edit The Demon in the dark before the Angel in the light

Story by TheGoodSirFluffy on SoFurry

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This is the first one in my series i hope yall injoy and please comment

Prologue:My name is Blood Dupree i am The Mad Hatter and i am a murder the Grim Reaper a demon and a true evil that walks the world. My story begins when i was created yes i was created not born my father had me made in a Labortory they called me paycheck and spawn the head scientist was a pretty woman by the name of lidyia she called me prince.That was my past though my beginning thats what this tale is about now, now i live with my wife and three children and my friends but im still all of those things.Chapter1: Awakening:It was all so much to take in at one time colors bright dark it was all so scary. For months i listened to the men and women talk call me spawn, creature, experiment, but she called me Prince her voice was sweet and kind and loving. I sat floated in the tube for months and i watched as they worked they pointed out flaws then they fixed them painfully with no regret or remorse and i saw father ocasionally, but her i saw her everyday she was pretty and so nice she read to me it made me happy. They took me out the tube when i was three i was smart, strong, insaine i killed two assisants that hurt me the most it was fun. She was mad at me but i just licked the blood from my lips and need and made a face and she was puddy in my hands.chapter2: Life in a cage: It was the same thing everyday but ocasionally she would take me outside to play for a couple minutes it was fun pretty the Laboratory was in a field. She taught me the basic's of my powers mind control to a point and she showed me how to manipulate dreams and a persons also how to destroy and create false memiories. Even though she regreted it after i destoryed several more of her assisantants they were going to hurt me i told her i had to defend myself i laughed as she put me in my "room". It being a four by four room made of stone with no windows and a toilet and sink that hardly worked. At the age of 10 i was a small monstor she said i killed several of her assisants a month it was fun. She finally sent me home to my father and i met a bueatiful woman in her mid twenties her name was Alice. Life was normal for now