Decisions Decisions

Story by WerewolfX on SoFurry

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#3 of Xyon's beginnings

I'm a bit older, I'm a bit wiser, and I hope to god my spelling has improved over these years I've been absent. Enjoy! this story doesn't really have any yiff to it yet... But, I am trying to take a more serious lighthearted tone compared to the first two. Comments and suggestions appreciated. I'll probably be editing my atrocious grammar and simple mistakes on the other two soon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noah awoke to this third day of culture shock that he has been thrown to. His childhood fantasies made real by a rescue from this huge pack of Werewolves that pulled him and tended to his wounds from a military action gone horribly wrong with his squad destroyed himself the only survivor. The advent of the wolf Matriarch Nuo's interest in him has been the source of his frustration for the past two days abating and distracting him with her immeasurable beauty. This is his story. This is the story of Xyon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stared at her lithe but, muscled form sleeping next to me the shape of her body was very akin to an athlete's made all the more sensual by her lupine features fur, tail, ears and those eyes. Those beautiful amber eyes that would change to blue depending on her mood, It wasn't that she was using her mental strength on me it was that she was the absolute embodiment of beauty. The beauty fit in with her beast as well as her nails which were wicked yet tender retaining their feminine curves in addition to her breasts the furred orbs broken only by the teats in the center of them, Her rump was full and firm not too big but, not to small in many ways she had a form all girls would be jealous of. My eyes wandered over her body burning the image of her into my mind those curves the soft sensual cool voice, the beautiful eyes that made your heart melt. It was all too much for me as it brought back memories of my wife and my baby boy back at home. God I miss my Maranda and my Geoffrey I couldn't help but, to think of them after I changed would I be allowed into their lives still or would the Enclave as I has taken to calling it cut me off from them? I slipped out of bed praying I didn't wake Nuo I didn't want her to question me right now as honestly I don't think I could make a clear decision on what she was asking of me. Getting dressed I walked out of the room as silently as I could be careful as I could not to wake her. I took one last look before I wandered out into the courtyard of the castle where I had been staying. My chest un-bandaged now due to the healing magic but, even magic can't prevent scars. Walking between the statues of Wolf Lords and Defenders. Ranks which had been explained to me by Searenakth. Nuo's son the day before. I couldn't help notice the fact that like humans they too had their own discernible features that made up their physique. I stood in front of one statue and took a look at my surroundings. The distant clang of metal against metal meant the young ones were training and numerous males and females were walking around the garden near me. to my right was a stone bench that despite my good health the place and the sheer size of it overwhelmed me as my mind fed upon those nagging questions in my head. Sitting and thinking I didn't have to wait long before Nuo came looking for me. My mind still a whirlpool of emotion the only distractions from my thoughts were the distant clang of the swords used by the Enclave for training. Which was good as the thoughts of my family were like thorns tearing into my mind. Wrenching pain from those memories that made me bury my face in my hands and start sobbing. Thinking of who I was going to leave behind and how would my "passing" be delivered. The thought of my wife standing there when the Military got out of the government sanction car and delivered them a medal and a blank page of empty congratulations and sorrow and her eyes filled with tears as now she had her grief and the hurt and pain of telling my little 4 year old boy that his father was "dead". A soft brush of fur against my forehead snapped me out of my sobs momentarily as Nuo stood over me a tender look in her eyes and a sad expression on her face. Taking one of my hands she spoke to me in my mind again. "You are grieving for your loved ones aren't you?" her voice tender in my head as she rubbed her hand soft with fur and her pads over the top of my own the sensual and tenderness in the touch lighting off my desires slightly. "Yes. not just them but, my wife and my son. I'll be leaving them behind and as age is painfully slow for your kind I'll not age to the point where I will have my son bury me or my wife die next to me or the time comes when I have to bury her. I will have to bury both of them while I live on for what is basically immortality." The words rang a harsh tone as they came out my own voice shaking part