Tyler the Dragon, Chapter 6: Getting serious?

Story by Tycser on SoFurry

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Hello again! It has been a while, hasn't it?

I'm sorry for the very long delay, I had some personal problem and things to deal with. Not going to bore you with them.

So, without further ado, here is chapter 6 of Tyler the Dragon!

Chapter 6: Getting serious?

"What do you want us to do with them, Aquaila?"

The water guardian sighs. "I do not know Tremor." She looks up at the sky. The moon is almost at its peak. She turns to the earth guardian. "They should be asleep by now, can you get them and take them to their beds?"

Tremor grunts and signals to a guard. They take off in the direction of the two dragons.

"He should be punished!" Magmar growls. "He almost killed that girl!"

Aquaila clears her throat. "That ' girl' has a name? And I know that. They both need to rest first, we will discuss this at a later time. Get yourself some rest." With that the water dragoness walks back into the temple. Magmar only snorts, making fire come out of his nose and follows her.


Roughly 15 minutes later Tremor returns with a unconscious black dragon on his back and the guard holding the dragoness. They are quickly moved to their beds, luckily without waking them up.

The guardians decide to not decide about what to do with Tyler now, they want to hear from the dragon himself what exactly happened before they decide.


The next day Tyler is awoken by a delicious smell. "Careful around him! He's still recovering."

"That sounds like Icy."

_ _

"I am careful around him. He can take it anyway. He's as tough as nails" The next thing he heard is a thud and a whine from Flare. "That's beside the point! Stay away from him."

"They are kind of cute together." The black dragon muses to himself.

"Go get some food for when he wakes up, you silly fire drake." The ice dragoness giggles.

Tyler hears Flare grunt and open the door. "Fine, fine, take care of him. He's more important than he thinks." He hears the door creak. "I love you, Icy."

"I love you too big guy. Now go! You are letting the cold in!"

Flare chuckles. "But you are an ice dragoness, you should like the cold."

"Well, I do, but Tyler here needs the warmth more."

"Just joking with you, love!" Tyler hears the door slide in its lock, signaling he actually left.

He hears Icy sigh, though it sounds like a happy sigh. "I swear, that dragon..."

"You know he does that because he loves you." Tyler says, without opening his eyes.

Icy sighs again. "I know, but--wait!" She whirls around to see Tyler laying there with a big grin on his face. "Oh you little-!" She hugs the black dragon, almost choking him.

"Iwy! C-crhh bweath!" She quickly releases him. "Oh sorry!" She looks away, kind of shyly. "I'm glad you are okay."

The black dragon chuckles. "Thanks." The black dragon gets up slowly and stretches his back, making it snap several times. "Ooooh, something was stuck there.." His tail flicks from side to side as he inspects himself for any damage."

"Physically, everything is alright, Tyler." She gathers the unused health crystals and the now empty bowl. "Flare should be back any second now with some food, when you finished that, you can come meet us in the mess hall."

At that point, the door opens again and Flare enters, with a big bowl with a selection of food. "Took you long enough!" Icy giggles. Flare just stares at her as he puts it down with Tyler.

"Now I was kidding." She purrs as she nuzzles him. He nuzzles her back but before things can get serious, Tyler clears his throat. "Uhm, can you please NOT do that in here? It's kind a disturbing."

They both shy away again. "Right, well we'll see you downstairs soon I guess." Flare grunts. He quickly opens the door and scoots out of the room.

"Yeah, go eat and we'll meet you in a few." She walks into the hall and closes the door behind her with a flick of her tail.

The black dragon proceeds to eat the food in silent. As he eats the last of the pork, he thinks back to last night. "Did that really happen?" He sighs happily as he puts the bowl by the door. "Maybe I should check up on her, though she might be in the mess hall already."

He opens the door silently and slips out of the room. The hallway appears to be empty. He stretches his back legs and disappears into the ground. Using the shadows, he quickly moves towards the female wing of the temple.

Arriving at her room, he listens in. Upon hearing nothing, he knocks. No-one appears to be inside. Sighing, the young dragon walks to the mess hall. Before he enters the hall, he takes a deep breath. Everyone probably heard what happened, how he hurt a fellow dragon. He's nervous as he enters the mess hall.

His nervousness was well placed. As he enters the hall, every dragon turns his or her head to the entrance. He swallows hard and his tail drops to the ground as he makes his way to his friends table. He's takes a few glances at his fellow dragons and to his amazement he doesn't see anger in their eyes. It almost looks like curiosity.

