Spread Thin (A2, B2, C16 - FINALE)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#16 of Twilight of the Gods Book5

And so ends Act 2, Book 2, fifth book in the series.

And so begins Act 2, Book3 ... just as soon as I revise it.

OKAY! I love ending on cliff hangers. Because we all know I do it at the end of every damn story lol.

Thanks for reading Act 2, book 2!

Take care!

Chapter -16- Spread Thin

Monday, January 15, 2024 - 3:30pm EST Miami, Florida ...

** Collobulous narrowed his gaze ** then passed the binoculars to Rufus. "What do you think?"

"Damn, look at that thing." Rufus rubbed his jaw with his left hand then brought it back to the binoculars and thumbed the zoom. "I hate to say this, because it goes against everything I reckon I consider as 'reality', but hell, son, what if these bastards b'neath the ocean really are at fault for all this crazy weather 'n crap? That'd make'em terrorists by default, yeah?"

"Perhaps, bruddah. Should we crash the party?" Collobulous closed his large darkly tanned hands then opened them again and gazed down at his palms. "The chaos has done serious business all the way up the coast. If these people under the ocean are somehow behind this game, we should get out there and go for broke."

"Yeah. Might have to sneak out there and nose around a bit."

Collobulous grinned. "Danger puts hair on yer chest. I think you like jobbing those gunji-slobs, really."

"If we don't do something soon, Bull, those storms are only gunna get worse, son."

"Yeah. Things are crook in Musclebrook. We need a game plan."

"Damn, how long've I known you and I still can't get used to that Aussie talk. You bounce back and forth 'tween the two types of slang. Cut that shit out."

"You know what it means to whinge Rue?"

"Yeah, Bull. I know what whinging is."

"You're doing it now. Stop whining, yeah? We need to find a way out to Terra Nullius, or whatever it is you call 'Atlantis.' Lets..."

"Hey, shh." Rufus perked and held a hand up then paused to sniff at the air. He handed the binoculars back to Collobulous slowly, tightened his jaw and turned fully around in a very methodical and calm way.

His eyes met those of another man, wearing a gray three-piece suit. He saw the bulge beneath the man's blazer, the source of the scent he detected - gun oil. "Who the hell are you and what inna' hell you want?"

"You two are not easy to track," said the man. He withdrew a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, flipped open the lid of a Zippo knockoff and lit the end, using his other hand to cup in front of the cigarette.

Rufus folded his arms and furrowed his brows.

"I have a confession to make - there's a guy out there somewhere that is indirectly responsible for the death of my girlfriend. I visited some look-a-like girl out in San Francisco who didn't know me and tried to have me killed by her thug employees. I used Government resources to track her boss to Miami and then I lost him. He went out to sea on a vessel similar to the one that you two are spying on right now. I spoke to Steven Milford and a guy named Lance. They suggested that I find you two. So..."

"We could be anyone, son. Who're ya' looking for?"

The man smirked at Rufus' reply. "A salt and pepper couple. One has a southern drawl. The other looks half African and half Native American. And, let me see if I got this right ... one is a werewolf and the other is a pacifist with the ability to crush and destroy everything and anything, should he accidentally lose his temper. Is that you two?"

"Shit, hoss, you found us. The Walker Texas Ranger and th' Black Hulk. Government resources, huh? You a G-man, honky?"

Collobulous tilted his head at Rufus, offering a sidelong-sort of glare. "You both honkies, Kemosabe. Seppo 'n Yank."

"Oh dayum, we back to that again?" Rufus asked, pronouncing the last two words as one - something akin to 'thaddagain?'

The man closed his eyes, shook his head and sighed. "Who do you think gave you the nickname 'Kemosabe' and 'Tonto' gentlemen? How can you not remember?"

Rue looked back up at the man standing in his sunlight and said, "Listen, pal, get lost 'afore I bite yer head off. Besides, I can't be a werewolf. Ain't no moon, ya' dipshit."

Bull folded his own arms. "You think you know us, Gubba?"

"Rufus and Collobulous, right? You're essentially the 'Laurel And Hardy' of the esoteric community, correct?"

"Laurel and Hardy?" Rufus asked with a laugh. "So which one of us is the fat one? Again I reckon, maybe you got the wrong dudes, dude."

Collobulous simply asked, "What if we are? Speak your mind."

"The FBI and, in more recent years, the Pentagon has taken an interest in your kind." The man cut his gaze from Bull to Rue and added, "Now Homeland Security is getting involved and they're calling esoteric people, 'Esoterrorists.' You following me yet, honky?"

"Damn, I like dis' dude, Tonto," said Rufus to Collobulous. He cleared his throat then said, "You here to arrest a salt 'n pepper b'cause you think they's gunna terrorize peoples by howlin' at the moon?"

"Nope. I'm here to enlist your help. Notice I did mention Steven and Lance. You should know those names."

"Oh, sure, I done met tons of Stevens and Lances, pal."

