Executive Perks

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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Sometimes it good to be the boss, at least that's what one executive learns thanks to his devoted secretary!

Executive Perks


Charles E. Terrell Jr. aka Nightmask


The sound of the morning alarm filled the tidy little bedroom from its place upon the bed stand as it always did when 4:30am rolled around, its demanding tone pitched to be especially irritating for the room's sleeping occupant to ensure her quick response. Indeed barely a minute had passed after it had begun its siren call to the start of the day than a slender gray-furred arm slipped from beneath the covers to shut it off. With the end of the strident tone the hand flipped the light switch at the base of the lamp on the nightstand before the covers rolled back to reveal the bed's no longer sleeping owner in its harsh light.

Anyone in the position to watch would have quickly realized the occupant was a mouse, soft gray fur evident everywhere the white silk nightgown didn't cover her no longer sleeping form. Her eyes blinked and watered as they adjusted to the harsh brightness of the lamp; while she had no need of such brightness she endured it all the same to prepare herself for the lighting required for the majority of her day. As soon as she could she slipped on the simply rimmed glasses resting next to the lamp and shook her head as she fingercombed the long silver head hair she had into some measure of order after the night's rest.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed the petite mouse (who surely stood no taller than 4' 2" at best) slipped her feet into the slippers neatly arranged for her as they were every morning. She appeared no older than her late twenties in spite of her plain and simple attire with a modest bosom that gave notice that it was there without demanding one's gaze rest upon it. Her long pink tail emerged from a long slit in the back of her nightgown that let her sleep in comfort without the movement of her gown in the night catching and pulling in uncomfortable ways.

Her morning routine seemed quite laid out as she made her way into the bathroom to shower and groom herself from head to toe. By the top of the hour she was back out again, her fur a nice lush and glossy gray save for the silver tresses cascading over her shoulders. Clad only in white silk panties and bra she seated herself at her mirrored finishing stand to brush out her hair and carefully do it up into a plain silver bun resting between her ears and help in place by silver pins and clasps.

She took great care to get the lay of her fur just so and lightly dusted with the scent of honeysuckle perfume before giving herself a last critical inspection. Finished with her grooming she padded over to her closet and took out the day's attire; a white silk blouse with gray skirt that fit snuggly once on and came down to her knees and a matching button up gray sweater she slipped into carefully. The only splash of color proved to be a set of red low-heeled office shoes that she finished her ensemble off with. Modeling before the full-length mirror on her bedroom door she inspected herself from head to toe to be sure everything was perfectly in place for the rest of the day.

The rest of her apartment proved to be scaled for one of her stature as she slipped through the living room into the kitchen nook, the sound of her morning tea already brewing on timer to greet her with a hot steaming cup that she quickly sweetened to suit her tastes, nose resting in the steam to breathe deeply of the aroma rising up from it before having a careful sip. Warmed by that sweet taste she quickly put together a mix of fruits and fish she'd prepared the night before at the small counter that did double duty as her kitchen table.

For such a small mouse she proved to have quite the appetite as she picked her way neatly through the mix of breakfast faire she'd laid out, her black-painted claws clicking against the utensils and cup as she ate. When she was done and the last of the tea tucked away in a thermos for work she rechecked her grooming to correct any little flaws that had resulted while she ate and restore her prim attire to its flawless perfection. Sure of her return to her impeccable professional look she put away the dirty dishes for washing when she returned home that evening and snatched up the thermos as she left the kitchen area.

Transferring the thermos into the large purse hanging by the door the checked to be sure she hadn't forgotten anything as she always did and stepped out into the hallway, the door shutting and locking automatically behind her. She made little noise walking the carpeted hallways beyond the little silky sounds her fur made against her skirt as she walked, her long pink tail curled up behind her as she made her way to the parking garage and her car.

While some might have found her choice of a car more suited to one much larger than her she liked the comfort and safety it afforded and even if she didn't look it she could at least afford the luxury of the larger car being customized for her driving ease and protection. Some of the more condescending might have spoken to why didn't she simply finish making it over into a home for her to live in but she would never bother acknowledging such comments as they were as worthless as those who'd make such comments and think such thoughts.

