
Story by tfamonk on SoFurry

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The sequel to this story right here:

Cowwritten with Readasaur who wouldn't post this on his account cause he's a huge doo doo head, so he made me do it on mine instead.

Takato scurried after Impmon, still uneasy on his new legs, and feeling exposed in the night air, having nothing but his goggles. "Impmon! Wait up!" He began to hop up the stairs after the purple digimon, well he supposed he was now his fellow purple digimon. 'I really hope this isn't permanent.' Takato thought as he struggled to climb the now huge steps, 'Cause this is really weird.'

Impmon paused briefly to let Takato catch up, and once he was close enough, Impmon took his hand in his own to help steady and guide him up the rest of the way. They were almost to the top and the shrine where Guilmon slept when Impmon paused and brought Takato's bare hand to his mouth and kissed it, flushing hotly. "Uh... not to get mushy or anything, but... you look really great. I mean, I knew you would, but you look really hot as an Impmon. It ain't easy for someone to look as great as me, but you come pretty close!" He said, his voice getting a little faster with each word, until he looked away and hurried Takato the rest of the way up the stairs without a word, apparently embarrassed by his confession.

Takato blushed, Impmon had just said he was attractive, more or less. That was a first for him. Well, okay, his mom had said plenty of times that he was handsome, as had other older relatives; but those didn't really count. He followed Impmon, and stopped before the gate he had closed before leaving, "You... you mean you really like me Impmon? I mean... more than as a friend?" He wasn't about to admit it right away, but Impmon was looking pretty attractive himself, especially in this new form. "Cause... that's kind of a first for me."

Impmon wanted to deny it. He wanted to make up some excuse or lie, but it was pretty clear he'd gone to extremes to get Takato for himself, and so he reluctantly nodded. "Yer... ya were different. When we talked I felt all funny inside, and when I saw you I got happy fer no reason. When ya talked about bein' friends, I really wanted to, but..." He shrugged, and then gestured to Takato's body. "But I think yer even cuter like this. I'm glad I went ahead and gave you yer present." He smiled impishly, and then gestured to the hut. "Now, let's go introduce yer new self t' Pineapplehead."

Takato nodded, feeling... giddy? He supposed was the word, yeah, a little giddy. But at the same time worried, how would Guilmon react? What would happen to his partner now that they couldn't be, well, partners? His D-Power seemingly disappeared when he transformed. He looked up at the now, fairly tall gate, and then back to Impmon. "Um... how are we supposed to get in?"

Impmon was happy for an opportunity to show off, and demonstrated that their species of Digimon could be very agile by leaping up to the lock and grabbing the bars on the side, wrapping his legs around them in order to unlock the gate and pull it open. "Ta-dah!"

Takato looked on, "You know, I was wondering how you always managed to break in." He pulled the gate open as Impmon hopped down. "So... can I do that too? Now that I'm a digimon." He had to admit, that did seem kind of cool.

Impmon nodded airily, as though the answer was obvious. "Course you can, Gogglehead! Ya just need some practice first. Don't worry, we got all the time in th' world to get you as a high-flyin' Digimon!" At the open door, he hesitated and glanced at Takato. "Uh... you go first. Let him catch yer scent."

He seemed confused, but Takato nodded, and slowly entered the cement shed. "Um, Guilmon? Buddy? I've... got a surprise for you!" He laughed uneasily as he made his way over to the hole he had dug. "Don't freak out okay? It's kind of a big one." As no noise came from the hole, Takato shook his head, Guilmon sure could be a deep sleeper when he wanted. "Guilmon?!"

A soft grumble from down below was his only reply at first, but Guilmon gradually became aware that there was a strange presence nearby. His eyes opened and narrowed into reptilian slits when he realized that it was a Digimon. Growling softly in warning, he crept along in his tunnel in a low crouch, prepared to defend himself from the intruder. As he inhaled deeply to try and identify the strength of the other Digimon, he was puzzled by the mixture of scents. When he cautiously poked his head out of the hole, he was still growling with predatory eyes. At the sight of the odd Impmon before him, his ears went down and his eyes went wide. "Huh? Who are you?" He finished climbing out of the hole to approach the strange Digimon, sniffing him intently. The smell was Takato's, but this was an Impmon. He cocked his head, completely baffled by this strange contradiction of facts. "Takatomon...?"

Takato laughed awkwardly, glad that his friend hadn't reduced him to cinders, "Uh, hey Guilmon. Yeah, it's me. Impmon decided to um... well I guess you could say he played a prank on me." He looked down at his body, and then back up at the red dino. "So... surprise?" He really didn't know what exactly to tell his partner, or how to even begin the with the part of, him and Impmon now being maybe an item.

