Part of the Show

Story by Kells on SoFurry

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#1 of A show for three.

At this point it should be obvious that I'm enamored with dragons, sexy beasties that they are. This is another story with dragons, and is partly the result of a couple requests I've received. It's a bit more kinky than my usual stories. I intend to write out the rest of the evening for these characters, and this will probably end up as three stories all together.

Edited and republished for some formatting issues.

Peter stood outside his car, clutching the letter in his hands. It was a remarkably unusual correspondence, written in fanciful calligraphy on parchment. He couldn't say it was unexpected considering the authors. It was an invitation to their home, an invitation he had enthusiastically accepted. Standing here now though, Peter couldn't deny the edge of nervousness. It was a ridiculous sensation for the powerfully build and powerfully minded wolf, but the home he stood in front of inspired it in spades.

Black stone walls towered three stories high and capped off in a flat, fortress-like roof. Narrow windows were spaced widely around the manor, some glowing with light in the quickly sinking evening gloom. Well-kept grass and hedges stretched away from the manor to the edge of the property where a tall blackened iron fence stood as a barrier. It looked like something out of a horror film.

Peter shook himself slightly and brushed down the raised fur on the scruff of his neck. "Get a hold of yourself," he growled lowly. He was a dire wolf; centuries ago his breed was created for war and conquest. That aggression had led him to become a dominant force in the construction industry. He owned one of the largest contracting firms in the state; he was wealthy and confident. He would not be seen cowering at his car. With a final roll of his shoulders he walked towards the manor.

A narrow footpath was the only route from the small parking lot in front to the door of the manor. Peter smoothed out his crisp black suit along the path. His dusky fur blended almost seamlessly with his suit so that he looked like a living shadow. Like the rest of the manor, the door emanated age and menace. It was an ancient double slab of dark hardwood, banded with iron and held closed by tarnished bronze handles large enough that even Peter could have used two hands to open it.

Expecting an intercom or a camera or any of the other accoutrements he usually saw on a home this size, Peter came up short at the door. There was no way for him to announce his presence; there wasn't even a knocker. Fortunately he was saved as the door swung open, revealing a young and smiling human man. "Good evening! Mr. Delecote?"

Peter nodded wordlessly.

"Awesome! You have the invitation?"

The young man unfolded the piece of parchment that Peter handed him and scanned it briefly. "Looks right as rain, come on in!" It was not the greeting he'd expected after the foreboding appearance of the estate. The first step inside the building showed that the interior and exterior were day and night. Golden polished hardwood floors and brightly painted walls dazzled with warm light cast by countless chandeliers. The foyer was filled by a broad stone staircase that led to a landing on the second floor before splitting into two smaller stairs that curled back to the third floor. This one room could have swallowed some houses.

For all its size, Peter's keen ears couldn't pick up the sounds of any residents as they flicked around. The smell of the place was ancient and multilayered though; countless guests had passed this room, and had left a tapestry of odors that Peter inhaled. Permeating everything though was the earthy aroma of the owners.

"My name is Tom; I'll be around to provide anything you need for the night." The young human had closed the door and returned with a platter with a single glass of red wine. "A drink before you meet the hosts?"

"Sure," Peter finally broke his silence and accepted the offered glass.

"Now, I can give you the quick tour if you'd like, or I can take you straight through if you want to get to business."

Peter lapped at the wine. He wasn't much of a drinker, but the flavor was pleasant. This home was a unique opportunity to get to know more about his hosts, but the excitement of the meeting was hard to suppress. "I think I would prefer to get started." He said after a moment of deliberation.

"Okay, right this way then." Tom tucked the tray under his arm and headed up the staircase. They stopped at the second floor landing and entered a wide hallway that looked like it went straight through the mansion. Tom chattered at him about this history of the estate as they walked, but as they came closer to the end of the hall Peter was busy trying to retain his façade of confidence. Perhaps he should have taken the tour first.

Brightly polished paneled wood inlaid with silver and brass, the door at the end of that hall managed to be more intimidating than the front door. "Here we are. Wait here a moment." Tom cracked open the door and slipped inside. Murmuring voices drifted from within, and a wave of scents flooded from the room: soaps, candle wax, clean water, and the underlying smell of sex.

