Turning Into My Fursona

Story by S0PH0S on SoFurry

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This is my first story. I'm not a very good writer yet, I really just wanted to see if I could write a quick story that people would enjoy. So, enjoy! Also, feel free to suggest corrections, point out grammatical errors, or suggest tags.

Summary: Very short story about me transforming into my fursona.

I was sitting on my bed one day, working on a project for English class. While I was working, I felt the familiar tingling sensation in my knees that meant I'd stretched them too much from sitting in bed. I lifted my laptop off of my legs and bent them for a few seconds to alleviate the pins and needles. It went away for a second, then came back stronger. I said, "Huh. That's odd," and stood up next to my bed to see if they had fallen asleep. The tingling migrated down to my feet. I sat down on the edge of my bed to massage my toes, thinking they just needed some sort of stimulation to stop tingling. As I was massaging, I noticed my toe bones felt different. I took my socks off to examine them more closely, only to discover that my feet were beginning to sprout fur! I stared in shock as my feet turned into paws. The tingling didn't stop at my feet, though. It migrated upward, dragging along the transformation. I pondered for a moment, realizing that I was transforming into my fursona. I wasn't sure whether to rejoice or mourn; what if I couldn't turn back? During my pondering, the transformation had spread all the way up my legs. I stood up to give my tail room to grow. I was surprised that this didn't hurt more. The tingling spread to my pelvis. My face contorted as my coccyx turned backwards and began growing into a tail. On top of that, my manhood began to hurt as the baculum1 grew. The tingling continued migrating upwards. My abs tightened and my ribcage enlarged. My spine cracked a few times as I grew to 185 cm. The transformation was almost complete. The tingling ran down my arms, faster now, and changed my hands into paws. Thankfully, I retained some form of opposable digit. The tingling also spread up my neck. My ears moved to the top of my head while my hair receded. Then, my skull reshaped itself, which was the only part that actually hurt. My nose felt weird as it changed into a canine one. Finally, my jaw reshaped itself. The tingling disappeared and I stood there in shock for about a minute. Then I ran to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I looked damn fine as a wolf/Akita Inu hybrid.

  1. If you really want to know, look here.