The man sighed and shook his head. He stared at the two then folded his arms, matching their posture. "Obviously you've had your memories suppressed. Seems rampant lately. But it also seems to me that it's the M.O. of someone standing in our way."

"A'ite, so you've met us, but we don't know you, big man. So talk."

The agent took a deep breath then sighed again with agitation. "My name is Gregory Watson. I'm employed with the CIA but I've decided to take a leave of absence. I did it because I need to get away from the Government end of what's going on. I need to get my hands dirty with this situation in an unofficial capacity. There's too much involved and I need to..." he trailed off and stuffed his hands into his pockets.


"I might lose my job or worse over this. But I have to get to the bottom of this."

"Why can't you follow up on it with Central Intelligence?" asked Rufus.

"Because, cowboy, they limit what I can do. I might just be a government dog but I'd rather roam the yard behind a fence than to have to walk with a leash wherever the master feels like walking. At least in a yard, unsupervised, I can jump the fence if something interesting passes by."

Rufus furrowed a single brow. "I hope that wasn't a racial slur."

"What? 'Cowboy'?"

"Nah, ya' dunce."

Watson smiled. "So ... you're admitting you're a werewolf."

"How can you be so sure?"

"With all due respect, cowboy, you transformed in my living room in South Africa a few months ago. You two tore the place apart. I can't believe you guys don't remember it. Come to think of it, I only recently started remembering it. So someone has been fucking with our memories. And that's one more reason why we have to get to the bottom of this shit."

"We ain't opposed to savin' the day, hoss. And I ain't no cowboy. That's western, dipshit. I'm a southerner."

"Then what the hell are we waiting for, mountain man? Let's get out there and find out why my girl had to die for those bastards. And maybe, while we're at it, we can find out who the hell is living her life in California."

"Nope, you's wrong again. I'm more swamp, less Appalachia. Besides, we can't go yet."

"What? Why the hell not?"

"We got pals we're waiting for," said Rufus. "We're monitoring that place until they return."

"Yeah? How long has it been?"

Rufus snorted. "I dunno ... like, maybe, say a month or so."

Watson threw his hands up in the air. "Those people working for Falcon have been killing esoteric beings. Who is to say your friends haven't disappeared off the face of the planet by now? I'm going down there and I'm just a normal human being. You want to come with me? Then I'll get a boat big enough for three. Else I guess Steven and Lance were wrong about you two ... in which case I'll go it alone."

Rufus and Collobulous exchanged glances. Rue shook his head and said, "Alright, son, I din' mean to hurt'cher feelings. We'll play nice. So the Government wants to stop these guys? Why not just send some Seals or Rangers?"

"No, in an official capacity, the United States does not acknowledge their existence. In an un_official capacity - meaning those who are in the know - the Government does _not want to stop Aris Falcon. That crazy lunatic is receiving black budget funding. Completely off the books. They want him to risk his life to find out what's under the ocean. They'll barge in on him in the future and take control when the coast is clear. At least, that's the vibe I'm getting when I looked into it."

"How do_you_ even know there's anything below the flippin' ocean, ya sillyass government goofball? Huh? Tell me tha'."

Watson groaned softly. "I was in a city beneath Virginia back in August of 2011. An underground city that was carved before conceivable recorded history ... carved right from the bedrock. And Aris Falcon paid for the trip. Krys Monroe was killed in a flash explosion that triggered an earthquake so powerful that it shook the shit out of everyone up on the surface. It caused serious damage to the Washington Monument in DC, over an hour north of the epicenter. So don't call me a goofball. I was there. I know what the fuck happened. There was another below Denver, same intensity ... they had a quake just half-a-day before the DC quake. Same thing. City underground, explosion; quake and death."

"Huh. No shit. That's wild."

"There's something bigger than all of us going on here. We need to find out what's down there."

"Atlantis," said Collobulous.

Watson sighed. "I don't need a goddamn smartass comment like that. I'm not talking about fables. I'm talking about reality. Are you two coming with me?"

Rufus laughed in a good-natured manner. "Shit, son, we'll come with you. Just stop being so high strung. We got'cher back."

"Outstanding. I have a small vessel nearby and someone to pilot it. It's a submersible..."

Rufus waved his hand in a dismissing fashion. "Man, we've already been in the dome with a sub. You're like ... ages behind. We already done infiltrated, explored and left."

"Wait, what?"

Collobulous smiled softly. "What he's saying, gubba, is that we've already seen the 'fable.' It's yesterday's news."

"What's down there?" asked Watson.

Rufus shrugged. "Big ass dome. You remember tha' 70's band, Boston? Looked like something off that-there first album of theirs, somethin' fierce. Big ole domed city 'n shit. Just ... under water instead of space. Follow me?"

"Jesus Christ, are you two messing with me?"

Rufus rolled his eyes. "Fine. We'll take you to see the damn place. But it's not no underground city from before th' damn bible 'er nuffin. And it ain't beneath Virginia or whatever."

Watson rubbed his chin. "Perhaps Falcon erected this domed citadel to better study something underground similar to the..."