Guilmon's ears perked up, pleased that the paradox had been solved: The Impmon was Takato! That explained it! It did not occur to him to wonder any more deeply on the subject, and he accepted that his human had become a Digimon like himself quite easily. That didn't stop him from being curious about this new fact, however, and he leaned forward until his nose was centimeters away from Takato and began to sniff him in earnest. That was when Takato learned that his sensitive new body was very vulnerable to the tickling puffs of air from Guilmon's nose. The red virus type had soon reduced his former Tamer to a giggling heap on the ground, and seemed content to keep him there with his earnest sniffing. At last he seemed to have satisfied his nose and leaned back, beaming down at him. "Takatomon! You're a digimon now! We're gonna have so much fun!"

Impmon peered in the door, frowning at this. He was glad that Guilmon hadn't attacked, and seemed to be taking the news very well, considering it meant that he probably wasn't going to try and flash fry Impmon in revenge. On the other hand, he couldn't help but notice that Guilmon's snout had drifted to Takato's lower area more than Impmon thought was innocent. Maybe Guilmon was going to be more happy about this than Impmon had planned.

Takato continued giggling for a few moments, before looking up at Guilmon, smiling, "Well, I'm glad one of us likes this." He scratched behind the dino's ears, like he always did, "It's good to know that you'll always be there for me, buddy." He looked back at Impmon, now somewhat more accepting of what had happened to him, now that his best friend seemed fine with it. He then decided to break the next bit of news to his former partner, "So, guess what. Turns out Impmon did this because... well... he's kind of my boyfriend now, I guess. I mean, it's really early but," He made his way over to the other virus type, "I think I like him too."

Guilmon had been smiling happily at his friend, already planning the games they could play now that Takato was no longer bound by the rules of the human world, but at that last proclamation he shut his mouth and stared. He looked at Impmon, who crept inside the shrine, and then at Takato, and then at their hands as Impmon took Takato's own and kissed it. "You both... are boyfriends?" Guilmon asked uncertainly, thinking perhaps he had misunderstood.

Impmon was thrilled when Takato had called him his boyfriend, and the triumph was written all over his face. "Yep! That's right, Pineapplehead! Better watch out, cause we're gonna paint the town red!"

Guilmon stared at them both, and then his ears and tail drooped low, and he lowered his entire body into a miserable slouch. "...Oh."

Takato lightly swatted Impmon on the head with a smirk, "I never agreed to that, Impmon." He looked over at Guilmon, and noticed his sudden drop in mood, "Guilmon?" He quickly let go of the other's hand, and made his way back to his friend. "Do you... not approve? I mean, I understand, Impmon's kind of a jerk, but I think he means well." That didn't seem to improved Guilmon's mood at all. "I promise this won't change anything, well, I mean, a lot of stuff is going to be different if I'm really stuck like this." He hugged Guilmon's snout, "But, I promise I'll never stop being your friend okay?"

The bigger Digimon's tongue automatically came out to lick Takato's stomach, and Takato learned that while Guilmon's sniffling tickled, his tongue was long, very warm, and felt alarmingly nice against his skin. And Guilmon learned that while Takato had always tasted nice as a human, he was like candy as a Digimon, and it took several licks for him to bring himself to stop and step back. His gaze swung from the confused Takato to the suspicious Impmon and he felt he did not have the words to explain himself properly. "I didn't know you liked boys."

That raised Impmon's hackles instantly. "What?! You got a problem with us liking guys!?"

"No, no!" Guilmon said hastily, shaking his head quickly. "No no, not a problem! Problem is that I didn't know that! Or I would have..." He looked at the ground, as though he'd find inspiration there, and then looked up. "Or I would have said that Impmon looks really cute when he's mad. Or that Takato feels so nice when I hug him. Or that Impmon seems kind of nicer than he wants to be. Or that Takato makes me feel really safe and happy." He gaze shifted between them both, and then back at the floor. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled shamefully.

Takato blushed again, "Wait! You mean...?!" This was all a bit much for the young boy turned digimon; in the past few hours he had been transformed into a different species, been proposed to by said transformer, been, for all intents and purposes sucked off, realized he liked said guy, and now was also having his best friend in the world confess his love to both him and his new boyfriend. "Guilmon... you like me?" The virus type nodded sadly, and Takato looked back between him and Impmon. "I... I need a minute." Takato ran out of the shed, past Impmon.

"You like me?!" Impmon asked, almost as confused at Takato and angry as a result. Guilmon nodded miserably again. "But I threw fire at ya! And chased ya all over! And pulled pranks on ya! And..." A white claw forced his mouth shut and Impmon looked at it crosseyed.

"I know. But you're fun. And nicer than you think. And I'm pretty sure I can just pin you down and do things to you to make you behave if you were my boyfriend." Guilmon stated honestly, and the words "Do things" made Impmon's eyes narrow and his face redden. "But don't worry. I'm sad, yeah, but I'm happy for you both! I promise I won't try to get between you." The larger Digimon gave him a weak smile, and Impmon rolled his eyes and pushed the claw away.

