Lifestyle of Sex: A New Job

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is the first chapter of one of the wishlist stories that I posted about earlier. This one in particular is about a segregated world of humans and furries, and would center on public sex, corruption, and transformation, with other fetishes available for the individual commissioner to pick. The commissioner of this chapter, FA: DrakeHavok , picked foot fetish. Enjoy.

Lifestyle of Sex Chapter 1: A New Job

As a teenager, Drake had enjoyed the same fantasies that everybody his age did. Thoughts of public nudity and sex frequently crossed his mind, and he'd often wished that everyone would just lose all their hang-ups about sex and enjoy it. Getting fucked against a wall, shoved under a desk to pay 'respects' to the feet of another guy, or being openly groped and felt up in front of other people had sounded incredibly sexy...when he was thirteen. Now that he was in college and it was becoming a reality, it was hell.

A few years back, a portion of humanity was forcibly transformed. Nobody knew how, but their humanity was warped, distorted. Their faces changed, gaining muzzles or snouts or other animalistic features. Claws and fangs, wings and tails, all sorts of things grew in, and while they still walked on two legs and spoke, they were obviously no longer human.

Perhaps the largest difference was the way they'd thrown off social inhibitions. The first such incident had occurred on live television, a pair of newscasters transforming into humanoid animals - the two men had become an orca and a grizzly bear respectively - before the bigger guy had thrown the other onto a table and...well, the news turned into porn, and nobody in the studio had bothered to turn it off.

Drake still couldn't believe how polarizing that had been. It was like a teenage fantasy come to life, exciting but completely taboo. His entire family had condemned the pair of them after his uncle recovered enough to turn off the television, and Drake had joined in out of self preservation.

What human newscasters remained reported that this transformation had occurred worldwide, turning roughly a third of the population into these unknown creatures. Shortly after, the United Nations stepped in. Despite the global outcry to round up these creatures, enough representatives had gone through the transformation to give the furries - as they were soon called - a voice. Rather than being rounded up for experimentation, the furries were segregated from humanity, cities divided along rough lines to keep them apart.

Despite their best efforts, the United Nations soon found total segregation impossible. Jobs and schooling simply couldn't completely enforce it, at least once it reached a certain level. Aside from colleges and high level jobs, however, the two societies were forced to stay apart, with furries in one part of cities and humans in another.

At first, Drake didn't care about the segregation. All he wanted to do was attend college, get himself a job, and keep his little secrets and fantasies to himself. It was going to be hard enough to do that, and he didn't need the sex-driven furries making things harder for him.

However, one day things changed. Stepping into one of the college bathrooms, he walked in on a pair of lizards fucking each other. A few other students had walked in as well, and while they ran off immediately, he didn't. Though he didn't participate, the fact that he didn't run off labeled him a pervert, a furry lover, and gay in the eyes of the other students. In one simple event, the furries had managed to ruin his life.

Admittedly part of that was true. He wasn't a furry lover; he found them sexy from time to time, but he didn't fetishize them. Nor was he gay; he was just bi. Of course, no one cared about the specifics now. No one cared about the gray areas or truth; they had a convenient label, and they used it.

The grapevine buzzed with the 'news' of his preferences, and inside of two hours the campus turned from a safe haven to a personal hell. His fellow students laughed him out of classrooms when the professors weren't watching, and he only narrowly avoided a beating during his lunch hour.

When his last class was over, he was almost in tears. Running down the college steps, he leaped into the first bus he found and paid his fare. He sat down near the front, his head in his hands as the bus started up. Where it was going, he didn't know, but the driver was human, which meant that he'd be in a human neighborhood. He'd be safe.

Eventually he looked out the window at the bus mirrors. His ponytail was raggedy, and his brown hair hung over his face. The aquamarine color of his eyes was muddied by the tears still in them, too. Wiping his eyes, he looked again. He still looked like a guy who'd been crying, but at least he could see clearly again.

He turned his head to the information bar at the front of the bus. The route number was clear enough, but he had to focus to remember what route the bus serviced.

When he remembered, he leaped out of his seat and tugged on the stop cord. The driver smirked at him before slowly pulling over to the curb. Drake shoved the doors open and leaped off, turning his head side to side as the bus drove towards furry territory.

Most of the busses serving the furry neighborhoods were driven by furries, but every now and then there was a bus that went back and forth between the two zones. They were always driven by humans, usually equipped with a stun gun or something to keep order. He'd missed that when he got on, otherwise he'd have grabbed a different bus.

