Reminiscing on Days Long Gone

Story by Mizucharoshi on SoFurry

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Happy Valentines Day.

It all started with a trip down memory lane. While revisiting a park I had frequented during the days of my youth, I saw him sitting there one cold winter night. A petite looking wolf, a thin layer of snow had accumulated on parts of his thick silver coat. He was staring up into the dark with the stars twinkling beautifully off of his large green eyes, lost in the wonder that the sky had to offer. Taking a glance upwards, I too was sucked up into the allure and mystery that space provided. A sprinkle of snow began to fall, blending with the stars above while a gentle wind stirred up the snow that had fallen the night before. With the entire scene illuminated by the moon, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Mesmerized by the peacefulness that this place exuded, I unknowingly went off the salted trail and broke the serenity with a couple of crunching footsteps.

Realizing what I had done, I shifted my focus back to the wolf and saw his ears perking up. Turning towards me, he gave a tiny gasp when he saw me and placed a paw on the side his muzzle while mouthing the words, "a lion," silently. My heart beating furiously, I took a couple steps back to signal that I meant no harm. The tension between our species had grown since the days of my childhood, and I didn't want to create a scene in a place that I had once cherished. "D-don't mind me," I called out through chattering teeth. "It's been a while since I last saw this place and I wanted to see if I could relive a couple of old memories by coming down here." After hearing my explanation, his tail dropped into the snow and he quickly turned away. Taking a hint, I whirled around with my head hung low. "Sorry for intruding. I'll take my leave now."

"N-no!" he shouted after I had started to go. Surprised, I spun back slowly to find him staring at me. When our eyes met, he became embarrassed and shifted his attention towards the ground. "I mean, I don't mind if you stayed," he shyly stated. "If you want, you can join me if you like." Seeing the expression on his face as he asked me that, I couldn't refuse if I wanted to. Stomping into the playground, I found everything here to be much smaller then I remember. Back then, I would spend entire days lazing around here with my friends. In those simple times, we were all just big dreamers without a care in the world. In our eyes, everything just seemed perfect. Like nothing could ever ruin our fun and our friendship. I touched the rusted slide, smiling at the nostalgia of it all before returning to the moment at hand.

Standing a ways behind him, I couldn't help but stare at his figure. He seemed very familiar at first but I just can't seem to recall anything about him. "So what are you doing alone in a place like this?" I curiously asked. While still staring upwards, he gave me a sorrowful smile. "Just enjoying the glow of the full moon." Silence came after he said that. Unable to say anything at the moment, we both continued to watch the soothing night sky. Occasionally, a small breeze would blow across, ruffling the snow and our fur. After what seemed like forever, I almost started to walk away until he spoke up again. "I... also use to spend my younger days here. Do you... remember me, Naku?" I was taken aback by what he said. The wind blew into me and I caught a whiff of his scent.

My heart dropped immediately and I went to get a closer look at his face. With his puppy dog eyes drilling straight into me, it seemed like he was begging for me to remember. Even though I already knew the answer, I went ahead and asked. "Felph? Is that you?" A rush of warmth filled up inside me when he nodded through watering eyes. After seven long years, I picked my childhood best friend up into my arms and gave him a bear hug. Nestled closely into my body, both his trembling and his tear flow increased until he couldn't hold it back any longer. Letting out all of his suffering and loneliness, I clutched him tightly and closed my eyes.

It was the beginning of summer when we first became friends. In fact, it was in this exact same spot where I found him being teased at by the other kids. Being the runt of the litter, he was always being picked on because of his size and his submissiveness. I, being a large and energetic kid at the time, pounced on a couple of guys and scared them off easily with my assertive growling. With them out of the way, I grinned towards the wolf and introduced myself. "Felph. My name's Felph," he replied quietly. Grinning I took a hold of one of his hands and pulled him to the open field. The other kids merely shrugged and invited us in to a game of tag. Despite his looks, Felph shocked everyone with his excellent running and never once got tagged. By the time the sun had started to set, we were the only ones there. Laying together on the grass, we sowed the first seed of our growing friendship. Time went on and he slowly opened up to me. We shared dreams and secrets with each other, laughing and having fun throughout our days together. Pretty soon it didn't matter if we were different species, we had become brothers.