"Don't give me that noble bastard bull! What, you think he's gonna be happy if your big red butt is miserable? Ugh, why'd ya gotta spring this on us now, dinobrain?" Impmon folded his arms and frowned after the way Takato had run, and then glared at Guilmon. "Just for the record, I might not have said no."

With that, he marched into the night to find Takato. The former human could have his alone time, but Impmon wasn't letting him out of sight just yet.

Takato meanwhile, had climbed up onto a nearby bench to sulk. 'What am I gonna do?' The events of the last hour and a half were piling on top of him like a train derailing. He was a digimon now, for god's sake! What was he going to tell his parents!? 'Hi, Mom and Dad. Yeah, this is actually your son, digimon are real, I've been transformed into one, possibly to never be human again, oh and it turns out I'm bi, and I'm now boyfriends with the one who transformed me.' Not to mention the fact that, oh yeah, his best friend in the whole world basically just admitted he wanted to be in a weird polygamous relationship with the two of them. "My life is so fucked up." He muttered to himself.

Impmon searched for a while, growing nervous when he couldn't find Takato anywhere, but a noise below alerted him to Guilmon, who had left the hut to find Takato himself. With his nose, it was simple for him to track Takato down, and Impmon reluctantly followed after him from the trees. When they reached the park bench, Takato was still sitting there, and they didn't know if he'd had enough time to himself yet. After what seemed to him like a long time, Guilmon crept closer and climbed up on the left side of the park bench to sit down quietly. Not long after that, Impmon said down on the right side of the bench, and silence reigned.

Takato sniffled, "What do you guys want?" He just wanted to go home, to lie down in his bed and forget any of this had ever happened. But he knew that that wasn't an option.

Both of them braced themselves and blurted out at the same time. "I'm sorry."

Both of them were surprised at what the other one had said, but Impmon was quicker on the uptake. "Okay, maybe I came on too fast. But I was right about you liking being a Digimon, right? Come on, you can't tell me you were lookin' forward to some nine-to-five in a suit. Ya didn't plan on becoming a Digimon, but I promise ya it's a lot of fun! Like an adventure? An' I'll be with ya, all the way!" He wanted to reach out and take Takato's hand, but he feared it wasn't the right moment.

In the momentary silence, Guilmon quickly spoke up. "I'm sorry too! I didn't mean to make things worse, I was just so surprised because you both ended up dating each other and I didn't want to make things bad between you I just felt really sad. I'm sorry I was selfish. But I promise, I won't say anything about it again! You are my best friend and I want to be here to have fun with you! Impmon was right about it being fun to be a Digimon, and now you have him as a boyfriend and me as a friend. So please don't cry, Takato... This could be really good."

After a few moments, Guilmon reached over Takato's head and firmly poked Impmon, who glared at him. Guilmon just gave him an even sterner poke and Impmon grimaced. "...And I'm sorry. I shoulda asked you if you wanted to get changed. I was worried you were gonna say no."

Takato sighed heavily, "I... I'm not going to lie, I am mad. But... I do like you." He looked up at the now larger than him, Guilmon, "Both of you. A whole lot. I wouldn't mind spending my whole life with the two of you. But, my parents, and my friends... what am I going to tell them? I can't just go and disappear on them. That would be cruel." He shook his head and buried it in his hands, "If it wasn't for that, yeah, this would be great." He looked up at the clock nearby, and noticed the time, "My mom's probably starting to worry about me."

Guilmon leaned over and licked Takato reassuringly. "It's okay, Takatomon. She will be happy when you show her you are safe. We can go to your house and explain it all."

"Aw, man!" Impmon slouched on the bench, scowling. "But she's gonna yell at me! And probably throw stuff!"

Guilmon slid off of the bench and walked over to Impmon, and brazenly licked his left horn in such a way that it made the Digimon jolt. "It will be okay. Cause we still get Takatomon."

Takato sighed as he too got off the bench, "Well, before we go there, I think we should go get someone. I mean, Impmon has a point, my mom might call the cops or something before we get a chance to explain ourselves. We need someone there that they already know, and my parents have met Jenrya." He scratched his head, "We should call him on a payphone, that way we don't have to go all the way to his home."

Impmon couldn't help but notice the number of people who would potentially kick his ass for this was growing, but he sighed and jumped off of the bench as well. "Fine, fine... but who's got change?"

Takato looked at the two of them, before sighing, "C'mon, let's go back to where what's left of my clothes are. I had some money in my pockets."

Guilmon hesitated, and then gingerly scooped Takato up, taking advantage of his much smaller body and setting him on the top of his head, where he found his tail automatically helped him balance himself. "Comfy?"

Impmon rolled his eyes as he strolled next to them. "Show off."

Takato blushed, finding the experience both strange and embarrassing, "You don't need to carry me Guilmon, I can still walk."