Whipping from side to side, he cursed under his breath. He'd waited just a bit too long and gotten off on the furry side of town. No humans walked the streets, and he could hear - and smell - sex in the alleys nearby.

There were more obvious signs that this was a furry neighborhood than that. Though the street looked normal, every shop window was plastered with sexual innuendo for even the basest goods. A butcher shop had a huge sausage in the window, proclaiming their sausages were the biggest in town, complete with a picture of a fox holding it suggestively. Next to it, a bookstore openly advertised 'adult services' in the back, including a pictorial aid of a fox sucking on a cock.

Despite himself, he felt a slight twinge of excitement. Shaking his head, Drake looked towards the nearest intersection. A glance at the street sign confirmed his fears; he was a good mile from the human side of the city, and from what he saw, humans were objects of curiosity to these creatures. Already some of the furries that weren't fucking in the streets had turned to watch him. Some shrugged and looked away, while others started licking their lips and fondling themselves. It unnerved him, and he backed away.

He managed one step before he backed into something as hard as a brick wall. Drake turned, only to find himself staring at a bare, furry chest. His eyes went up, up, up, until he saw a horse's muzzle looking down at him.

A few wolves stepped out from behind the stallion, licking their lips as the stallion chuckled. A hand almost twice as big as Drake's grabbed his ass, pulling him in close until he was crotch to crotch with the stallion.

"So, what's a human doing down here? Looking to sample some furry delights?"

Shaking his head, Drake pushed himself away from the stallion. The three of them advanced on him as he backed up, and he shuddered at the hungry look in their eyes.

"N-no, I'm not here for anything of the sort."

"Humans don't come here for any other reason, you know."

"I got on the wrong bus!"

"Heh, I'd say that you got on the right one, human."

The males matched him step for step as they followed him, big hands reaching down to their crotches. Almost against his will, Drake followed the gestured. Their pants bulged, a hefty package barely restrained in their pants. They didn't even look hard yet, but they were sporting cocks that belonged in porn.

He had to force himself to look away, shaking his head and blushing. He wasn't here for that, no matter how big they were. And they were big, so very -

No. Their kind just ruined his life. He wasn't attracted to them. At all. He turned around, running down an alley. They were after him immediately, heavy footsteps thumping on the pavement.

Narrow and dark, the alley was almost empty. The sole occupants - a vixen and a wolf - jumped out of Drake's way, but as far as he could tell pulled apart. He put them out of his mind. All that mattered was the wooden barricade at the other end of the alley. Hop that, and he had a chance.

Big hands grabbed at his shirt and his arms, but he squirmed free and leaped for the wall. The wood dug painfully into his fingers as he pulled himself up. He was almost home free -

"Where do you think you're going, human?"

Thick fingers wrapped around his ankle, freezing him in place. Drake yelped, kicking his legs to try and break free, but the stallion's grip was like iron. Other, fuzzier hands grabbed hold of his other ankle and pulled. They didn't have a good grip yet and their hands slipped down his pants and legs, but they'd get a grip soon.

He kicked hard, his foot colliding with something solid. One of them yelped, grabbing him but only managing to pull his shoe off. His other shoe slipped off a second later, his foot sliding free as the horse gripped it. In that moment of freedom, he shoved himself over the fence.

Ignoring the puddle of water soaking his socks, Drake ran out of the alley. Thankfully this one was short, and he was on the street before the other furries had their heads over the fence. He scanned the street for some sort of shop that wasn't completely sexual. Some humans - he heard - had come here before, and maybe a customer could be protected.

His best option was another bookstore. Unlike the last one, it didn't advertise backroom pleasures. He ran across the street, his socks squelching underfoot as he pushed his legs as hard as they would go. Shoving the glass door open, he jumped in -

"No shoes or socks here, if you don't mind."


Drake turned his head, his jaw dropping at the employee behind the counter. It was a black dragon, standing seven feet tall and dressed in a wizard costume. He was in the middle of a transaction with a wolf, putting some money into his register while handing over the purchased book.

"I said no shoes and no socks. That's part of the rules of the store."

"But -"

"You can always leave if it bothers you."

That was one thing he actually couldn't do. By now, the stallion and wolves would have left the alley. They would find his tracks before long, and he needed to be out of sight. Being in the bookstore wasn't enough; he needed to be somewhere away from the windows.

"Fine, fine!"

He flung his socks onto a cluster of shoes piled by the door. Weaving around the wolf customer, he looked up at the dragon. The last thing he wanted to do was beg for a furry's help, but he was desperate.