After three years like this, everything we knew about life changed instantly. We were both ten years old when the incident happened. Around Christmas time, a high ranking official was found dead in our small town and there was no one to place the blame on. Conspiracy broke apart bonds once thought to be everlasting and fighting between species broke out. The worst of the clashes happened between the felines and the canines. As the days went on, more and more people got involved and injuries rose to uncontrollable heights. Fed up with it all, my family decided to pick themselves up and move out far away. We left in the middle of the night and I never got the chance to say goodbye to my friends. I never got to say goodbye to Felph. When we settled down, we would later find out that the official's death was accidental.

Opening my eyes, I looked down onto my friend's shaking form. He's grown a bit taller but still looked scrawny to me. Has he been eating right? Sniffling, it seems that his crying had stopped. "Sorry," he murmured, wiping his nose on my mane. I didn't mind that and only patted the top of his head. "Don't go apologizing. It's my fault for leaving so suddenly," I whispered back. We were stuck in this embrace for awhile, never wanting to let go because we were afraid of losing each other again. I could feel his heart beating in unison with mine, the warmth of our bodies melting away the flakes that clung on our fur. He looked me in the eyes with those glowing green orbs of his, and I could tell that he had something on his mind.

I pressured him on this and only received a mumbling slur. Leaning in, his face became flustered and he did his best to look away. Finally, shutting his eyes tightly, he took in a deep breath, thrust his muzzle upwards, and surprised me with a peck on my lips. "I said I love you!" he blurted out unexpectedly. Lowering his voice, he turned away again. "I've always loved you. The time we spent together were some of the happiest moments of my life. I was heartbroken when you left but deep down I knew that you'd come back for me." He let our a shaky laugh. "And here you are now, comforting me like the old days." His heart rate increased and tears began to well up again. "But now... from what I said... did I just ruin..." I couldn't let him finish his sentence, so I forced myself down on him and pressed my lips back onto his. Both of our heartbeats skyrocketed up and my mind began to dull. It all felt right, like we were meant for each other. Breaking the kiss, we stared deeply into each other with heated faces. "I love you too buddy," I said sincerely. "I love you too..."

The tiny beeping of my digital watch interrupted our tight embrace. We both took a look and I became speechless when I saw the time. A flashing two urgently lit up the small screen attached to my left wrist. "Aw shit," my wolf friend shouted out uncharacteristically. Forcing himself to let go, he stood up and rushed off in the direction of the playground. "Hold up," I yelled, taking off after him. Going at full speed I was surprise to find that I was catching up to him, a kid once crowned the king of tag. When I got close to him, a dangerous glint formed in my eyes and I instinctively pounced. Those eyes went wide when I saw him leap to the side, his tail teasingly brushing against the underside of my chin. Meeting the frosted ground with my face first, all that I could feel was pain and foolishness. The sound of skidding resonated in the air and the rhythmic crunching of footsteps became louder as they got close. "H-hey..." my friend said timidly. He was rocking me back and forth in an effort to wake me. "Naku, are you alright? Come on, get up." Urged by his words and actions I rolled onto my back to find a worried expression plastered on Felph's face.

"That dodge though," I huffed in pain and exhaustion. His face changed into one that was both relieved and annoyed. "You suddenly tried to tackle me," he snarled. Even though he was going for a menacing theme, the way his cheeks puffed out almost made me die from an overload of cuteness. "S-stop looking at me like that and apologize for freaking me out," he cried out while turning red under his fur. I got off my back and rubbed my sore face. Thankfully, I wasn't bleeding. "Alright, sorry for scaring you. I don't know what came over me. But will you tell me why you took off all of a sudden?" His ears drooped. Unable to meet my gaze he fidgeted with the fur on his arm, which was a habit of his when he was trying to think. Using this time to stand, I brushed off the snow that clung to my fur and clothes. It may be pretty at times, but my body wasn't built to fight against the cold. The chill had started to get to me and I showed it by shivering.

Seeing me like this, my friend sighed in resignation. "We need to get you warmed up," Felph murmured. "Let's go to my house and I'll explain myself along the way." Walking quickly, he told me the details of his situation. "You mean you ran because you missed curfew?" I chuckled. Felph glared at me, shutting me up in an instant when I felt how serious he was. "You don't know what my dad will do to me if he found out that I'm still gone," he whimpered. Genuinely frightened of his father, my blood got as cold as the weather when I remembered the type of person his dad was. Strict and intimidating, that man basically became my childhood's definition of fright. He was the sole reason why I didn't go over to play as often as I wanted to.

