Return to Sender 7 - Wing Fortress Zone

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#7 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 23 - Return to Sender

For once, a poorly thought-out plan managed to work out just fine, and James didn't even think of this one! As the badniks with raptor in tow find themselves heading further into the sky, the real players of this world soon come into focus at last.

Sonic copyrighted to Sega, FinalGamer to me

The top of the skyscraper gave forth to mighty winds, high above the island itself where only a few birds seemed to still live. The metallic plateau of silver and jade glinted faintly between the clouds, scuttling white breaths of the world around them. Only the raptor felt cold, feeling the chill of the heavy wind as he softly dared himself to look over the edge. He quickly pulled back once he saw nothing but a small green stain upon a wide blue ocean that reflected the perfect clear sky, shivering more from fear of falling down than anything else. "J-j-jesus this place is fucking tall," he murmured, "wh-wh-why are we up here?!" "Uhhhhh that thing?" Grounder pointed out to behind them, showing a large battleship that slowly circled around the top of the tower. A monstrous-looking thing, glimmering in caramel-coloured steel with red and black stripess all minutely lined between wingfolds. It was at least the size of a giant bird, or perhaps a submarine at least, its wings fitted full of rocket boosters that could swallow a small plane. It was docking close to the Metropolis Zone, close enough that the three of them could jump on board. "The hell is that thing?" said FG. "That's the Wing Fortress!" said Grounder. "That's Dr. Robotnik's ship!" "Wait," replied Scratch, "if that ship's down here, that must mean he's still here! Or maybe he got on board already!" "We gotta get on before it leaves!" The three rushed swiftly off towards it, climbing onto a steel ladder hanging from the side while Scratch grappled on with one hand, keeping his Mean Bean Machine close to him. The ship itself looked big enough to send other small planes off of it, if one so chose to do so along the stripways hidden between the curvaceous aerodynamic folds on top of it. It also had laser blasters the size of the rocket boosters themselves, all underneath and around the ship's wings and undercarriage. A truly terrifying sight to behold if one flew from behind. On board however, the only enemies that truly served to be any trouble were other chicken-bots, their nests snugly in the form of turrets aiming straight towards any intruders who would dare tread on deck. Naturally this included them, the squat egg-white badniks all aiming straight down on them asking: "HEY, who are you?! Identify yourself!" "W-w-we're just recruits!" began Scratch. "We're just...yanno what, screw this, I'M HERE FER MY SEVERANCE PAY!"

He fired off a blast of raw oil straight into one Clucker, the force of the cold liquid thick enough to splatter a good dent into one turret hard, as well as its operator inside of it before they ran down the side of the ship. The deck itself was difficult to navigate due to the rather haphazard placements of rotating platforms, wing positionals and interior openings for maintenance. Various metal walkways stretched out all over the place again for accessing different parts of the ship, either hanging low at the side of the underbelly, or climbing upwards to the very top. It was at this point that they realised they had absolutely no idea what they were doing, other than dodging fire from the turrets shooting energy photons at them, the raptor deflecting most of the shots while Scratch fired back at them whenever he got a clean shot. The white wind howled from all around them, a beautiful clear day spoiled only by this great beige monstrosity. "How do we even know Robotnik's on this thing?!" asked FG. "He has to be!" replied Grounder. "He loves this thing, it's like a second home even!" "Either way we either go back down to that tower, or stay here and ambush him...and right now I think those chucklefucks above us are making us stay here." "OOH, it'd be rude not to stay then!" As if replying to their comments, the ship suddenly began to jolt underneath, whirring itself back up into life as the skyscraper below slowly began to drop down from them. A sudden blast of immense heat came from beneath them, the jet thrusters activating as the Wing Fortress began to leave from its moorings. The shrieking breeze of pushing against the air resistance only made it all too real as they panicked slightly, realising furthermore that they had no plan for what they would do next. "WH-WHAT DO WE DO?!" asked Scratch. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT DO WE DO?!" roared James. "YOU FUCKING TOLD US TO COME HERE!" "I DIDN'T TELL YOU, GROUNDER DID! GROUNDER?!" "Woooooooooaaaah..." The moletank was staring deep beyond the railings down to the sea, gazing upon its infinite cyan reflection with eyes wide like a child. He only looked up once he saw Scratch staring at him with wings spread open in disbelief. "OH, sorry, it's just so beautiful down there!" "IF YOU DON'T GIMME A PLAN I'LL THROW YA DOWN INTO IT! THEN YOU'LL SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS!" "Awwwwwww Scratch yer so romantic, heheheee!" James wasn't sure if Grounder was just trolling him or not, but either way he patted the rooster's shoulder to make him step to one side, before saying: "Okay we're on this plane now, and we got no way of going back. Now hopefully Dr. Robotnik's on here so we can-" "Oh he's on already," said the drillbot. "-talk with him an-...what?" "Yeah, I saw him just coming up, that's why I wuz lookin' down at the big blue sea!" "...oh, okay good, awesome! That means we DIDN'T come up here and just trap ourselves for nothing, how do we get to him then?!" "We gotta get inside," said Scratch, "there must be some kinda way in." "There's like a shit ton of these vents and access points we can use guys, come on, let's just pick one and-WOAH!"