"Lex, Rex, Mr. Delecote is here."

There was a brief silence, "Very well, send him in Tom." The powerful, sensual, authoritative voice was familiar to Peter, though he had only heard it once before. It sent shivers down his spine.

Tom stepped back into the hallway and swung the door open for Peter to enter. The wolf nodded and wordlessly crossed the threshold. The room was massive solarium. Broad glass panes formed all three outer walls and trailed up into a glass dome high above his head. The only light sources were the stars and the moon itself. The view out onto the back of the property and surrounding countryside was quite nice.

"Good evening Mr. Delecote." The amused voice forced him to tear his gaze from the scene and look at his hosts, Lex and Rex, curled together closely on a bed off to one side of the solarium. Sinuous scaled forms covered in identical red scales and tangled together such that they were almost indistinguishable. Though both dragons appeared to be the same size, Rex's powerfully muscled frame loomed over his companion's. Two pairs of beautiful amethyst eyes regarded him with mirth from the finely chiseled faces.


Peter had first seen the two dragons at an exclusive show; his ticket had been a birthday present courtesy of a close business partner. The venue had been a tiny club that Peter hadn't even known existed, and he had no idea what to expect from the show. The ticket had listed no details other than a time and place. The interior of the club had been largely draped with silks so that it looked more like the inside of a large tent. In the center of the room was a large circular stage concealed by a heavy curtain and surrounded by even more draperies.

The usher guided Peter around the far side of the room; glancing towards the stage, the purpose of the draperies finally revealed itself: each section of hanging silk partitioned a sitting area for one of the guests. Peter was guided to one of those alcoves, where a plush lounge chair waited for him. The usher offered a selection of refreshments, and then asked quite bluntly if Peter would prefer a male or a female companion for his pleasure during the show.

Though prostitution was legal and well regulated, Peter had more than enough luck with dating that he'd never felt the need. Still, after confirming that all services were included in the price of his ticket, Peter asked for a female. A short moment later he was joined by a very attractive panther in a revealing green dress. She introduced herself as Misty and gave a brief explanation of the ground rules: she was to initiate any activities; Peter could request something but could not act without her permission. Once he gave his assent she knelt down in front of him with a smile and began unbuckling his pants.

"Ladies and gentlemen," A gentle announcement rolled through hidden speakers and distracted Peter from the woman in front of him, "our special guests for the evening: the twins, Lex and Rex."

The curtain around the stage lifted slowly, revealing the two dragons. Peter was not easy to scare, but even he felt the instinctive clench of fear at the sight of the two predators. The two dragons however, acted as though the crowd didn't even exist. Already they twisted around each other, rubbing and caressing erotically. The pair seemed entirely involved in the passion and pleasure of one another. Though his body was captivated by the delightful Misty, his eyes and mind were filled with the dragons. By the end of the evening Lex and Rex had engaged in everything to the most loving foreplay to rough animalistic rutting.

When the show was over Peter's body was drained entirely, but his brain swam with dreams of dragons. Days passed with him unable to clear his mind of the spectacle, until finally he had given in. It had taken a hefty sum of money and weeks of working with secretive middle men, but Peter had finally received a private invitation.


"Mr. Delecote? Are you listening?" Lex's voice pulled him back to the present. She was still smiling at him while Rex nibbled at her ears. Peter doubted that they were actual twins, but he honestly couldn't care less if they were.

"Yes, of course, my apologies." He responded firmly.

"None needed. We are used to the reaction. As I was saying, since you are here, we assume you consent to the proposal in our letter."

"I do." The letter had been quite explicit in its intentions, offering a 'night of carnal relations between three mature and consenting adults.'

"Good. You understand that everything said and done here tonight will remain absolutely confidential." The statement was final and forceful. The strength in her gaze and voice was a physical thing, a verbal handshake.

"That includes the location of our home." Rex spoke up from behind his mate. Unlike Lex, his voice carried no hint of sultry intent. It seethed with contained violence despite the outwardly calm appearance of the dragon.

"I understand."

Lex smiled broadly, and Rex bared his teeth in a somewhat less reassuring manner. "Good," the female spoke softly, "then please disrobe."