"Did you have a book you wanted to pick up?"

"No, I just need a place to hide."

"From what, human?"


The dragon looked out the window at the trio crossing the street. Their pants were open, and they were eagerly stroking themselves as they walked towards the bookstore. Leaning forward, he pleaded.

"I just need to hide for a few minutes. What's the most private place in the bookstore?"

"Just go to the back rows of books. It's genealogies, nobody looks back there."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

As he rushed through the bookstore, he passed multiple groups of furries reading at various tables. It was surprisingly like a library, with outlets for computers and lamps throughout the place.

However, no library that he had ever seen let people put their feet on the tables, and they definitely didn't allow foot licking orgies. He passed by a raccoon getting his feet licked by a hippo, a polar bear getting his feet rubbed and sniffed by a husky, and a rat actively humping between a lizard's toes. They were completely shameless in enjoying themselves, the polar bear even waving him over to join in. He ignored that, though he did blush from the invitation.

Drake slumped to the ground when he reached the back of the store. Shaking his head, he waited for the sound of footsteps. That trio knew he was in here, and no matter how friendly the dragon was, he doubted the scaly would help him. He was a human, after all, and they were fellow furries. They'd be here soon, no doubt.

Feeling a familiar - and unwelcome - tightness, Drake scowled at his crotch. His jeans were tented, and more than he'd like. It couldn't have been from being 'wanted' like this, but as he adjusted it to be less visible, he realized that he'd had it when he ran into the store. Which meant the dragon probably saw it, and if that was the case...

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Just...go down!"

He grumbled as he fought his cock. No matter what his cock did, he wasn't attracted to furries. Males, yes. Females to a marked less degree, but still yes. Not furries, not since those lizards, and not before that, either.

Despite his fears, he heard no footsteps. There was the occasional chair sliding back, grinding against the hardwood floor, but that was it. He watched different furries walking in and out of the shop, always barefoot and frequently naked. He saw more genitals than he really wanted to, and most of them were openly aroused.

Suddenly the black dragon walked around the corner. The dragon obeyed his own rules, he was a little surprised to see; five toed black feet stuck out from underneath the wizard robe he wore, surprisingly smooth for a scaly creature. Drake shook his head, trying to ignore the twitch in his crotch when he looked at those feet, and looked up at the dragon's smiling face.

"Good news. Your pursuers aren't in the mood for chasing someone into my store."

"Doesn't mean they aren't waiting just outside. Still, thanks."

"Why were they chasing you, anyway?"

"Something about wanting furries."

The dragon arched an eyebrow, and his eyes dropped down to the human's crotch. His raised eyebrow said more than any words could.

"That's not because of anything I want! Anyone would get hard looking at all this public stuff, whether they were turned on by it or not."

"...You know that doesn't make sense, right?"

"What are you talking about?"


"Well, guys generally get hard for two reasons. Either they're being forced hard by a hand, mouth, fingers, electricity -"

Drake shuddered, shaking his head.

"Don't really need the details, thanks."

"Just saying. The other reason is that they are generally turned on. A cock doesn't get hard for any other reason."

Drake shook his head again. It was just...just adrenaline. Nobody here actually turned him on. They just freaked him out, and his body reacted. It wasn't like he wanted any sex with the people that had screwed him over.

The dragon stood there for a second or two before shrugging. He turned around, and Drake got another glimpse at the dragon's feet. It was like something drew him to stare, and he felt another twitch from his cock. A gasp of pleasure slipped past his lips before he could stop it.

It was clear that the big scaly heard it. He paused in mid-step, his toes on the ground but the rest of the underside of his foot pointed back at the human. Turning his head, the dragon looked down at the bulge in the human's jeans, and chuckled.

"You sure that you want to leave without doing anything?"

"W-what are you talking about? Of course I want to leave."

"Well, I'm just saying. You are staring at my feet a lot, and you are sporting one hell of a hard-on. It's not like there are any other humans around here to judge you, either. You could have a little fun out here and no one would ever have to know."

He hadn't thought of it that way. His eyes drifted up from the black soles to the dragon's face. It wasn't so...cruel looking as the stallion had been, lacking the dominant lust that the horse had directed his way. If he really pretended, it might even be -

What the hell was he thinking? This dragon was still one of them. Even if no one found out about it, what happened to all the anger he felt? He groaned as he pulled himself to his feet. Holding a hand to his head, he forced himself to smile at the dragon.