A jolting of the walkway nearly threw them against the railing as they looked towards the end of it. Nothing was there but they heard someone run swiftly around the corner, making them turn nervous. They quickly headed on towards the front of the ship, reasoning that Robotnik at the very least had to be in some sort of control room, or cockpit even. The wind continued to burn through FG's cheeks, searing from just standing alone on the outside rim of the ship. Scratch and Grounder felt resistance from the wind, but they weren't that bothered. Scratch however had to push against it along with FG, while Grounder just simply kept rolling on behind them undeterred due to his own weighted body. The sound of the jet thrusters burning underneath were almost indistinguishable from the skin-tearing breeze around them, other than by its forceful strength by sound alone with a blazing dirge of fury, pushing the ship ever higher above the earth. After a much longer time than what was actually 12 minutes, they managed to reach the front of the ship where they found something rather unusual. The cockpit was high above them, or at least in their general area on the inside of the ship, but the front underbelly had a space rocket the size of a small town bus. It appeared to only have room for one, but it was definitely detachable from the rest of the airship. "What's this?!" asked Scratch. "Must be some kind of escape vehicle," said FG, "least I think it's one. Why else would you put a rocket to get away from a battleship?" "Maybe to fight planes!" replied Grounder. "Like that one over there!" Pointing behind them, the sky and sea were marred only by a tiny red speck of a plane flying hard towards the ship. It appeared to be a biplane, but that wasn't their concern when they saw something even more threatening come hurling down the walkway. The blur of steel orange that came suddenly towards them almost knocked Scratch off of the platform, grabbing on fiercely to the rocket as he squawked with fear. "WH-WHAT THE-WHAT WAS THAT!?" "It's that stupid doll again!" said FG. "Scratch, help me out here!" The rooster came forwards with his shooter, luckily able to hang onto it even while up in the wind. The strange fox doll twitched with its damage from the last fight still evident upon it, its head remaining in two pieces with its eyes slashed open to reveal the dark interior of its oil and wires. Claws slowly slid out of its fisted steel gloves, murmuring its robotic mantra. " in time to another world, to, you can be MiNe, to, diE, to, SuFfeR, to to to to to to-one to to-one to to-one-to-three-" "GO, deeee dee-dee-deeeeeee, doot doo-doo-dooooo...wh-whut?!"

Grounder's sudden attempt at jive dancing looked incredibly pathetic no matter where he would be. But even the murderously-strange robot had to stop and look to try and process a tank drillbot trying to shuffle its wheeltreads like feet, providing the perfect distraction for both FG and Scratch to combine their attacks. One blast of oil followed by one blast of fireball, straight into the doll-bot's chest as it exploded in flames. Screaming from the sudden burst, the robot flew back on its hovering heels before rushing forwards again, with Grounder being in the way as it tried to jump over him. But the drillbot had his own ideas, popping his head off with an eject button on his body that smacked the top of his head straight into the charred doll's body. It did not deter it, but it did slow it down enough for FG to ready another attack, with Scratch backing up to fire another shot straight for its eyes and antenna. With crude motor oil churning into its half-severed head, the fox doll suddenly ran towards the end of the walkway, shrieking with arms flailing full of lethally sharp instruments from its balled fists. James found himself looking down nervously before an idea struck him, grinning as he charged up a tiny amount of his power before firing a few harmless tetra blocks straight at the doll. "HEY! FUCKFACE, OVER HERE!" The doll turned its blank stare straight towards FG, twitching its head before a psychotic scream came from its body as it rushed towards him. The raptor leapt off of the walkway, with Scratch and Grounder crying out for him as the doll roared past them with murder in its step. But James was hanging onto a lower ladder that he had spotted over the side, seeing the doll hover briefly in mid-air before turning around to see its target. The raptor was sweating hard all of a sudden, but not from fear. "I SAID OVER HERE YOU STUPID SHIT, COME ON!" "tAKe, mE, BAAAAAAAAAAACK!" With one last shriek of despair it charged straight towards him, the raptor biding his time until the very last moment as the steel orange comet of charring black and grey screamed towards him. Once he was able to see its cold robotic eyes, he leapt straight up the ladder and back onto the walkway just as it slammed through the metal jutting, right into the path of the enormous burning jet thrusters that swallowed the blue air beneath. A violent searing came from underneath, a brief cry of agony as best as a robot could make before silenced by the roaring flames. Scratch and Grounder cringed at the very sound, wincing with a bite of their lips as they dared not look over the edge. "Whut...whut WAS that thing?" asked Grounder nervously. "I don'," said FG, "let's just stop fooling around and just get on with-" Another sound came burning to their ears, violent explosions from within the airship practically next to them on the other side of the hull. "OH COME ON!" "WH-WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" panicked the drillbot. "We're...WE'RE GOING DOWN!"

