A Little Fun before Halloween - Part 2

Story by Danny1988 on SoFurry

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Description: Here is part 2 and the continuation of my last story involving Jason, Kai and Connor and their interesting relationship. In this story it gets a whole lot more interesting and fun as Connor persuades his new mate to put on his sexy anthro buck suit and let the suit take him over too. Lots of character interactions and even reference to where the suits are from too.

A few hours had passed since Jason had a little surprise in the way of his friend Connor being transformed into a sexy cute surfer husky. More of the shock for him though was that Kai who was originally just a husky suit was the one in control when they made love, and not his long time best friend Connor. Even so Jason liked Kai, he showed him how loving and gentle he was in their short time together before he gave control back to Connor. Still it was going to take a little getting used to having basically two mates in one body, but he loved them both and they loved him and that was all that mattered to him.

It was now the early hours of the morning and was still dark outside, the street was now quiet and peaceful as all the kids who were terrorizing their neighbors had gone to bed a long while ago. Jason and Connor lay there sleeping on the floor of the living room with Jason wrapped in his mates furry arms. That was until a loud bang was hard which shook all the windows in the house. It seemed someone had managed to get hold of some fireworks and was now setting them off nearby.

"Whoa, oh my god that made me nearly jump out of my skin that was bloody close. Crazy bastards." Said Jason a little startled as he slowly remembered what happened just a few hours ago and snuggled up more to his furry mate.

"Hey there lover I hope you had fun before, me and Kai both enjoyed it a lot." Said Connor as he playfully licked Jason's ear and neck hugging him tightly.

"Seems my knot has gone down too, we're no longer tied. Aww I sort of miss being tied to you Jay." Said Connor giggling a little.

"Awww thanks beautiful, you and Kai really are something special I love you both so much. I sort of miss being tied to you both too hehe." Said Jason giggling and smiling happily as he remembered how nice it felt being full of his mates hot cock and being tied by his large knot.

"Jason really does know just what to say to make me go all mushy doesn't he babe. He's such a lovely and sexy mate, I can't wait for us to have some fun again. Let him know I love him." Said Kai slowly coming round from his slumber happily.

"Hehe yeh he totally does that to me too, I thought it was just me. I hope we do have some fun again soon, sort of miss you being in control now haha." Said Connor happily and playfully to Kai in his mind.

"Thanks babe, the joining tired me out I think. I need to rest for a while, I'll still be here though don't you worry. I've shown you the ropes of our new body I'm sure you can handle it among other things." Said Kai very happily practically laughing to Connor in his mind.

"Hey Jay, Kai wanted me to tell you he loves you, he's a little tired at the moment so I guess you're stuck with me hehe." Said Connor to the sexy guy in his arms.

"Awwww I love him too, I love you both so much. Hehe no worries I'm sure we will have plenty of time to get to know each other better in our future. I love you both equally remember that." Said Jason very happily as he snuggled further into his mates furry arms. Connor and Kai, loved the feeling of their mate cuddling up to them and pressing his sexy body against their toned furry form. It just made them feel all warm and fuzzy to know that their mate loved them and felt safe in their arms, as they lay there they all smiled happily just enjoying the moment. As they lay there Connor remembered that Jay brought a suit for both of them and began wondering if what happened to him would happen to Jay if he put his on, the thought of seeing Jay in sexy skin tight latex with a pair of sexy cloven hooves had him more than a little excited at this point and he decided he would ask Kai and see if he knew anything.

"Kai babe, if Jay was to put on his sexy buck suit what would happen? Do you know if that suit is like you?" Said Connor inquisitively to Kai in his mind while licking Jason's ear as he lay there smiling.

"Hehe someone has a fun idea, I forgot about Jay's suit babe. Yes what happened to you will happen to him if he puts it on, he would make a very sexy buck wouldn't he babe." Said Kai happily and quite excited after hearing Connors idea.

"I may see if he wants to put it on then, but how do you know what will happen? Also what if the suit doesn't give him control back and wont share like us? I couldn't do that to him." Said Connor again curiously hoping Kai could help ease his worries.