The rest of the way there was spent in silence. I forgot that his family lived quite a ways away from the others. Being one of the founding families of the town, they owned a huge expanse of territory untouched by modern machinery. The familiarity of the beaten path that we traveled on reminded me of the olden days where time crawled forward at a snails pace. The air felt fresher and the sky looked clearer around here. Complimenting the mood was the silhouette of a beautifully crafted house that could be seen placed atop of a small yet sturdy hill. Built to stand against the test of time, the quality of the masonry was one of the highest tiers. You could tell that care and effort went into every piece laid down, the artisan's passion burning proudly after creating such a wonderful piece of work...

Despite my attempts to make the place sound amazing, deep down I knew that lurking within those walls was someone I desperately did not want to meet. On top of that, his mood would have been sour from the very start after what Felph told me earlier. Seeing a feline at his doorsteps wouldn't make him any happier. Our only hope was that someone other then him answered the door. Climbing the steps at a pace that was in between the two extremes, we finally reached the entryway. A solid wooden door was the only barrier left in our way. Breathing in deep, Felph rose up and shakily gave a few bangs with his fist. The time we spent waiting felt like an eternity. The gentle snowfall stopped. The wind disappeared. Only the sounds of our lungs filling and emptying lingered anxiously for the result of who would answer the door. The clanking of a lock made us hold our breaths. Slowly pushing the door out, piercing yellow eyes fell on us but we blew out in relief.

Standing in the doorway was a female wolf I assumed to be his mother. I was surprise to see the likeliness that they shared. Looking back and forth at the two of them, the only way that I could tell them apart was from the color of their eyes. "Felphanto Wodekai, do you have any idea how late it is right now?" Whoa, I guess missing curfew is pretty serious if your mom is going to use your full name. Being scolded like this in front of his childhood friend, Felph face flushed with embarrassment and he nodded in submission. Feeling out of place, I backed off slowly but seemed to have gotten noticed. "Hold it you..." she growled pointing at me. A mother's protective nature is truly frightening. "Come closer. I want to get a better look at your face." Obeying her command I went over to her. Her slender paws grabbed my muzzle and she used it to force me turn my head from side to side. A bolt of realization hit her and she gave a couple of sniffs to confirm her thoughts. "Oho, so little wild Naku has come back to visit," her face relaxed. "You've grown so much since I last saw you. Please, come inside."

Walking in with Felph following closely behind, I smiled at the sight of the home's interior. The traditional theme was still the same as I remembered it. "We don't have any spare rooms at the moment so could you sleep in Felphanto's room for tonight?" Mrs. Wodekai asked politely. "I need to talk to the both of you about what happened tonight but I need my beauty rest." She let out a huge yawn, said good night, and left us alone. After taking off our winter jackets and hanging them up in a closet, Felph grabbed a hold of my hand and led us up to his room. Too tired and cold to notice my surroundings, I stared at the only bed here that was tucked away in the corner. "So, where do I sleep?" I turned to asked Felph.

Already undressed, my eyes took in his semi naked figure with gratitude. The color of his chest fur and belly were a lighter silver then the fur on his back and limbs and they looked much softer too. Even though he was built for speed, there was enough pudginess in his stomach to make me want to squeeze him. Staring further down, he had a sizable bulge where his sheath was located at. Noticing where I was looking, he ruined my view by covering his privates with his shirt. "Don't look there, it's embarrassing," he said moving towards the bed "I didn't know that you liked sleeping in your underwear," I snickered, adding on to his discomfort. I quickly got rid of my clothes to make us even and asked my question again. Rubbing his arm, he pointed to his bed and gave a weak smile. My heart thumped and I jumped onto it, making sure that there was enough room for my buddy. Shyly crawling in, the heat produced inside the covers was enough to melt away all of my chills.

When a couple of minutes passed, I was ready to drift off to sleep until I heard Felph stirring. "Did you mean it?" he asked quietly. "What?" I tiredly replied back. His voice, sounding hurt, got caught in his throat. '"When you said... that you loved me?" Thinking back to his confession, I felt a bit stupid for forgetting. "Of course!" I almost shouted while wrapping my tail around his to reassure my point. Breathing out in relief, a gentle snoring rumbled out into the air. That soothing rhythm of his was just enough to knock me out.

The feeling of multiple hands tugging at my mane awoke me from my slumber. Childish giggling filled the room and after wiping away the crust that formed under my eyes, I found a couple of wolf pups staring eagerly at me. One of them approached my sleepy form carefully. I reached out to pat one of them on the head but they all jumped back and ran out screaming playfully. I giggled a bit myself and stretched out my body in the afternoon sun. Looking around the room, the place was still the same as always. Pictures of his relatives hung all over the place, but the one that caught my eye was a picture of our former selves located on this old looking desk placed nearby the window. Oh wow, I remember this antique piece of furniture. Approaching it, I crawled underneath to see if it was still there. Finding it, I was filled with glee. There, plastered on the underside of this desk, was a picture of our younger forms dripping wet and smiling in the nude. It was taken after we had just finished going into the bath together by my older sister. She gave it to us after I told mom and we taped it under here was because it was our secret place.