She liked the morning drive in to work; the traffic was light and she saved a good twenty minutes easy not getting caught in the congestion that started to form when most others were making their way in to work. The darkness was no problem for her with her nightvision even with the early exposure to more office-grade lighting to get her eyes adapting ahead of time for what was to come. It also let her review what was coming up for the day in the silence of her car and get a head start on things.

It was but five minutes till six when she pulled into the parking garage of a tall, glass office building with a guard on duty that waved her in once he saw her at the wheel. The final destination for her car proved to be a parking spot that an astute observer would have noted had painted in bold yellow lettering 'RESERVED PARKING' at the very front of the spot followed by 'VICTORIA GRANT'. In the well lit garage the silver-gray finish of the mouse's car proved as immaculately kept as its driver as she exited the car with a care, to keep her skirt tucked demurely around her knees as she stepped out.

Victoria's parking spot proved to be quite close to the elevators that led up to the lobby of the office building upstairs, marking her as someone of some importance as she rode them into the main entrance upstairs. The doors opened up right near the entrance security stations, leaving both means of getting in and out of the garage area under the watchful eye of the guards stationed to monitor both areas.

"Good morning Miss Grant," came the greeting from a tough-looking badger who nonetheless smiled a warm greeting to the diminutive mouse.

"Good morning George," Victoria replied in a soft cultured voice. "Anything eventful I should know about?" she asked as she generally did, in case there had been problems with the servers or other unforeseen events the night before.

"Another quiet night thank the Creator," the badger replied as she padded past him to the elevators leading to the actual office areas and pressed the call button.

"That's always good to hear. We don't want another night like we had in April," she noted, remembering the damage to one of the offices due to some carelessness on the part of a now former employee. "Well see you tomorrow George," she concluded as the elevator, unhindered by the daily demand responded almost instantly to her request.

"A good day to you Miss Grant," the badger called out to her before the door's closed and with a press of the button reserved for the top floor was whisked on her way. Stock reports and instant news played on the small flatscreen TV installed in the elevator's wall just above the elevator buttons.

Victoria couldn't help but shake her head at the latest reports of people doing other people wrong while she tried to focus instead on the stock reports that scrolled by. She was glad when the elevator finally reached the top and let her off on her floor and she stepped into the prestigious lobby of the regional manager of Flex-star Industries, one of the fortune 100's fastest growing tech firms. Within its familiar confines she padded to the almost oversized reception area where a plaque proudly listed her name and underneath it said 'SECRETARY'.

Much of it was painstakingly configured to deal with the mouse's smaller size, the chair letting her sit at just the right level to access everything she needed. From the recessed keyboard and computer display to the headset she tucked into her ear for hands-free call service it all seemed to flow towards her, all the information able to route through her as the director of it all. Chair quickly warming as it responded to her presence she let the morning routine take over, running down the mental checklist she'd painstakingly put together for the maximum of efficiency and service to her boss, Mr. Martin Edwards.

She'd always been grateful to him when he'd picked her for the job as his secretary; there had been so many who'd applied ahead of her, people with more experience and more attractive than she felt herself to be. There'd even been some humans like her boss who'd applied but she'd won the spot against all odds and had devoted herself to proving worthy of it and five years later she was still serving him and her bonuses reflected how well he rated her services to him.

Being human he'd towered over her when she'd come in for her interview, well over a foot taller than her but perhaps that was what had benefited her in the end. While tall compared to her she'd not thought about it until later how he was quite short in human terms and many of the other applicants were easily taller than he was. Perhaps he'd wanted a secretary that was actually shorter than him, perhaps she'd just impressed him with her professionalism, or perhaps he just picked at random. Either way she was glad for the chance to work for him and saw to it his day went as smoothly as she could make it happen.

Victoria's claws danced lightly over the specially-designed keyboard for her computer, the extra-tough keys designed to handle their prodding without the wear standard keys would undergo. She always liked to have the day's schedule reviewed before her boss got in and the overall week if she could fit it in as well. It was even more important now with him taking a two-week vacation in a week; the first he'd taken in the time she'd served as his secretary and dealt with managing all of his affairs. She couldn't resist being puzzled about it as well, since he'd had her making no plans for him beyond ensuring he'd have all his duties covered for the two weeks he was gone.