"Uh, thanks, but...I don't...I don't do stuff...and you..."

"You sound pretty tired. You sure you don't want to sit down and rest for a bit? It might make it easier for you to find your way home."

"I'm...I'm fine. I don't..."

It was getting harder to talk and think. The longer that he looked at the dragon, the more coherent thought fled from him. Maybe he was a little more out of it than he thought. A rest wouldn't hurt, after all, and the dragon had saved him. He could trust him...probably.

Letting himself be led along, Drake found himself seated at one of the store tables. It was the middle of a row of them, and as he looked from side to side, he saw that other furries were still 'indulging' themselves. Most of them had their feet licked and tended to - he spotted a mouse with a surprisingly attractive pink pair of feet on a table at the end of the aisle - but others took it further. A lizardlike creature sat at one table with his legs spread wide, his cock down the throat of a fairly eager brown bear. Each bob of the bear's head was wet and loud, and it was...surprisingly sexy.

This was not helping his cock go down. It throbbed more insistently than ever, and he absently reached down and touched it. As soon as he realized what he was doing, he yanked his hand back with a blush.


The dragon's scaled black soles pointed towards him. The toes wiggled slightly, making the scales wrinkle up along the ball of the foot. A soft scent of foot musk slipped into his nose, and he moaned. His cheeks felt like they were on fire, but he couldn't help it. Something about the dragon's feet was turning him on.

"You know, playing with a pair of feet isn't that bad. You could go home and honestly say that you never had sex with a furry. Who knows, it might actually help you feel better, ease some of that ache in your crotch."

It seemed like such a good idea, one that he was surprised that he hadn't come up with himself. He liked feet -

No, he didn't...did he?

Yeah, yeah he did. He vaguely remembered looking at the bare feet of his friends in gym, and more than once had jerked off to the thought of playing with them. It must have been a long time ago, though, because the memory was foggy, distant. He'd never thought of furry feet in the same league - at least, not that he could remember - but he had to admit, the dragon's smooth scales were tempting.

"I won't tell anyone if you won't."

For a second, Drake thought he heard a bit of laughter. Was someone laughing at him? Wasn't this something private?

The gentle pressure of a toe on his nose dismissed his concerns. After all, he was in furry territory. They did this stuff all the time, and they sure as hell weren't going to talk to a human anytime soon.

Despite knowing he was being watched, Drake leaned forward and pressed his nose against the dragon's scaly feet. They were surprisingly warm and smooth, and the subtle musk clinging to the scales slipped into his nose as they stroked his face. He moaned under his breath, his face still burning as he heard quiet chuckles.

"Don't worry. Just enjoy yourself. That's what we do out here. We enjoy ourselves freely, and now you can do that. Nobody who cares is watching. Just enjoy yourself."

The dragon's voice soothed his blush, and he smiled between the toes in thanks. His free hand grabbed the dragon's foot by the ankle, holding it still as he dragged his face along the bottom of the foot. He groped himself, squeezing his cock through his pants as the dragon's soft musk ground into his skin, slowly replacing his own smell.

His nose stayed flush with the dragon's scales as he went from heel to toes and back again. Nostrils flaring, he sucked in the scent, drawing it into his mind. With every sniff it got a little harder to think straight, his cock throbbing harder with each breath. Inhibitions faded, and forgotten fantasies surfaced for the first time in years.

He graduated from sniffing to licking, panting as he sucked the slight drops of sweat off of the dragon's scales. Flexing scales formed slight pools for his tongue to slide into, and he grinned at the taste on his tongue, mild but entirely dragon.

At the edge of hearing he could make out someone jerking off, but he dismissed it. Whether it was someone else in the store, the dragon helping him out, or someone else entirely didn't matter. Either they were enjoying the show he was putting on, or they were getting their own fun. Just like him, he realized as he felt his fingers grasp his shaft. He wasn't sure when he'd pulled his zipper down, but he wasn't putting his cock away now.

The dragon's toes caught his attention, and an urge to play with them overwhelmed him. He slid up to the toes, his nostrils flaring as he sniffed the scales beneath them before swallowing the big toe into his mouth. Moaning, he bobbed on it like he'd seen the bear doing to the lizard's cock.

"You haven't had any release in a while, have you, human?"

Drake groaned, his head shaking minutely.

"Why don't you stand up, let yourself enjoy my feet directly? I'm sure that you'd love the feeling, and I bet that human feet will never compare for you after something like this."