"Well babe, I know what will happen as the suit is from the same world as me. Also don't worry, none of my kind as you would say it are evil. We take care of our hosts and only do what they want deep down, we would never force anyone to be just a voice forever unless they liked life better that way and wanted that." Said Kai comfortingly and softly to Connor sensing his slight uneasiness at his thought.

"That's awesome babe, I really think this may be fun for us all if Jay agrees. Erm what do you mean the same world as you? Are your kind aliens from space?" Said Connor now very happy and curious about what Kai had just said.

"Not exactly babe, yes were from a different world but it's not exactly outer space. Were from earth just not this earth, ours is very similar to yours. It's what you may have called a parallel world." Said Kai trying his best to explain to Connor hoping he would understand.

"Wow that's so cool, I used to watch some awesome TV shows with stuff like that in. It's like this world but everything is a little bit different or a lot different sometimes?" Said Connor trying to show off his accumulated knowledge from the TV he used to watch on the subject.

"Exactly babe, I'm glad you understand. I thought that was going to be a real pain to explain for a moment there. But back to your little idea, I think Jason would like being taken over. He did say he fantasized about it after all and having a sexy buck for a mate would be far better than a human wouldn't it babe." Said Kai happily, trying to show Connor why this would be a good idea for both them and Jason. As Connor lay there thinking of what Kai had just said it did make sense to him, as Jason snuggled up more to him he licked his mates ear a little more and gently whispered to him.

"Jay my beautiful mate, you have a suit too you know." Said Connor softly while caressing his mate's bare chest with his strong paw. As Jason heard this, he was a little shocked and went bright red. He was a little anxious sort of knowing what Connor was thinking of.

"Yeh I know beautiful, I actually do want to put it on after seeing what yours did to you. But I'm scared, I don't think I could do it. What if the suit isn't nice and doesn't let me talk to you again." Said Jason slightly nervous and worried thinking over all the bad things that could happen if he did put it on.

"Shhhhhh Jay, its ok. Don't be scared, he will take care of you. These suits only do what you want deep down and don't hurt their hosts, Kai told me. Plus look me and Kai will be here with you through your take over." Said Connor seductively and soothingly to Jason as he held his mate tighter rubbing his cheek with his paw and licking his neck.

"Ok if I did put it on, I wouldn't lose you as a mate would I? I love you both and I want to be with you. What if this suit doesn't want that?" Said Jason a little calmer and curiously.

"Awww you won't lose us, if anything we will gain another mate and you will gain another friend. The suits feel a lot of what their hosts feel and we both know how you feel about me and Kai don't we sexy." Said Connor happily to Jason smiling seeing that he was coming round to his idea.

"Ok beautiful I'll do it. I'm still a little scared but with you there it will calm me." Said Jason abruptly and a little nervous, he couldn't believe he was actually going to do it. Put on his latex buck suit and let himself be taken over by it, but the urge to actually become an anthro buck was stronger than his fear at this point.

"Ok Jay, you wait here I'll be right back." Said Connor happily as he picked up the large bag and carefully pulled out his friend's suit and brought it over to him, gently placing it at his feet and laid it out in front of him. The suit looked beautiful, it was a dark brown all over except the muzzle and front of the suit which were a lighter shade of brown accentuating the chest and groin of the buck. Like Connors suit this one also had a lovely sexy sheath to hold Jay's cock which when Jay saw it made him blush slightly. The hands of the suit were thin and delicate and each finger seemed to be capped in not exactly a nail but more a black shiny hoof. The feet of the suit were what held most of Jay's attention they looked beautiful, instead of feet the legs of the suit ended in shiny black cloven hooves, these didn't feel like latex either they were hard just like real hooves which made Jason smile in excitement. The thought of having hooves and walking around on them for the first time got Jason's heart racing more and more.

"Here you are Jay, now don't be scared me and Kai will be with you all the way. You're already naked so that's good, just enjoy what is about to happen. You're going to make a very sexy buck." Said Connor happily and enthusiastically to his sexy mate. As he said this he picked up the suit and unzipped the back slowly and positioned himself behind Jason as he held the suit's open back in front of him. With this encouragement and the feeling of safety from both his mates being behind him he took hold of the suit that Connor held in front of him and slowly slid his left leg into the suit.