Like most of his kind Peter was not fond of clothing or concerned with nudity. He hastily set down his half full glass of wine on a nearby table, eager to comply. He would have preferred to have something to hang the suit on, but given the circumstances he settled for folding it carefully and setting it aside. His undershirt he folded more messily, and his boxers he finally cast on top of the pile as his body started ramping up for what he knew was to come. Already feeling his lust rising, he took a half step towards the dragons.

"Stop there please." Lex commanded quietly, yet forcefully enough to make him stumble to a stop. "I do not intend to play games with you Mr. Delecote. We have agreed to this night, but I must stress that you are a guest here to our home. You will do what we tell you and nothing more."

Peter frowned, but wasn't entirely surprised. He knew only as much about dragons as the rumors he'd heard, but all those rumors mentioned that dragons were particularly controlling. If the wolf wanted to partake he would just have to go along. He was hardly in a position to make demands, bare and vulnerable in front of two of the world's most renowned predators.

Lex eyed him for a long minute, turning this way and that, before she finally curved her neck back to mumble to Rex; the male disentangled himself from the female and stood. The hulking dragon padded deeper into the room, vanishing into shadows. Peter heard him rummaging through something while Lex rolled over on the bed so that she was on her back with her hind legs stretched out along her tail and her forelegs crossed over her chest. "Come join me on the bed Mr. Delecote."

Once again Peter gladly complied. The bed was enormous, waist high for him; the wolf swung one leg up and scrambled aboard. He remembered her warning and knelt there at the edge of the bed. Lex smiled at him, "Closer." On hands and knees he moved closer until he was just inches from her. This close he could hear the potent thump of her heart.

"Touch me." Her voice was so low it was nearly a whisper.


"Anywhere you want." She purred.

Peter's eyes swept over his choices, from the elegant rolling curves of her face and neck, to the contours of her lithely muscled chest and belly, down to her thighs. His gaze lingered there for a moment at the subtle crease between her legs, already glistening like liquid ruby on her scales. Finally he reached out, his hand shaking with anticipation despite himself, and laid his fingers upon the broad, backswept scales of her chest. A thrill went through him at the first contact, making his ruff stand on end. Her heart was a drum against his hand, each beat crashing against his palm.

He glanced at her face, and caught her watching him with interest. Hoping that he wasn't being too bold, Peter bent over her and lay one ear flat against her bust right next to his hand. The warmth of her body tickled the sensitive skin inside his ear, and to his delight she inhaled a deep breath for him. Air filled her lungs like a hurricane, howling with the steady strum of her heart. Peter closed his eyes and let the sounds of her vitality fill his senses, slowly sliding his hands over her in light caresses.

"I can think of worse choices." Lex's voice rang lightly in her chest, stirring him out of his daze. Before he could lift himself off of her, one of her forepaws swept around him, pulling him fully up onto her chest as though he were a child Peter sprawled out atop the dragoness, his head at the hollow of her neck just above her collarbone and his knees dangling off on either side of the base of her tail. Pressed up against her so, Peter had a much better appreciation of the size of the dragon. The rise and fall of her chest lifted his easily, the motion rocking him slowly like a wave.

The bed shook as Rex clambered back aboard. Peter turned his head at the looming presence and found the second dragon crouched over him, squatting on his hind legs. "Relax pup, it's just me."

Peter decided not to respond to the dragon calling him 'pup', and instead watched as Rex fumbled with an overly large bottle of something. The dragons had limited manual dexterity, their paws more suited to power than finesse. "Would you like me to open that?"

Rex glared at him for a moment before shoving the large plastic jar at Peter. The wolf pushed himself up with one hand on Lex's chest and reached up with the other to quickly unscrew the cap. Immediately a light floral fragrance started to spread. It was not so overly strong that it overpowered the aroma of the dragons, but strong enough that it tickled the wolf's sensitive nose.

The big male leaned in close to Peter, forcing the wolf to lower himself back onto Lex's scales, until the dragon's snout was brushing against fur. Rex inhaled deeply, his nose and tongue searching over Peter's body. "Clean. Good." Before Peter could respond the male tipped the plastic squeeze bottle and dribbled some of the contents across the Peter's back.