"Ahem," someone coughed. Turning around, I saw Felph staring at me with his arms crossed. "Like what you see," I asked seductively, wiggling my butt and swishing my tail. He coughed again and got up to shut the door. His own ass wobbled a bit when he did this and his tail instinctively tried to cover it. "What if somebody came in and saw?" he raised his voice in concern. Getting off the ground I tried to protest but was stopped when I saw that he was kidding. Getting dress took less then five minutes. "Everyone should be up and out right now so we can go and get some food without being noticed. After talking to my mom, we'll have the entire day to ourselves." Moving in close, he clutched my arm and whispered into my ear. "And yes, I did enjoy waking up to see that," he said poking at my butt. I don't know what came over him, but I'm liking it. I guess he's a late morning to early afternoon type of guy?

Like he said, the house was mostly empty aside from the pups sneaking around. Entering the kitchen, his mother was busy cooking up a feast with two other wolves. "Hey cousin!" one of them called. Running over, he gave a hug that cracked Felph's back. "Gah! Get off," Felph cried. Letting go, my friend's body slumped to the ground. In the background, Felph's mom and the other wolf and shook their heads and sighed. "That's like, the forth time you did that to him bro," the younger wolf said sternly. I moved over to help Felph up and felt three pairs of eyes staring at me. "That's right, Naku came home with you last night," Mrs. Wodekai mumbled to herself. The other two approached me to help their cousin up. When everything was settled, we found ourselves sitting across from Felph's mom in the living room.

"You have ten minutes to explain yourself, young man," she started. Using the time allotted, he told her everything except for his confession to me. Eyes shut, she listened to every detail while nodding along the way. Finishing his story, she glared towards me at first but softened her expression. "I can tell that you're a very important person to my son and I must thank you for taking care of him last night." She leaned in close to me and brought her voice down to a quiet whisper. "He hasn't been the same since you and your family disappeared. This is the first time in years the cloudiness in his eyes have lifted, so stay as long as you like." Letting us go, she went back to the kitchen to check in on the other chefs. Relaxing on the comfy sofa, Felph and I reminisced on the adventures we shared together in the past. Cracking through his personal defensive shield, he was starting to enjoy our discussion. Bringing up the war of the tree houses, Felph grinned from ear to ear. "Do you want to go see that place?" was the last thing he asked before we took off.

Racing each other, we arrived at the ruins of the battlefield. Rotted chunks of wood lay scattered around, the remnants of the fortresses that once stood proudly in the sky. The fight that happened here only lasted for a day, but man was grand. Foot soldiers squared of against one another, using sticks and bark to fend off the opposition. Water balloons rained down from above and soaked the unexpected while the fear of spies listening in kept everyone at edge. It finally ended when Pelph sneaked his way into enemy lines and made off with their flag. The very next day, a rain storm blew in and took down both of the forts. We spent the rest of the day here, picking up pieces of the snowy wreckage and talking about that battle.

When the sun dipped out of sight, we started to head back to his house. Going through the day without a bite to eat caused our stomachs to rumble along the way and we laughed every time the rumbles synchronized. Climbing up the steps and knocking on the door, our mood took a turn for the worst. Answering the door with his signature glowering was the man who continues to frighten me to this day. Straight away, he was snarling and foaming at the mouth. "You dare to bring a cat home with you on this sacred day?!" he shouted outright. We both backed up from his aura of intimidation. Seeing the disappointment in his dark blue eyes, he took a couple of steps forward. "Don't just stand there, answer me!" he barked. Trying to speak up, I was immediately rejected. "I'll deal with you later, disgraceful feline. Now, son. Explain yourself right this instance or I'll give you the claw."

Insulted and seeing my friend getting threatened, rage boiled in my blood. Fear was replaced with anger and that anger controlled my actions. Socking the old dog right in the muzzle, the years of torment that he put us through was repaid back tenfold as he flew back towards the door. "There's no honor in picking a fight with the ones you're suppose to protect," I growled. Wiping away the blood that leaked from his nose, he stood up and leaned back against the house. "What would you know about honor, huh?" he spat onto the ground. "Leaving in the middle of the night to escape justice, your family has no honor." "That man's death had nothing to do with my family," I cried out defensively. Waving a finger out in front of him, he clicked his tongue in disapproval. "No, my brother's death had everything to do with your family, or more specifically, your older sister. She dated him due to her uncontrollable thirst for power. When it didn't work out between them, that's when she 'accidentally' gave him an overdose of his medication."