Suddenly a loud squeal can he heard and a white blur makes its way to the black dragon. Tyler's eyes go wide as the white blur crashes into him and knock him in his back.

"Deleria! What's wrong!" He manages to shout. The white dragoness just clings to the black dragon. He nuzzles the side of her face. "Hey, are you okay?"

He hears a sniff as the dragoness lifts off him but keeps standing over him. "I-I'm fine. I just missed you!" She starts licking his face all over making the black dragon actually giggle. When Deleria licks Tyler over his mouth, the two start kissing each other deeply. Instantly the female dragons that are still watching giggle and look away, the males just roll their eyes and continue to eat their food.

When Deleria pulls away from him, she has an almost completely red face. "S-Sorry, I don't know what came over me." Tyler quickly licks the side of his face after getting up. "It's okay, I liked it." He says with a wink, making the dragoness giggle cutely.

"Come on, let's go sit with our friends." Deleria nods and walks next to him, leaning slightly on him. They take place opposite from Flare and Icy. "Welcome back, blackie." Flare snorts, Icy and Deleria giggle at the nickname. "I do have a name you know, redhead."

Flare glares as the black dragon, his tail flicking about. "Don't. Call. Me. That. I can kick your ass again if I wanted too." The black dragon snorts. "Really? You got lucky last time, and you know it." The girls just look at each other and roll their eyes.

Flare laughs out loud. "Is that a challenge, little guy?" Tyler gets up from his seat and grabs his and Deleria's empty plates. "Maaaaaybe!" She scampers off to the kitchen to put the plates away.

"You really like him, don't you?" Icy asks Deleria, now the dragon in question is gone. Deleria shies away. "Y-Yeah." The ice dragoness puts a paw over her paw. "You are cute together. He's one awesome dragon, I give you that." Flare instantly looks up from his left overs. "Hey!" His tail lashing into the air. Icy giggles and hugs the fire drake. "You are still better, my big guy." He chuckles and hugs her back.

As the dragons filter out of the mess hall, Tyler meets up with them. "So, what do we do now?" He says as they enter the hallway. "Well, we still have a bit of school today." Flare grunts, they follow the flow of dragons to their class. "This is our room, see you guys later." Icy shouts over the other dragons. "And behave!" She quickly adds.

Tyler shakes his head and Deleria face gets red again. "Come on Deleria, let's get to class. Do you--"

"Elemental class, by Violetta." The white dragoness finishes with a grin. Tyler grins back and pecks her cheek. "You are so cute, my white dragoness." She giggles and leans onto him. "Nah, you are though." He rolls his eyes as they approach their classroom. She nuzzles the black dragon. "I'll see you after we are done. Meet me at the training ground afterwards." The dragoness nods, licks his cheek and then walks off. Tyler stares at her rear, not being able to look away. Her tail swaying left and right, almost mesmerizing. She looks around back at him and notices him staring at her. She wiggles her butt even more and giggles, then dashes away. The black male dragon snaps out of it and chuckles as he enters the class room.

He sits down at the back of the class. Most of his class mates are already there, the teacher herself is still missing.

The classroom slowly fills up over the next few minutes. Suddenly, the purple dragoness appears out of the corner of the room, using her shadow element. "Good morning class!" She half yells, waking half the class from their little nap. "Today, we will continue to train our element." She winks to Tyler. "I'll continue to help you." She turns to the class. "Everyone, let's get to the training grounds."

The group moves to a take-off platform and fly down. Tyler sees three dragons in his group fly down together. Two of them are pestering the smaller one of their little group, a small ice dragon. An electric dragon keeps bumping into him. The electric dragon grins at his other friend and sends a small electric shock to the ice dragon. He tenses up, unable to move his body and starts to fall rapidly. His "friends" are laughing as their friend plummets to the ground. Tyler snarls angrily at them. "Hey! What was that for!" He folds his wings together and accelerated to the ground. The ice dragon is completely paralyzed and unable to call for help. As the black dragon approaches he slows down to fall at the same speed. "I'm going to release the energy, you are on your own from there." He yells over the wind. He reaches out and touches him with a talon. The electricity taking over the ice dragon's body gets transferred to the black dragon. Released from the electric prison, the ice drake spreads his wings fast to catch the wind. He quickly slows down and hovers into the air.

Tyler on the other hand impacts the ground hard releasing the electricity into the ground, creating a small crater. Seconds later Violetta lands. "Tyler!" She yells as she runs to him. "What happened?! Are you okay?"