It was really just so secretive and so unlike him, she couldn't help thinking as she arranged her notes and things for faster access based on the schedule for the day. She was the soul of discretion when it came to his affairs and thought she had his complete trust and yet he seemed to have felt the need to deal with his vacation affairs all by himself. A small seed of hurt had grown up within her in thinking about it but she did her best to repress it lest it interfere with her duties, for no matter how Mr. Edwards felt or what his motivation she would prove herself dependable no matter what.

Totally losing track of time as she wrestled with her inner fears and doubts Victoria was startled as she heard the elevator doors open and looked up to see her boss stepping into the waiting area she oversaw for his office.

"Good morning Victoria, I see you're in early as always," he called to her in greeting, a smile on his lips as he strode confidently up to her desk and rested his briefcase on the corner.

"Good morning Mr. Edwards. Just making sure everything's ready for the day," she replied as she responded with a smile she reserved just for him.

She'd heard the other females around the office referring to how plain he looked but she could never understand why; not with the way he seemed to radiate confidence whether in the business suit he wore for the office or the work-out clothes he chose to use when exercising in the executives-only exercise facilities. He often kept his thick auburn hair cut in a simple style she'd always felt his glasses gave him an air of intelligence and self-assurance that he didn't fear the wearing of them; she'd seen so many who went in for contacts or eye adjustment surgery just because they feared the stigma of wearing glasses.

"With you taking care of things that's something I never have to worry about," he said by way of compliment to her, which brought an extra hint of pink to her ears with the embarrassment the praise brought.

"Thank you sir, I aim to please," she replied demurely, briefly warmed by the kind words before she moved on with the day's work. "The updated and detailed schedule will be waiting for you on your terminal as always sir, and everything seems to be going smoothly for designating responsibility for your vacation."

Victoria worked hard to mask her confusion at her boss's reaction to the reminder about his vacation next week, the faltering of that confidence she always saw in him that was so at odds with her knowledge of him. Shouldn't a vacation be something to look happy about?

"I know I can count on you to keep things running smoothly while I'm away," Martin replied, only to seem to rally so quickly she could almost believe she imagined what she's seen earlier. Almost.

"You can always count on me sir!" she declared with total conviction.

"I've never thought otherwise Victoria," he told her before retrieving his briefcase from the corner of her desk. "I'll leave you to your work and get to work on mine then," he told her as he headed towards the doors to his office.

"Have a good day sir," she told him as he entered his office as he'd done a thousand times before, watching as he slipped inside until the doors closed firmly behind him.

While the morning started slow it soon settled into a flurry of calls, individual management meetings, conference calls, and all the various and sundry things one would expect for the mouse to have to field given the importance of her position. With her headset she was able to handle many of the calls while away from her desk doing other things, like fielding paperwork for her boss or ensuring he had a steady supply of snacks and drinks in order to keep his energy up. It always fascinated her how much he could eat through the day without gaining any weight, almost as if all that mental activity of his was enough to keep burning off the calories.

"Hello. You have reached the office Director of the Regional Headquarters of Flex-Star Industries, Victoria Grant speaking." Victoria smoothly said for yet another caller.

"Yes this is Heather Listings, calling for Dr. Prentiss's office. Is this where I can reach a Mr. Martin Edwards?" a harsh female voice asked on the other end of the line.

"Yes, I'm his secretary," Victoria replied while totally confused at the call; her boss hadn't placed any calls to any doctors that she was aware of, outside of the expensive doctor that took care of most of the executives for Flex-Star.

"Could you have him give us a call? We need to reschedule his surgery for next week."

"Surgery, what surgery?" the mouse asked, her professional manner cracking at the idea of her boss being so ill that he'd need surgery and worse feel he needed to hide it from her.

"I'm afraid I can't go into that on the phone, could you leave him that message please?" the harsh-sounding female voice asked.

"Hold please and I'll forward you to him," she said and barely waited for the acknowledgement before buzzing her boss's office.