Scratch was the one to first notice it as the wind changed direction, the raptor hurrying towards the rocket and frantically trying his best to open the glass-bubble cockpit. But no such luck, not even with his scissors trying to wedge it open could he do so. But Scratch managed to find one way of opening it near the back of the rocket itself, the small cargo hold fitted upon the side. Grounder however was more distracted by other things. "...HEY, I see that plane again, the shiny red one!" "Would you just-NEVER MIND SOME STUPID PLANE AND JUST HELP ME OPEN THIS THING!" "O-okay!" "...GOT IT, GET IN!" Not even questioning on whether this rocket would even be used or not, they hopped on into the tight hold and pulled each other, first Scratch then Grounder, then FG before closing it upon them. Despite being for inventory, it had a tiny set of windows all along the sides of it that they could peer out through, while all being tightly cramped up against each other. They could barely even stand, with Grounder forced to move down onto his belly with a heavy clunk of his body, wheels uselessly hung up behind him as they all squirmed against each other. "G-get your claws out of my FACE dino-boy!" "Don't poke your beak at me dammit-AGH!" "OOPS, sorry!" "F-fuck's sake Grounder watch those fucking drills!" "WOULD YOU JUST-OW!" "D-DAMMIT, how do you know if we'll even get out in this?!" "'s Dr. Robotnik's ship! He'll get out of here on this!" "And you know this for sure?!" "COURSE I'M SURE! What, you think I'd just jump into the first dark place to hide when we could be hurtling towards the planet at a thousand bazillion miles an hour before we all explode in a fiery inferno, just because I'm SCARED?!" All three of them suddenly stopped talking, realising the severity of their situation as the sky seemed to keep on falling from all around them, the window showing nothing but clouds going upwards. Scratch was first always to crack in these situations. "...I DON'T WANNA DIE!" "HEY, stop that, nobody's gonna-WAIT!" The fuel suddenly began burning. The engine started rumbling to life. The clouds started floating not as fast as they used to from outside. All around them the world began to vibrate. They were flying. In darkness they were flying as they all gasped with a sigh of relief. James started chuckling, moreso when Scratch said: "See, I TOLD you!" "Shut the fuck up or I'll beat your face in you stupid chicken." "WHAT YOU CALL ME?!" "Pfffthahahaha-" "NO, SAY THAT AGAIN! SAY THAT AGAIN I DARE YOU! I DOUBLE DARE YOU-" "HEY LOOK!"