"Ugh, yeah, yeah." The black dragons gets up from his position. "I'm fine." He stretches his back and it cracks. "Ow, that sounded nasty." Violetta says. "What happened up there, Tyler?" She asks as he walks out of the crater. "Well.. -"

"My friends paralyzed me, miss." The small ice dragon steps in from of the a teacher. "I see." She says. "And who are there so called friends?" The dragon looks at the ground, not saying anything.

Violetta sighs. "Fine, but they don't really sound like friends, Freeze." She nods to the small dragon and motions him to stand back. He quickly shuffles back into the group but not before mouthing a "thank you" to Tyler.

"All right students, continue where we left off the last time, however, for the ones that want a challenge, try to maintain an elemental attack as long as possible. This will increase your overall magic supply and strengthen the attack." The turns around and faces me.

"I am not sure what happened there, but Freeze is way too friendly." She starts walking back to the crater. "Hmm, this might come in handy." She looks at the crater, deep in thought.

"Alright, since you made this crater, I want you to try and fix it."

Tyler looks at Violetta weird. "Fair enough, I guess. But my knowledge about the earth element is pretty limited. I can blow up a storm with my wind, but I don't think I can fix a whole crater."

Violetta grins widely. "See, this is where you are wrong. You are a black dragon." She starts walking around the black dragon. "A very special black dragon. These things will come naturally to you. Just try it." She comes around and stands next to him.

"Focus your earth energy, gather it. Then command it what it needs to do." Violetta lies down, keeping her eyes in the black dragon. Tyler nods, sits down and closes his eyes.

He looks inside himself to find the earth element. He gathers it all up in his paw, and then slowly places it on the crater. He can feel the energy disappear. But nothing happens. "I don't understand." He takes his paw back and looks at Violetta. "Nothing happened."

She chuckles. "I wouldn't be so sure, little dragon." She looks over at the crack. "Look."

A green earthy glow appears from the center of the crater, slowly spreading to the edge. Right before his eyes, the crater slowly fixing itself. The earth is reforming, cracks disappearing. One minute later the ground is as it was before.

"Perfect, just as I expected Tyler. You are improving at an increased rate." She gets up and stretches. "Soon you will be able to control all the elements."

Tyler looks at his paw. "All this power. My power. I'm sure this is going to be great!" He smiles to himself. A pat on the head brings him back to reality.

"Go practice on these flowers there. Try to make them bigger and prettier." Tyler nods and walks over to the flowers.

By the end of the day he's able to create earth missiles and large boulders to use in battle. Violetta was happy about his improvements and deemed it enough for today.

"Alright, younglings, that is enough for today. Classes are over and you should all go home now." She watches as the dragons fly off to meet their friends or family. "You did well today." She turns around to face Tyler, who stayed behind.

"Thanks." He smiles.

"Next time we'll see about the other elements. Go have some fun with your friends." She smiles warmly back.

Tyler takes a few steps and leaps into the air and spreads his wings. He uses his wind element to boost him towards the building to meet his friends.


Tyler approaches the platform above him and sees his friends chatting.

"There he is!" He hears Icy say as he lands gracefully. Deleria dashes up to him and nuzzles him. "I missed you." She whispers.

Tyler grins widely. "I missed you too babe." He puts a paw around her.

"Hey, keep that for the bedroom kids." They hear Flame say, making Icy giggle. The two love birds peel away from each other.

"Alright, we'll see you guys tomorrow, same time." Says the red dragon as he and Icy fly off the platform.

Tyler nods, using his left wing to wave. "Bye guys!"

As they dive down and disappear from sight, Deleria rubs up to Tyler. "So, have you heard anything from the elders?" She asks as they walk to the edge.

"No, nothing yet." He smiles. He knows that it might get serious but there is no need to get all work up about it now. "We'll see tomorrow. Are you ready?" He readies his wings.

Deleria does the same. "Yeah."

"Okay!" Tyler starts counting down. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." He looks over to the white dragoness. "Go!"

The two dragons push off the platform, turn a tiny bit to the right and angle down, rushing towards the town. They race each other till the bottom of the cliff. They started off equal but now Deleria is taking the lead. Her smaller body aids in her decent.

"Hey! Come back here!" Tyler yells over the ear deafening wind. The dragoness just smirks and tries to make herself even smaller. Now she's at least her own body length ahead.

They pass the invisible finish line and they quickly fold open their wings to catch the wind.

"Ha, beat you!" Deleria teases. Tyler snorts. "Well you are smaller than me. And I'm less aerodynamic, because of, you know, tail area."