"Say goodbye to your feet Jay, you're going to be walking on hooves from now on as all good bucks should." Said Connor giggling to his mate watching him slowly slide into the suit like he had done a few hours previously. The feelings that went through him were amazing, it didn't feel quite like latex and it made his skin tingle and heat up the more that it covered his skin. As his foot neared the cloven hoof of the leg it seemed to be sucked into the hoof and held firmly in place, strangely having his foot in this awkward position didn't hurt and all he felt was the tingling and warmth increase around his foot. It sort of felt like he was wearing a high healed shoe with the way his foot was positioned but the only thought running through Jason's head was that of excitement of actually having a sexy pair of hooves.

"Oh wow Connor, this feels amazing. I feel all tingly and warm, it's so relaxing." Said Jason happily and a little giddy as he pulled up more of the latex over his left leg and smoothed out any creases that appeared.

"Hehe I know sexy, when I put Kai on it felt amazing too. I think you should put your other leg into the suit, I found it easier that way." Said Connor happily and slightly excited too, anticipating what was going to happen. All the while he watched Jason put on the suit he sat behind his mate and gently licked his neck and ear keeping him calm and happy. Following Connors advice Jason slowly slid his right leg into the suit again enjoying the feelings that it created as the shiny latex pressed against his skin, being toned already this suit seemed a very tight fit for Jason which made putting it on all the more enjoyable. As his right foot slowly made its way towards the hoof of the suit it too was sucked into place and held firmly feeling this Jason smiled happily at his new hooves. Like his left leg he pulled the latex up carefully over his right leg smoothing it out as he went not wanting any creases to show in this sexy shiny skin he was putting on. This left Jason with both his feet and legs now covered in the shiny suit as Connor and Kai looked on almost drooling at the sight of their mate in this tight fitting outfit.

"It's probably best if you kneel now to put the rest of the suit on Jay, I don't think walking on hooves is a good idea just yet. We don't want you to fall over now do we?" Said Connor giggling, knowing Jay was desperate to stand on his new hooves for the first time. Jason reluctantly agreed, he wanted to stand up and try his new hooves but his mate did have a point he would probably fall over. Picking up the suit in front of him he sat up and kneeled enjoying the sight of his new shiny legs and hooves as he looked behind to his loving mate. With the suit now hanging below his groin he just smiled as he saw which part was next, he was going to have his own sheath like Kai and Connor and this made him very excited and get slightly hard.

"Hehe awww, I see someone is happy about getting a new sheath. Just slide your cock into it babe and position your balls in the sack of the suit, you will love it." Said Connor beaming at Jason as he watched him pull up more of the latex and then reach down and slowly slide his cock into the tight latex sheath of the suit, stretching it and filling it nicely. With his cock now in place, Jason positioned his balls in the suit and found they got sucked into their new home too as they were pulled into the sack of the shiny suit. The suit held his equipment snuggly and send a wave of pleasure through him as they made themselves at home in their new environment. Jason moaned and gasped as this happened making Kai and Connor smile as Connor licked him on the neck giggling slightly. Carefully now that his cock and balls were snug and secure he pulled up more of the tight fitting latex which stretched over his buttocks. As the latex slid up over them it also slid between them encasing them perfectly in the shiny brown material making his bum look even sexier to his on looking mate.

Seeing his mate's sexy new shiny bum Conner couldn't help but give it a little squeeze with his paw as he heard a squeaking noise come from the smooth rubbery material as it stretched and rubbed against his paw pads. Jason just gasped and moaned slightly feeling this and blushed as Connor playfully continued to lick his neck. Giggling a little from Connor's tender licks Jason began to pull more of the squeaky suit over his body covering his toned abs and the small of his back, the tingling feeling seemed to increase more and more as more of his body was encased in the tight fitting suit. Next Jason picked up the left arm of the suit and slowly slid his arm into it, feeling his arm hair flatten and get pressed against his skin from the form sitting suit. Slowly his hand slid into place as the fingers and hand of the suit slid over his own like a tight fitting glove, leaving him with a shiny new hand complete with hard shiny hoof like fingernails. Seeing this Connor decided his mate now needed help with the other arm as it may take a little getting used to having these new fingers.