"Oh, here we go," Rufus laughed. "Okay, sure whatever. C'mon, son. Let's go play yer game. I wanted pi'chers of it anyway. When we shove off?"

"You didn't take pictures of it last time?" Watson asked with a tilt of his head.

"Nope. Reckon I best get a camera that takes infrared black 'n white pics, yeah? It's gunna be right dark down there. Maybe we cin' get one of those high resolution sonar things that sketch out what shit looks like based on sound - like they use on pregnant chicks. What kinda' fancy Government gear cin you get?"

"Don't worry about that. I'll make it worth the trip."


Watson replied with a dull gaze. "Seriously?"

"Gotta make a livin'. Y'don't gotta pay us until we get back, a'ite? Just post date the check."

Greg took a deep breath, withdrew his checkbook, and wrote out a check. "Twenty-five thousand dollars, Rufus. What's the last name gain? Darkhean? This should let you know how serious I am about wanting to retain your services. I don't have abilities like you ... I don't want to die. Now. If you want this - a quarter of a hundred grand - then you have to prove to me that you do have abilities and that I'll be safe with you."

"Darken. And I thought you said you seen us in action?"

"You guys tore up a house. Sure, you went wolf, Collobulous threw a sofa. Unless Falcon's kryptonite is a couch, I need more. Besides, that day was a little bit of a blur to me."

Rufus turned to Collobulous. "A'ite, big guy. Go lift'a car."

The dark-skinned man sighed and stood up. He handed Rufus the binoculars and walked away from the beach. He went up to a parking lot and Watson followed.

The large man shrugged then reached beneath a Ford Expedition, curling his fingers around the metallic section typically used for a tire-changing jack.

He lifted the car with ease, so that it was diagonally tilted up onto its driver-side wheels. "There, gubba. You want me to lift the whole thing? Flip it over? Throw it? Juggle it?"

"Mother of Christ, can you really juggle it?"

"It's easier to juggle dumpsters," replied Bull with a shrug. "Cars crush up under their own weight. Dumpsters are strong, solid. Please do not ask Rufus to transform middle the arvo. Don't need a bunch of whitefellas yarning to the gunjies about wolfmen. No good business comes from attention like that."

"Okay, fine. We'll go. I'll meet you down at Pier Twelve in thirty minutes. Don't be late." Greg pulled his cellphone out and glanced at it then the watch on his arm. He withdrew his watch and tossed it to Collobulous. "Now you have no excuse."

Bull caught the wristwatch, dropping the large SUV back onto its passenger tires with a loud thud. The suspension squeaked, absorbing the impact. "Thirty minutes. No excuse to be late. Pier Twelve, yes. See you then, gubba."



4:05 pm...

** "Slick little boat, partner."** Rufus leaned back on a fancy cushion next to the observation glass, able to see right to the bottom of the port. "Fancy indeed."

Collobulous shook his head. "Partner? You've never called anyone partner before."

"Yeah, and Greg, here, called me cowboy earlier. Ain't never been called a cowboy, either. Partner seemed like the right word, I reckon."

"Indeed, bruddah. You are ... a hot mess."

"Ayup. That I am, son. That I am."

Greg Watson adjusted his tie then, rather suddenly, he pulled the knot open and withdrew the fabric. He balled it up and stuffed it into his blazer pocket, then removed the blazer and tossed it over the back of a chair. "Are you two absolutely sure you've given me the right coordinates?"

"I'mma tells you a secret," said Rufus. "I memorize combinations of numbers when I see'em. Just like tha'. In fact, I'm so good with number recollection and moderate arithmetic, that I ain't never needed to pay a soul to do my taxes."

"So what you're telling me is ... you play dumb but you're actually smart?"

"Nah. I play dumb, I am dumb, but I'm actually good at adding, multiplying, subtracting 'n dividing. And I memorize groups of numbers, son. I could recite the VIN number off my first car."

"What did you drive?"

Rufus smiled. "You know how women liked to hide the smallpox vaccine mark on their bicep because it identifies their age? If I told'ja what I used to drive, it would date me. So. Let's just say ... I owned a nice lil' American car with leather seats. A'ite?"

"Great. You're an immortal, too?"

"I ain' never said tha'. I jus' age slow. Think of it as reverse dog years."

"Every seven human years, you age by one?"

Rufus chuckled and shrugged. "Sure. Close enough, G.W., now le's get this thing in gear, huh?"

"Fair enough, gentlemen. Should we bring any weapons?"

Rufus and Collobulous exchanged glances. Rue shrugged then said, "Din' you just write a check for the best weapons money cin buy?"

"What about the silver bullet thing? Will regular bullets hurt you?"

Rue laughed and ran his fingers back through the lengthy black locks of his hair. "Bullets hurt. Knives hurt. Paper cuts hurt, son. Ever get a rug burn? Damn that smarts."

"I'm serious. If you're shot ... should I bring vests?"