Deleria giggles and plants a kiss on his cheek. "Yeah, yeah. I know, big guy." She floats over to him and hugs him in midair, catching him off guard. Luckily, Tyler recovers quickly and affectionately hugs back, their wings beat perfectly in sync. He smells her usual scent on her, which drives him crazy.

"I love you." He purrs, at which she hugs him tighter. "I love you too, Tyler."

They both look up, into each other's eyes.

After a few seconds Deleria realizes they are still suspended in mid-air. "So, uhm." They release each other. Tyler instantly misses her scent and warmth. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house." She asks.

Tyler looks up, surprised. "Your house?" He scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, I would love too." He leans in and kisses her on her lips. He can hear a purr coming from deep within the white dragoness. After a few seconds he lets go again.

"So, I'll get something to eat at home and then I'll come to your place." He smiles at Deleria.

She nods. "Great, see you then." She turns around and waves. "Bye Tyler!" She takes off in the direction of her place.

"Bye baby!" Tyler waves back and watches her leave, her rear bouncing up and down to her wing beats. She slowly disappears in the buildings.

Tyler sighs. "I love you, my little white dragoness." He smiles widely, feeling very happy. He turns around and flies towards his house, using his wind powers to speed up the process.


Tyler's house is a two story white building, with roof access. The ground floor contains the kitchen in the left wing, and a living room in the right wing. Even though they live in the middle of the city, they still have a medium sized garden.

On the second floor contains the bedrooms for all the family members, plus a spare room just in case. The third floor is nothing more than an empty room. It is unused but it has a great view on the city.

His house appears in the distance and he starts too decent. He softly lands on the room, shaking himself off before opening the door and entering the house.

"Mom! I'm home!" He yells down the spiral stairs as he glides down. He smiles as he hears his mother.

"Welcome home dear!" He glides down to the ground floor and walks into the kitchen, assuming his mother is there.

"Welcome back Tyler!" The electric dragoness hugs her son tight. Tyler's mother is just a normal electric dragoness, bright yellow scales and wing membranes, white belly and a sharp point on her tail. Her head is comprised of several long horns, four horns on each side, slightly bending out, making her look fierce if looked head on.

"Hey mom. How are you doing?" He asks as he looks at what his mother is doing.

"We've been alright dear. Just living life." She smiles at him, than proceeds to cut some pieces of meat with her talons. "How's life up their?"

"Oh, it's okay. Being trained hard by the guardian's and teachers." His mother puts the meat away and cleans her paws.

Then Tyler hears the front door. A few seconds later a little dragoness dashes into the kitchen.

"Mommy! We are back!" She yells. "Dad is--". Her sentence is cut off as she smacks into Tyler, knocking the little dragoness backwards.

"Hey there, little sis. Don't give yourself a headache." He smiles at the little dragoness.

She looks up, dazed from the hit. Then she squeals. "Tyler! You are back!" She gets on her rear feet and hugs the black dragon. "I missed you, brother."

He puts a paw around her. "As did I sis."

Their mother just smiles at the display of affection.

"We are back Elza." A deep voice comes from the front door. Soon after a light brown dragon enters the already full kitchen.

"Hey dad." He nods and smiles to the big dragon. The big dragon is a rare sand dragon. The only change for sand dragonling's is when a fire dragon and earth dragon breed. Even then it's a really small chance. This dragon has a light brown body and a darker belly. His wing membranes are a deep shade of red. Probably got that from the fire dragon parent.

"Hey Tyler, welcome back." He gives the smaller dragon a pet on the head.

"Dust, can you give this meat to the neighbors." Elza hands a bag of meat to her husband.

He takes it and nods. "Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow Tyler" He says as he walks towards the front door.

"So." Elza says. "You are staying the night, I'm guessing?" She gathers the cooking supplies from the kitchen.

"Well, I promised to meet a friend as soon as possible so..." He look at this mother out of the corner of his eye.

"I understand, it'll just take a second." She quickly makes a meal for her son. "There you go. I'm going to entertain your little sister for a while. Or until your father gets hungry." She rolls her eyes with a giggle. "See you later Ty. And please be careful."

With that the two dragonesses walk out of the kitchen. Tyler quickly eats his meal then puts the plate away. He then flies back to the roof of his house. He locates Deleria's house in a few seconds and flies off.


He's never really been at her house before. Her house is located on the edge of the city, in the rich dragon's district.

