Espeon X Umbreon

Story by dusk102 on SoFurry

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This is the first story I ever wrote. I hope you like it.

If anyone would like me to write a story for them, just ask. I would love to.

Hello, friend

I ran as fast as and as deep as I could into the forest until my feet gave away. I fell hard on the ground exhausted and cold. I saw some blue rings before I passed out.

When I woke up, I was warm next to a fire, some Oran berries and a those same blue rings. I got a better look this time. It was a shiny Umbreon! I've never seen an Umbreon before much less a shiny one. He turned towards me and noticed that I was awake. He looked at me with concern, but for some reason I saw hatred in his eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asked me. Out of fear I hesitated to say "Y-yes. I'm fine." He stood up and walked over to me and asked "I've never seen an Espeon run so fast! What happened?" I didn't want to talk about it but I didn't want him to think I was dangerous "My trainer is mad at me. No matter how much I try I can't win in a battle. I thought he was going to do something to me, so I ran from him as fast as possible." Umbreon looked at me like he went through the same thing "You can stay here for as long as you need to. Your trainer isn't going to find you here.

As the days went by, I became friends with this kind Umbreon, but it didn't matter how he looked at me, I still saw that look of hate in his eyes. I started to become curious, but I didn't want him to find out. One night I decided to enter his dreams. His dream was weird. It was empty with darkness except for an Eevee just sitting there on his own. I assumed this was Umbreon as a child. His back was turned so he didn't know I was there. I walked towards him until he slowly turned his head. I didn't see any hatred in his eyes, just pain and fear. "Please don't hurt me..." he said in a terrified and quiet voice. I was shocked and moved. I didn't expect this. "Something bad must have happened to him." I thought. "I won't. I promise." I told him as I tried to get closer. When he saw me get closer, he backed away. I stopped and waited for him to come to me, but he never did. We just stared at each other until the dream ended.

That mourning, we woke up normally, but as the day went on, I noticed that Umbreon was becoming more paranoid. Was it because of me and that dream? I asked him what was wrong and all he said was "I'm just getting paranoid." What I was doing was effecting our friendship, but I had to know. I did this every night, but he kept having that same dream, but as this continued, Umbreon started to settle down.

One day, I approached Umbreon. I could tell he was sad. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Today is the same day when I evolved." he told me I got very curious. "What happened?" He looked at me with the same look of pain and fear in his eyes as an Eevee. "I..." he quickly turned his head away "I don't want to talk about it..." That night, his dream was different. He was at a nice home with his family and thought about evolving into Espeon and all the great things he could do with that power, but then a Kadabra and his trainer attacked his home. His parents were captured and his brothers and sisters scattered off into the forest. He ended up alone for a while until he made friends with other wild Pokemon and found a cave to call home. The same cave we lived in now. A lot of the Pokemon were friendly to him except for the Dark and Psychic types. The Psychic Pokemon found out what happened to him and started picking on him for it. Eevee was outnumbered so there was no point trying to fight back. The only Pokemon who stood up for him were the Fighting types, but they were weak against them. The Dark types could take them on, but they were loners and stayed out of everyone's business. Eevee admired the Dark type who never had to worry about the Psychics and wanted to evolve into Umbreon. When he did, he had the power to get his revenge, but he never did. He didn't think that revenge would fix anything.

The dream suddenly changed and I saw a Duskull taunting a Ralts until Umbreon attacked the horrible ghost. This surprised everyone except the Ralts because She didn't know about his past. When she did find out She asked him "All your life Psychic types have been mean to you. Why did you help me?" Umbreon looked at her and Ralts could see the same hatred I always did "Psychic Pokemon ruined my child hood, but your not one of them." He turned to leave and said before leaving "Don't let others crush your dreams like I did."

I left his dream and started to cry. Psychic Pokemon ruined his life and he was so nice to me. That meant a lot. I loved him for this and I would never stop loving him. My crying woke up Umbreon "Are you ok?" My mind flashed to the first time I met him. I remembered how he saved me and I never returned the favor. I looked at him with sad eyes "Umbreon!" I hugged him as tightly as possible "You've done so much for me and I haven't done anything for you!" "That's not true." he whispered into my ear. "I'm not alone any more."

Every other night he had that same dream of me and Eevee, but this time I tried to use my power to make that scared Eevee feel more safe. I walked up to him and this time he didn't back away. I layed next to him and comforted him as much as I could. I still saw the hate in Umbreon's eyes, but it was his hate and I loved it.

Espeon's confession

I woke up to a strange smell. I thought to myself "What is that smell?" until I realized a Pokemon was in heat. I dealt with this before. A lot of females would beg me to mate with them, but I wanted to mate with someone I actually cared about and not someone I just met. I decided to ignore the sent and go back to sleep. I immediately noticed that Espeon wasn't here. This worried me. When females are in heat, they sometimes become aggressive against other females to show dominance. I had to find her before she gets hurt.

"Espeon! Where are you?" No answer. I walk out of the cave we call our home and found Espeon with her back turned. "Espeon! why are you out here?" The sent was getting stronger and it was coming from her. "Your in heat." She turned to look at me with eyes full of need and desperation. "Umbreon, you hate Psychics so much and yet you've been so nice to me..." She knows? "How do you-" My mind suddenly remembers the dreams I've been having about me as an Eevee with an Espeon. For the first time, I was mad at her. "Well, this explains a lot!" She walks over to me sadly and whispers into my ear "Please don't be mad. Every time I looked in your eyes, I always saw something that hated me. I had to know..." The way she said it and the condition she was in made it hard to stay angry. She turned around to present herself. "Umbreon, I can't think of anyone better to mate with than you."

