Time for a Change – Part 15

Story by Cam Tony on SoFurry

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#16 of Time for a Change

So this entry will be a little shorter so that people can add comments about what changes have taken over our happy couple. I promise the next one will be longer! In addition, to clarify, the changes are not situational or based on any serious, quantifiable input. Every few sections I will wake up and remember this is a transformation series and throw in the option that one or more people are going to transform. Then the magics happen!

Jenny awoke, panting. She sat up, her hands on Matt's chest. Her body felt weak, almost drained of energy from the furious rutting. Of course, the heat still lingered in her loins; part her own arousal and part the warm feeling of having been filled to capacity. Sweat dripped off her body onto Matt's, her fingers scrabbling at his chest as her mind cleared enough to look down.

What she saw caused her to gasp. Not only had Matt changed during their session (and what a session it was, she though, noticing that an hour or so had passed when she glanced at the clock) but she had as well! She gaped as she looked down at her changed body, still straddling her lover as if ready for another round. And what she saw was...