Chapter One: You Must Be the New Guy!

Story by Link Day on SoFurry

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#1 of Haven: The Pridelands

Chapter One: "You Must Be the New Guy!"

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"Within the walls of Haven, there are many lost souls, this is the story of but one..."

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"Well, here we goes. . ." sighed the nervous youth, a vibrant young snow leopard wearing his finest clothes: a pair of black slacks, a rose colored button up shirt and a black silk vest, something he'd only worn once, to his elder sister's wedding. He ran a hand through his short, unkept hair, colored a similar shade as his fur, and took a deep breath, unsure as to what compelled him to seek employment here in the first place. He looked himself in the eyes, gorgeous eyes as blue as a clear summer sky, in the black glass, tinted that way to prevent anyone from seeing in while providing a perfect view to the outside, and tried to build up his confidence. He was always a timid, shy type, keeping quiet and not really making friends, and he was always nervous and fearful of encounters with the opposite sex, which he guessed was a possible reason for going here for a job, to build up his social skills. After all, you meet a lot of unique characters at an establishment such as the one he was currently opening the thick wooden door to. "Too late to turn back now."

The young feline stepped inside, looking around to take in the grandeur of the place. While yes, indeed, it was nothing more that a strip joint/bar, it seemed classy and well taken care of. The joint was clean, red walls lined with blacks, purples and blues, the floor a beautiful hardwood and the ceiling dotted with large hanging fans that did a great job of keeping the place nice and cool. He had to adjust his eyes as he was greeted by the dim lighting, while a lot brighter than your average joint of this genre, it was still darker than it was outdoors. The large room was accessed via a short flight of stairs, only three, making the building above ground. It contained rather luxurious seating and tables, a large bar that could easily seat around thirty and an impressive host of alcoholic beverages, just about anything that one could ease a dry throat with after a hard day's work was available. Upon entering, if you looked to your left, you would see the three stages, each with a long steel pole extending from floor to ceiling, and carpeted with soft crimson material. At the moment there were no performers out, as it was rather early and the building wasn't open to the public yet, but he did spot some employees by the bar, two in facts.

"Um. . . h-hello?" he said, barely even in an audible tone, but still managed to catch the attention of the male fennec that was standing behind the bar.

"Ah, hello there, you must be the new employee, am I correct?" he asked, cleaning a glass as he spoke. He seemed rather gentlemanly and gave off a kind and warm aura, a large smile worn on his face.

"Um, y-yeah. . . my name's Reijo, Reijo Pekkanen, pleased to meet you." smiled the youth, approaching the fox and the female tiger that sat at the bar. She was very attractive, curvy, lean and well endowed in the right places. She was dressed in a long red robe that flowed down to the ground behind her, her legs crossed and unconcealed by the robe's fabric in a most attractive way. She watched the young leopard approach, a grin on her face and eyes as green as freshly cut emeralds.

"Well, well. . . aren't you simply adorable!" she exclaimed, taking a sip from her drink, a lime-green liquid served in a long thin glass. She was rather obviously purring as she eyed him, pushing her long, shiny black hair out of her face, revealing her beautiful face and enticing smile. "How old are you dear?"

"Oh, um. . . I'm eighteen, as of two weeks ago." Reijo replied, knowing that he was a vibrant red beneath his fur, his heart racing and his skin sweaty.

"Aw, so young and innocent! I like you already. . ." she teased, winking at him.

"Reijo huh? That's an interesting name, I'm Mark Bishop, the bartender, and this fine feline is Kia Rios, one of our performers." the fox said, cleaning his fourth glass since Reijo had entered.

"Oh, it's Finnish, nice to meet you both, um. . . I have a question though." asked Reijo, a bit nervous about even being there in the first place.

"Shoot." replied Mark, tossing his towel to hang over his shoulder, hands on his hips.

"What exactly is it that I'll be doing here?" he asked, blushing when the two started to laugh.