"But I like having you sit on my head, Takatomon." Guilmon explained, looking innocent, which earned him a suspicious glare from Impmon.

Takato looked down at Impmon, noticing his expression, and sighed in resignation, "Considering what's happened in the past few months, it's really saying something, when I can easily place this as the weirdest day I've ever had."

"But not the worst day, right?" Guilmon tried to keep his spirits bolstered as they made their way up the stairs and towards the spot where Impmon had ambushed Takato.

"Oi, in case th' coins are melted, I'll just head down to th' judo-geek's place and round him up myself." Impmon offered as they approached the ashy remains of Takato's clothes. In truth, Impmon was quite satisfied that they had been burnt up; it was almost symbolic of Takato leaving his human life behind. But if he really wanted to settle things formally, Impmon supposed that he liked him enough to indulge him.

"First, if my goggles survived, then there's no way the coins melted. Second," He glanced down at Impmon with a smirk, "I really rather not have one of Jenrya's family catch you, it's gonna be bad enough when my parents freak out, I don't need to experience it twice." He shook his head, he was really dreading the encounter with his parents.

Impmon didn't see the big deal. So Takato was a digimon now, so what? What were they hoping for their kid? Taking over the stupid bakery or getting old? That was dumb. Takato was way better off like this, and if they weren't dumb too, they'd get that. So he only shrugged at Takato's concern and began to sift through the ash looking for the coins.

Guilmon lifted Takato off of his his head and gently set him down, and then leaned down to kiss the side of his face. "It will be okay, Takatomon. I promise."

Takato appreciated the gesture, as he rubbed the side of his face, but Guilmon really shouldn't make promises he had no way of keeping. "I wish I had introduced you to my parents before this, Guilmon, then they might be a little prepared." He looked over at Impmon, annoyed, as he knelt down and began to sort through the pile, "I mean, as far as my parents are concerned, digimon is a card game and tv show I like. If they were any older, I'd worry about them having heart attacks." He quickly found a few 50 yen coins, their faces slightly warped from the heat, but otherwise fine.

"It will be fine, Takatomon." Guilmon insisted again, gently nudging the other side of his face now. "They love you lots, so it won't matter if you are little and purple now." He picked Takato up again, reasoning that he needed lots of hugs right now and just held him as they walked back down towards the public phone, Impmon looking somewhat bored by the whole affair.

Takato sighed as Guilmon set him down, "Well, let's hope Jenrya's home by now." He looked up and realized that at his current height, the pay phone wasn't going to be accessed easily. He looked over at Impmon, "So... I just jump?"

Impmon walked over to stand next to him, looking up at the pay phone and then back at him, and then crouched to jump up and cling to one side of the phone to demonstrate. "Pretty much! Or ya could just get Pineapple head t' hold ya up."

Takato shook his head, "No, I wanna try this. I mean, if I'm going to be a digimon, I might as well enjoy some of the perks." He bent down, preparing himself, and thrust his legs against the pavement, launching himself right up into the pay phone. However, still not used to his new body, he was going vastly too fast, and slammed his head right into the top of the lip. He fell back to the ground, nursing his skull, "Oww."

Impmon and Guilmon nearly collided in their rush to reach Takato quickly, and he was soon lifted up by Guilmon so that Impmon could inspect his skull. As Impmon anxiously peered at it, Guilmon carefully sniffed him, before both of them kissed the place of impact and let him stand up, though he had a digimon on either side to keep him from falling. "Yer okay, just a ding."

"It will sting, though, so just rest for a second." Guilmon added worriedly.

"Yeah, okay." Takato hissed as he continued to rub the spot, and chuckled as he looked at Impmon, "Guess I need some practice, huh?" He glanced back at Guilmon, "Why don't you just lift me up, buddy?"

Guilmon was only too happy to comply and lifted Takato up to the payphone and held him there steadily, as he inserted the coins and dialed.

Takato nervously drummed his fingers as the phone rang, "C'mon, pickup, pickup."

There was the distinctive click followed by a short second of silence, before he heard a voice. "Hello?"

Takato sighed in relief, "Jenrya? Oh man, I'm glad you're there. It's Takato, I really need your help right now."

Takato could hear some vague noises in the background, before Jenrya spoke up again, "You know Takato, most people start off their conversation with a 'hi' or a 'how are you?', not immediately asking for help.

Takato facepalmed, now was really not the time, "Look, I'm sorry, but this is an emergency, okay!?"

In his bedroom, Terriermon rose sleepily from the blanket he'd been curled up in and yawned, wandering towards Jenrya. "What is it? Is it a Digimon?"

Jenrya shook his head, "Is it a digimon?" He repeated, hoping that it wasn't.

Impmon began to pace, getting bored and glancing at the two Digimon in the phone booth. "Don't make small talk, fer cryin' out loud!"

Guilmon leaned forward until his face was close enough to the phone to be heard. "Not a Digimon, Jenrya, but it is super important. Impmon did something, and now we need your help!"