"Here Jay, let me help you." Said Connor happily as he picked up the right arm of the suit and helped his mate slide his other arm into his sexy new skin. As his right hand approached the end of the arm Connor helped him position his fingers so the suit slid over them easily leaving his right hand and arm now encased in the tight fitting latex. Seeing their mate nearly totally covered in his new skin made both Connor and Kai very excited, looking him over they helped get rid of any creases that they saw leaving Jason to revel in the tightness and amazing tingly feelings that this suit gave him. As he experimented with moving his hands and arms in the tight confines of the shiny latex buck suit he almost forgot what happened to Connor until he had a surprise that threw him out of his trance.

"Hehe Hey there gorgeous, aren't you quite the sexy guy." Said a calm happy and apparently quite young voice.

"Whoa, Connor did you say that?" Said Jason a little shocked and now the realization of what was going to happen was beginning to scare him.

"No Jay, I didn't say anything. I think it's nearly time if he's starting to speak to you." Said Connor happily but concerned as he was starting to see Jason getting a little worried.

"I'm not sure I want to do this anymore Connor, I'm scared again." Said Jason with a little fear in his voice.

"Shhhhhh, don't worry Jay I won't let anything bad happen to you. Go on babe, you can be the sexy, horny buck you know you are inside." Said Connor softly and seductively to his mate as he brushed his cheek with his paw.

"I do so much want to be a buck, sharing my body with someone else is my biggest fantasy but for it to actually happen... I don't know." Said Jason again a little scared and slightly conflicted.

"Shhhhhhh Jay its ok, just let him take over. You can come back out later, now it's his time. He can teach you how to use your new body, but you have to give into him." Said Connor again soothingly and calmly looking deeply into his mate's eyes as he held Jason and caressed his face with his paw.

"Awwwww, don't be scared of me gorgeous. Your mate is right, just give in to me I'll let you back out later. You may even grow to prefer having me in control, I'm a loving friendly buck and I just want to make us sexy." Said the voice happily and calmly to Jason trying to ease his fears and help him realize that this is what he wants.

"I guess it's just hard for me, it's basically changing the way I will be living. But you're both right I do want to be a sexy buck so much, ok do it I won't fight you, take me over but please be gentle. What do I call you by the way?" Said Jason a little nervously as he finally gave in to his desires.

"Awww thanks gorgeous, I promise you won't regret this and of course I will. We're going to be wonderful together, my name is Jesse it's nice to meet you Jason." Said Jesse very happy that his new host was not going to fight him and wanted him to take over. Feeling Jason relax and give into him, Jesse began to finish what Jason had started by carefully picking up their new head that was dangling down in front of them and slowly pulling it over Jason's own. As the head of the suit consumed his own, Jason felt the same tingling and warmth spread all over his face and head as he gasped slightly. Jason was still amazed at having his arms move on their own, having someone else in control was something he fantasized about for a long time and now it was actually going to happen.

"Here let me help you two." Said Connor a little giddy and very happy that Jason was more comfortable as he slowly zipped up Jason's suit and sealed him inside. The suit was stretched very tightly now across all of Jason's toned body making both Connor and Kai pant a little at the sight of their latex clad mate.

"Hehe awwww that was nice of you babe, were going to have a sexy buck for a mate very soon." Said Kai very happy and excited.

"Your mate is so lovely and kind Jason, I can see why you love him. Now don't you worry, just relax and this will be over soon." Said Jesse very happy having a little taste of Jason's mate's kindness and thinking of all the wonderful things their new and complex relationship would bring them. As Jason heard this his whole body began to get hotter and hotter and waves of pleasure washed over his body signaling the start of him and Jesse merging and becoming one. Still watching intently, Connor and Kai smiled as they saw the zipper gradually disappear leaving just latex and no way out for their sexy mate. As the pleasure washed over Jason, he noticed a strong tingling sensation all over his skin which made him want to scratch it. Connor stared intently at his mate as the latex began to merge with him looking more like skin as fur began to sprout all over his body matching the colour of the latex pattern that made up the suit. As the changes progressed, Jason started to feel the air on his new skin as it became one with him and gasped out in pleasure. Gradually Jason and Jesse's new fur coat came in making them look increasingly like the buck they were meant to be, Connor at this point couldn't help himself as he rubbed his mates new fur as Jason gasped out in pleasure from his mates sensual touch.