Her house is a large villa with a big garden. Arriving at the front gate he sees it's open. Continuing on his walk he approaches the front doors. They seem to be made of a marble. He knocks on them, which makes a lot more noise than he expected.

After a few seconds of waiting, the left door swings open, showing a very neat earth dragon. Scales neatly polished. He raises an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"H-hi." Tyler stutters. "I-I'm looking for Deleria. Is she here?" Shuffling his paws in shyness.

"Yes. My daughter is here." The dragon answers.

Tyler's eyes grow wide. "You are her father?" He sticks out a paw. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Tyler. I'm here to see Deleria."

Leaving the smaller dragon hanging, the father looks him over and huffs. "Yeah, yeah. She's in her room." He steps aside to let the black dragon pass. "To the left, all the way in the back. You have an hour." He closes the door and walks off into a hallway on the right.

Now he's gone, Tyler can take a good look around the house. The entrance is almost completely white. There are hall ways to the left and right. A wide staircase leads to the second floor. "Man, this place is huge! How did I not know this?" He walks to his left, entering the hall. "I shouldn't keep Deleria waiting."

He might have passed a hundred doors by now but he finally reached the last door. It looks just like a normal door.

He grabs the doorknob and swallows. He opens it and peeks into the room. No-one is there. Weighing his options, he decides to step into the room and closes the door.

This room also looks like a normal room. A few bookcases, cabinets, undoubtly filled with stuff. There is also a neatly made up bed in the right corner. There is another door on the left wall, probably leads to the garden. There appears to be a small second chamber to the left of the bed.

As Tyler steps into the room, he can hear what sounds like water clattering down. His eyes widen as he realizes she must be showering. "I should go..." He turns around, but it stopped by his curiosity. He silently steps towards the shower room. He can smell Deleria's smell intertwined by the shampoo she's probably using.

Deciding to take a peek, he looks around the corner, carefully. What he sees dulls his mind.

There she is, scales shimmering with water. She has her rear turned to him. She's just standing there, in the shower, head slightly angled upright.

Tyler mind just melts at the scene, he steps into the room.

Suddenly the female dragon sighs. She lifts her tail over her back and starts to clean the tip. This reveals her rear and pink slit to the male dragon.

Slowly but surely Tyler's penis reveals itself to the outside world. His brain just completely shut down at this point. The shimmering of her beautiful scales isn't making things any better.

Then Deleria sees something from the corner of her eyes. She turns her head, expecting it to be her mind playing her. Instead she sees a black dragon. Her eyes grow wide. "Tyler!" She exclaims. She quickly lowers her tail and turns around.

"I--I should go." The heavy breathing Tyler says and dashes to the door. He slips out into the hall. "That was..." He shakes his head. "That was wrong of me." He starts silently walks to the big hall.


"He saw me!" Deleria hurries and turns the water off, uses a tower to dry off and dashes to the door. "He saw me and I did... stuff." Then she remembered the black rod underneath the dragon. "He enjoyed it too." She starts blushing. "Keep it together Deleria. This can end badly. I need to find him."

_ _


Tyler opens the front door, still thinking about what he saw. He takes a few steps outside of the building before he gets tackles from behind. They rolls over each other and on top of each other. Deleria gets up and stands over the male dragon.

"Tyler wait. I-I'm sorry. I should've watched the time. I--"

Tyler puts a talon on her mouth. "Shhh, it was my fault. I should've at least asked first." He kisses her. After a few seconds Deleria gets off Tyler and lets him stand up. An awkward silence follows.

"Well, guess I'll be going then." He says, a bit sad.

Deleria grabs his tail as he turns around. "No!" She exclaims. "No. Would you like to come inside, again?" She asks with those pretty eyes.

I don't know Deleria, I--" He looks back at her and is instantly caught by those mesmerizing eyes. "Yeah, yeah sure. I'm here now anyway." He turns around and gives her a kiss on the cheek. They walk back inside together and back to her room.


"I don't know. He appears to be really like our daughter." A large water dragon turns away from the window he was looking through. "Our daughter the albino, with Tyler, the legendary black dragon." He lets out a happy huff.

"I am not so sure." A female voice says. "But time will tell. Come let us move to the gardens for our walk."


"So." The black dragon awkwardly says. "Nice room you have here." He looks around. He's sitting next to the bed, with Deleria laying on the bed. She's been staring at him since she laid down there.

"I also like the shower add-on..," He quickly looks away, not wanting to get too horny again.

After a few seconds of another awkward silence Deleria speaks.

"Did you like what you saw?"

Tyler looks up, eyes wide. "W-what was that?" He asks, believing he heard it wrong.