Hearing what he had to say, I concluded that he had gone completely crazy. It was probably because of the shock he experienced after finding out his brother died, but that doesn't excuse the way he acted at this very moment "What the hell are you talking about?!" I shouted. "She was only fifteen at the time it happened." Shaking my words away, he pounced at me and grabbed my throat. "Age doesn't matter when my flawless research tells me otherwise. I'm glad you came back. I can finally avenge my br-" Before he could finish his sentence, he yelped out in agony. His grip loosened and I pushed him away. Flabbergasted, he stared directly into Felph's pained eyes. "You... you're no son of mine." Getting up, he limped towards the house. "Get out, and never come back."

After everything that happened today, we decided to head over to the apartment I rented on the other side of town. Having just finished high school, I got kicked out by my parents in a hurry. I knew it was coming since it's been a tradition in all lion prides, so I prepared this place in advance. Opening the door, I waved Felph inside and took note of his wagging tail. Once inside, we removed our jackets and hung them up to dry. A gentle caress was felt on my side as I was hugged. Getting disowned by his family, he became a wolf without a pack. I hugged back, thankful that he saved my life from that horrible man. "You can stay here for as long as you like," I whispered into his ear. Rubbing his face on my chest, he drew my attention to his glowing green eyes.

"Can we... you know, do that together?" he said blushing into my shoulder. Something thick prodded against the side of my thigh, giving me a hint on what "that" was. I placed a hand on his cheek and smiled in assurance. I helped remove his shirt before taking off mine. A giggling came from him and a clawed finger poked at my jiggling belly. I grunted in displeasure, but secretly enjoyed his touch. In an act of retaliation I threw him onto my bed and savored the yelp he gave off when I ripped off his pants and briefs. I was disappointed when he covered up the best part with his fluffy tail. He grinned seductively, slowly mouthing off the words "you first" to me. I gave him a show by taking my sweet time to get the rest of my clothes off. Now that we were both in the nude, we looked each other up and down silently.

With his tail no longer in the way, I could see his sizable canine dong standing eagerly in attention. I gently grasped it in my hands, eliciting a moan from my soon to be lover. Taking a curious first lap, what I tasted was mixture that was too hard to describe. All I knew at the time was that I wanted more. Encasing the massive thing in my maw, I sucked and swirled my tongue around it, getting encouraged by his pleasured gasps. When he was close, he suddenly took my head and forced his entire member in, giving me a few good spurts of his seed. The intensity of his musk made me dizzy and the taste was overwhelming, but I swallowed every drop he gave. When it was over, he collapsed back into the bed panting. "That was... thanks," he cooed. Not satisfied with that, I gave a mischievous smirk and thought of a better way that he could thank me. Crawling up onto the bed, I pointed my barbed tool towards his muzzle and pushed in.

His eyes lit up and he obediently worked to get me off. Doing his best to imitate my actions, I was suddenly swept away in ecstasy. The way his rough tongue rubbed up and down my penis was pure bliss. In only a few minutes, he had me letting loose my load. Hearing him get up and coughing, I collapsed onto my chest and rode off in the afterglow. My ride was ruined as I tensed up, feeling a couple of slimy fingers teasing my tail hole. Trying to turn around, my wince turned into a moan when a couple of those fingers entered my bum. I didn't have the strength to fight this and a part of me was interested in how it would feel. Also seeing my passive friend take charge for once excited me, so I relaxed and let it happen. If it's with him, I guess it would be alright.

With the set up complete, his twitching tip was ready to get inside. Giving me a warning, I steeled myself for the incoming intrusion. Yelping out, I could tell that he forced everything in with one quick motion. The pain instantly dissolved into pleasure after five seconds of being connected together and I gave him the okay to move at his own pace. The squeaking of the bed was the last sound I heard before melting away in absolute joy. My mind was a total blank during it all, simply overwhelmed by the feelings his cock provided me. With a final thrust, the sheer hugeness of his knot entering was the final act to cause me scream out loud enough for the the neighborhood to hear. We collapsed onto the bed like that, drifting off to sleep with jovial thoughts bouncing around in our minds. As long as we're together, nothing in the world can break apart our bond. Let's start making new memories together.