With Jesse gaining more control he decided to spin round and sit on his bum laying his new legs and hooves out in front of them so they could enjoy and watch the changes morph Jason's old human body into something far more elegant and sexy. As all of them watched the last of Jason and Jesse's new coat came in making their new body look even more beautiful and sexy to the on looking Connor and Kai. Jason then began to lose the feeling in his feet as they started to merge more and more with the hooves of the suit. Slowly he felt a pushing and pulling sensation and then he couldn't feel his feet anymore, they were now gone replaced by a pair of real beautiful cloven hooves that made him smile happily. Watching intently Jason watched as his legs began to change radically as they morphed and shifted changing the way his legs bent, surprisingly this process wasn't painful just strange as he felt his bones warp and change until his stance changed to that of a deer. Jason smiled happily now his stance had changed to unguligrade that of the buck he knew he should be, Jesse was also very happy with the changes as more and more of this humans body was shaped to his own form.

"Awww your new legs and hooves look so sexy you two, I can't wait until your finished changing I want to pounce you so much right now." Said Connor giggling behind his mate as he caressed his back fur. With the changes progressing faster and faster over Jason and Jesse, the shape of Jason's old body beneath the suit began to change making him slightly more toned and giving him more muscle in his legs allowing him to run and jump like he could never imagine in his human body. Jason let out a gasp and slight moan as the changes reached his cock as the sheath grew warm and changed from latex to that of a real sheath, his cock inside also changed as his hold mushroom shaped head flattened and tapered out. The size of his cock also grew a couple of inches giving him a slick tasty new cock any buck would be proud of, as Jason moaned Jesse was happy knowing their changes were nearly finished with their new cock. This was confirmed when Jason got quite aroused at this stage of his change and his new cervine cock slid out from its sheath showing a good 9 inches of pure deer meat dripping with pre and juices from the recent change. As it slid out Jason just moaned out in ecstasy as the feeling of having his new cock slide from its new home overwhelmed him.

Kai and Connor were practically drooling at this point watching their mate's changes in anticipation and just commenting to each other in their mind at what was happening to their new mate and how much they both wanted to make love to him. As they looked on they saw a small tail sprout from just above their mates cute bubble butt as it was quickly covered with the same dark brown fur on top and a light brown below, making their mates new tail and bottom look so cute and begging to be filled. As Jason and Jesse looked at their hands they too became one as Jason felt his fingers merge with Jesse's skin as gradually Jesse's shiny black hooved fingernails felt like his own. Jesse flexed their new hands and fingers getting used to their new body.

"Ok Jason nearly done, just relax and please don't be scared this may feel a little weird but I promise I'll take good care of you." Said Jesse sincerely and happily to Jason as he began to merge their heads and minds completing the transformation and merging their bodies totally. Jason then felt a pressure on his face as it pulled out into the shape of a sexy deer muzzle, as his face began to shift the latex head began to stick to his skin as it merged more and more becoming their new skin. The remainder of any fur also came in as their new head slowly took on the shape of a beautiful and quite cute young buck. A cute black nose formed at the end of their muzzle as Jesse took his first few sniffs of the air as he took more and more control from Jason, Jason's eyes also changed as they became one, his beautiful blue eyes grew larger accommodating to fit his new head as they changed to an golden amber colour with the beautiful blue highlighting the pupil of his new eyes. Jason felt his ears disappear and then a strange sensation of not being able to hear anything for a few seconds as new deer ears formed on the top of his head as his hearing gradually came back and even surpassed his old hearing leaving him a pair of lovely new ears. Jason then felt a presence in his mind as Jesse began to merge their minds, Jason felt Jesse grow stronger and stronger in his mind as he made himself at home. His presence was somewhat comforting to Jason, he wasn't sure what it was but Jesse's presence seemed to have some sort of calming aura and this helped Jason accept Jesse into his mind which was rapidly becoming their mind.