"Sir, there's a call on line 1 for you, a Dr. Prentiss's office," she relayed to him, and was startled once again at her boss's reaction.

"They aren't supposed to call here! What do they want?" he asked, for the first time giving Victoria the unfamiliar sound of her boss sounding panicked.

"She only said she had to speak with you sir. On line 1," she said lying about having been told more than that given how he already sounded so upset as it was.

"Very well, line 1 did you say?" he asked to be sure, something he never would have done in the past and hung up on her as soon as she confirmed it.

The rest of the day was filled with confusion and nervousness for her, and a great deal of anxiety as she worried about her boss. He was having surgery? But he was probably the healthiest person in the building outside of the guards; she'd watched him working out sometimes in the evenings and he never missed a session. What could be wrong with him that he'd require surgery and he'd want to conceal it from everyone, including her?

It was almost like moving in a fog as she tried to get through the day without her concerns degrading her professional behavior but the awkwardness of things kept everything going tensely right up until the evening when Martin called it a day. She had always prided herself on never leaving before him and even in the face of things managed to last things out but her heart wasn't into remaining as long as she customarily would in the past. Instead she waited until she was sure Martin was gone before packing up and heading home as well, her listlessness evident even to George as he started his evening duties, leaving him to wonder what could have happened to leave Victoria in such a state.

By the time she got back home Victoria had managed to convince herself that it was necessary to find out what her boss was up to, why he needed surgery and why he felt he had to hide it from her of all people. She didn't even bother to fix dinner when she came inside like she normally did; instead she went for her home computer to search the datanet for information on the doctor's office that had called earlier in the day.

She hadn't been really sure she'd learn much if anything beyond what type of specialist if any the doctor was, but what she saw left her stunned. He was a plastic surgeon specializing in enhancing sexual appeal!

At first she couldn't really process what reason her boss would have for going to such a specialist, then all the little things she'd never really thought about or dismissed fell into place. The way the other females at work spoke about him; the lack of any kind of dating behavior; never arranging dinner dates, flowers, or anything else to be sent to anyone; and most importantly of all: why he wouldn't want her to know anything about it. What man wanted to have anyone, especially his female secretary, know that he went in for surgery to make himself more sexually appealing? No wonder he reacted as he did to that call coming in at work.

But what could she do about it? So what if he was forty, there should have been plenty of females wanting to go out with a wealthy executive of a company in the fortune 100 ratings. Or maybe that was the problem, he didn't want to 'buy' female company with his job and they couldn't see him as a good catch with so many other males of greater stature around.

She felt the heat of her blush creeping across her skin as her ears turned pinker with the rush of blood once the realization it her that she truly would do anything for her boss. It didn't matter to her that he was twelve years her senior and his money didn't mean anything to her. She respected him as she did no other person she'd ever known in her life and would gladly give herself to him to save him from such surgery if he was indeed going in for such.

There was so little time though to act in, to find out what the truth was and could she handle it if he rejected her or worse fired her for being so presumptuous? Could she bring herself to risk losing what she had, to risk being humiliated herself if she were wrong? She wrestled with that through two precious days that were left, two very awkward days where she and her boss were jumping at a tension that had never existed before, before finally deciding that yes she could risk that for him. Even if it cost her her job and she had to hunt again for another and never enjoy serving him again she couldn't let him down by not trying.

Even with how things had been going she still knew her boss's habits as well as she knew her own, and that evening for the next to last day of the week she steeled herself to make her move once everything but dealing with the final paperwork of the day was over and they'd have no interruptions to fear. Dressed in an outfit matching the one she wore at the start of the week she knocked at her boss's door before padding inside.

"Sir, may I speak with you, please?" she asked, her tail nervously twisting in her grasp as she held onto it to keep it from whipping around.

"What's the matter Victoria?" he asked from behind the expensive desk that was the due of someone of his standing. He knew just as much as she did how unusual it was for her to enter without waiting to be invited in.

"Do you trust me sir?" she asked of him, her voice doing well enough to convey her nervousness as she crossed the large room to stand beside his desk, looking him almost straight in the eyes given the differences in height between his sitting and her standing evening things out.