"In the shower just now." Deleria nods to the shower room. "Did you liked what you saw?"

Tyler starts to fumble with his paws. "I-I.." He sighs. "Yes." He says silently, not wanting to lie to her.

Deleria giggles at his shyness. "I figured. It showed." She says with a wink.

Tyler blushes deeply. "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that." He places his paws in front of his crotch and looks away.

"It's okay. I liked it too." She smiles at the black dragon who gives a weak smile back.

He meets her eyes and they stare at each other for a few seconds. Tyler loses himself in her eyes again. Luckily she breaks the contact before anything... bad... happens.

"Oh." Deleria wiggles to the other side of the bed then taps the bed with a paw. "Come here. Can't have a guest sit on the floor all the time." She says smiling.

Tyler gets up, although a bit reserved. He climbs into the bed and lays down next to her. Once he is down she snuggles up to him, putting her head on his paws and closes his eyes. Tyler just watches as she gets comfy.

"Is this going to hurt our relationship?" Deleria voice sounds.

Tyler starts licking the back of her neck. "No, don't think so." A deep purr can be heard emanating from the dragoness. "You looked beautiful, by the way."

Deleria looks up with a raised eyebrow. "Are you just saying that so you get to mate with me?" She asks, joking.

"No! No! Of course not!" He starts breathing heavy, thinking he did something wrong.

Deleria shrugs. "Oh, to bad." She says and lays down again.

Tyler is completely confused. "Wait, you want too...?"

"YES PLEASE." Deleria giggles and pushes him over. "Silly dragon. I was joking with you." She's laughing out loud now.

Tyler only sighs. "We could've... Oh my..." He nuzzles Deleria. "You got me there." Deleria nuzzles him back.

As much as she want them to try out some things, she doesn't feel ready for it yet. She hates to disappoint him but, this is how it has to be.

They lay down together again. A few minutes later they are asleep.


"Tyler, wake up." The black dragon stirs in his sleep, but not fully waking up. "Tyler! It's getting late! Come on baby."

"Wha-what?" He asks sleepily. He sees Deleria stand in front of him.

"We fell asleep and its almost dark now." Tyler sits up on her bed.

"Right, right." He gets on the floor and Deleria starts to hug him. He obviously hugs back. "I enjoyed the sleep." She whispers.

"As did I." Tyler says as he releases Deleria. "I'm gonna go then. Don't want any of us to get into trouble."

Deleria reluctantly agreed and they quick but silently walk to the front door.

"This was fun. We should do it again." The black dragon says. "I-I mean the talking. The talking." He corrects himself.

Deleria giggles and plants a kiss on his face. "See you tomorrow, my dragon." She says.

"Nighty night, my dragoness." He kisses her goodbye and then flies off into the night, towards his house.

"That went better as expected." Deleria things to herself. She closes the door and trots back to her room. "He looked quite hot, standing there." She giggles to herself as she rolls into her bed. "And his tool between his back legs." She thinks back, slipping a paw down to her crotch. "It looked rather large."

She closes her eyes and fantasized about getting mated by the black dragon. After getting her fill, she quickly falls asleep, with Tyler in her mind.


On his way home he keeps thinking about Deleria. Luckily for him, it's already late and dark so no one can see his semi hanging below him.

He quickly arrives home and directly goes to his room. He fall on his bed, then rolls on his back. His cock is still semi. He looks between his legs and smiles, thinking about Deleria and what happens. Seconds later he has a hard-on.

Knowing he won't be getting any sleep soon this way so he gets back on his feet and steps off his bed. He reaches for his cock, avoiding his claws. He starts pulling his cock and closes his eyes. He think of Deleria in the shower, showing her slit to him. He can feel himself getting close already as his body starts shaking. He can't help himself but let out whispering moans.

In his mind Deleria is wiggling her rear from side to side. Then she lowers her front side to the ground, giving him even more of a view. This makes Tyler go over the edge as he feels his orgasm come crashing down on him. With a rather loud moan his cock throbs as it sprays several jets of sperm over the floor. With every squirt he humps the air, completely out of control of his body.


After cleaning up the mess he made, he flops on his bed and quickly drifts off to sleep, dreaming about what happened that day.

So that was chapter 6. Please tell me what you think.

As for the next chapter, it should come a lot sooner that this one did. I am currently writing a Tyler x Deleria side chapter, for my girlfriends birthday(She's been asking for it for a while now.).

Thanks for reading and be on the lookout for the next chapter!