Rufus motioned to Collobulous. "Bull, here, has thick skin. Tha's why he can lift a car without tearing the flesh from his bone. Unless it's armor piercing, or fired point blank ... he'll be fine. With me, though, I'm a quick healer. Silver bullets ... tha's just some bullshit, son. They're less accurate 'n don't do quite as good of a job as Hollywood wants you to think. Whoever came up with tha' nonsense was just tryin' to make their fiction story more interestin'."


Rufus groaned. "That shit's toxic to everyone."


Rue grinned. "I laugh when people say, 'The cure to vampires and werewolves is decapitation,' because that'll 'cure' any-damn-body."

"I need to know how to protect my investment," said Watson. "Can you survive a bullet to the chest?"

"Listen, bucko. Like anyone else, you stop the brain, heart, both lungs, both kidneys, or the liver ... ya die. If you're askin' what makes me different than you ... I cin survive a burst appendix. I'll metabolize the poison - it'll burn to piss."

"You planning on having appendicitis?"

"Shaddaup. I already had to cut it out of myself years ago. Anyway."

"Can you live through an attack or not, Rufus?"

"I can take a bullet and I'll heal without infection ... quick, too. Day or two, tops. Just have to have the bullet taken out, that's all. I can also survive havin' my neck broken. I can survive the slashin' of my major arteries in m' wrists, legs ... I can survive havin' my jaw cracked open and some poisons. I won't die of shock from physical injury. Body handles it differn'ly than yours. I cain't die from cancerous tumors. On that note, I can smell cancer in people. I dunno how it works. Just ... I can smell it."

"Interesting. Anything else?"

"Ah, sure. It's hard t' drown. Frostbite wouldn't be a concern unless we're negative seventy - cold enough to crackle spit in midair. Also, hypothermia ... not a problem for me unless it's arctic water. Okay? That satisfy your curiosities, G.W.?"


Bull chuckled.

Rue laughed. "Metabolic rate changes based on need, bucko. Reckon we should just say that I can go longer than you without food. Maybe a day or two longer than you without water. I can metabolize alcohol perdy well. Never heard of a werewolf dyin' from alcohol poisoning. You wanna write a book or somethin'?"

Greg held his hands up defensively. "I'm not going to lie, Rufus. I can't wait to see the full effect of your therianthropy in action."

"Great. You even know the scientific names 'n shit."

"To a degree, yes. After you boys saved my life from a mercenary attack in South Africa last season, I decided to study you, Rufus."

The submarine moved away from the dock. The southerner rubbed his hands together. "Oh yeah. Shovin' off. Now things'll get interesting."

"I hope you boys are ready to invest a few days into this."

Rufus offered a shrug, glanced at Bull, then back to the government agent. "I didn't expect it to be a scenic daytrip considering all the supplies you have at the back. I like how you waited until it was too late to back out before telling us, though." He then added, "But don't you worry yer pretty lil' head. You'll get your twenty-five grand worth of protection."



Tuesday, January 16, 1:00 pm PST San Francisco, California Aboard the "Busty Belle" yacht ...

" So when is Topaz coming back from visiting my brother?" Reno rubbed his fingers against his baldhead with a frown then glanced out the back window of the yacht towards the city beyond the fancy marina.

Fox licked his lips then sighed. "She was supposed to call about whether or not she wanted to meet us here when we drop you off. I can always just tell her to meet us in Miami. Speaking of which, I don't know who is going to make it to Florida first. We have to go south, come through the canal then come back up. You guys will be driving straight across, so you'll probably beat us there. See if you can find Rufus and Collobulous. You guys will need to stay together because there is strength in numbers."

Nevada nodded. "Alright. I'll let you know as soon as I find out something. I've got the number for your Sat-phone." Reno shouldered his duffle bag then side-nodded to Evan. "Let's go, man. I want to introduce you to my friend Wilfred before we leave town."

Johann came up behind them and said, "Okay. I finally made a decision. I want to go with you guys. I need to stop by my place, get the last of my stuff and hang out with you guys. I'm not really into driving for long periods of time like you're planning to do, so ... when you guys get on the road, I'll take a plane half-way across the country, see my folks, then meet you guys in Florida. Sound good?"

Reno grinned impishly and said, "You just want to see my car again before we get on the road."

Johann laughed with a nod. "Yeah. That thing is freaking awesome." He turned to Evan and said, "But I bet we could make it even better. Maybe change the molecular properties of the body and frame so that it's hella' Tits McGee."

"Hella?" Reno quirked a brow. "Haven't heard that in a while.

Evan leaned close to Reno and whispered, "He doesn't want to see Eric plowing Karla because he kinda' caught feelings. She's his first."

Jay frowned. "Hey, what're you two whispering about?"

Reno waved his hand in a gesture for Johann to relax. "It was a private comment about Topaz and Vincent. Just drop it." The ex-Inspector noted that his white lie seemed to have put Johann at ease. "Okay. Let's roll, you two." He turned back to Karla and said, "Permission to disembark." He saluted.

Karla returned the salute. "Granted." Her hand, positioned above her brow, glowed a soft carnation hue. "Going long...!" She drew her hand outward, concluding the salute, and caused the trio to disappear.