"Of course I do, why would you ask that?" he replied.

"Sir, if you trust me why are you going to a doctor for surgery without trusting me with what's going on?"

Martin almost seemed to deflate in his chair at the force of her words, a pained look painted across his features as he seemed drained of his vitality.

"You know, don't you?" he asked, eyes clouded.

"Sir, I only know that you've arranged for surgery while you're off on vacation with a doctor that specializes in cosmetic surgery to make one more appealing sexually," she told him while resting her left hand gently on his right knee.

"That pretty much covers it," he replied bitterly, not even noticing her hand resting reassuringly on his knee at first. "I'm tired of being alone and women thinking the only thing attractive that I have is money. I want them to find me attractive damn it!"

"But you are attractive Sir!" she told him forcefully, shocked though she was at his cursing. He must be in such pain to speak so.

"Tell that to all the women who felt I didn't 'measure up' enough to please," he snapped back before sighing. "I'm sorry, please forgive me for taking it out on you."

"It's okay sir, whatever you need I'm here for you," she told him, her hand squeezing his knee as she repeated herself carefully. "I mean that sir, whatever you need I'm here for you." There, she'd said it. No going back now.

"Wh-what do you mean Victoria?" he asked, eyes dropping down to her hand on his knees before glancing back up again.

"Ever since you chose me over all those other applicants to be your secretary sir I've devoted myself to you. My happiness has been knowing I've made your life better," she confessed to him, the small mouse stepping the rest of the way forward to commit herself fully to things as she slid into his lap. Once she was in his lap she reached to place her hands on his shoulders as she moved her face close to his. "I know I'm just a secretary sir but I'd do anything for you, including give you every reason to believe you don't need some unnecessary surgery to feel attractive and desirable."

"Anything? Even...?" his voice trailed off as her strong confident boss she'd devoted herself to for so long proved even he needed someone else's help on occasion.

"Even be your lover sir, if you'll have me," she murred softly to him, her whiskers tickling his neck as she leaned in to nuzzle it softly, such a forbidden thing to be doing to her boss but something that felt so right to be doing now.

For a moment she was afraid she'd gone too far, afraid he'd toss her from his lap and from his life, but then she felt his arms wrap around her and draw her to his chest. The tension she hadn't admitted to herself that she had melting away as she was embraced by his strong caring arms and it felt like the crisis was past; that she'd been accepted.

"You feel so good in my arms Victoria," he whispered huskily into her ear, his grip drawing a squeak from her when it got too tight and he let up with an apologetic whisper to her. "Sorry, it's just been sooooo long since I've held someone."

"It's okay sir, you don't have to be afraid, I'll never leave you," she murred into his left ear as she licked and nuzzled it gently, her warm breath tickling over it while she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled herself snuggly to him until she could feel her breasts flattening beneath her sweater from the pressure of her against his chest. He smelled of all the things that a hard-working male did and she could feel the hard muscles that his toned body held as she gripped him.

Between the feel of her warm feminine body in his arms and the weight of her resting in his lap it wasn't long before Victoria could feel her seat developing an extra 'bump' to it as her boss grew aroused from her lithe form so very near. So long without that female other to bring about completion his body was eager to respond, almost as eager as the heart and mind that resided within it although that ache went far beyond physical need. Now there was someone here to complete him on so many levels and his body was prepared to meet the challenge.

"Is there something you'd like me to take care for you sir?" she asked with a smile to her voice, wriggling as she sat in his lap to rub herself against his business suit-clad member.

"Oh yes Victoria please take care of things," he told her, his hands roaming over her as the right one stroked along her thigh and the left stroked her bottom and the small of her back.

"Right away sir," she declared as she slid down from his lap to rest between his legs, letting her body remain firm against his all the way down. Her delicate hands stroked at his crotch while she rested her head in his lap, then tilted her head so she could straighten her glasses back up. Never in her life had she so enjoyed unzipping someone as she did unzipping her boss; the smell of his manly scent increasing as she spread his pants open and went to work peeling his designer underwear down to let his shaft spring into view.