Jenrya was concerned now, "Guilmon? Takato, what's going on?" And why was he not surprised that Impmon was involved?

"Impmon's in trouble, Impmon's in trouble!" Terriermon sang to himself in the background, amused, his large ears allowing himself to overhear the conversation with ease.

Takato massaged his nasal bridge, "Yeah, you see, it turns out Impmon kind of had a power he never thought to use before or tell us about. He... may or may not have turned me into another Impmon?"

Jenrya fell completely silent for a few seconds, "...what."

Terriermon immediately stopped singing and stared at his Tamer, his expression blank.

"What's he saying?" Impmon demanded impatiently, and Guilmon turned and shushed him.

Takato rolled his eyes, trying to ignore him, "Look, could just please come to the park?! Okay? I really need some help here!"

"Okay, I um... I'll be there right away. See ya." Jenrya hung up, and looked over at his partner. " heard that too, right? I'm not going insane?"

Terriermon nodded, his expression no longer blank, but now rather... thoughtful. "Impmon turned Takato into an Impmon. Yup. So you're not any crazier than you were five minutes ago." He teased him, hoping to ease Jenrya down from the shock he'd just received. "Come on, you know you want to see this train wreck as much as I do." He took a running leap and used his ears to grab hold of his Tamer and climb up to his shoulder, where he secured himself.

"So? What'd he say?" Impmon demanded, once they had hung up. He wasn't sure if this was a situation where he needed to hide yet, and it was making him anxious.

"Jenrya is coming down to the park." Guilmon explained patiently, having been close enough to hear him reply in the affirmative before hanging up. Impmon crossed his arms and began to pace again.

Takato looked about, and then glanced at both of his... boyfriends? It would take a while to get used to calling them that; maybe he best leave that out for now, break that to Jenrya and his parents later. "Well, let's head back to the shed, that's where he'll be heading."

Impmon humphed, more nervous than he had been before, and expressing it like annoyance. Guilmon's nose wasn't fooled, however, and he reached down to gently pet Impmon's head as they all walked together back to his hut. "We would go live in the Digital World after this, right?" He asked, his voice sounding hopeful. Impmon didn't answer him, just looking around him at Takato.

Takato fell silent at this question, not having considered this before. The digital world... it had always been a fantasy of his, visiting the place. But... he would have to leave everything behind. He wasn't sure if he could do that. "...let's just get to the shed, okay?"

Impmon and Guilmon traded a glance between them, and understood that it was best to just let Takato think it over for now, and the three of them walked in silence back to the shed, though there was just a momentary pause up the stairs at the place where Takato had been transformed. When they had reached the hut, Guilmon settled down on the floor and pulled both Takato and Impmon close to him, nuzzling them both in turn.

"Get off..." Impmon grumbled, but there was a smile straining at the corners of his mouth, and he made no attempt to get away. "Lousy boyfriend..."

Takato just returned the gesture, needing every bit of comfort he could get right now. "Thanks, Guilmon." He decided to try something, timidly turned his head, and gave Guilmon a peck on his lips.

Guilmon stared at him, and then a very big smile slowly spread across his face as he kissed Takato back. His lips were bigger and warmer than Impmon's, and their faces were a different shape. Guilmon had to tilt his head to the side to kiss Takato more effectively, but he did so with enthusiasm and delight, kissing his former Tamer repeatedly and making a low rumbling noise of happiness. Impmon watched them both with wide eyes, his pale face turning red and feeling surprised at how... arousing this was, watching his two boyfriends innocently kiss each other. And it was innocent, at first, like two children playing. But Guilmon's tongue emerged from his mouth to gently swipe across Takato's lips, leaving a warm trail behind, and before Impmon realized what he was doing, Guilmon had kissed him as well, making the Little Demon flail.

Takato blushed at the warm, wet feeling on his lips. It tingled, but in a very pleasant way; and as he watched Guilmon kiss Impmon as well, he realized that wasn't the only thing that tingled. He licked his lips, tasting Guilmon's saliva, finding the flavor to be somewhat pleasant.

Impmon and Guilmon had less reason to be shy than Takato did, and so it wasn't long before their lips were pressed tightly together as their tongues lashed at one another, and when they finally broke away they both looked flushed and slightly drunk as they stared into each others eyes. Then they both turned towards Takato, who only had time to gulp before they pressed him between them and began to nuzzle him, Guilmon's larger snout sniffing up and down his bare back as Impmon's hands and mouth roamed across his front.

"Guys, guys!" Takato flailed as they explored his body, and let out an eep as Impmon licked his chest, their attention sending tingles throughout his body, "Guys, c'mon! What if Jenrya shows up?!" Not to say that this wasn't pleasant, just, really, really weird.