Grounder pointed out at the window, seeing the world had changed. In fact, the world they once knew was no longer there, but instead it had been replaced by a myriad of stars upon a grand black canvas, floating above illuminous blue. James had only ever seen this sort of thing once before in his life, and in his greater sense of understanding that he now knew, he began to appreciate the view a lot more. Space. An infinity of possibility. Every single star out there he knew was simply another world full of wonders and dangers. None of them spoke a single word with their eyes wide open. The stars began twinkling, the light of the earth below glinting off from them beautifully, a heavenly portrait that numbed their senses to the deep vibrations all around them. In that brief moment of clarity, gazing upon the pure majesty of the heavens that remained no matter where he would go, his thoughts turned to Koopin. Somehow, somewhere, he hoped that at least one of those stars was the same as the one his love was seeing, far far away. They only became aware of things once again when the rocket suddenly jolted forwards, stopping completely as all three of them fell further on their sides. Outside they could hear someone running away, followed by another person speeding off after them. "Where are we?" asked FG. "I dunno," replied Scratch, "but I think the coast is clear." "We...we're up in space, aren't we?" "I think it can't be." "Huh?" "I-i-it can't be!" Scrabbling over towards the exit hatch, Scratch forced it open with a hard shove before he fell out onto the docking platform, gun-shaped machine in hand while right in front of a wide open space of the universe before him. Somehow, the air was still here, pumped through by the life support system of the docking bay that they now stood upon. Steel grey and construction yellow stood rigidly all around them, the view of the earth below offering a captivating sight of purest sapphire blue. White clouds scuttled endlessly across the oceans, the smallest dots of land marked in shapes of green and brown. "Holy shit," murmured James, "is this some kind of space station?! Scratch, what is this place?!" "''s the Death Egg." "Wh-what?!" "...he finished it. He totally finished it." "What the hell is a death egg?" "It's Dr. Robotnik's new base!" clamoured the rooster. "He's been buildin' it fer months, I-i-i-i never seen it before! Holy moly it's HUGE!" "Yeah!" said Grounder. "Real huge! Like, bigger than anything I ever seen in space!" "...but...this is the ONLY thing you ever seen in space!" "I know, that's why it's bigger than anything I seen!" "...just...stop talking you-...guh, whatever! We gotta go find Robotnik, he HAS to be here now!" "Right," said FG, "let's give the old man a real talking-to then, alrighty?" "Alrighty!" With wings and drills out in full force, they headed towards the entrance of the colossal space station. They had no idea how it looked on the outside, but on the inside it was impressively large-scale. Huge reinforced glass windows on both sides showing the planet and stars, long hallways with ceilings of over 40 feet tall above them, strong industrious metal wieldings for every single floor, room and pillar that they would pass by. In short, it had not as much variation as the great Metropolis Zone, but the technology and scope of what the Death Egg was achieving more than made up for it.

Eventually they found two new paths that now laid open to them, and before they had time to decide on which way they would take, they would soon find themselves suddenly ambushed by a whole horde of Buzzbombers. Four-dozen blue wasps all readily staring down on them. "HEY, YOU!" said one buzzer. "IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" "We're from the department of health and safety," said FG coolly, "and we've got a lot of questions for Dr. Robotnik." "Yeah? What kinda questions stranger?!" "The kind that'll get you all killed if you don't get out of our way." "Sorry but didntcha read the sign? No shoes..." They readily aimed their stingers towards them. "No shirt..." At least 40 glowing balls of electric yellow began to resonate from their tails. "No SERVICE!" Just before they fired however, one of them suddenly exploded right before their eyes. Then another, then a third and a fourth went down in turn. The Buzzbombers looked around themselves with sudden panic, before victim number five went kablooie in a flash of grey and blue. "WH-WHAT THE HECK?!" "HE'S HERE, OPEN FIRE!" The bombers fired in all directions, struggling to shoot at something that was apparently invisible to the naked eye. James readily wielded his scissors just in case, as more of the robots were picked out of the air like flies. Something shimmered before their eyes now and again, a flurry of dark blue zigzagging through the remaining Buzzbombers in a miniature display of fireworks. James struggled to see what it was, as did the wasps despite knowing fully who it was. A red foot kicked through one of them, snapping the head clean off before it severed completely in half before another one exploded from a white-gloved fist that shimmered through the air. The more the raptor watched, the more he began to step back trying to get a view of the situation now before them. Something blue was definitely there, striking through the entire horde of enemies like a psychotic pinball attack. Soon it was down to twenty. A glimmer bounced from the walls, dodging underneath the photon balls the Buzzbombers fired. The entire steel floor was littered in black burns, but it was soon joined by eight more robot bodies being crushed and split, as if the very wind was slicing them in half in pure blue vengeance. Twelve became six, six became two, until the last two remained who were frantically trying to fire at everything. In the middle of the last two bombers, the blue blur reappeared, slowing down briefly in mid-air. "IT'S HIM!" "FIRE!"

