My Thoughts on the "Reptilian Agenda"

Story by Inanna Eloah on SoFurry

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After having researched much of the "Reptilian-Humanoid Conspiracy" I've heard so much about, and the history as well as the mythology behind it, I give my opinion as to why I think it is mostly bullshit and thinly-veiled anti-Semitism rather than anything to do with extra-terrestrials or other such things, and thus not to be taken seriously by anyone interested in any real research concerning the Reptilian ET's seen in some UFO experiences.

Rated "Adult" because of ideologically sensitive material, as well as some potentially disturbing historical references.

My thoughts on the so-called "Reptilian-Humanoid Conspiracy"

This may come as a bit of a shock to some folks, given my own beliefs concerning Reptilians, but I think the "Reptilian-Humanoid Conspiracy," which is most often spread by the likes of David Icke and Sherry Shriner, is quite frankly a crock of bullshit. I believe it has nothing at all to do with actual Reptilians, but rather with other human beings that the conspiracy theorists have deemed undesirable.

You may ask why this may come as a shock to you... well, because I believe that Reptilians (i.e. Intelligent, bipedal, humanoid reptiles from this planet as well as from other planets) do actually exist. I've seen some of them with my own eyes. One female Reptilian saved my life back in 2011 as I lay unable to move in a dry riverbed in the Superstition Wilderness in Arizona, literally dying of thirst. Plus the so-called "Draco Reptilians," which hail from other star systems, include many ET Reptilian races, one of which I am proud to say I am a member of. So I believe Reptilians exist, and that they do walk among us. That is not a matter of debate in my case.

But that said, I do wholeheartedly believe that the so-called "Reptilian Agenda" is a farce, a facade if you will, intended to cover up a more ancient, potentially more deadly, racist belief held by a rather large portion of the population of Europe and other "Western" nations.

David Icke is a British journalist. Sherry Shriner is... well, she's an American, and I'll just leave it at that for now. Both of their claims concerning Reptilians are taken from a highly Christian standpoint... more importantly, a European Christian standpoint, one that was openly practiced by Christians up until about the mid-1940's. The claims they make are quite similar, if not identical, to blood libel claims made against Jews by the Church in Medieval times and right up to the infamous "Third Reich" of Nazi Germany. There is, without a doubt in my opinion, a very ominous thread of Anti-Semitism throughout the "Reptilian Agenda." Claims that the "evil Reptilians" do such horrific things as drinking human blood in order to maintain their own human appearance, and having a distinct preference for the blood of children... which gives rise to the libelous claim that Reptilians "eat human babies" and other such bullshit claims.

As a Reptilian, I know what I eat better than anyone. I am an obligate carnivore, but last time I checked I eat mainly beef, a meat which comes from cows (not humans), and the mere thought of having to eat a human to survive makes me want to vomit. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only Reptilian in existence who is repulsed by the idea of eating my neighbors, no matter how much I may dislike them. But most of the claims originally made against Jews were based upon conjecture, and rumor, and the non-Christian practices of Jews in Christian-dominated areas. Plus, add to all this the fact that some Jewish families did kill their own children and then themselves to escape forced conversion during some of the darkest times of the "Dark Ages," combined with the overzealous rumormilling of some of the hierarchy within the Church, and it stands to reason that a lot of the people of the day, most of whom had little to no education and couldn't read, would quickly adopt extremist views concerning their Jewish neighbors. Several murders that are still unsolved to this day such as the murders of Simon of Trent and William of Norwich, were readily blamed on the entire Jewish people at the time of their occurrences.

Plus, strangely enough, some scholars seem to have even suggested that some Medieval accounts of dragons may actually have referred to rich people who dominated an area at a given time. One widespread stereotype about Jews that is still prevalent even today is that they're all rich, so it could be that a large amount of the stories of dragons and dragonslayers are actually references to murders committed in the name of some anti-Semitic crusade.

My main point in all this is that when people talk about the Reptilian-Humanoid Conspiracy I presently have a lot of trouble believing that they're talking about real Reptilians and not about Jews. Like I said, most of the claims made about Reptilians are also claims that have historically been made about Jews, and the parallels are too great to ignore, in my opinion. Reptilians are a real group of various species. You don't have to believe that, but it is true nonetheless. We do exist. But we don't eat babies or drink human blood that I'm aware of, and I'm pretty sure that I would know more about the habits of my own race than some dipshit who gave up a career in the BBC so he could use his anti-Semitic bullshit to give anyone who does serious research into real Reptilians a bad name, or an idiot outside of Cleveland who thinks that an entire planet is hovering right outside her house and that a glorified squirt gun with a fancy fake rock in it will make the world safe from 'teh Reppeh Monsters.'

Also, given the Jewish reputation for being on average more learned and civilized than the stereotypical demonizations would like you to believe that they are, I find it rather hard to believe that they would involve themselves in the abhorrent cannibalistic practices that are lately so often and wrongly also attributed to my people.

About the only thing that the conspiracy theorists seem to have gotten right is the Reptilian love for sex with humans. But this isn't as weird or immoral as a lot of conspiracy theorists may think. We are a very moral people for the most part, but our morals tend to be vastly different from the morals of the Christian church. To many of us, sex is one of the most effective ways of showing love to people we truly care about. That some Reptilians have raped humans is not indicative of the habits of the entire race. We have our racist assholes just like humans do. In fact, most of us nowadays look fully human 100% of the time, and often we don't know what we are. So being a racist asshole Reptilian is basically just like being a racist asshole human... which for all intents and purposes, is exactly what some individual Reptilians are.

In truth, Reptilians are not really all that different from humans. We love, we hate, we have our bigots, we have our rational people... we even have Reptilians who don't believe in the existence of Reptilians. We tend to be somewhat different than our human neighbors, but for the most part we won't bite unless provoked... just like most humans in the world, actually. The bigotry and stereotypical bullshit in the "Reptilian-Humanoid Conspiracy" can be disheartening, but if enough people see through the rather thin veil of supposed reason and see the blatant bigotry that lies underneath, perhaps people can someday move beyond their need to blame the other for all the problems of the world. The Jews are not, and never have been, "The" reason for all of the world's woes, and neither are the Reptilians. The fact of the matter is, the reason for the world's woes is the blindness of every living thing in existence to their own part in the suffering of others. This is not a fault, though, it is as we are made to be. When we embrace the fact that we are as much a part of the problem as the people we don't like, I am convinced that it will become much easier to lay aside the bigotry and the eliminationist rhetoric that is so common within conspiracy theory and within racism.