"He'll have t' settle for Terriermon, cause we ain't sharin' you." Impmon declared, and began to kiss the face on Takato's stomach, which the former human discovered was very receptive to this, as Guilmon's large warm mouth engulfed Takato's entire tail in one swift move. As much as they reveled in this, they would back off if he actually asked them to stop.

Takato would have laughed at the image of Jenrya and Terriermon, but he was a bit distracted by the sensations running through his body; having his tail be absolutely covered in Guilmon's tongue, and his stomach played with by Impmon, he could barely talk. "Ah! P-please!"

"Please what?" Impmon teased him, dragging his gloved fingertip in a circle around the face on Takato's stomach. He tapped Guilmon to get his attention, who reluctantly pulled his mouth off of Takato's tail. "You want us to do somthin'? Or not do somethin'? Just say the word, Gogglehead."

"I... I..." Before he could continue, Takato heard footsteps approaching, climbing up the steps. He immediately shoved the two off of him, "Stop!" He hissed. He quickly collected himself, trying his best to make himself not look like he had just been molested by two horny digimon.

"Takato?" Jenrya called out, almost to the top of the stairs, wondering what the noise had been. Was there a fight going on? He hoped not, but he got out his D-Power just in case.

Terriermon had heard and identified the noises, but declined to mention it to Jenrya, in the hopes that he would be more amusingly surprised when they walked right onto the scene. Disappointingly, Takato was standing at the gate and not having anything sucked on by the other two, who were lurking behind him. On the bright side, he WAS a digimon now, and Terriermon didn't hesitate in leaping off of Jenrya's shoulder to glide down and inspect Takato close up. He circled the new Impmon curiously, sniffing him and giving him a wink when Jenrya couldn't see his face to let him know that he was privy to his secret. "Ha! Momentai, Takato, you look pretty good as a Digimon!" Then he glanced back at Impmon, who just glared imperiously back at him. Terriermon turned back towards his own Tamer, speculative. So humans could be turned into Digimon, huh...?

"Hi, Jenrya! Hi, Terriermon! Takato is an Impmon, see? We gotta tell his parents." Guilmon explained cheerfully. Impmon stayed back, but when Terriermon made no move to attack, he cautiously stepped out of the shadows.

Jenrya stared for a moment at the new Impmon, "So that's really you, Takato?" He knelt down, getting a better look in the dim light; those were his goggles.

Takato smiled sheepishly, and nodded, "Yeah, it really is. Crazy, huh?" He sighed, "So, Guilmon was really blunt about it, but yeah, I called you down here so I had some help telling my parents." He glanced back at Impmon and Guilmon, as well as Terriermon. "Sorry to, um, spring this on you."

Jenrya sighed as he stood up, "It's okay, you... didn't plan this, I imagine." He glared at Impmon, wondering why he was still there, why Guilmon hadn't ripped him to shreds, "So why did you do this, Impmon? And can you change him back?"

"Cause he ain't as lousy as the rest of you dorks." Impmon declared, looking completely unashamed. "An' no, wouldn't do it even if I could! No more school, no more freaky human puberty and no boring job t' look forward to! I did him a favor." So saying, he turned his back on him and pouted.

"Impmon was trying to be nice, Jenrya." Guilmon explained, stepping forward. "And being a Digimon is lots of fun! But we still gotta make sure his mommy and daddy don't worry." Terriermon nodded idly with this statement, firmly of the mindset that being a Digimon was superior to the pointless complications humans put themselves through.

Jenrya just sighed, "First of all, maybe you should have asked first? Second, some of us like school. Third-"

Takato interjected, "You like school, Jenrya?" To him, that was a completely alien idea, almost weirder than what was currently happening.

Jenrya facepalmed, leave it to Takato to completely miss the point, "That's really not the point, Takato." He looked around the hut, filled with him and the four other digimon, "But, yeah, I guess you'd freak your parents out if you came to them like this. You kind of need a credible witness"

Since Jenrya had apparently lose interest in Impmon at the moment, Terriermon felt that it was safe enough to wander over to the virus and get out of the human's weak ear-shot. "So..." He began casually, putting one long ear around Impmon, who jerked away in surprise. "You can turn humans into Digimon, huh?" Impmon watched him suspiciously. "...Think you can teach me how?"

Impmon's confusion lasted for all of two seconds before realization dawned and a wicked grin emerged on his face. "Ear boy, I think I can help you."

Guilmon ignored the two of them as they began to whisper to each other, Impmon's arm slung along Terriermon's shoulders and Terriermon's ear wrapped around his back. Instead he stepped forward and approached Jenrya. "Do you have any ideas how to do that, Jenrya?" He asked hopefully. The other human always seemed so wise, even if he could be oddly stubborn at times.

Jenrya sighed, "Well, I'm guessing you called me here because you want me to be that person, right, Takato?" He looked back to the Impmon, the one wearing Takato's goggles. It was so weird for Jenrya, and part of him still wasn't sure this wasn't all some elaborate prank on Impmon's part, and that the real Takato was hiding somewhere; but, this Impmon had Takato's eyes, his voice... honestly, it was actually kind of cute, not that Jenrya was about to say that outloud.