They arrived on the pier. Reno held his hands up, gesturing to Karla up on the boat. He murmured, "Pass is good; touchdown."

"I'll never get used to that," Johann said.

Reno gave both boys and firm slap on their backs. "And off we go. I gotta meet Wilfred then we're headed to the desert. Johann, get online when you're able; you've got to get yourself a plane ticket leaving from somewhere in Nevada. It'll be on the way - and no jokes about my name or I'll poke you both with the electro-finger of doom." He wiggled his right index finger in a faux menacing fashion. "The car is in a rental unit not far from here. We're hoofing it on foot for now. Move out."




** Rufus climbed up onto Collobulous' shoulders** and bent his knees. "Ready, Bull. Make it count."

Collobulous took hold of Rufus's hips then catapulted him upwards. Rufus closed his fingers on the edge of a pipe-like structure, pulled himself up, and peered over the side.

"What'cha see?"

The interior appeared empty. Rue glanced back down then said, "It's clear. Meet me up there - there's a manhole cover about four or five hundred paces ahead."

Collobulous and Greg Watson headed up the sub-level tunnel until finding a ladder. Rufus pulled himself the rest of the way up over the lip of the vertical industrial tube then rolled over the side and dropped to his hip on what felt like concrete. He got to his feet and hurried towards the manhole cover ahead.

Bull emerged from it, pushing the lid off with his hand. Rufus took the lid and eased it aside in silence.

Bull and Greg ascended the ladder and made their way to the surface then Rufus replaced the cover. "Dayum, gang, it's like some sorta' factory but I guess t'day they must be closed."

"I'm liking our luck so far," Greg replied. "We need to scout the area and perhaps find a way to communicate with the surface so we can call Steven, Lance, Karla ... someone."

Rufus tilted his head. "Karla Howard?"

"Yes. She's a powerhouse player so far as I'm concerned. Do you know her?"

Rufus grinned. "Intimately."

Greg scoffed.

Rue turned to a large, open roll-up door and squinted at a street and parking lot outside. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say we just took the ocean-view route and arrived in some random American town." He withdrew his cellphone, glanced at the screen then shoved it back into his pocket. "Ah well, no bars. Was worth a look, though."

"I suppose." Greg withdrew a silenced pistol, checked the chamber, the magazine then cocked it. "I know you've got sensitive ears. Will the flash suppressor be enough?"

"It'll be fine. I'm used to gunfire." He sniffed then shrugged. "No one else is around. Lots of smells, though. Reckon this factory is used fairly often - just not today. Maybe it's a weekend down here. Or a federal holiday, heh."

Collobulous looked about the empty factory then, in hushed tones, said, "Not ready to believe everything turned up apples. I'm waiting for the crap storm."

"So what?" said Watson. "This place is empty. Let's not argue with our good fortune."

"Not to sound clucky, but perhaps they evacuated because they're expecting us. Perhaps they're preparing for serious business. Something is a cock up."

"Let's hope not," said Watson with a frown. "I'm ready to find Krys and leave."

Rufus stepped in front of Greg and put his hands on the agent's shoulders. "Wait up, man. This is a rescue operation? How'd you know she's down here? I thought you said she gotta doppelganger in San Francisco?"

"I don't know if she's here. I thought she died in the blast beneath Virginia. But Falcon seems to have brought her back. Maybe there are two. I don't know. The truth is, I want answers. Yes, I'm hopeful that somehow the girl I loved is down here. But I won't start handing out wedding invitations until I know for sure. I want to find Falcon and punch him in the face repeatedly. That's the real reason I came down here. That's the real reason I'm paying you money for your help."

Collobulous smirked. "Rufus, here, would've done that for free, gubba. Let's blow through this place before we cark it. And no more clangers, gubba. From here on out, we want the truth all the time."

Rue walked to the opening of the building and peered outside. He withdrew his pocket camera and snapped a picture. "It's like an industrial complex, y'all. City is laid out in the center of th dome. Skyscrapers 'n shit. Y'all ready? Adventure time, kiddies."

Collobulous stepped out with Greg and glanced around the empty industrial park. "Warehouses, two factories I can see ... hmm."

Watson crossed the way and approached a parking lot with a vehicle in the second space. He circled it then turned back to the other two. "Let's assume someone is actually here. Let's also assume that every vehicle in this domed city happens to be electric like this one."

"A'ite, boss. It's your call. We find this slob and take a hostage? We sneak around like Jason Bourne? We blow up shit like James Bond? You's the leader, Agent G."

"Let's head towards the tall buildings."

"Well dayum! That's an awesome plan, hoss! 'Head towards the tall buildings.' Wow. I'm impressed. All those years inna' CIA really shows just how amazin' you really are, m' man."

Watson glanced up from the electric car. "It's a trap."

"Say what?"

"Go, go. Back the way we came. It's a trap."

Bull turned to Rufus.

The southerner shrugged and asked, "How 'n the hell you know that, super sleuth? I didn't smell anyone."