He groaned around the black toe, slowly pulling his head back. Standing up was harder than he thought, but he managed it, shyly stroking himself as he looked down at the dragon's feet. They were wet and shiny, and he grinned at the thought of them wrapped around his cock.

The wet, stroking sound of a hand on a cock got his attention again, and he looked to his sides. A mouse with a red hat sat at one of the tables, a modest length in hand, while at another an orca stroked a long pink cock, the tip curling around the side of his finger with every stroke. It looked so alien, so sexy.

One of the dragon's toes poked his cock, bringing him back to reality. He looked down at the scaly soles, at the wiggling toes, and he grinned.

"I can...I can cum on them?"

"Yes, human, you can. Go ahead. Enjoy yourself."

That was all Drake needed to hear. Grabbing them by the ankles, he leaned forward and thrust between them. The scales were slick with spit and sweat, and he slid between the arches easily, slamming between them with a moan.

They were wet enough that he could use them easily, sliding back and forth at a quick pace. The thought of everyone watching him, the way that the dragon smiled at him for using his feet like a pair of toys; what should have scared him now enticed him. The furries around grinned at him, and he grinned back in silent thanks for this.

The mouse and the orca stood up and walked towards him. Drake tensed up, but the dragon's tail stroking along his balls soothed him again. Focusing on the dragon's feet, he ground against them, painting them with his clear pre with every slide forward.

He didn't even jump when the mouse's thin fingers pulled his pants down, nor did he pull away when the orca dragged his cock along his face. The scent of the cetacean's cock sent a chill down his spine, and he turned to face the shaft. It swayed in front of his face, a small droplet of clear pre forming at the tip, and he licked his lips at the sight.

"Why not let yourself go, Drake?"

Why not? After all, they were guys, and he was interested in playing with other guys, wasn't he? Even, even though furries -

"Look at that cock, Drake. Look how horny you have him. And look how hard you are between my feet. You know that it's just fun between us. Nobody will ever have to know. Nobody has to care about it."

That's true. They were just guys having fun. It was perverted, though, and being in public, even among furries and no other humans -

"It's just fun. We are all having fun. Have fun with us, Drake. Have fun with us."

It was...just fun. They were

Before he realized it, he'd started sucking on the orca's cock. Thickening quickly past the narrow tip, it soaked his tongue with pre. He groaned, trying to focus on both it and the feet around his own -

He almost bit down as a tongue rasped over his asshole. Pinned in place by the cock in his mouth, he couldn't look back, but he guessed it was the mouse. Whoever it was had a warm, thin tongue, and it licked his hole repeatedly in short, quick strokes. Spit got him nice and slick back there, and he felt it tugging at his rim as it relaxed his muscles.

After the first few licks, he started enjoying it. Slumping forward on the desk, he drooled around the cock in his mouth and moaned at the feet on his cock. He could barely think, his mind surrounded by the musk of cock and males, by the scent of pure sex. It was powerful, heady, and it made his cock throb more than ever.

As the orca's cock slid in and out of his mouth, Drake gradually noticed that it wasn't pulling back as far each time. Not because the orca was trying to keep it in, but because his mouth was growing. He stared as his skin slowly turned pale white, his lips and his nose slowly pulled away from his face to follow the orca's cock. Each thrust stretched him out more, his lips and nose forming into a snout.

The changes continued, though he could barely see them. He had to track them by feel, but it was more by curiosity than worry. Oh, he was aware of the changes - sprouting scales itched like hell, after all - but he didn't care about them as much as he might have.

Apparently a pair of feet around his cock, a musky shaft in his mouth, and - after a minute or two - a mouse dick in his ass were more important. The mouse was small enough that he didn't completely unbalance him, but Drake still had to struggle to stay upright as he was taken from behind and filled in the mouth.

And all the while, the dragon kept stroking his cock. The changes rushed through his body with each thrust into his holes, white scales sprouting along his body in tune to the pleasurable throbbing in his body. The mouse's thrusts faltered for a moment as something shove out from the bottom of his spine. A long fifth limb he could control slid up the back of his shirt, and as he flexed new muscles, his tail ripped it to pieces.

Despite all the changes, he never stopped serving the others. He loved being filled, fucked, and being used by a group this way. He'd never get this as a human, and definitely not in public like this. In a place where he'd expected to hate everyone, he was given a gift instead.