Takato nodded, if there was anyone he knew that was mature enough to help him with the situation, it was definitely Jenrya. "I mean, you have met my parents, even if it's only once or twice. I figure with you there, they won't try to kill anyone." Well, that's what he hoped at least, they were going have to be very delicate about the process, if they didn't want his mom bashing Impmon's head in with a rolling pin.

Impmon was too engrossed with his hushed conversation with Terriermon to notice what the two Tamers were saying to one another, but Guilmon nodded eagerly. "Yeah, that would be bad! What if Takato's mommy got confused and hit Takato instead?" He didn't leave his hut, as his bulk still hid the two conspiring Digimon, but he was taking up most of the doorway as he beamed at Jenrya, certain that the other boy could solve their issue with Takato's family. "What should we say? Being a Digimon is healthier? More fun? Oh! Maybe they would want to hear about how he can Digivolve! Human mommies and daddies like to hear how their little humans grow up big and strong, right?"

Takato buried his face in his hands, "Yeah Guilmon, I bet my parents would love to hear how one day, I might be lucky enough to become a... what does Impmon digivolve too? Wizardmon, I think. Yeah, that's definitely what my mom wants to hear." He laughed sardonically, "Don't worry mom and dad, I may never get to inherit the bakery like you always wanted, but hey, one day I might get a neat wizard hat!" He had to hold back tears again, already imagining the worst case scenario of the meeting, and again cursing his predicament.

Guilmon knew Takato didn't want Jenrya to know all the details of their new relationship, but he couldn't allow his boyfriend to suffer like that, so he immediately reached down and scooped him up, cuddling his former human close. "It's okay, Takato! It will be okay." He assured him, nuzzling his large blockish muzzle against Takato's pale face. "No matter what, it will be okay."

"Got it?" Impmon asked the long-eared rookie beside him, who nodded eagerly. "Good. Now-" He turned towards the entrance and frowned. He approached the duo cautiously, but he couldn't neglect Takato anymore than Guilmon could. Impmon scaled Guilmon's back and sat astride his shoulders, and reached down to gently stroke Takato's head.

Jenrya looked on the situation, confused; what Guilmon was doing wasn't all that unusual, the dino digimon was always affectionate, especially towards Takato. But, Impmon? This, combined with his really vague reason for transforming his friend, was giving Jenrya some vague ideas of the digimon's intentions. He shook his head, and waited for Guilmon to set Takato down. "Okay, so, Takato, do you want your parents to just meet you? Or do you want them to also meet Guilmon; or...?" He trailed off as he looked at Impmon, feeling that bringing the one who caused all this, was probably a poor idea.

"Well, I definitely want to bring Guilmon, if the whole 'Digimon' thing is coming out of the bag, they should meet my... well my former partner." Takato sighed, as he looked at Impmon, "I don't know about you, Impmon, I mean, maybe if we lied to them and told them it was an accident? Otherwise, I can't imagine they'd be very happy to see you." And that was even without beginning to broach the topic of him having two boyfriends right now, one of them being the said transformer.

Impmon shrugged indifferently. "Can't say I really care either way, gogglehead." He said frankly. If Takato's parents didn't like him, he honestly didn't care that much. They were just a couple of other humans to him, but he was willing to play along because of how much they meant to Takato. And he certainly had no problem with lying, so any cover story was fine with him. He slouched on Guilmon's shoulders, wishing they could just get it all over with so they could keep talking Takato into going with them to the Digital word.

"We're still partners, Takatomon!" Guilmon corrected him earnestly, hugging him close. "Just cause you aren't a human anymore doesn't mean you aren't my partner! We could be... jogress digimon, instead!" The idea of physically merging with either Takato or Impmon was immensely appealing, now that he really thought about it, and his large tail began to wag.

Jenrya rolled his eyes at Guilmon's puppy dog like tendencies, and bent down to pick up Terriermon, "Well, you, Impmon, and Takato will be easy enough to get to the bakery; but what about Guilmon? Are we going to use the cardboard box trick again?"

Guilmon blinked out of his happy daze imagining what it would be like to merge with either of his boyfriends, and looked at Jenrya. "Huh? Oh! I could just be sneaky! Cause its night and no one is looking too close." And no one seemed to notice or care that much about him, as they all assumed he was just a human in a costume.

Jenrya nodded, "Okay then, you three will meet me there then." He then glanced on his shoulder at Terriermon, "Promise you won't do anything too stupid while we're there okay?"

Terriermon had an oddly contemplative expression on his face as his ears affectionately stroke Jenrya. "Who, me? Don't worry, Jenrya! I always have our best interests at heart."