She didn't know what a human female or one of the other larger species would have made of it but he was certainly well endowed from her perspective, a good six inches easy if not seven of hard manhood throbbing before her eyes. Veins traced over the skin of that pink tool of his that came to her circumcised so she could see the head unimpeded. Her little pink nose rubbed along the outwardly facing side and she felt an even bigger shiver than she felt before with so much arousing manscent in her nostrils.

"Oh God that feels so good!" Martin declared, his left hand coming to rest in her hair bun as he stroked more clumsily at her head. Victoria promptly started licking from the root to the tip of his shaft with such encouragement from her boss, tasting the perspiration that had collected there throughout the day. She worked her tongue thoroughly over his member as she cleaned him up until she tasted the precum that had begun licking from the tip under her tender ministrations.

With the taste of his seed already on her tongue Victoria pulled herself up enough to where she could draw the tip of his member into her muzzle; it couldn't possibly take him in fully without protection from her sharp teeth but for now she couldn't deny herself or him the feel of at least part of him within her mouth. Careful to use her tongue to cover as much of her teeth as she could she suckled on the tip of his erection and lapped at it with her tongue. For the rest she wrapped her right hand around his shaft to stroke up and down along it steadily to cover what she couldn't fit into her mouth and the left dipped into his underwear to play with his ballsac tenderly.

The sudden grip at her bun and the way his shaft stiffened was all the warning she had before she felt the hot spurt of his seed gushing into her mouth, coating her throat and tongue as he fired off all that pent-up seed that had been building up during his long abstinence. She gulped down the bounty flowing from her boss as quickly as she could, her hand keeping up its motions as she milked Martin into her thirsty mouth. When she could get no more from him she held firmly at the base to keep what she failed to swallow initially from getting onto his outfit and potentially making an embarrassing mess and lapped him clean with generous kisses along his length while she was at it. Once she was done she rested her head alongside his still hard shaft and gazed up at him with devoted eyes and rubbed her furry cheek along his member.

"Thank you sir for letting me do this for you," she murred up to him, her hands resting on his stomach as she licked at her lips and occasionally his stomach; the taste of him that lingered leaving her wishing she'd been able to serve her boss like this before and hoping she'd get to serve him like this often.

"I'm the one who should be thanking you Victoria," he replied, suddenly blushing as the enormity of things started to set in. He'd just received oral sex from his young secretary in his office and there she still knelt between his legs with her head next to his still exposed shaft like it was just an ordinary thing.

"No sir it's my purpose to take care of your every need so you may do your best; so it's for me to thank you for letting me do so," she murred to him before lifting her head up to rest it directly on top of his member and rubbed her fur along it causing Martin to squirm at the stimulation.

"You're still so hard sir; I can't imagine why you'd think you'd ever need to do anything to change this fine body of yours," she told him, each word causing her to move a little against his shaft as did her sliding her hands off his stomach to unbutton her sweater until it fell open just out of his sight. "Do you need more sir to feel satisfied and see that you don't need that surgery with me here to take care of you?"

"I definitely want more of you Victoria," Martin told her as he reached to stroke the side of her head, looking deep into her eyes as he saw a desire for him that was a match for his desire for her, both hidden fires now burning brightly in the open thanks to a chance discovery on the mouse's part.

"Then more of me you shall have sir," she replied with a jaunty swish of her tail before she stood before him letting him see her exposed breasts within the confines of her unbuttoned sweater, letting the soft gray material rest on her while her boss checked out her bare bosom. While her speech remained formal her behavior was quite uninhibited now that she'd faced her desires for her boss that she'd suppressed and was free to act upon them. With his eyes upon her she turned around facing away from him, her tail held high as she reached for the small buckle above its base that held her skirt in place. Working it free she hooked her fingers into the waistband and pushed the skirt down with a wriggle of her hips that set her backside to dancing for her boss's entertainment as the black lace panties she was wearing came into view.

What little softening had occurred for Martin's shaft it quickly reversed itself at the display of bare gray-furred mouse buns and that black lace running through the crack, and the view when she turned back around even moreso as the panties proved to be crotchless and framed her thin-furred petals in a window of black lace. Blushing beneath her fur in spite of herself Victoria made herself do a slow and graceful turn so her boss could see her all around before she face him once again.