The warm fluid had a strange consistency; It didn't clump up in his fur or mat it down, but seemed to spread evenly. Rex set the bottle aside and placed both of his forepaws on Peter's back. Only then did the wolf that he was getting a back massage. Those paws may not have been incredibly articulate, but Rex quickly showed his skill at this particular task. Despite the excitement, Peter felt himself relax quickly as Rex's smooth, broad strokes burrowed into his shoulders, the claws just tickling through his fur. Even as his strong, stubby fingers worked the tension out of Peter's shoulders, Rex bent his neck down and flicked his tongue out along the edge of the wolf's ear.

Long before Peter had become the tycoon he was now Peter had realized he had no preference for gender; males and females alike attracted his interest, though the pressures of society kept him from being public about his romances with other men. Despite his experience though, this was something new and thrilling. Having an almost feral dragon running its paws down his sides and nibbling at his neck made him feel a novel feeling of submissiveness. Before, even when he had been penetrated it had been him in control. He couldn't really complain; this had been exactly what he had bargained on when he had accepted the invitation.

"So, Mr. Delecote, your first letter mentioned that you had been interest in dragons for years", Lex reached across her chest to cup his cheek in one paw while Rex's tongue ruffled the fur on his throat. "What is it exactly that interests you?"

"I don't know." He mumbled. The massage and the constant sensual exploration of Rex's tongue was making it hard to think straight. "Everything I guess."

A rumble of laughter vibrated into him through her chest. "You can't elaborate any more than that?"

It felt like she was fishing for something specific, but Peter couldn't imagine what. Truth be told, he was having a hard time thinking about anything. Rex was very good with his hands. After carefully kneading the wolf's shoulders into jelly the dragon let his grip sweep down Peter's sides and tuck under his hips, lifting them slightly away from Lex's belly.

"Can't really say," Peter slurred. Rex's forelimbs were roving under Peter's stomach now, massaging over his abdominals and up over his pectorals. "Dragons are just so exotic. You fly anywhere and answer to no one. Beautiful."

The admission seemed to amuse both dragons. Rex's withdrew his paws from under the wolf and suddenly settled them firmly upon Peter's rump, making the wolf's breath catch. Peter couldn't help but tuck his tail down over his privates as the dragon seemed to play with his backside for an excessively long time. His buttocks were rolled, squished, squeezed together, and worse, spread apart. Suddenly Rex's steam-hot breath washed down over Peter's exposed rear, making the wolf jerk. "Even clean down here. You came prepared." Peter bit his tongue. He had been particularly fastidious in cleansing his lowers, for which he was now glad. Finally the massage moved on to finish up with his thighs and calves.

"Turn over pup." Rex commanded. Peter obliged, placing his fully massaged back against Lex's chest. Rex pinned him there, placing both paws and Peter's chest and caressing him through his fur. Peter swallowed as Rex lowered his face until his muzzle was an inch away from Peter's nose. Just when Peter could have sworn the dragon was going to kiss him, Rex's tongue slithered out to coil against Peter's throat. The dragon's gaze was locked on the wolf's, and after a moment Peter found himself unable to continue the staring contest.

Inch by inch the dragon moved down Peter's chest. First each inch was rubbed and stroked firmly by the dragon's paws, and then tickled with his tongue. Each time Peter opened his eyes he found himself looking into Rex's fierce stare, as though the dragon was daring him to voice a complaint. There was simply nothing to complain about though. Pinned between two dragons, his whole body awash with their attentions, Peter was squirming to contain himself.

Peter's eyes snapped open as the dragon reached his hips. Instead of skipping over his crotch Rex coiled his thick tongue entirely around Peter's fuzzy sheath and sack. Peter gasped as the saliva-slickened organ caused his flesh to quickly began hardening inside its cover. Not fast enough. Before the tip of his prick could begin to emerge Rex shoved the tip of his tongue down into Peter's sheath, meeting the half-hardened flesh inside. Rex looked past Peter's emerging erection to grin at the wolf as Peter fought to control himself. He wanted to hump up and grind himself against Rex's face, but instead he just curled his fists and panted at the unusual blowjob. Rex's tongue stayed plugged into its fleshy socket even after the bulb at the base of Peter's shaft emerged, showing his full erection. In fact that seemed to be the only part of his tongue that was moving. Though Peter was now as firm as he ever remembered being, Rex seemed to be intentionally ignoring the most needy part of him and instead teasing at the very base of the canine cock.

