The Roommate: Miles

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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Revamped Chapter 2 ^_^

Barring the swift asskicking he got from Rival and his small gang of werewolves barely half as strong as he was, Fox almost felt a little accomplished for the day. All of his homework was finished and even though he didn't get to see his favorite teacher at the college, he did manage to spend a lot of time with his small circle of close friends. Besides, she probably wouldn't have liked to see him beat up anyway, so a day of relaxation and healing was probably best for everyone.

Fox smiled as he made his way through the long hall of the dragon dorm. Humans didn't have their own dorm as there weren't too many invited to attend, so each human had to find a place to stay. Instead of staying together, they all slept in different dorms with different people. He himself shared a room with his best friend, a black dragon named Miles. There wasn't much to say aside from the fact that Miles was almost like his older somewhat-protective brother who somehow always managed to be there before things got too bad. Heh, yeah, that was Miles alright...


Oh right, and there was never a dull moment when he was around.

_ _

Using one of Miles's claws to pick the lock to his own room, Fox unlocked the door rather effortlessly before making his way inside. As the door slowly eased its way open, Fox caught the sight of a rather large bra lazily thrown on his bed with its buckle ripped off, just beside it was a pressed shirt and a skirt. The sounds of raunchy sex filled the air and ultimately the hallway as Fox continued to ease the door open much slower than he normally would. As hot as it sounded, a little dramatic effect was always nice, it was always a little fun for him to guess who the lucky mate of the evening was. Heh.

"O-Oh! F-F-Aaaaaugh-x!"

Fox gently closed the door behind himself after making his way inside. The room was humid and the floor was littered with Mrs. L's scarlet professionally pressed clothing, her glasses just beside his studying desk that she and Miles were having rough sex on. The air smelled of arousal, smoke, and one orgasm after another, none of the smells he could exactly call foreign after having lived with Miles for so long.

"Unf...! That's right...! Take it! Heh!"

Miles wore a rather crazed, lustful grin, sinking the claws on his left foot into the soft beige carpeting as he sank the claws on his other foot into the polished wooden table meant for doing homework. He probably didn't get the memo.

Another loud scream escaped Mrs. L's maw as Miles gripped one of her massive brown furry tits hard with his other hand planted on the side of her head, keeping her firmly bent over the table as he sank his massive tapered cock into her slit from behind, making a mess of the floor under them. Fox couldn't help but lick his lips and sigh a little as he gazed over Mrs. Lisa's flawless figure, her large hips, her toned ass, and beckoning curvy shape that every werewolf seemed to boast. In another moment, Fox dropped his bag by his bed and plopped down just beside Lisa's tight-fitting skirt before laying backward and resting his hands behind his head. As exhausted as he was and as much as he bones ached, he wanted to take a nice long bath, but ultimately knew that Lisa would need it more than he did in a while.

"Unngh...! O-Oh Miles...!" Lisa panted hard, clawing into the desk's top with a heavy panting. Despite the padding against her ass that was her fur, Miles filled the room with the sound of their two bodies mashing together, Miles's scales against her spunk-covered ass. She couldn't help but pant hard as Miles dominated her like a common classmate fuck despite being one of his esteemed teachers. She couldn't help it though, it felt soooooo good.

"Heheh!" Miles smirked wider and wider with every call of his name, every moment he spent within Lisa's body and every time he squeezed her tits, groping them roughly all the while. Having his name called, watching his nightly screws squirm and moan under him time and time again was like pure ecstasy, the only thing that felt better was cumming all over their backs, bellies, breasts, or face only to go back in harder than ever. "Say it again! Do it!" He growled lustfully, licking his lips afterward and releasing Lisa's head only to give her ass a hard smack.

Lisa's lips curled, showing her sharp teeth, breathing hot breath between them as she tried her best to obey but to no avail. Miles's massive cock dictated her every breath and movement, the way her tail flopped from side to side, the way her nails tore up the wood of the table and the way her right leg bent as he went in, sparing her none of his length in the process. For a moment, she managed a breath, but it wasn't to speak, only to a release a massive roar comprised of Miles's name.

Her entire body shivered, her claws scratched even deeper into the surface of the desk and the claws on her feet scratched up the carpet even more as she finally exploded. Being a somewhat unfortunate spectator of a majority of Miles's matings day after day, Fox couldn't help but watch as Lisa released one of the biggest orgasms he'd ever seen before. Like a waterhose with a thumb over the top, she sprayed the floor and the chair at the desk also covered in claw marks with her thick, translucent fluid tainted with Miles.

Despite his mate's recent orgasm, Lisa's body fully sinking to the table below her, Miles continued to slam inside her, clenching his teeth tight all the while. Maybe she was finished, but he was far from it. With a wicked grin aimed over at Fox, Miles took a deep breath before he roared loud and dominantly, seeming to shake the entire room, the entire dorm even before he spilled his load within Mrs. L's dripping insides-- there was nothing quite like letting everyone know that he was getting a better lay than they were.