"Oh yeah, as long as you replace the word 'our', with 'my'." Jenrya mumbled as he made his way out of the hut; leaving the other three by themselves again.

Takato looked at his two boyfriends, "Okay you two, we've got to get back to my place, I know the way by heart. But... well I can't exactly take the normal way, huh?" He looked over at Impmon, "You'll show me how to jump better and stuff, right? So we can stay above the streets." He then turned to Guilmon, "And, well, you just follow Jenrya, keep close to him in case anyone asks questions."

The both of them answered in the affirmative, as Guilmon reluctantly put him down and Impmon eagerly took him by the hand. "Relax, gogglehead, I got this. You'll be a true blue digimon by the time I'm through with you!" Guilmon glanced at Jenrya, who was already walking down the stairs, and took the opportunity to kiss both Impmon and Takato briefly before hurrying after the human.

Impmon lead Takato out of the hut and towards a nearby tree, where he crouched down and leaped up, grabbing a lower branch and swinging around until he had gotten the momentum to leap up to the next one, and the next one after that. "Just relax and don't think too hard! ...An' don't bonk your head!"

Takato gulped, but nodded as he looked up at Impmon. "Okay. I can do this." He looked straight at the branch Impmon gad first swung on, and leapt, launching himself upwards. He felt almost weightless as he flew up, and he grabbed on to the branch tight, finding he was able to support himself with ease. "Whoa, this is actually pretty easy." He looked to see Impmon give him a thumbs up; and after smiling back, he began to swing, like he was in gym class, and after a few seconds let go and flew towards the next branch, he repeated this till he made it to Impmon. "Wow, that, that was pretty awesome."

"See? Told ya." Impmon pulled him close and embraced him like it was the most natural thing in the world, holding Takato tightly as he kissed his pale face. "Come on, it's a long way when yer our size." He continued to show Takato the way, guiding him step-by-step along the path to the Matsuda Bakery, and hoped he wouldn't guess that Impmon knew the route so well because he had followed him many times before.

"Hey, um, Impmon?" He asked the other as they jumped across rooftops, which he was still getting used to.

"Yeah?" Impmon asked, admiring Takato's form. It was different from his own, it almost had a kind of strange grace to it, despite his glaring lack of confidence.

There were actually a million questions flying through Takato's head actually, Was he really okay with meeting his parents? Was he certain there was no way to turn him back? Could he just maybe kiss him again, cause Takato really wanted to try that again. But Takato instead went with one that just seemed to pop into his mind, "What were you and Terriermon talking about?"

"Oh, he wanted to know how I changed you." Impmon explained casually. "I think he wants t' do it t' Jenrya." Impmon glanced back and saw Takato's expression and quickly added. "He's gonna ask, first! He promised!"

"He better! I mean, I'm a pretty forgiving guy, and I'm still tempted to tell my parents what happened and let them murder you!" Jeeze, Takato did not want to inflict this upon anyone else... even if jumping across rooftops like it was nothing was cool. He shook his head, "Anyway, we're almost there."

"Hey..." Impmon actually looked hurt for the first time that eventful night, and frowned at him. "Come on, I probably shoulda asked, but this worked out great, didn't it?"

Takato didn't answer, he just looked... kind of depressed. "We're almost there."

Impmon paused, and then got ahead of Takato and held out his arms. "...I'm sorry, okay? I mean it. I didn't mean to mess up your life, I wanted to make it better." He let his arms fall and looked away. "...If you wanna tell 'em the truth, I don't mind. Honest."

Takato fell silent for a few moments, standing there, looking sadly at Impmon, "I... I don't hate you, I promise, heck, I would've had Guilmon roast you if a part of me didn't actually like you... the same way you like me." He smiled sadly, "But, you saying you're sorry isn't going to fix everything Impmon. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do after I tell my parents." He walked over and hugged Impmon, "But, I'm still not going to tell them the truth, not right away, I prefer you with your skull uncracked."

Impmon returned the hug, though his earlier confidence was gone. It had never occurred to him that Takato would not be completely satisfied after he'd settled everything with his old human life, and he held Takato a little more tightly than usual, because he was a little frightened of having to let go. "Okay..." He mumbled, somewhat timidly, before he broke the embrace and lead the rest of the way to the bakery in silence. Soon they had arrived at the Matsuda Bakery, and Impmon landed in the spot on an adjacent roof that let one see Takato's bedroom without thinking about it. "We can wait for 'em here. ...You ready?"

If Takato was honest, no, he wasn't ready, not in the slightest, and he doubted he ever would be, but he nodded regardless. "As I'll ever be." He looked over and smiled, "And besides, I'll have a friend, and my two... boyfriends there."

Impmon gingerly reached for his hand, but this time he stopped and just held his hand out in offering.

Takato smiled, and reached out, taking it, he may still be a little angry at Impmon, but, he trusted him, and maybe... he might love him.

Impmon held his hand tightly, and waited for what the future held.