Desperate dribbles of fluid escaped Peter's erection as he clenched his jaw and swore to himself that he wouldn't beg for anything. But the torture went on and on; just endless minutes of the dragon smirking around his tongue while it flicked unbearably slowly around his swollen base. Every so often Rex would lower his snout to nuzzle at Peter's balls, but that was all the more stimulation he got.

Just when Peter swore he could take no more, and his mouth opened to plead, Rex's head moved lightning swiftness. One moment Peter's shaft was exposed to the night, and the next it was engulfed in the sweltering heat of Rex's mouth. It was the end of Peter's self-control; his hips jerked in vain against Rex's grip as the dragon suckled on him.

"Uhhhnnn!" Was all the noise the wolf could manage. The sound blended with the faint slurping of the dragon's tongue and the soft chuckle from Lex. It didn't last long; after just a moment Rex pulled off of Peter's maleness, sucking his tongue back into his mouth. Peter whined piteously at the lack of sensation; he was still so far from satisfaction.

Rex's snout pushed lower, between Peter's knees and up against the base of Lex's tail. The wolf could only watch helplessly as that wonderfully dexterous tongue slipped back into the air and suddenly speared into the dragoness. Lex's body tensed below him, her stomach jumping in time with the lewd sounds coming from between Peter's legs. He looked on in envy as Rex vigorously ate her out. He tried to lift a hand to stroke himself but Lex had his arms pinned tight.

The spectacle before him was too much for Peter's arousal to wane at all. Rex's muzzle was distorted in a wide grin even as his tongue delved deep into Lex. The entire time Rex's eyes were locked teasingly with Peter's, nearly mocking him while Peter shook and bounced from the spasms and undulations of Lex's body as it reacted.

As minutes ticked by it became obvious that Rex intended to take her all the way. Her convulsions were growing more and more violent, and soon she was licking frantically at the top of Peter's head. In a moment of inspiration he tipped his chin back and met her tongue with his in a sloppy kiss. A scarce moment after her body shuddered mightily and her grip on his arms tightened dangerously. Her eyes were screwed shut and her breath locked in a rictus of bliss, a face so obviously in orgasm that it made Peter's blood run all the hotter.

Rex finally pulled away, his muzzle drenched. Drops of slick fluid dribbled onto Peter's legs as the male leaned back onto his haunches, finally exposing himself to the wolf. At the club Peter had been struck with the impression that Rex's endowments were somewhat small for a creature his size, but having the dragon aimed right at his face made him revise that opinion. The dragon had two shafts, nestled side by side; to Peter they resembled nothing so much as long, narrow tongues. Each was a bit smaller around than Peter's shaft but a good number of inches longer, ending in a very thin and smooth tip.

"Well pup," Rex paused to lick a swipe of Lex's pleasure from his lips, "are you ready for the main event?"

Without waiting for his answer Lex rolled him over on her stomach so that his saliva slickened manhood was pressed against her smooth belly scales. "Be a dear and put that where it belongs."

Peter didn't immediately understand the meaning behind Lex's quiet words, but he figured it out soon as she shoved him the foot or so down her stomach that it took to line him up with her sex. He wanted to take this slow, to tease and make her squirm like the Casanova he imagined himself to be, but his excitement overruled that desire. Heart pounding and hands shaking, he lifted himself up just enough to place his head at her entrance, and then slowly sunk back down. A long moan escaped him as her flesh parted for him, and then gripped and pulled him in. Lex made an approving coo as the small bulge of his un-engorged knot wedged into her.

