The Path - Chapter 000 - The successful Hunt

Story by LogOn on SoFurry

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#1 of The Path

Done over skype

Edited by LogOn

The Path - Chapter 000 - The successful Hunt

The dragon stood on top of the ridge, binoculars pressed onto his eyes as he scanned the horizon around the outcrop the group had stopped at. I can see a bit of movement down inside the cave.

The hyena walked out of the cave, sniffing the air around her underground cave, listening for threats to her clan. She was the highest clan member, dominated all by her.

The dragon smiled at the lone stalker brave enough to venture out, admiring her briefly through his binoculars. He pulled out his radio, and very simply said: Place the bait as he watched the wolf in his team run off from the fresh carcass, and placed his second hand on the tranquilizer rifle.

The Hyena sniffed at the meat offered. Still the feral, she couldn't guess it was a trap. She began to sit and lay down, nibbling at the bait.

The dragon aimed the rifle into the ferals dead center, aware that he didn't have much time before the smell brought out the rest of the pack. Firing he said through the radio. As he took the shoot, and landed the small little dart right next to her shoulder.

The hyena began to thrash around on the floor, raising dust as she trashed, while she began to feel sleepy, yapping at the dart.

The dragon smiles: She's down. He puts down the rifle and pulls out the binoculars again. Wanting to make sure there's no dangers to the anthro wolf on the ground. Looks all clear he said after a few seconds, should be safe to net her.

The hyena wakes up in a cage, as the anthro wolf loads her on a truck. She yips loudly, gnawing at the bars of the cell.

The dragon stood there and leaned against the truck, admiring the catch. You seem quite strong. He commented. That definitely will help, I hope. He makes sure the cage is attached one more time, before giving the go ahead to the driver: All clear, I'll follow in the jeep.

The hyena yip yips, growling at the anthros, as she gets going by the truck. She in her small mind tries to make out what's going on, but she cannot do anything but groom herself in the cage.

The convoy keeps up its path, stopping several more times, and capturing a wild lioness as well, they placed the two cages on top of the same truck she's in, and by nightfall was out on the highways of Kenya, traveling smooth into port.

The hyena growls all at the anthros and at the new captive, snapping her jaws at them, biting the air.

The convoy eventually pulls into a university, all extremely well lit, and the anthro's begin moving her cage into a pen, eventually seating her down and releasing her into a small little habitat, food and water in the corner.

She drinks a bit of water, curiously sniffing around, and she goes to a corner, lifting one of her hind legs as she marks her territory. Then soon after she goes to another corner, laying down to sleep.

_ - End of Chapter - _