Normally, I was able to keep my cool, but something was different "E-e-espeon, Your not thinking straight and your in heat. Think about this when your in a better state before you decide to do this. Her reaction was NOT what I expected or wanted. "Oh, Umbreon... I betrayed your trust, I invaded your mind and your privacy and you don't want to get revenge or take advantage of me. Your not even mad. Your so nice to me" Oh Arceus, what have I done? She used the prongs of her tail to make a heart shape and said "Please help me..."

I closed my eyes and kept thinking "What is this feeling? Is it love? No. I loved my parents and younger siblings. This was different. What is it?" My thoughts were broken from the voice of my best and only friend. "Thank you." What? I opened my eyes and found myself on top of her. When did I do that? "I... I can't do this." I told her, but my body acted on it's own. What am I doing? Why can't I stop? I keep questioning myself as I hear Espeon begging for more. I didn't feel much of what was going on. I was to focused on my train of thought. I suddenly felt pleasure as we were about to climax. Before we did, my Desperate friend uses her Psychic power to boost our pleasure. It was too much for both of us and we passed out. I dreamed what I always dreamed: me as an Eevee, but my only friend wasn't here. After what I did, I was glad she wasn't. Through out the rest of the night, I felt guilt.

I woke up outside of our cave. She was still asleep. Good. She doesn't have to look at me. "I'm sorry." I said to the sleeping Espeon as I walked away.

Umbreon's absance

I woke up from what happened last night and I was still in heat. I'm not worried though. I have my mate... Where is he? I searched our home and all of the places around it, but I couldn't find him. Did he leave? No. Why would he? As I sit there, wondering what happened to him, I'm still aching for him. I can't stand here and wonder what happened. I need to find him... He's my mate.

I began my search for him in this huge forest. As I was looking for him, I had to fight off males who wanted me. I don't care if I'm in heat and I don't care if my body wants them. I WANT Umbreon.

Wait... How have I been able to beat all these males? I never won a battle in my life.

I was a wild Eevee until I was captured. I knew my trainer didn't like me, but I never new why. My only friends were wild Pokemon, but we were always on the go, so I never see them again. I always tried to make my trainer happy... He was my trainer after all.

One day, I was battling another trainer's Charmander. I was wining... I was actually wining! The Charmander used ember on me. It really hurt. I heard my trainer cheering "You can do it, Eevee!" I was so happy! I evolved into the Espeon I am now. Still struck with joy, I turned to look at my trainer. His hand was over his mouth. He didn't mean it... My own evolution was a lie... I was too sad to fight and the Charmander won by default.

My trainer looked at me with anger I never saw before as he walked towards me. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I was too afraid to stay and find out. I ran and I didn't stop running until I collapsed. That's how I met Umbreon.

I couldn't find him anywhere. Was he captured? No. No no no no NO! I can't think like that! I Will find you! I promise... He must have gone out of this forest, but why?

Ending Sorrow

I've been in this land of ice and snow ever since I wronged my best friend. I can't think of any reason why she would come here.

It's normally hard to see where your going in a place with so many blizzards. The blue light glowing from my rings help a little. I like the color blue; it matches with the cold and sadness I feel.

On my way back to my cave, I saw something or someone in the blizzard. It looked like a Glaceon. I just went on my way. I got back to my cave and looked behind me. That same Glaceon was following me! "I'll go in my cave and if it follows, I'll defend myself." I thought. I went in and the Glaceon followed. I get ready to fend off this intruder until it said "Umbreon." It was Espeon.

My body collapsed from the weight of sorrow I felt. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I don't know how many times I apologized, but I didn't stop. She looked at me with confusion. "You're sorry? For what?" Hearing that made me feel worse. I couldn't even look at her. "You don't remember?" Tears falling off my face faster than I thought possible. "I-I took advantage of you. You asked for it-begged for it even-but you were in heat-you weren't well-you weren't yourself-I knew it-and I-" I was cut off by a kiss. "You didn't take advantage of me." she told me. "I love you. I wanted to mate with you for a long time, but I was to shy. When I was in heat, I couldn't take it any more. You didn't do anything wrong." I felt something. It was that same feeling before. I still don't know what it is.

"Umbreon, I want to mate with you and I want you to enjoy it." I looked at her. She wasn't in heat anymore and the look in her eyes said how much she wanted it. "OK." I don't know what made me say it, but I didn't question it. She turned around to present herself to me and I claimed her. I know what this feeling is now. It's love. It isn't the same love I had for my parents or siblings. It was a different kind of love. I don't know how to describe it, but as long as my mate understands, I don't need to.

I continue to in and out of her as she squeals from pleasure. I can feel her walls clenching like she's trying to get more of me inside. I feel her temperature rising like she was trying to warm me up from being in such a cold place. Everything about this moment is perfect. I feel myself getting close. "Espeon, I'm cumming!" "Cum inside!" she said "I want to have your kids!" Could she say anything that could make me happier? We both climax and look at each other "I love you." I tell her for the first time. "I love you too."

We went back home and had many Eevees. I started a family with her and this time, Kaddabra wasn't going to ruin it.