Disappearing once more, the two wasps blasted each other by mistake, firing their last shots straight into each other's eyes before instantly regretting it. Two last explosions in the air, barely larger than a discount-store firework, before the blue creature landed upon its feet some way aways from FG. Behind it, from the remains of the four-dozen bombers, came the sound of eight-dozen wings of all shapes and sizes, from birds to insects, fluttering far away back towards the airlock waiting to return home. Scratch and Grounder immediately recognised who it was, while James was completely stupefied as to just what the fuck exactly happened. "Hey! Tha-...THAT'S SONIC!" "Who?" "IT'S HIM! Sonic the hedgehog, Robotnik's worst enemy! THIS IS AWESOME!" "Wh-why?!" "Cuz he can help us beat that old man 'til he can't even move!" Looking in their direction, the creature was at least a foot shorter than FG, his back covered in soft quills while wearing red shoes and nothing else oddly. His pointed black nose and large white eyes with small black pupils was now staring straight at them. James was not certain. "Uh oh, he's seen us." "Hey, he's on our side!" said Scratch nervously. "I mean I THINK he is, but-DOHOHO HE'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!" The hedgehog sped towards them, almost teleporting closer at the sheer speed that it could reach, but the raptor stepped in front of the robots and shouted: "STOP!" The blue blur skidded to a halt, shoes kicking up a little dust as he stared curiously at FG, his voice young and fresh with cockiness. "Hey, wassup buddy?!" "Just telling you to cool your jets, we're on your side." "Yeah? So whatcha doin' with those robots behind ya?" "We're here to break Robotnik's head open, what about you?" "I'm lookin' to do the same! But...aren't those guys with him?" "No we're not!" Grounder blurted this out and wheeled forward carefully. "Dr. Robotnik left us in a scrap heap, and we been looking fer answers, I wanna tell him a lotta things I got on my mind!" "Yeah," said Scratch sarcastically, "that's like TWO things on his mind but yeah, we want answers from him too!" "Well, whatever what you wanna do," said the hedgehog, "long as you're not causing anymore trouble that's cool! I'm just here to make me some scrambled Eggman." "Eggman?" said FG. "Yeah, yanno, big guy, shaped like an egg, big walrus moustache." "OH, he means Robotnik!" squawked Scratch. "BUHA-HAHAAAAA! EGGMAN, THAT'S GREAT! Ol' fat Eggman, BUHA-HAHAAAAAA!" "...hey they got a few screws loose or what?" "Maybe," said FG, "but don't worry, we're on your side if you wanna bust this Robotnik either way." "Hey no problem! If you wanna tag along that's cool too." "Sure why not," said FG with a shrug, "you look like you could clear a room of scrap metal." "Hehe, now that's what I like to hear! I'm Sonic." "I'm FG. Pleased to meet ya."

The two shook hands politely, despite both of them regarding the other at how odd they looked. That is the weirdest-looking hedgehog I've ever seen...but if he's on our side then who cares? ...wait a minute. "How did you even get up here?" asked the raptor. "Oh I hitched a ride on that rocket back there! Dr. Eggman got his butt handed to him back on his ol' battleship and ran away screamin' like a wuss! Didn't think I'd be able to catch up to him but..." Sonic spread open his arms with a whimsical step. "Heh, I like to prove people wrong about what they think I can't do." "But...wait WE were in that rocket, we never saw you there!" "Oh I wasn't in it, I was doing a little hang-gliding in space, if ya catch my drift." " were hanging on the OUTSIDE of the rocket?! In SPACE?!" "Yeah! Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do right?! Can't let Eggman get away not after what he's done!" "And what has he done exactly?" "What HASN'T he done?" said Sonic with arms up in the air. "Tearing down trees, roboticising animals, you name it, he's thought it! Then built it and done it." "Right, yeah I was getting this anti-environment villain feel from him about five deserts ago. ...wait, animals, hey where did those bugs and birds come from all of a sudden?!" "You didn't know!? Man, you must be new here, I'll explain later cuz now's not the time fer an evil science lesson!" "Uhhh can...say that, b-but they were flying back towards the airlock how they gonna get out?!" "I'll handle 'em, no worries. After I'm done with Robotnik, I'll take 'em back home where they belong. What about you? Why you with these two guys?" "...they're my friends." James smiled as he turned towards the two awkwardly waving back at him, the two badniks not able to add anything other than what they already knew. "They were abandoned by Robotnik months ago, just shipped off to a scrap heap for no reason at all. And...I wanna help them find some answers." "Wow, really? Sheesh, Dr. Eggman sure ain't winning any Boss of the Year awards ain't he?!" "Damn right he don't!" snarled Scratch. "And he's not gonna get away with this! Not when we're so close!" "Well he's totally here," said Sonic, "so whoever gets to him first gets to be the first to crack him open! You know which way he went?" "Nope."