"There's two photographs of our sub on the passenger seat. They were expecting us. Fall back to the sewer system. Go."

A team of men in black body armor emerged from the factory. Three more came over the bushes on the opposite side of the parking lot, pointing rifles at the trio.

Both teams approached slowly.

A man in a business suit stepped from the ranks of the soldiers. "Gentlemen! Agent Greg Watson! Rufus Darken and Collobulous Bullakulla! Welcome to New Atlantis!"

Rufus sneered and said, "That flippin' piece of shit calls himself 'Sire.' I dunno' if it's his first or last name. But if he's here, then that proves it. He was spyin' for the other team. Just like I thought."

Watson lifted his weapon and pointed it at Sire then he slowly lowered it. A bead of sweat formed on the agent's face, which ran down his cheek. "I ... I can't shoot him."

"Ayup," Rufus murmured. "He got that effect on people. Ya cain't hurt'em. You cain't help but listen to what he says. He somehow messes with yer mind. Bull, don't look at him. Just get us outta here."

Collobulous punched out one of the windows on the electric car, opened the door triggering the car alarm, then ripped the door off the hinge. He pivoted hard and chucked the door at the three men over by the bushes, opposite of the factory.

Bull grabbed the car by its body and lifted it. Rufus and Watson fell back behind it. With a grunt, Bull held it up, using it as a shield. The photographs on the passenger seat fell to the paved lot as he turned the car on its side.

Gunshots struck the bottom of the car. Rufus turned to Watson. "You wanted to see the beast. You might get'cher wish real fast. But that pea-shooter nine millimeter you've got isn't gunna do jack-shit against a group of dudes with submachine guns."

"How does that guy know my name?"

Bull set the car down with ease on its passenger side, causing the rearview mirror to crunch, similar to the sound of a light bulb popping. "He do his homework." He turned to Rufus and added, "We in a real bad way, bruddah. I see only one way out of this."

"I sure wish you saw this with yer' dayum dreamtime thing."

"Yes ... but there's no time to dwell on making a blue. Yes, I should have gazed into the dreaming while we were on the submarine but it's too late. Rufus, you should choof off through the sewer system and find Karla and the rest. Then come back for us."

"Hell-fuckin'-no! I ain't leavin' you two."

"Why him?" asked Watson.

"You would be crushed from the water pressure," said Collobulous. "I would drown."

Watson's eyes widened. "You expect him to doggy paddle all the way back to Florida?!"

"No. I expect he'll find a way to stay dry so as not to ruin the ink on your bank check, gubba. He's resourceful enough to find a way out and bring help back. Also, he is the only one that memorizes the coordinates to bring the crew."

Watson ground his teeth together. "Shit." He turned to Rufus and said, "Let's head back to the sub. If the pilot is alive then we need to get out. If something happened to him, the sub or if he's run away ... you know what to do."

"I ain't leavin' you down here to rot, son. Either of you. I ain't runnin' either. Not less it's the only thing left for us. Bull, we need to kill that sumbitch. Can you close yer eyes and throw this-here car at'em? I'll direct you which way to throw. Just bowl his ass right over."

"You wanna clobber that codger? I'm game."

Watson peered over the side then slumped a little and fired two shots blindly over the quarter panel. "Do not throw our shield at them. I'm not bulletproof. Can we pick this thing up and fall back with it until we find a manhole cover?"

Rufus glanced about the parking lot then tightened his hand into a fist. "No sign of one. Might be a long way to the next manhole, so let's try diplomacy." He cleared his throat then shouted from behind the car, "SIRE! Isn't this the part where you tell us you wanna make a deal where everyone lives 'n shit? What's the next move, ya' peckerhead?"

Watson glared at Rufus but the southerner appeared unfazed. After a few seconds, Sire called back, "You already know I've lied to you and I've manipulated you. You won't trust any deal I offer. You're just trying to buy yourselves time."

"We're a scout team," Greg said from behind the front wheels. "There're ten more of us on standby, waiting to deploy. If we don't check in, they'll start dropping depth charges from above and hit this place with torpedoes. Trust me, pal, your best bet is to simply let us leave."

Sire chuckled. "I'm amused. If that were true, they probably wouldn't fire with the three of you as our hostages. Ah! See how generous I am? That means you'll be alive inside of a cell! I'm sure Doctor Falcon would love to understand the secret of unrivaled strength, Collobulous. For you, though, Rufus, I'm sure he'd keep you around for fun. It's probably been quite a number of years since he's dissected an animal in high school biology. Hmm, they probably gutted pigs and frogs back then. A werewolf would be a delightful step up, I imagine."

"Hey! I got'en idea," Rufus called back then peered around the back bumper. "You go fuck yerself and we'll trash all your buddies then go about our merry way."

"Oh, Rufus ... caddy as ever. What was your plan, down here, anyhow, gentlemen?"

Rue glanced back at Bull and Watson. Neither replied. He unzipped his fly and turned away from the other two then urinated out from behind the car, onto the pavement.