from anger part from fear and all in anguish at my predicament. Nuo looked at me her eyes sympathetic now. It only took me one look to understand the pain that I felt most of the Enclave felt when they too were new blood. She took my hand and pulled me closer to her. Nuo's fur warm and soft almost like a velvet with a gloss to it that reflected the morning sunlight her chest soft yet firm to my face and the warmth reminded me of my wife and the long nights we spent together making love with lots and lots of wild sex. I then lost it at those thoughts and in a single moment the cold soldier that I was kicked out with my emotionless side eroded and left me bare sobbing like a child which she cradled into her chest cuddled between her breasts she wrapped me in her arms and nuzzled the top of my forehead whispering her thoughts into my mind. "Sssshhh. It's ok we've all left behind someone we all cared about. We all feel and know this pain. It hurts like hell but, we all know it." My sobbing continues even though her voice soothed me somewhat and I was able to regain some of my composure. I wiped my eyes and nervously chuckled at how my Drill Instructor would shit a brick if he saw me bawling like a child, Then again I've seen it happen on the field when someone loses a soldier who they grew up with. My mind wandered back to the men whose lives were lost three days ago in that bitter battle in the snow. I snarled inwardly at myself wondering if I was the coward cause I lived or that I should be grateful that I was still alive. The feeling of Nuo's presence once tugged my mind to where it should be out of self-doubt and into the present yet the small pain of desire I felt for the Wolf-Girl remained and tugged on my fidelity to my wife like a nagging child that you want to give into and appease but, my mind held strong for the moment instead it was time I had questions of my own to ask of her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So your telling me that there is a way for my wife and son to come here and live with me?" she nodded and spoke into my mind. She likes to keep her speech to a minimum to keep the gossip spreaders hearing only my side that way. They can never pin what she said only get the gist. The females around here are the rather flirtatious bunch who love gossip. "Yes but, your wife will have to understand that she will have to share you with either me if you take me as your mate or another. You have to understand we cannot let you leave as a human. I'm afraid it's Werewolf or Bust, Those we consider "Busted" live in the village below having their needs attended to and protection from us but, in return they grow chickens, cows and supply us with food, clothes, etc. a symbiotic relationship if you will. We used to let you humans fight with us but, due to the nature of our battles your too slow, your clumsy, and without the powers we have at our disposal your as well trained as a standard human can be. Basically you suck and are fodder as a human." She was getting more blunt with me as time passed and I thought about it. Become a werewolf? or stay a human and live my life as a farmer working for them and basically act useless? I'll take the former thanks much. "So you can't just fly me to see my wife and let me convince her?" Nuo shook her head by this time her son Searenakth had come up to his mother. Sword in it's sheath and his clothes tattered and worn from training cuts here, torn in some places as well all in all it was fitting as a Hollywood stereotype. "How is our recovering soldier doing? Has his culture shock abated yet?" his voice was booming and deep with a soft undertone. Glancing at his mother for a moment and giving a curt nod he turned to look at me and I returned his gaze. His eyes were a deep green similar to a evergreen forest with the vastness and the beauty of them. The influence of his mother on his own features apparent as he was stocky well muscled yet trim. A form ideal for combat. "No not yet son, He is worried about his family and wonders whether he should stay with us or live in the valley below." With a hug to his mom he turns to me and offers a hand extended in the age old greeting of a handshake. It was always our way of greeting each other. Smiling he looks at me. "Don't worry I may have not had to go through that but, I did go through the death of my father. So I can relate somewhat, I pray you make the right decision my friend." We broke our warm handshake and I thought about two things if I showed up as a werewolf on my own front door. That one wasn't the scary part, The scary part is explaining to her that I had sex with another. My wife was one of those "Sleep with another woman and your cock is forfeit to my butcher knife." So you can see why I wasn't to happy about that one. Sighing I turned to Nuo my mind made up. I'd become one of them in due time but, first I needed to see more and learn more. Now the hard part after the change and the sex was explaining all this to my wife.....Crap.