"Relax kid, it's simple: I make the drinks, our cook, that's Kristian, makes the food, and all you have to do is take it to the paying customers." Mark spoke, hands still on his hips as he stood there, eyes closed, wearing a smile.

"That's it? Sounds easy enough, thanks." Reijo replied, feeling a lot less nervous.

"Eventually, my dear, you could train to be a bartender or cook yourself, or perhaps even an entertainer, who knows?" added Kia, finishing her drink and standing, walking in an exaggeratedly sexual stride, rocking her hips back and forth hypnotically.

"W-what!?" exclaimed the snow leopard, caught off guard by the last comment, unsure if he'd heard her correctly. He looked towards the chuckling fennec, confusion painted on his young face.

"Didn't you know we were a 'mixed entertainment' joint?" he laughed, pouring himself a small, clear drink. "You're not gonna leave already are ya?"

"W-well. . ." Reijo thought about it, he really needed a job, and this was the only place that had returned his call, and he really did need the experience of working around others to break his social shell. "No, I'll still do it, I guess."

"That's the spirit kid! You won't regret this job, but there are a few things you should know about." he chugged his drink and offering a drink to Reijo.

"No thanks, I don't drink." Reijo said, never having been much of a party type, nor of legal age to drink.

"That's okay, I don't either, it's just water." chuckled Mark, cleaning the glass before he took a seat, offering Reijo the seat next to him. "Alright, first off, if you feel like a customer has had too many, or are feeling threatened by one, just signal for me or the lion that will be standing by the door, his name is Shepherd, don't let him fool you though, he may have claws and fangs, but he's a lamb inside."

"Secondly!" he exclaimed, turning away from Reijo to face the large room. "You get as much free food and drinks as you want, no one employed here goes hungry, alright?"

"Y-yes sir!" Reijo replied, paying attention and absorbing every minor detail the fox laid out to him.

"Third! Don't call me sir, or anyone else for that matter. We work on a first name basis here, we're like a big family." Mark returned his gaze to the youth, leaning back onto the bar. "Fourth! No touching the performers, unless they want you to. If a performer asks that you do something for them, unless you are currently tending to a customer, make that your top priority."

Reijo nodded, unsure as to what they could want from him, but pushing the thought away as Mark continued.

"Don't be afraid to talk. You have a problem, let someone know. Talk to the customers, be friendly and they'll tip you better, you probably won't get many tips at first, but once you get the hang of it you'll see lots of cash." Mark stood and Reijo followed his action, the fox motioning for him to follow as they approached a simple door that was painted and blended in perfectly with the walls.

"The bathrooms are to the right when you enter, if you absolutely have to go just let whoever else is serving with you know, but try to hold it till your break okay?" Reijo nodded as the fox lead him through the door and into an area labeled 'Employees Only'. It was a large room, with several other doors and a stairway that ascended to the floor above as well as one descending to the basement. "The basement is used mostly for storage, you won't have to worry about going down there though. The doors on the left are all dressing rooms, there are eight rooms, eight performers, four male, four female. The doors on the right are employee restrooms and our lounge."

"Lounge?" asked the feline, eyes locked on the door, black and bearing a large lion's head logo, the same as the one located on the front door of 'The Pride Lands'.

"Yep, that's kinda like a living room, got a plasma screen, couches, mini bar, vending machines, that sort of stuff. It's where we take our lunch breaks, an hour by the way." Mark could tell that the young cat was beginning to get more excited about working here, his face seeming less worried and nervous and more relaxed, a hint of a smile on his lips. "That leads to the kitchen, that leads to the stages, and then there is upstairs."

The two climbed the stairs and entered hallway with a door on each side and another stairway leading up higher to a third floor.

"These are the apartments. If you need a place to crash for a while, just grab a room, rent free of course. They're loaded with food, entertainment, bed, everything one needs to live, and don't feel weird about staying, we have a few employees that stay here already."