"Jason my gorgeous host I'm going to take full control from you now ok. I want to have some fun for a bit and I really want to get to know you mate he seems lovely. Now just sit back and enjoy, you will see how fun this is." Said Jesse playfully and happily to Jason as he took control of their body completely as Jason felt himself pushed to the background of their mind leaving him as just a voice. Surprisingly Jason felt safe which he didn't expect to, he thought it would be scary but it wasn't. If anything he felt comfortable and just watching as Jesse began to fully appreciate their new body was a weird but quite fun experience. Jason just thought his fantasy had finally come true both of them, he was now a sexy buck with beautiful hooves and he was no longer in control of his body. This was his life from now on and Jason actually was quite giddy it seemed all his dreams had come true in one night and he was very happy as he just relaxed and began to anticipate what Jesse would get up to.

As Jesse took control of his new body the final dramatic changes happened to his new form as a pair of sexy four point antlers erupted from his cute head, they were white and brown in colour and not too big so as to get in the way but they just completed Jesse and Jason's new form and made them look the sexiest thing in the room according to Connor and Kai that is. Well it was true and Jesse could hear Connor wagging his tail rapidly as he looked at the new sexy toned buck in front of him. Upon hearing this Jesse grinned happily as he turned around to face his new playmate and hopefully new mate too, Jesse so wanted all four of them to have the most fantastic relationship filled with lots of love, compassion and most of all passionate mating.

"Jason is that you?" said Connor inquisitively as he drooled slightly and smiled happily looking at the sexy buck in front of him who was beaming a smile at him too.

"hehe, no I'm in control now gorgeous, don't worry though he's in here with me. My name is Jesse, thank you so much for helping me." said Jesse very happily as he was very grateful for Connor's help in persuading Jason to put him on and let him take over.

"I'm not worried babe, I know how much fun it is not being in control. I love it when Kai is out, I'm sure you two can get to know each other sometime but for now it's me and I very much would like to get to know you more. Awww your welcome Jesse and I must say you have a beautiful name." Said Connor happily as he winked at Jesse and smiled happily wagging his tail even faster. As Connor admired the sight of the sexy buck in front of him he had many thoughts run through his mind some his and some Kai's all involving Jesse and how to welcome him. Without realizing Connor's sheath began to stir as more and more desire washed over him causing his juicy canine cock poke its head out from its home in anticipation of what was to come.

"hehe, awww you beautiful husky you. Someone is happy to see me, I think." Said Jesse playfully as he noticed the vibrant red cock poking out of the sexy husky's sheath. Realizing that Connor just grinned at him and began to nuzzle the sexy buck holding out no longer and letting his canine urges take over. Enjoying the nuzzling Jesse began to nuzzle back and lick Connor's ear as he did so causing Connors cock to slide out further and further ready to claim its prize.

"You're so beautiful babe, I now know why Jason wanted to be a buck so much." Said Connor softly to Jesse as they continued nuzzling one another as they rubbed their hands and paws over each other's fur reveling in the sensual touch of each other.

"Awwwww, your quite the looker yourself Connor. I can't wait for you to mate me, I am quite submissive and I need to be shown whose boss hehe." Said Jesse happily as he enjoyed the petting and caressing of the stronger husky in front of him. Connor grinned a little and was a bit embarrassed at what Jesse said. "You see babe I've not done this before it's my first time technically, Kai was in control last time." Said Connor shyly.