"G-Gaaah....!" Miles groaned as he thrust hard, smacking Lisa's ass as he squeezed her left tit hard. His first burst came, then a second, and a third, leaving his entire body to tremble, his expression of impossible grandeur waning into one of simple drunken pleasures. After a couple more hard humps, Miles pulled back showing his glistening cock to the sunlight beaming through the windows as he finished himself off, stroking his cock hard as he continued to spill burst after burst over Lisa's ass occasionally reaching her upper back with his super thick, stringy seed. Only afterward, he managed a deep, content sigh- "Ahh...that's it..."

The following moments were filled with the sound of Miles's panting and Lisa's deep moaning, and the strangely fitting sound of Fox flipping one page after another of a book.

"Oh Miles..." Lisa looked over to Fox, eyeing his book that just so happened to be for the class she was teaching that semester. Caught in an awkward moment of inspiration, seeing one of her students actually studying for class, she managed to forget what she was saying until Miles gave her a swift, hard slap on the ass. She couldn't have possibly known it, but he hated nothing more than being ignored. "That...was amazing..."

Miles only managed a chuckle, taking a step back to shake his dick around, looking at Fox with a bit of a smirk.

Lisa planted her palms onto the desktop and picked herself up on wobbly legs before looking outside to the sun and the shadows about the massive building. She looked back to Miles for a moment before forcing herself to stand up straight.

"Ooooh..." Lisa lolled her tongue out of her mouth for a moment before licking her lips. "I-I can hardly feel my legs..."

Miles licked his lips at the sight of Fox laying unsuspecting of anything, clueless to his thoughts, before he turned to face Lisa at the sound of her voice. "Oh...I'm sure I can fix that..."

Lisa only managed a giggle, raising up a hand and planting it on Miles's firm, muscular chest before starting away from him, toward the bathroom, giving him a clear view of her backside. "We'll have to schedule our next..tutoring session for later. I'm sure my students would appreciate having their professor on time for her own class." She stopped at the bathroom door and turned to wink at Miles before stepping inside and closing it behind her.

Only moment later, after the shower turned on, Miles chuckled rather darkly to himself, raising his arms to cross them as he looked over at Fox, his throbbing dick still eager for more of Lisa's soft insides.

"So, I take it that you're finished with classes for today...?"

Fox set his book down on his chest face-down, looking over to Miles with an expression that almost asked "Are you kidding right now...?" He could feel his raised eyebrows twitch for a moment before he returned his expression to normal, chuckling inwardly. No one else could ever have sex with a teacher right in front of him, pull out and cum all over the floor and his desk and then look over with a stiff cock only to act as though nothing had happened. Then again, that was Miles, heheh.

"I will be if Lisa doesn't make it to class on time."

"Huh..." Miles looked back over to Fox with a straight face, tapping a claw on his arm as his long tail swayed from side to side. "Did you...want me to...let her finish? ...Showering, I mean."

"I'm sure she'd appreciate that..." Fox picked up his book and flipped a page, completely skipping about a half of a page of solid text.

"Ah..." Miles's eyes shifted from left to right. "Would you...?"

Fox managed a chuckle and a following sigh. "Shut up, Miles."

Miles caught Fox's attention just over the book and showed him a rather wicked smirk before starting back toward the bathroom door. Of course, he could have gone in sooner, but there was almost no chance that Lisa would run out of the bathroom only half washed up. Somehow, there was a method to his madness every single time.

He dropped to his fours and raised up his tail as he crept toward the bathroom door, grabbing the door's frame and picking himself up before listening in. Lisa was still inside and showering, the thought of her wet, furry body for his eyes alone made his cock throb and his fingers twitch. In another swift, graceful motion, Miles grabbed the doorknob and turned it ever-so-quietly, letting the steam from the bathroom wash over his shiny obsidian-black scales before making his way inside and closing the door behind himself.

With a soft click of the door closing, Miles thought for sure that she would have heard him, but Lisa couldn't have seemed anymore lost in her shower. The water splashed everywhere, against the clear shower curtain and the walls as she raised her muzzle to the ceiling, globs of suds running down her body to collect near the drain. Miles gazed over her figure with a continued smirk before continuing forward, remaining unnoticed until he reached the side of the bathtub.

Lisa's eyes, slowly opening up from a rather relaxing sigh, widened a little at the sight of a dragonic black blur at her side before she quietly gasped, looked over, and vainly covered herself. "M-Miles...!"

He chuckled as he made his way into the tub, splashing water over the tile bathroom floor before he shut the shower curtain. Though Miles continued to look Lisa directly into her hazel eyes, her gaze shifted from his expression, to his chest, then to his throbbing cock. At that moment, they both knew she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. "I hope you don't mind me joining you..."

Before Lisa could bring herself to respond, Miles stepped forward and reached up, grabbing both of her breasts in a rather dominant, groping, massaging manner almost as to claim them as his own. "Here, I'll wash your front..."

