lived in the woods, in the wild, by himself with nobody there to help. He felt free, like it was natural to be living there. He didn't want to live in civilization yet, he didn't want people judging him and telling him what to do and what not to do. But he knew that one day, when he was ready, something will make him return to civilization and live with other people.

There were hard times, but it was better then his old life, so he practically enjoyed the pain and hardships.

While wandering through the woods, he found what seemed like an abandoned mansion. *I wonder if anybody's in here? Might as well check; besides, it might be nice to sleep inside a house after so long....*

While going in the mansion to rest for the night, Lee found it was something else entirely....

End of Chap.1

*Hope everybody enjoyed!!!"