"hehe, don't worry my gorgeous husky I'm sure you will be amazing. Don't think just do what comes naturally and let's show Kai and Jason a good time." Said Jesse playfully and winking at the same time as he leaned in and kissed Connor on the muzzle and pulled back and grinned. Without a second word Connor just let go and let both Kai and his instincts take over as he pounced the sexy buck in front of him and kissed him deeply. As they kissed Jesse and Connor explored each other's mouth's their tongues dancing together totally lost in their passion and growing love for one another. As the buck lay there on his back pinned under the strong husky on top of him, Connor began to thrust his body against him causing both their cocks to emerge from their warm sheaths and breathe the open air. Their hands and paws were all over each other exploring each other's warm furry bodies as much as they could gently groping each other's bums from time to time causing their passionate kissing to speed up from the sensual touches between them. As Connor broke the kiss much to both their reluctance he moved down towards the tasty buck meat standing proud from Jesse's own sheath and with his long canine tongue gently licked along its length causing Jesse to gasp and moan while gripping carpet with his hands and biting his lip a little. He looked down at Connor and smiled happily each other knowing what they wanted as Connor took most of the length into his muzzle and began to lap ferociously and suck as Jesse screamed out in pleasure as the beautiful husky tasted his new soon to be mate. Jason at this point was totally in pure euphoria, he never thought it would be like this. Jesse and Connor were right this was amazing, just being a voice in Jesse's mind was one of the most exhilarating experiences he had ever had and now with Connors passionate loving making to Jesse he was totally in bliss. He just thought Connor sure does know how to suck and giggled at the thought.

"Hehe, oh my he sure does Jason. Your mate is amazing and I can't wait for him to be our mate." Said Jesse very happily and moaning in sexual bliss too. As Connor lapped more of Jesse's cock he groped and caressed his sack with his paw causing Jesse to scream louder and breathe heavily. Connor kept this up happy in the knowledge he was giving Jesse and Jason as much pleasure and fun as he could, he massaged the sack more and more causing the sack to fill more and more with hot potent buck seed which Connor wanted to drink desperately. Kai had shown him how tasty seed was and now drinking the hot sticky buck seed that was being produced on demand by Jesse's churning balls was all he could think about. Experimenting more with Jesse's large cock Connor began to try and deep throat it, he started small at first but began to slide more and more of his hot hard length down his muzzle and into his throat enjoying the presence of it inside him. All the while this was going on the large buck cock was leaking pre down into his throat and mouth which he savored and swallowed happily, it was a nice appetizer but what he really wanted was the main course. With that thought Connor took Jesse's length as deep as he could and massaged his balls the best he could and then it happened. He heard Jesse scream out his name in ecstasy as his first orgasm in his new body washed over him and load after hot load of buck seed erupted from his cock only to be swallowed greedily by the husky who had his throbbing member lodged in this throat. Connor savored the sweet sticky substance which made him feel all warm and happy inside, he couldn't get enough and was slightly sad when no more came out but there was always next time he thought. Letting Jesse's member slip from his throat and muzzle, he once again climbed on top of the sexy buck and began to kiss him passionately as Jesse reciprocated both of them breathing heavily and caressing each other's hot bodies.

"Are you ready to be mated my sexy buck?" Said Connor playfully to Jesse looking lovingly into his eyes and grinning.

"Hehe, yes I am you gorgeous husky. Make me your mate just like Jason then we will be yours forever like we should be." Said Jesse playfully and very giddy smiling back and licking Connors muzzle. Happily Connor got off Jesse and allowed him to get up and kneel in front of him with his hands on the floor and his sexy hooves behind him as Connor approached around behind Jesse's sexy deer bum with his cute fluffy tail that was wagging a little in anticipation of what was to come. Connor just grinned at the sight as his canine cock was throbbing hard ready to take its plunge into the hot tunnel of the buck before it. Slowly he grabbed hold of his cock and aimed it at the bucks tight tail hole as he pressed his hot canine flesh into his soon to be mate as Jesse moaned out in pleasure and bit his lip slightly. As the husky's hot throbbing cock plunged deeper and deeper into his prize the buck's tail wagged faster and faster enjoying the presence of the husky deep inside him.

