Vulpsis CYOA #2

Story by Vulpsis on SoFurry

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#2 of Vulpsis' CYOA

The second entry of my CYOA story! A mysterious and injured Umbreon wobbles into the den and collapses, leaving Vulpsis clueless on whether or not she should help him! Comment on what you think should happen next!

Before the little Vulpix can decide on what to do a strange and heavy scent wafted through her nostrils. The little vixen took a defensive position and glared with all her might at the entrance, somebody was coming close and it wasn't her mom or her bro. The shadowy figure bathed Vulpsis and blocked the sunlight as his dark fur and quadruped figure soon came into sight.

Vulpsis flinched when she saw the Umbreon. He was a large one, probably the biggest creature she had ever seen! He hulked in and wobbled on all fours, his body was bruised, battered and bleeding. His face was also scarred, his eyes shut from the pain as he waltzed in the den in a clumsy fashion.

"W-who are you?!" Vulpsis questioned, unsure on whether she should be fighting him or helping him.

"A-ah... I'm sorry... I can't see where I'm going..." the Umbreon replied in a gruff voice. He soon rubbed against a wall near the entrance, smearing blood as he did so before resting on his belly.

"You're hurt! What happened to you?!" Vulpsis asked as she ran up to him and observed his slender and battered body.

"I... I lost a fight... I tried to woo a female but... heh I guess I lost her attention by losing that fight..." The Umbreon tried to chuckle but instead he gave off a pained cough before passing out...

Vulpsis' heart was pounding against her chest. The Umbreon looked like he was going to die if he wasn't given help fast! She could run down and get some water, or maybe forage some berries for him. But she didn't know the outside very well, and there was still the matter of her missing kin. Should she let him rest here while she search for them? Or take care of this Umbreon! He seemed nice but what would happen if were to be healed... how would she know he wouldn't take advantage of her? What was a little brown vixen to do?