The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 2: Fall from heavens

Story by Mkananoja on SoFurry

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#2 of The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past

Chapter 2 - Fall from heavens

"Oh no..."

Portal was closing and Cynder, Spyro and Sparx where still far away.

"Not now! Please do not close!" Cynder shouted with tears in her eyes. They fell like giant arrow with enormous speed yet they would never make trough gate in time. She tried everything to become more aerodynamic and increase the speed even futher but with little effect.

"Im slippiiiing!! " Sparx yelled terrified behind Cynder while losing his grip on her tail "AAAaaaaa!!!" Cynder started to yell desperately tears pouring out from her eyes. For some reason gate stopped closing briefly, almost like something or someone still tried to keep it open but Cynder was too desperate to pay any attention to this as she had only one thing in her mind - Must get Spyro to safety.

They slipped into gate and just before it closed behind them they heard whispering sound, yet what sounded like if it was far away.

"Future of the dragons will be written..." Heroes emerged an other side of the gate moments before gate vanished and Cynder could not believe her eyes... they made it trought the gate somehow and entered far above clouds which covered most of the sky and far away in cloudless sky, blue ocean could be seen, reflecting sun's brightness. Sky was bright, deep blue, and sun shoun behind them. Clouds looked soft and were white as the snow.

"So beautiful..." Cynder whispered to herself while tears still poured from her eyes.

"CYNDEEEEEER!!!" Sparx yelled still terrified and Cynder jumped out from her thoughts and realized that they where still falling down like rock. She spread her wings carefully and felt air catch the wings, decreasing their speed and she started to feel Spyro's weight between her arms.

"Spyro? Are you ok? Spyro?" She asked briefly while trying to slow them down but got worried when Spyro didn't answer. Cynder looked at him and realised that Spyro had passed out.

"Spyro? Hang on Spyro! We'll be soon safe, Sparx you're ok?"

"ok? I am NOT ok! What was that all about? You almost made me lose my grip! You almost left me behind!" Sparx yelled after he got better grip, clearly not knowing how close their escape had actually been. "At least we got out of there, can you see place where to land anywhere?" Cynder asked ignoring Sparx negative attitude.

"No. It's too bright to me. Spyro, you see anything? Spyro? Buddy?" Sparx asked and got worried

"He's unconscious"

"Well that's just great, leaving me hang around with evil she-dragon, that's just like him. How you plan to land now? I hardly believe you're in that good shape."

"I'll figure something out"

"You better do"

Clouds came closer and swallowed them within. Cynder felt air humidity and how drips started to form around her skin. As they came through clouds, drips were all over Spyro and her and they reflected sun light in all rainbow colours. Almost like diamonds would be part of them.

"Hrrrrrr.... cold." Sparx shivered, covered by drips as well.

"at least we're above land" Cynder said hoping they would find a good place to land. Cynder could see huge land with green forests, great plains, small mountains not far away, few long blue rivers and huge swamp just under them.

"you're not actually planning to land over this swamp do you?" Sparx said, knowing that she would.

"I can't get us anywhere else... I'm too tired" She said.

"we're also kinda going a bit too fast. Slow down."

"I'm trying" Cynder said starting to pant a bit and trying to spread her wings futher but extraweight made this difficult

"try harder!"

They were reaching swamps fast and Cynder could now separate huge mushroom out of each other. She was still looking around to find the safest place to do rough landing but there weren't. Cynder noticed long, corridor looking mushroom -formation which looked the best place to come down.

She started to lean towards mushroom corridor and prepared for rough landing.

"you're going in too fast! I'm off!" Sparx said and loosened his grip from Cynder's tail. Cynder turned upside down in order to take impact to herself and to ensure safer landing for Spyro. Her back hit to the ground hard and even ground was wet and soft it felt like hitting directly into a stone. She and Spyro started to roll on the ground and Cynder lost his grip on Spyro, sending her back into air uncontrolled. Cynder soon hit ground again with her back and crashed into huge mushroom's stem. Spyro still rolled sideways slowly and stopped few meters away from Cynder and was mostly unharmed by hard land. Cynder on the other hand got hard beating and she thought she broke her leg as the pain in her leg is intense. Sparx made it safely and puzzled around Spyro and was worried about his well-being. Being relieved that Spyro was unharmed by his landing he flew over to Cynder.

"Are you okay Cynder?"

"It hurts! My leg, it hurts!" Cynder shouted with tear in her eye.