"Thank you!" Reijo said, unintentionally hugging the fox, catching him off guard. He just laughed at the feline, knowing he must really need a place to stay.

"Don't thank me, I just work here, thank Mr. Reims. He stays on the third floor most of the time, with his wife, everyone here simply calls them Mom and Pop, they act more like that than bosses, no one goes up there without being called up by one of the two, got it?"

"Got it. Anything else?" Reijo asked, still looking over the structure of the room, every minor detail and scratch.

"Yes, one more thing, it's the most important thing of all too." Mark said, seemingly more serious than before. "If you see a heavy set raccoon wearing a long coat, usually has a cane, do not get in his way, insult him, piss him off or let him know you exist. He's a very dangerous man, works with Pop or something, I don't know, but that's the way it stays, we don't get involved or in their business at all, got it?"

"Um, y-yes, sure." Reijo was confused by this, not really feeling though he wanted to find out more, but still, curiosity they say. . .

"We'll be opening up in about three hours, so go ahead and make yourself at home, pick a room, get into your uniform and stuff, alright? One of our other servers will be by in around an hour and a half to show you the specifics, I think you've got. . . let me think." Mark scratched his chin, eyes shut as he thought hard for a few minutes before opening his eyes. "Ah, yes, you'll be with Kira tonight, she will train you right, and I think you'll get along great, she's about your age too."

Mark waved Reijo off to pick a room before he descended the stairs and disappeared from view. Reijo stood there for a minute before he walked towards the door marked 'Two' and entered. The lights were still out and it was a bit difficult to see, but being a feline definitely helped. He examined his clothes, noting the 'male' uniform, a black button up vest, a rather elegant deep red overcoat, a black pleated miniskirt, a pair of red shoes designed for beast feet, thigh high black stockings and a pair of pink panties. He was utterly speechless, confused at first, assuming he'd been given a female uniform, but then noticed the 'male' insignia sewn into the inside of each garment. It was at that point that he started to regret the choice to accept this job. He considered leaving then and there, but he really did need the job, no matter how humiliating the uniform was, it paid very good money.

Reijo took a seat quietly at the edge of his bed, contemplating life as he did way too frequently, scanning the room he stood in. There were two bunk beds, one in each corner, three of which had the shape of sleeping figures strewn atop them. The walls were colored as the main room, and two large windows adorned the wall opposite Reijo's bed, giving a rather nice view of the lake that was set behind the building. He noticed that the room had a small private restroom, a small kitchen, and a couch and plasma screen television. He smiled, knowing that he would try his best to enjoy this life, praying that it wouldn't be as terrible as his life had been thus far. He knew the job wouldn't be a walk in the park, but he promised himself that he would work his hardest and never give up no matter what. With that, he leaned back onto what could possibly be the softest bed he'd ever laid on and shut his eyes, just taking in the feeling of comfort he felt, happy to have a place to call a home.

"Hey!" came a loud voice, interrupting the first pleasant dream Reijo had experienced in a great many nights. He jumped up, opening his eyes to see a bright, energetic feline staring directly at him, only inches away and wearing the most adorable smile one could imagine. She wore a fur coat colored in a warm cream color, her eyes large and deep brown, matching her short cut, wild hair. She sat at Reijo's bed, seemingly examining his being, and looking a bit fascinated. "You must be the new guy!"

"Um. . . y-yeah . . ." Reijo said, through a lethargic yawn, sitting up and stretching. The female fell back to a seated position, still smiling gleefully and dressed in pajamas.

"My name is Piri, nice to meet you." she said, taking Reijo's hand and forcing him to shake it.

"Um, I'm Reijo, pleased to meet you too." He replied, a bit taken by her outright character.

"So, Reijo, you're a server right?" she asked, moving closer to the bed, on her knees, with her head rested on her arms atop the bed.

"Y-yes." he answered, eyes focusing on her wildly swaying tail.