"Oh yes, my gorgeous husky take me. Make me yours." Said Jesse as Connor plunged his sensitive member deeper into Jesse's very tight and hot tail hole. Connor moaned out in pleasure too reveling in the tightness of Jesse's hot tunnel that was squeezing his cock and causing it to leak sticky sweet pre into him. Gradually Connor built up speed thrusting into Jesse faster and faster as he gained more and more experience as he went by giving into his canine instincts and letting them take over. Jesse and Jason were screaming in pure pleasure at this point, Jesse from having his virgin tail hole pounded by his new mate and Jason from once again being filled by his mate's hot throbbing cock which made him feel whole. Connor held onto Jesse's rump as pulled him back into his thrusts causing his large throbbing cock to travel deeper and deeper into him making the buck in front of him squeal in pleasure from the passionate pounding of his hot little tail hole.

Connor reached under Jesse and began to massage his sack once more causing Jesse and Jason to be totally lost in the moment of sexual bliss as they were overwhelmed by the total feeling of ecstasy as they just moaned, screamed and reveled in their mate's expert attention. As Connor kept pounding his mate he lay on their back and began to lick their ears and neck all the while gently squeezing their sack and filling their tail hole with his meat. Kai was just amazed at Connor, he never imagined he would be so good at this but he just remembered he did have a good teacher and giggled. The pleasure he was experiencing was totally overwhelming him too as he was just lost in the moment and in Connors frankly amazing skill. Connor began to feel his mates sack once again fill with hot seed as he caressed and massaged it smiling as he did so. With Jesse's cock once again at full attention he began to paw him off leaving Jesse one again squealing beneath him, he couldn't deny it Jesse was such a cutie and would make a lovely mate too. All four of them were going to have an amazing life together and this just made him a little giddy and smile happily as he thrust harder and harder into Jesse.

With one last hard thrust, Jesse screamed in pain and immense pleasure, Jason knew what this was and was looking forward to it so much and now he was so happy again. Connor's knot had found its home once again in his mate and was growing larger and larger tying them together as all good mates should be. Jesse was in total euphoria now being tied to his mate was one of the most amazing experiences and it just left him feeling so full and right, his mate's cock and knot were in him and that's how it should be. Still pawing Jesse off Connor increased in speed and massaged his balls expertly as Jesse and Jason felt the familiar wave of pleasure wash over them, as their new batch of hot sticky buck seed shot forth from their large cervine member and splattered the wall and the carpet in front of them. Jesse and Jason both screamed out in pleasure once more but they just thought the best bit was still to come as their mate was still tied to them and needed to release his load too. It was at this point Connor began thrusting harder and harder into his mate just enjoying the feeling of being tied to them and knowing his mates were totally happy in their sexual bliss. Then it happened as Connor thrust harder and harder pulling his mate into his thrusts, his orgasm exploded through both him and Kai as load after load of hot thick canine seed was shot deep into his mates, now bonding Jesse to him as much as Jason already was.

Load after load of hot canine seed erupted from his cock into their tight tail hole filling them up with their mates precious juice as Jesse kneeled there and grinned happily and Jason offered words of encouragement to Jesse and welcomed him truly into their very interesting relationship. Connor collapsed on top of Jesse totally spent and tired from his passionate and quite ferocious love making, as he lay on top of his mates he licked their sexy fur and hugged them tightly and smiled happily. Being still tied to his mate Connor motioned for Jesse to lay on his side as Connor did the same leaving Connor and Jesse in the same position he and Jason has been a few hours earlier. Connor snuggled with Jesse as Jesse held onto his mates paws and relaxed in his mate's arms, he enjoyed being tied to his mate not being able to move anywhere not that he wanted to of course. Jason was emotionally drained also but again was very happy to be tied again to Connor and in his sexy new body, he wasn't sure when he would have control back but he didn't really care he was happy in the loving arms of his mate and that was all that mattered to him.

"Hehe that was amazing my beautiful new mate, Jason loved it too and we both love being tied to you. It just feels so right and makes us both so happy." Said Jesse happily slightly out of breath snuggling up to Connor more.

"Your very welcome my mate, we are all going to have a lovely life together. Kai says hi and he says you will meet him soon, but for now I think we are all tired and should get some more sleep." Said Connor yawning slightly as he hugged his sexy buck mate tightly and they all drifted off into a pleasant sleep once again anticipating what the new day would bring.

The End