Sire sighed, unamused.

"Well, Sire, I was thinkin' we were gunna go T.P. yer boss's buildin', then let the air outta' the tires on his electric limo. Then leave. Y'know. Pranks 'n such." He reached down, gave a shake and zipped the front of his pants. "Damn I been holdin' it since we left the sub you took pictures of, earlier. Say! You wouldn't have any fast food joints down here wouljda? This standoff might take a lil' while. Go 'n get it for us. I'll take a number one from wherever you decide t' go. Supersize the fries, hoss. Make sure you get enough for the whole class; I cain't let yer men go on an empty stomach."

"My men?"

"Yeah, bud! We got three of yer buddies that popped over the bushes behind us. We knocked'em out cold with a door. You want'em back? You send for grub. And don't put any drugs in the food, cause I'd smell it."

"Rufus, you twit, those men knew the risks when they signed up. Whether they're dead or at your mercy, there will be no negotiations except for that of your unconditional surrender. Now come out from behind there before I have my men turn that car into..."

"Shaddaup! Christ, I hate the sound of yer voice! Give us a minute to talk about the pros 'n cons of your proposal. I need a minute to write a thesis paper on how much I hate yer fuckin' guts."

"Rue, did you really have to widdle?"

Rufus turned to Bull and Watson, tucking in the front of his shirt. "...Why you staring at me? I had to take a piss. Figured that was a good time. Anyhow, we need a plan. Not somethin' stupid like hoping to shoot yer lil' pistol at the dome. Cause let's be real ... it won't crack like that. So..."

Bull sighed. "They've got us bailed up. We go with my idea. Rufus, you bring back help. We can cover you."

Watson frowned. "I hate that idea. Capture wasn't part of this agenda. We all need to escape together."

Collobulous shrugged. "We can give it a go, grubba, but one of us should cover the escape. I volunteer. No worries."

Greg shook his head. "If Falcon gets your abilities, which I hear he's been stealing from people, then it will be extremely difficult to go up against him."

Bull lowered his chin, tilted his head, and glared at Greg for a moment. After a brief silence, he sighed. "You want to make it back? You go, you find sparky and Blondie, and bring them back."

"Whatever, so long as I'm not the one that has to stay."

With a scoff, Bull said, "Don't be such a poofter. If you weren't doling out cash, we wouldn't even be doing this shamejob mish."

"Fine, stay here and be a hero. I don't give a shit. I can't believe I came down here with you two. I was stupid."

"I'll do this Pat Malone. When you return, bring a nuclear weapon, drop it bang on in the middle of the city and blow it."

"You'll be a casualty of war, you stupid ass."

"Then that is my business." He turned to Rufus. "Go and get the mob. Bring them back and wreck the whole dodgy downtown strata-block. Don't leave anything. I'll cover you. Now choof off."

"Hell no." Rufus cracked his knuckles. "I know we cain't fight Sire 'cause of his crazy ass powers ... but if we can lose'em, we'd be able to fight any other groups of attackers we come across. If we can disorient him, or maybe knock his ass out indirectly ... we got options. No one is stayin' behind."

"Move up," Sire told his men.

Rufus narrowed his gaze, hearing the order. "Shit. Fall back. C'mon."

Collobulous quickly rolled the car over onto its driver-side, put his back against the warm undercarriage, reached behind himself and then picked up the car by the bottom.

The large man began walking away from the factory. A few warning shots struck the roof and hood of the car. One caused the windshield to turn into a spider web. Rufus and Greg moved with Bull, slowly, away from Sire and his men.

"Worst fallback plan ever," Watson groused. "We need to split up. We could all head back to the sub and whoever doesn't show up in an hour will be left behind. I'm kind of ... in favor of Collobulous' plan - you know, the one where he creates a diversion."

"You would be, ya' coward. That's my best friend." Rufus reached beneath the back bumper, closed his fist over a set of cables and jerked hard. The car alarm went silent. "We won't leave him."

"Rufus." Bull continued on a steady cadence, carrying the car behind himself, hunching forward slightly. "We were stupid to think this would come up apples. Sire wants me alive, but he wants you to cark it. So it's settled. I can make enough of a mess that they will believe all of us are together."

Darken looked around then clenched his hands into tight fists. "New plan. Get us to the building over there," he said, pointing to the nearest warehouse on the other side of the lot.

"What's the game, bruddah?"

"We fall back to that building. Bull, you rip out the supports. Then we'll head out the back. As soon as they follow us in, you kick the building over on top of'em. Then we run our asses off and lay low. Let Falcon's goons think that all of us died in the wreckage and they'll go through it. 'Course they won't find our bodies but we'll be long gone by the time they finish going through the debris. Everyone good with that plan? Huh?"

"I may be a coward but I paid you to ensure that I'll survive. Do your job."

Rufus growled through his teeth. "We. Are. Not. Leaving Bull with these bastards. I'll leave you 'n cash yer check long 'afore I leave my best friend. What? You expected werewolves to be super honorable or somethin'? You can leave with us if you stick with us. Or you can volunteer yourself to create the diversion; we escape and come back for you. What's it gunna be?"

