Origins of R.C.

Story by RCtheFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Origins

This is the origin story for R.C. Fox

Origins of R.C.

The Beginning of Someone Special

A long time ago, there was a young fox cub. He was a very unique fox cub considering that there are very few foxes that are black and white. What makes it interesting is that there were hardly any that had blue stripes along their fur, even more unique was that are supposedly bioluminescent. It isn't exactly known how or why he would glow, but it is legend that any fox with this capability can do so if they are very happy or loved. His nose and ears are also pink

This fox was named R.C. There is no particular meaning to this name and he remains quite secretive about it other than it being his name. Very little is known of his lineage and family ties. He tends to keep a lot of secrets bottled up well.

On his 5th Birthday, he was given a very special gift. It was a highly unique gift that very few cubs ever get; a plush toy of their own self. This stuffed fox was specially made for R.C. and he immediately fell in love with it. It is a toy he vowed to never lose and to always keep for as long as he lived which to this day remains the status quo.

One day, the poor fox was sitting playing with toys and then music started to play. He froze in place not knowing the experience he was receiving from the music. He started to cry not only from how loud the music was, but how he was experiencing the sight of colors. When the music was over, he stopped seeing colors and then continued to cry. Later, he was taken to be evaluated. He was found to have a form of synesthesia where sounds make the little cub see colors. He eventually learned to identify and enjoy how it would "enhance" the music listening experience.

Growing up, the fox was shy and quiet. He never made many friends and the ones he had he rarely seen or spent time with. Most of the time, his friends would simply ignore or avoid him. He mostly focused on watching television, attempting to play sports and just trying to learn as much as possible about anything that caught his interests. Such was the life of being a clever fox, he would always come up with ways to better himself or "outfox" anyone he could. Sometimes this would lead to him getting in trouble.

Being bullied was a common occurrence for the fox cub. Of course the main reason is because of his appearance. He was not considered 'normal' to the others. However, he was of value to the others because of his knowledge when it came to school work and his physical prowess when it came to sports. This didn't really bother R.C. much from the outside as he appeared to just enjoy being himself. He was socially considered an outcast by others with how little he tended to mingle with others in any setting. One such incident of being bullied was when he was thrown from a 3rd floor porch to the sidewalk below from a couple of older pups for being different. He ended up breaking his rear leg and suffering other injuries, but he was mostly emotionally unaffected. He took it and moved on each time such incidents occurred. They would progress as he got older.

As R.C. progressed into his pre-teens, he started to finally make a few friends. It seemed too little too late as he was still teased and bullied, but what came with getting older was his strength and size. Soon, he was able to fend off bullies which started to earn him some well needed respect. For R.C., he still remained sheltered, but participated more in school activities including sports where he excelled in playing football. Still making friends was not an interest as he felt shy and afraid he would be taken advantage of.

Still, being labeled as "different" was something the others would use to come up with new ways to cause grief. Being tormented and teased ate at him slowly. Still, he maintained his calm and satisfied sense of well-being. It always appeared nothing was going to knock this fox down.

Once he got into his teens, things were starting to look up as he moved into high school. His peers were slowly starting to accept his differences and would actually try to make friends with the fox. It is possible maybe from the fact that he was very helpful with others and he really didn't care much about what went on drama-wise. Overall, his grades were still high, his sports performance was above par, and he actually started to open up socially. It appeared things were looking great for R.C. up until a one day in class of his sophomore year. R.C. was very exhausted and was dozing off in the middle of a lecture. Now R.C. has never realized that he tends to glow when he sleeps in a positive mood. What happened next completely set him off: R.C. fell asleep in the middle of a lecture with the lights off. A minute later, the room lights up in a dazzling display of light blue. The entire class stopped and stared. It went on for over a minute until the teacher threw a crumpled piece of paper at him causing him to wake up and the glowing to stop. He looked around and wondered why everyone was staring. Some were laughing and one even had a camera taking photos. The teacher asked the fox if he was ok, and R.C. simply apologized for not getting enough sleep. He was embarrassed, but what came next from the girl next to him caused the entire class to erupt in laughter. She told him he lit up like a lite brite. R.C. asked what she meant by that, and his classmate who had a camera showed the photo of him sleeping and glowing from his blue stripes.

