The Nameless Creature

Story by ReimoroMayachi on SoFurry

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#1 of Heredity

My first story. Hope I did it right. Comments please.



The animals in the forest jumped at the sound. Most had decided to investigate when, CRACK!!!!! Another sound erupted.


The noise stopped abruptly. The animals had finally concluded that it was safe to come within sight of the source of the mysterious noise. Some animals were still a little confused from the occurrence, but soon shrugged it off and checked out the scene anyways.

In the midst of a clearing stood an odd creature that the animals seemed to not know of. It had black fur, but it hatched from an egg. The tip of it's tail was plated over with red scales. It resembled a wolf, but small wings distracted any viewer from the resemblance. The egg it came from was black with strips of red running along the sides, and it had a bright shine, like gloss. The egg tooth had already fallen loose, much earlier than it should have. The creature was rather big for a hatchling, though, and the animals developed a fear in them that it was going to harm them. However, the hatchling didn't know what was going on around it, seeming endlessly amazed at the crowd that gathered.

This new life in the forest was a disturbance to say the least. But, over time the animals accepted it and raised it, as a community. It would have looked odd, seeing all the animals teaching this one being all the things they knew. The wings on it's back developed, and grew, and so the birds sought to teach it to fly, in hopes that one day it might protect them.

It started going out on it's own at about two years of age, and learned to get to the fruit in the trees. At this age it was already standing at two feet from the top of the shoulders, and had grown generously in muscle build and wing span. The wings had grown a layer of fur toward the front, which seemed to disperse into feather-like scales toward the back. It had also started to grow horns out the back of it's head. The animals seemed to not notice the changes until they were much more obvious than when they had started taking place.

It was around the age of ten that it started to notice a need that fruit could not satisfy. By this time, many changes had occurred. The creature was announced as a male around the age of three; and by the age of ten the physical changes were very noticeable in him. He had grown to over five feet and his wing span had grown proportionately. The small horns had grown mainly straight, but half way through they shoot downward, and dip back to their original pattern. Out of his paws curved sharp claws, and his tail had grown to about three-fourths of his body length, the tip of which still had scales.

He started to wander around the forest, always returning just before sunset. He had even dared to go as far as the mountains, where the sleeping giants were rumored to occupy.

Climbing one of the cliffs, he nearly lost footing, that is until his friend had helped him get a grasp on the ledge. Of course the goat wasn't particularly fond of the idea of being landed on, and the fall was more than enough to make even a mountain goat feel a little nervous.

"Hey! Would you watch where you're stepping? You almost got us both killed!" shouted the goat.

"You know, being friends and all is kind of hard not even knowing your name." He simply stated the remark as if the goat hadn't even said anything.

"I don' plan on giving my name until you know yours." replied the goat.

As they climbed higher, so did the question the goat had been wondering for a brief time. How would they get down?

"I intend on showing you what you are wondering when we get to the top." said the nameless creature.

In reaction the goat stared in shock. Had the look on his face been that obvious?

"C'mon! Don't just stand there. Climb!"


Once at the top, the goat peered down the side of the cliff and gave a look at his friend that was purely made to make him feel like an ass.

"Oh, what, now we start shooting accusing looks at each other? Two can play that game," the nameless creature tried making his best angry face.

"Hey, I'm not the one who brought us to the top of a cliff with only two ways down. Now we either fly away or jump. I prefer the former, if you haven't guessed."

"Well, I do have wings, and I do know how to use them."

"So, you expect me to just jump on your back and trust you, the one person that doesn't even know their own name, with my life."

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." The nameless creature just stared at his friend after he finished his sentence.

The goat shot looks of confusion in random directions and at his friend. "Well, are you going to explain how this is going to work, or do we just stand here until we freeze?"

"I was waiting for you to say something like that."


"I hope you know this is just gliding and not actual flight."

"I don't think it matters. We're still hundreds of feet from the ground, and I don't have claws to hold on to anything." They were in mid-flight, er... glide, moving at a very fast


"Okay, just thought I'd let you know. I'm dropping you off outside your cave, okay?"

"Okay, just tell me when we get there."

"Here we are!"

"Don't joke around!"

"I'm not." They landed with a moderate thud.

The goat was more than happy to see solid ground, and as soon as he was off his friend's back, he said a quick, "Bye," and ran to his section of the cave as fast as his legs would carry him.

"Ummm... Bye?" was the response of the nameless creature. 'Back into flight.' he thought as he prepared to take off. Just as he jumped, he caught a glimmer of light in the corner of his eye.


When he woke up, he felt a strange presence watching him from what shadows even he could not see into.

"Rise." said an imposing voice. Not wanting to get into any trouble, which he had the feeling he was already in some, he obeyed.

"Good. I see you can evaluate your place quickly." Suddenly, though, he started to feel control of his body fade. Soon, all that was left was a standing creature who could barely think straight.


Yeah, this seems pretty short, even to me, but I plan on making the next entry a little more... interesting...