They turned towards the two passageways heading left or right, still not entirely certain on which way they should go. The resplendent blue glare of the planet from the windows was soothing, but it did nothing to ease their minds on wanting to get this resolved as quick as possible. James was still rather curious at the mysterious blue hedgehog, one with such an incredible power in his speed that he had barely noticed him destroying 40 or so robots in but a single minute. Eventually Sonic said: "Alright, what say you and your pals go down one way, and I go down the other?" "You sure you can do this alone?" said FG. "I mean, not that you'll have any problems but if you need a spare hand..." "Nah, I got this. You just uh...give Eggman a real trim around the edges with that thing of yours." "...I'm gonna give him a lot more than just a trim buddy. That is if I find him first." "Not if I see him first, then he's gonna get scrambled!" "Hahaha right. Alright how do we decide which way we should go?" "I KNOW!" piped up Scratch. "I got an idea!" He grabbed Grounder and swiftly spun his head round with a smack of his wing, ruthlessly spinning it around and around as the drillbot whimpered with nervous disposition. "Round and round and round he goes! Where he'll stop, nobody knows!" "S-s-s-s-sto-o-op the spi-i-i-inni-i-i-i-ing, I wanna get o-o-o-off!" "Oh shush you never get sick!" Eventually Grounder stopped spinning, his head slowly rotating off towards the left passageway and providing an answer. Right before he just fell over onto his side like a cow being tipped over, moaning from feeling queasy as Scratch said: "That's our way FG, right there down the left!" "He gonna be okay?" asked Sonic. "I mean I never seen a badnik blow chunks before, and I sure don't wanna see it now." "Ohhh he's fine, he's just a baby. Arentcha buddy?!" "My tummy huuuuurts," moaned the drilltank. "You don't have a tummy you dolt! So yeah, we go left." "Alright then," said James, "looks like we're going. If either of us see Robotnik before the other...try not to rough him up TOO much before we get our answers, alrighty?" "We'll see," said Sonic winking, "can't promise anything though so you better keep up!" "Keep up? Is that a race I'm hearing?" "Maaaaaaaybe." "Hmmmmm...shame you don't know anything about me. Because I never turn down a race offer anywhere." "I should say the same thing...hehehe. Welp, see ya on the other side, if ya see Eggman, tell 'im he's a bad loser! And an even worse loser at building machines!" And with that the hedgehog sped through towards the right hallway, leaving James be to eat his dust in the speck of cloud that his red shoes kicked up. Scratch began setting Grounder back up onto his treads, before he suddenly said: "...HAH, scrambled, I just got that!" "...REALLY?!" "What?!" "Just...REALLY?!" "It's a good joke, real clever too!" "U-uuuugh...let's just go and kick this guy's ass already, okay?" With a facepalm to himself, the raptor walked off towards the left corridor, hoping that he could end this journey on a high note at least. He couldn't get any higher up than space after all. The rooms further on were filled to the brim with impressive equipment that dealt largely with geology, rocks and minerals being examined or reassembled into entirely new constructs. Some of them even managed to turn ordinary coal into the most shimmering of diamonds, while others managed to harden the most basic of tin into pure plated steel. Various worker robots crawled and scuttled their way all over the ship, usually the typical bug-like badniks they had encountered before such as wasps or pillbugs.

Passing through hallway after hallway of giant windows and bizarre experimentations, they rarely encountered any actual resistance from the enemies on board, most of whom were far too busy in dealing with their own duties. However they did have to deal with the odd anti-gravity chamber, the rooms separate in each of their machinations as they leapt from wall to wall, trying to find their way further into the centre of the egg. Being in anti-gravity was something James had never experienced before, at least when he was conscious of it. The last time he had been in space was on a well-maintained carrier with an anthro mercenary group that he had all but forgotten entirely about in his earliest days of adventuring. But being weightless was new, struggling to swim through the air before figuring out how to thrust his entire body through, either by kicking off walls or simply forcing his shoulders forwards and letting momentum do all the slow work. Scratch had no problems doing the same thing either, but Grounder was of course, a tank and therefore resigned to just simply floating uselessly in the air until his friends pulled him along. After finding themselves back on ground with the force of gravity, they soon reached a large darkened room the size of a warehouse where they found their target. Hunched over a supercomputer that glittered with a dozen screens of red, blue and green, it appeared to be showing the same profile and stats of Sonic, while the man peered through a tiny window that was merely the size of his head. "ROBOTNIIIIIIIIK!" Scratch's piercing screech seemed to make the whole room tingle with his resonance, as he called out to the large red-suited man who slowly turned towards them. In the semi-darkness of the room, two small glass circles peered like shining eyes from the doctor's face.