Watson bit his lower lip but said nothing.

Collobulous sighed. "Rufus, Greg can bring attention to this place using the photographs we've taken. He can go to the press. He can bring the spotlight. Better yet, you guys can bring Sparky here. Have him find a power point and wreck this dump."

"Reno Nevada?" asked Rufus. "Yeah, but..."

"Right now, mate. You need a diversion to get out, bruddah. Just come back for me. I've seen in the dreaming that I will not cark it for a very, very long time. So far in the future from now that I dare say I am surprised at my own longevity. Now. You need to go. And make good on your word - take this silly bloke with you. We promised. That is the plan."

"Damn, Bull. Fine. You're business as hell about all this. So we'll do it your way, son."

Collobulous continued carrying the vehicle towards the warehouse across the lot. He stopped near the bushes and said, "Grab their gear."

Watson quickly took the weapons off the men who were mowed down by the car door from earlier. "One of them is dead," he said quietly, shouldering the submachine guns. "Dammit. No grenades. Okay ... we're ready." The trio continued to move back using the car.

Sire and his team advanced at the same pace, their weapons trained on the side-turned vehicle.

The slow-moving triumvirate stopped in front of the entrance to the warehouse. There was a small single door on the side of a large building. Rufus kicked the door. To his surprise, it swung open with ease. "Okay, now we're makin' progress!"

Bull, glad for the lack of soldiers, smiled. "That's ace! Now, remember the plan. Get Sparky down here. Get earthed, and level this dump."

"Hush up, big guy. We might get out of here after all."

"You're my totem spirit wolf."

"There aren't any fucking wolves in Australia," Greg snapped. "What the hell does that even mean?"

"My father was a Cherokee Nation medicine man, silly alf. Why do you think I follow Rufus around? He protects me."

Greg looked at Bull, eyes wide. "Jesus. We ... I think we had this conversation before in South Africa. I must have had things pulled out of my head, too. God dammit."

"Stop yabbering on, gubba. Those yobbos are closing in."

"Everyone inside," Greg said, moving away from the side-turned vehicle. He moved after Rufus into the building but stopped in the doorway. Collobulous moved to the door, keeping the car from rolling onto its roof by holding it. Greg called back, "C'mon!"

"Just hurry. I'll throw this prang-arsed car at them then join you. Hurry into the building so you're not caught in the wind up."

"Dammit," Watson groused. He ducked the rest of the way into the building, after Rufus. "Hey, wait up. Your friend wants to mow down these idiots."

Collobulous moved forward again, towards the group of armed men. He planted his feet firmly into the pavement then pivoted hard. He turned on his heel, swinging the car into a full circle then released it. His shoe came apart from the intense weight put onto it. The glue broke its seal and the sole came away from his right foot.

The electric vehicle sailed through the air, taking down several men while others dove to the pavement. The doorless car hit the ground with a thunderous cacophony. It bowled down several more men, tumbling along the pavement.

Collobulous whirled about. His eyes widened, seeing the building behind him explode. "RUFUS!" he shouted. He held his hands up over his face defensively. A large cloud of debris billowed outwards. "RUFUS!" he cried again only to feel a pinch on his bicep. Bull brought his hand up and plucked a dart away from his right arm then glanced over his shoulder at Sire.

Collobulous approached Sire, the only man currently standing. Bull grimaced and took him by the throat, lifted him up and said, "If Rufus is dead, you will be in some serious business, you filthy white devil."

He drew his arm back then launched Sire clear across the parking lot. The man sailed into the wall on the side of the factory and slumped unceremoniously to his backside, dazed. Collobulous wavered, blinked then took two steps to the left.

He opened his arms as if to attempt to balance himself then he eased down to his knees. Collobulous shook his head then rubbed at his face before keeling over to his left side.

With a groan, Sire got to his feet and cautiously limped towards the sleeping man. He bought his left hand to his right shoulder, favoring it.

"Never have I seen a man, even in rage, capable of ignoring my ability. Surely you are quite an impressive specimen." He turned to some of his men getting up from the pavement and said, "Get this one heavily sedated then move him to Laboratory Alpha." Using his shoe, Sire nudged one of the men that had been hit by the electric car. "Someone with a phone ... call an ambulance immediately. We need to clear out and fall back."

Sire walked across the parking lot and stopped in front of the debris of the warehouse. "You may have survived an exploding building in Africa, Agent Watson, but there's no way you've survived this. Methos wasn't the only man capable of crafting an elaborate battlefield plan in the supernatural community."

One of the soldiers approached Sire and handed him a black object. Sire switched it on and stepped up onto the top of the rubble, carefully, and pointed the heartbeat monitor into the pile. He panned the device from left to right then back. "Excellent. I would have hated to gloat only to be wrong. Rufus, you stupid dog, you shouldn't have involved yourself in this."


Act2, Book3 begins here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/657684