The entire situation pushed him over the edge and he ran out of the classroom as fast as possible. He ran to the main lobby and sat down crying hard, he never knew that he glowed and now with it actually happening , it became just too much to take. Realizing this, he ran home and cried all night. He felt really embarrassed and refused to talk to anyone.

The next day he went back to school only because he could not afford to miss a day in his mind. He was immediately greeted with the sounds of "lite brite" and "glow worm" just to name a few. There were also pictures on his locker of him and other similar icons which depicted glowing. He decided to do what he does best and slip out of sight. Fortunately for him, the general population has a short-term attention span and eventually forgot and moved on to other issues. However, this left a lasting impact with R.C. and he maintained his depression, but kept charging forward as best he could.

As he got older, he scored a summer job at the local amusement park which he loved going to. He spent the vast majority of his summers working and riding there. This was a step in a positive direction since he wanted to build a reputation was a hard worker and be able to enjoy his off time for free to ride in the park. His overall mood improved.

As he moved up through the classes, he began to gain popularity and respect among the younger classes. He actually started dating, but that ended up being a bust as most relationships wouldn't last very long. Unfortunately, it reversed his positive mood change causing him to revert back to depression. Unfortunately, it all led him to turn towards the wrong path. He went out and got both his ears pierced, started dressing oddly and eventually got involved with the wrong groups. From there, he would start going out after-hours to parties where he would seek acceptance. This led him to start using ecstasy at these parties. Interesting enough, he became a highlight at these parties because he would glow at times. These times, he wasn't teased, but he was accepted for who he was. He finally had a sense of well-being, but deep down inside, he was not happy. He also ended up sleeping around often with others. He hid a lot of his true feelings and covered it up as much as possible. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but did very little to stop or inhibit it. He felt a sense of freedom and trust, but still never fully let anyone into his life. Also, being at these clubs, his drug taking really made his synesthesia worse to where he would be nearly blind to see with the loud music. Again, he didn't care much being under the influence.

He started to become isolated and very introverted at school more than before. The few friends he had started to worry about him. R.C. really didn't speak much other than when he was told to in class or when spoken to. He never had any pep or zip about him anymore. He felt really depressed over things. It really had an impact on his life overall. Unfortunately his addiction to going to the underground parties, mostly to take drugs and escape his ultimate reality, was the primary cause. He would hide the fact about this from as many as possible when asked. Eventually, he ran into a classmate who would

The school year passed rapidly and graduation was nearing, still no one knew what was bothering the fox on the outside. It almost appeared he didn't care about anyone or anything in anyone's mind. Some even thought he was suicidal because he never smiled or acknowledged anyone. He was, however, able to score a date for the senior prom, but that night was plagued by a tornado which caused the prom to be cut short and the amusement park he worked at to be damaged. It always seemed things were just never going right. After the prom, he and his date split up. It was only a week later, and he would be leaving the school forever.

Graduation time came a week later, and he received his diploma as expected. Now he looked forward to the summer. Over the course of the summer, he slowly became less depressed as his job resumed at the amusement park and stopped going to parties as a result.. The results of this netted a much happier fox teen. Over the summer, he anticipated starting college and beginning a new life.

Over the course of the summer, another surprise happened. He met someone whom he felt a strong connection with. She was a special fox to him, she was the only who would totally accept him for who he was. He felt really warm and attached early on.

It turned out for R.C. that she went to the same school as him. With that, he ended up moving out to live with her. The first couple years being together had a lot of rough patches, but eventually they worked them out, most of which fell on R.C. with his troubles from his past. Persistence would pay off for the couple as they continued together as mates.