The wolf was content to lay there for a moment and simply relish this act, relish what this amazing creature was permitting him to do. He spread his hands out to stroke Lex's sides while he panted, his tongue already lolling out of his mouth. A sudden weight upon his back started him from his stupor as Rex settled himself atop the couple so that the big dragon's arousal rested atop Peter's furred rump. As Rex adjusted himself, Peter swallowed nervously; he had no idea what target Rex was aiming at and he wasn't sure if he could handle the dragon's size. Peter was familiar with being penetrated, mostly by his own toys, but nothing he'd done had come close to the bobbing pink shafts between Rex's legs.

It was a great relief when those swollen spears dropped down below the wolf's rump, nudging at his sack for a moment before slowly wedging themselves in alongside Peter's cock. Despite their difference in size Lex had been somewhat snug around Peter; as Rex began to pry her open wider the pressure became nearly uncomfortable upon the slowly inflating bulb of his knot.

The dragoness seemed to love it though; as she was stretched, she threw her head back and clawed at the air in front of her, a hissing growl rumbling through her chest. Rex continued to advance into his mate, his organs grinding along Peter's in a way that sent surprising jolts of pleasure up the wolf's stomach, and plunging past the wolf, into the deeper reaches of Lex's body. Rex completed his long, slow insertion, his hips resting lightly on Peter's butt, the rest of the dragon's weight supported on the bed.

Hardly a moment passed, but smothered between the two dragons as he was, it felt much longer to Peter before Rex started rutting. Rutting was the only word for it, rapid undulation of the dragon's hips and tail that had him slapping hard against Peter's ass. Each motion dragged his two shafts roughly through Lex, and within her confines against Peter as well. Peter could only pant raggedly as the combined friction and pulsating pressure worked him rapidly toward orgasm. And then it stopped. Rex lifted his hips so that he pulled free with a wet sucking sound, his shafts dribbling a slurry of their juices onto Peter's fur. Lust-addled as he was, the wolf didn't understand what was happening until a hot, wet prod against his pucker made him jump. The dragon didn't give him any time to protest or prepare; the first narrow inch drilled into him immediately, giving only the slightest stretch, but more than enough to show the intent.

"I would relax if I were you Pup. It's going to be a tight fit."

Peter looked desperately to Lex for help but she only gave him an amused grin. "Wait! I -hhn!" Peter's protest was cut off before being fully formed; Rex applied his weight and Peter's flesh began to part as surely as Lex had parted for him.

The dragon was not rough about it, despite his demeanor. He crept down and in at a painfully slow pace and gave the gasping wolf an eternity to adjust to the shaft that squeezed against his prostate and insides. Peter whined and shivered as an endless length of flesh eased into him, but when he looked back over his shoulder, well under half of the mast was buried under his tail. "Oh." He groaned. Before his eyes the bright pink skin disappeared into his rump a fraction of an inch at a time, until a touch against his sheath drew his attention.

Rex had guided his unoccupied member back between Peter's thighs so that it re-entered Lex as he was penetrating Peter. "Almost done pup," Rex crooned to him, speeding his entry a little, his second organ now pressing tightly against Peter's erection as Lex squeezed them together inside of her. "There." The word was uttered as more of a satisfied growl. Peter glanced back again and saw only a couple bare inches of the dragon left exposed.

"Now, go ahead."

Peter's head was spinning with the overload of sensation, and it took him a moment to comply. It was immediately obvious what Rex intended for the wolf to do. Gritting his teeth and sucking in a deep breath, Peter withdrew his knot from Lex's entrance with a slurping pop, driving himself back onto the dragon's last couple inches. There was a pang of discomfort and pain as his cheeks finally nestled up against the dragon's hips, but the wildly intense pleasure and pressure upon his prostate drove him on.

Soon a shaky rhythm started, the wolf gasping and quivering as he alternated impaling himself upon the firm cock lodged in his behind, and impaling Lex in turn. The dragons hardly made a sound as they watched the wolf's performance, though Rex did lower his head to lick and nip at Peter's scruff in a way that Peter had done with many women in his position. Rhythm broke down quickly, the combined experience too much to maintain, and after only a handful of minutes Peter's muscles locked up with familiar bliss. His fingers clenched against Lex's belly as his knot rapidly inflated to its peak, sealing him in the dragon's clenching canal while his tip erupted, launching his seed into her.

"Done already pup?" Rex laughed over him. "Well, I still have some energy left, let me take over."