"Sir is so hard, is this all for me?" she asked as she reached to stroke and caress his shaft with loving tenderness, claws gently scratching around the base and at his sac before she leaned down to kiss the tip respectfully. "We'll need to get your pants out of the way, don't want to stain them," she murred to him before setting about pulling his pants down around his ankles with a little help from him. Once she was done though she wasted no time climbing back into his lap and pressing base bosom to his chest, her nipples poking him while she straddled his waist.

"Please guide me onto you sir, I want to feel your hands on me again," she whispered into his ear, her hands clutching at his shoulders with the prickling of her claws through the expensive cloth as the black material collected strands of gray.

"You are so beautiful Victoria," Martin whispered back to the petite mouse, fear that he'd hurt her assuaged by her insistence on taking him. With his right hand resting on her backside, fingers divided around her tail he gently maneuvered her around while the left hand stroked at the damp petals of her sex as he traced his fingertips along the little slit before the tip of his erection was 'kissed' by those lips.

"Oooooo yes," she moaned softly at the touch to her sex before smiling and licking her boss's cheek. "Thank you sir, I'm glad you think so. Now slide yourself into your devoted secretary and let her take delivery of your wonderful shaft," she cooed, her passage well lubricated by her arousal as she waited patiently for him to enter her.

"Martin chuckled softly and kissed Victoria softly on the lips. "Prepare to receive your delivery then Victoria," he told her before spreading her lips with his left hand and pushing lightly down on her rump to get her to ease down onto his shaft, shivering once the tip of his member entered into her tight passage.

Victoria's gasp echoed around the room once she felt herself being stretched by that wonderful member of her boss's, taking it slowly as she bounced up and down in little spurts on his upthrust tool. The deeper she worked him into her the more full she felt, a fullness she'd never felt before. Her inner passage even with her lubrication was fitting so tight to his shaft that the going was taking longer but Martin didn't seem to mind, indeed the long-drawn out slide was almost excruciatingly pleasurable as he sheathed himself into her. A good half-hour went by before her petals touched the base of his shaft and he could wrap his arms around her to cradle her to his chest. They could feel each other's heartbeats where they were joined and Martin was in no hurry to finish consummating things now that he had a warm caring female once again. Instinct and desire could not be denied indefinitely though and soon Victoria began to roll her hips around and pull herself up Martin's chest before letting herself back down onto that throbbing member of his.

As Victoria rode up and down along his erection Martin could feel the lace of her panties tickling at the skin, and the slender mouse squirmed as she panted softly as his hands roamed over her backside. He kneaded and fondled and spread her tight rumpcheeks with his hands while the pace built as the mouse's passage loosened enough to accommodate greater speeds. The velvety caress of her silken heat would have probably had him orgasming long before now if not for his earlier climax, allowing things to progress far longer as the static crackle of electricity filled the air from the steady rubbing of her fur against his clothes. Each time she came down into his lap her clitoris was rubbed along his skin and into the hairs around his crotch and bringing the mouse several small orgasms to make up for the one deferred while nursing at her boss's shaft.

Even with the earlier oral gratification allowing for a more leisurely building to his peak peak he still did under the stimulating heat of her tight sex clinging to him like no other female ever had before. Clutching at her backside he pulled her down tightly into his lap while he gasped and moaned with his release, shaft throbbing within her passage as he emptied what fresh seed he had into her clinging depths. The pleasure spiking more intensely with the build-up as his orgasm washed over him and the sudden jarring causing Victoria to have a more intense orgasm than the others before in the bargain. Clutching at him she road out her peak along with her beloved boss until she collapses panting against him, her fur a mess and matted in places from his sweat and her juices.

As they sat there in resting and recovering in each others arms the only sounds in the room where of their labored breathing as they recovered and the occasional sounds from the chair as Martin or Victoria shifted about. They almost dozed off before she leaned in to kiss her boss deeply, her lips pressed to his before she smiled and gazed into his eyes.

"Shall I call the doctor and cancel that appointment for you sir?" she asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"I think that would be a good idea Victoria, since you always seem to know what's best for me," he replied with a wink.