"Sweet, me too, that makes four now." Piri exclaimed, slowly rocking her backside back and forth, further drawing Reijo into his hypnotic trance.


"Yep! You and me, plus Kira and James." giggling like a child. "Kira's a sweetheart, but she's a little boring to play with. James is too serious all the time, so hopefully you'll play with me right?"

Reijo didn't hear her last words, too distracted by her tail and rear to respond.

"Right?" she echoed, noticing now what he was looking at, her lips forming a large grin. "Reijo?"

"Y-yes?" he stuttered, his erection obvious, but he himself unaware.

"Do you want to play right now?"

"Uh-huh. . ." Reijo wasn't even sure what he had said yes to, but he noticed that Piri shifted her weight, and then he saw her body move forward, closer to him. Reijo looked down, alas able to break his gaze, to see that Piri was right next to his waist, purring and panting heavily. He traced down her body to see that her left hand vanished beneath her pajama waistband, and he knew exactly what she was doing too. "Piri . . ."

"Shh . . ." she silenced him, then her hand removed the covers from his body, allowing his rather large erection to stand it's full nine inches. "Wow, didn't expect that." Piri giggled, her hand softly petting his length, her breath tickling the sensitive flesh.

Reijo was nervous, still being somewhat inexperienced in the subtle art of mating, and that was expressed in his heavy panting and irregular beating of his heart. He looked down at her, her beautiful eyes drawing him in, and he was finding it harder to resist his urges, but could he do it? What if they were caught? He get fired and he really needed this job.

"Are you ready?" she asked, her voice sensual and arousing much excitement in Reijo's youthful body. He could only whimper out a soft yes, smiling, despite his hesitant feelings, about knowledge that he'd be alas losing his virginity, and to someone so cute at that. "Reijo?"


"You're about to be late. . ." she said, her voice changing from seductively wild to serious and sarcastic in a heartbeat. At first he entirely missed her words, but then jumped up from his bed, head colliding with the top bunk, and rushed over to his dresser to get ready.

"Ha! You're such a pervert!" she teased, rocking back and forth as she sat on the floor next to Reijo's bunk. "Sleeping naked and stuff!"

"You're one to talk!" Reijo commented back, erection fading quickly as he finished dressing in what could be a world record speed.

"It's not my fault you're so easily tricked, sheesh." she said, smiling to him as she continued her rocking motion. "Have some self-control!"

Reijo ignored her, trying to make haste to hopefully not be late on his first day of work. He was out the door before Piri even finished standing up, brushing off her rear end and leaning up against her own bunk, which was located above Reijo's.

"Heh, he's fun. . ." she giggled, a huge grin adorning her cream furred face. She shrugged before leaping back into her bed and rolling onto her stomach. "Oh well, I'm off so back to sleep!"

Piri let out a single, exaggerated yawn before nearly instantly falling fast asleep, snoring slightly.

"Reijo. . ." she whispered, smiling even in her slumbering state.

"Sorry I'm late!" yelled Reijo as he burst through the door, now standing in the main room, panting as he attempted to straighten his appearance.

"Ah, I assume Piri introduced herself then?" eased Mark, once more behind the counter cleansing glasses. "This is Kira, she'll be training you."

Reijo followed Mark's pointed finger to the form of a stunning, snow white ermine. She had a gorgeous head of flowing blond hair, large, blue eyes and an all around innocent and stunning appearance. Reijo couldn't help but stare, her body accented the outfit perfectly, short, black, pleated miniskirt, black button up vest and a red overcoat, red shoes and thigh high black stockings. She also wore a pair of thin framed glasses and a large red ribbon tied around her neck, furthering her adorability.

"Hi, my name's Kira Reynolds. . . what's yours?"

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(This story also takes place in the city of Haven, a lot of my stories are going to entwine into each other, even if only slightly, but you don't need to read any others for each individual storyline to make sense. Although, I do recommend that you do in fact read the others! Comments and criticism are very much welcome! Much love!)