She couldn't help but moan as Miles managed to touch her just the way she liked on the first try, shutting her eyes as Miles stepped forward with his usual smirk. He gripped her sopping tits with a lick of his lips and with no resistance from her at all, he stepped forward and around her to her backside, keeping a firm hold of her breasts.

"Now then...let's just..."

In Lisa's moment of ecstasy, she threw her rear back into Miles's gut, leaving him to grunt out a bit before he turned her soapy body to face the running water. With no detesting from his tutor for the day, Miles slicked one hand from her left tit to cup her sex rather roughly, ripping a reluctant moan from her throat. An hour of tutoring had become a round of hot, rough sex and what was supposed to be a quick shower before class effortlessly been transformed into more or less the same thing. She knew Lugia wouldn't have anything nice to say about her skipping her own lessons, and he'd have even less to say about her doing so to get a fucking, intentional or not, in with one of her st-


Lisa's eyes widened as Miles's offhand gripped the base of her tail and raised it, exposing her pucker only a blink away from Miles's throbbing dick.


"Unnfff!" Miles clenched his teeth hard as he pulled Lisa backward, forcing her to bend her knees as he sank his cock about halfway into her soft ass in a single go. She too clenched her teeth and grunted through them in a strange mix of pain and pleasure that only managed to shift to the latter as Miles made his slow entrance into her depths. "Nngh...! Damn it...!"

Just as pain slowly shifted into pleasure, Miles gave Lisa a hard premature thrust in a desperate attempt to sink his cock into her as deep as he could. He succeeded, but not before Lisa screamed out, the sharp sensation racing through her body to her extremities, leaving her to pant hard and lean forward, unintentionally bending over as she grabbed the shower head and one of the walls for support.

With Lisa bent over, and her insides tight around his cock, Miles slid two fingers into her slit, leaning over her as he initiated another round of fucking, starting slow to swing her breasts back and forth before quickly picking up speed with a quiet grunt and a slight pant. "Y-You...nngh...know, I should've asked you to tutor me sooner."

Lisa couldn't bring herself to respond, grabbing the showerhead tight and giving the wall a slight scratching. She couldn't begin to image what Lugia would do to her if he would have found out what happened, but regardless, she knew for a fact that "tutoring" Miles wouldn't be something she'd forget for a long time to come.

Despite a lack of an answer from his teacher, Miles continued to sink his cock into her at a steady pace, echoing the soft sound of their bodies smacking together almost at a set rhythm. He could tell just by looking at the back of her head, that she was finished and likely could've used a break and she could have one...but only after he was done, of course.

As time passed slow minute by slow minute, Lisa became more accepting of the pain that came with the pleasure of Miles's fast-paced fucking and picked herself up straight with one hand on her knee and the other on the knob that turned on the showers. She turned off the water and her tail started to wag, looking back over her shoulder with a bit of a smirk.

Miles only returned her smirk with one of his own, picking up speed and force to fill the room with even louder, slaps now that the shower was off. Only moments later, with a deep breath, he growled loud through his teeth as he forced his cock far deep within Lisa's ass, as deep as he could go before he started to throb and pant feverishly.

"Unngh...! G-Gah...!" Lisa moaned out, her entire body nearly falling limp from the pain alone of Miles's thrust and getting weaker with every following thrust, smacking their bodies together.

"Ahh..." Miles sighed rather contently, much more than before as he emptied the remainder of his excitement into Lisa's ass. Afterward, he took a moment to give Lisa's ass a hard slap before he pulled out with a chuckle. He waited only a moment for Lisa to say something, but she never did, so with water running off of his scales, he stepped out of the tub, dripping a line back into his room with Fox, his member slowly receding into his body all the while.

As Miles made his way back into his room, closing the bathroom door behind him, his gaze met Fox's and he stopped in place. For a moment, there was silence, Miles checking out the sun's position outside as Fox waited for the usual cocky remark. "Well, Fox...I'm sure you can consider your class cancelled."

Fox looked over to the window and back to Miles with a bit of a smirk. "Oh yeah? And what if it's not? I'd have gotten comfortable for nothing..."

Miles showed Fox a wicked grin before making his way over toward the small closet at the foot of Fox's bed, calmly, but quickly opening the door and snatching out every last towel. Of course, he could tell by the tone in Fox's voice that he was only joking, then the idea suddenly hit him. If he could keep Lisa from leaving, then maybe, just maybe he'd be able to convince her to be his-- err...stay for the night.

"Aww dammit..." Fox sat up. "What are you doing now...?"

Miles looked around the room for a moment before moving over to the side of Fox's bed, cramming the towels under them and pushing them as far toward the wall as he could. "What does it look like, I'm keeping you comfortable."

Fox looked over to Miles with a pair of narrowed eyes as Miles only looked back with a wide smile, innocent eyes, and a wagging tail. Somehow... somehow _ _he knew he was about to get caught up in something crazy.