Furries weren't so bad, he thought. They just

He came, moaning as his cock sprayed his load all over the dragon's feet. His mouth opened wide, and the orca took advantage, ramming his cock up to the hilt in his changing mouth. Drake panted around it, trying to get a breath as the three of them seemed intent on fucking him into unconsciousness.

It didn't work, and soon he blacked out.

Drake groaned as consciousness returned. He was on something hard. A table, he thought. He opened his eyes, and paused at the sight of the white scaled hand reaching for his head.


"Yes, it really happened."

He whipped his head around. The barefoot dragon sat at the table directly beside him, his feet up and eagerly licked by a lizard. Blushing at his own reaction to the act, Drake forced himself to his new, larger feet. After getting his balance again, he turned to the dragon again.

"What...what happened?"

"There's a certain...magic...that happens when furs and humans come together and have a little honest fun. I probably should have warned you about that, come to think of it."

"You think?!"

"But be honest, wouldn't you have run if you'd been told that I was going to turn you into a furry like us?"

Grumbling, he nodded, and the dragon chuckled.

"Not quite of the same mindset now, are you?"

"Well, no, but -"

"I didn't think so." The dragon pulled his feet back, ignoring a whimper from the lizard. "Look. I'm sorry about not telling you about what was going to happen, but it was kind of spur of the moment. Tell you what, I'll make it up to you."

"How are you going to do that? Fuck me human?"

"Heh, no, I'm afraid that's just a bit beyond what I can do. But, considering that you might have a bit of trouble going home now, I can offer you a job here. Make some money, have a place to let your needs out, just a place to have fun while you get back on your feet with your new life."

He raised an eyebrow.

"If you don't want it, that's fine. There's plenty of other places around here that are happy to hire a cute dragon if you need to get a job. I just thought you might like to stick somewhere familiar at first."

"Can I have a minute to think about it?"

"Sure, just come up to the front desk when you decide."

Drake sat down as the black dragon walked away. He rested his chin on his hands as he considered his options. Without his humanity, he couldn't really go back to the human neighborhoods. His college career might continue, but even there he would have to deal with people knowing he'd somehow been turned furry. There were rumors of it happening, yeah, but he was the first real evidence that it was true.

He definitely couldn't go back home. His family would kick him out immediately, and even though workplaces were somewhat desegregated, he knew any human would be hired before him in that part of the city. He'd be a second class citizen.

Here, though, he had a job offer, and while he was pretty sure his employer had some kinky plans for him, at least they were probably fun ones. Despite being tricked into the change, the dragon had been a lot nicer about the sex stuff than the stallion he'd seen, and he was pretty sure that the bigger male would treat him fairly.

More than that, he'd need a place to stay. Maybe, just maybe, the dragon would be willing to let him stay as a roommate or something. It was a place to start, and he could always go somewhere else if it didn't work out.

Getting to his feet, he walked around the shelves to the front of the store. He ignored the mutual footjobs being exchanged and approached the front desk. The dragon looked over at him, and Drake offered his hand.

"I'll be changing my name, I think. Havok, at your service."

"Draconicon, at yours."

The two of them shook hands. Reaching underneath the counter, the dragon pulled out an apron. It had the logo of his shop on it, and for the first time Havok had a chance to read the store name.

"Fantasy of De-Feet, huh?"

"What can I say? I love the genre and I love feet."

Chuckling, Havok put on the apron. It was surprisingly nice to let his body hang free like this, and even the appreciative glances through the window made him grin instead of blush.

"Just two questions before you tell me what I should do."

"What would they be?"

"Well, first, I don't really have a home anymore. I was wondering -"

"If I'd help you out for a bit? Let you stick around?"

Havok nodded.

"I don't mind, if you can perform for me after hours as well as during the day."

"Heh...this is going to take some getting used to, but I think I can do that."

"Considering how eagerly you were licking my feet, I think you can handle that."

Havok blushed, remembering how quickly he'd lost control. It happened surprisingly easily, too.

"Now, what's your other question? You said you had two."

"Oh, right, right. did you know my name?"

"Ah, now that is one secret I'll keep."

He groaned. The dragon's grin was just mischievous enough to make the answer annoying, but Draconicon's eyes were just serious enough to keep Havok from pushing. It didn't really matter, anyway, and he figured he'd find out if it was really important.

"Alright, so what do I do here?"

"Well, you'll start as a book organizer, and make sure that there's no cum marks on the shelves."

"That happens?"

"There's no gloryholes in the back, so they make do with that."

"You'd think they could lick up the load properly."

"That's what I keep saying, but they never do. Anyway, after that..."

The End