With his climax still rocking him, Peter was completely unprepared for the dragon to start moving. His body was not ready, nerves firing off almost painfully as the dragon began to fuck him proper. It was all far too much for Peter; the wolf howled and thrashed as Rex rutted him with long vigorous thrusts that clapped down with enough force rock the wolf up and down the dragoness's belly. He tried in vain to free himself, kicking feebly and trying to tug himself out of Lex, but without leverage he couldn't fight the two wyrms. Lex seemed to enjoy his struggles however, given the way her sex rippled and suckled on him.

The perverse stretching and wet, organic massage were driving Peter to levels he'd never imagined before, sensations that couldn't be described as his body churned. "Too! Can't! Oh again!" Coherent thought left him, and his core clamped down, as though it could hold the intruder at bay. Rex grunted and stumbled in his pace. The big dragon lurched against Peter's ass, grinding himself down once, twice, three times before he locked his teeth over Peter's scruff and exploded inside the wolf.

All of peter's yowls and yelps cut off in a strangled gasp; hot, pulsing, turgid flesh almost vibrated within him as it flooded his insides with liquid fire. His manhood was treated to the same unique experience, throbbing alongside another male while the dragon's seed washed over him. A second raging orgasm ripped through Peter, his body forcing another small eruption that was quickly lost among Rex's.

It was all over much more suddenly than it began, both dragons panting and Peter practically choking for breath. "Not bad pup," Rex finally released his hold on Peter's neck, "you hardly complained at all."

"Uh." A brief grunt was all Peter could produce at the moment, but the vague hints of a smile formed at the corner of his mouth. The completely out of control carnality of the act had been more than he'd expected, but exactly what he'd been hoping for. His smile faded as he felt Rex twitching inside of him, his hips rubbing needily against Peter's rump.

"Rex dear, I think Mr. Delecote needs a brief respite." Rex growled in protest and ground himself down so forcefully that Peter whimpered. "Rex. Down boy." Finally the male began very slowly withdrawing. The dragging of flesh on flesh triggered Peter to clench down on the dragon, and burning embarrassment flooded him at the slurping wet sounds that came from his insides. Rex had been extremely thorough in seeding the canine, and Peter felt a little bloated even in the absence of the dragon's penetration. Even so, it was a great relief when Rex stepped away. If only he could free himself and stand and stretch. An experimental tug proved that Lex's grip on him was tighter than expected, and the attempt to extract his knot was met only with discomfort and a warning growl from the dragoness.

"I must admit, this is a complication I didn't foresee." Lex grumbled. Rex just laughed quietly, drawing an annoyed hiss from the female. "I would prefer that we get to the bath before this mess dries. Hold on tightly Mr. Delecote." With only that brief warning she started to roll to her feet and forced Peter to quickly hook his legs over her tail and cling to her sides. He ended up suspended under her like a living sex-toy, still tied with her.

"Cute." Rex smirked at them, but was carefully ignored by Lex as she waddled across the Solarium. Hidden in shadows at the far side of the room was a pool, Peter could smell it. Each step towards it made the dragoness's sex clench and shift around his shaft so that by the time they got across the room Peter was in a fit. Lex gladly slipped into the pool, briefly submerging Peter under her before rolling onto her back once again, leaning against the side of the pool and looking down at the wolf. The water was almost perfectly warmed, and Peter shivered and relaxed into it as the heat soothed away the aches of the rough treatment he had endured. Peter watched as Rex stood by the side of the pool, emptying a bottle of soapy smelling fluid into the water. The dragon's twin shafts still hung below him, dripping and hard.

"Well Mr. Delecote, that was a good introduction. What did you have in mind next?" Her tail swished under the water, the flexing muscles still massaging Peter's cock.

"Next?" He asked in surprise, trying to ignore the pleasure she was inflicting on him.

"Our deal specified a night We've scarcely used an hour of that; there is plenty of time left for further activities."

Peter quickly swallowed his shock at the good fortune. He hadn't taken the letter as literal, but there were plenty of fantasies in his head he would love to explore. No one had ever accused him for a lack of stamina, he only hoped he could last through the night with the two dragons..