Muscle Camp - Chapter 1: Meet Mike

Story by Dobe on SoFurry

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"Dear internet: Wow... I can't believe it's been a good couple of months since I graduated high school. Man, I can't believe I toughed it out for four years; but hey now that I'm out, there's no more putting up with jock douchebags, emo drama, popularity contests and most of all, no more putting up with jock douchebags. Yeah, so far I'd have to say life's been pretty good to this cheetah so far. I got my bags packed and I'm REALLY looking forward to the opportunity that that welder's apprentice position I just got is gonna give me. It's freeking awesome. They're gonna fly me up with a bunch of other trade workers on Monday, and I'm gonna be staying in camp for about 3 months working for Epico Oil and..."


"...the money's gonna...."


" freeking swee...."



Mike's ears finally caught up with the rest of him, just in time to tell him that that call from his mom was right on time as the phone kept ringing.

Mike picked up the phone "Hello?"

"Hey Mike, it's your mommy calling!" Mike's mom giggled into the phone. Even though he was living half way accross the country, all as a result of his parents' messy divorce and a really ugly custody battle when he was just a kid, it still had no effect on how much she loved her only child.

Mike sighed, but it was a good sigh, his smirk and the blush that followed it was proof of that as he replied back "Hey mom. Yeah I still remembered you were gonna call"

Mike's mom continued on on the other line, asking him the typical motherly love questions any caring mother would of her son and Mike just carried on along with her, his spotty tail flitting idlely about behind him as it hung off the back of his chair.

"Oh hey mom. You caught me updating my MyWasteOfSpace account. Yeah, I'm looking forward to working up in northern Canada. What? Heh no no it's only going to be for three months and then they fly us back home for another couple of mon... Hmm? Heh well sure I guess I could find SOME time during the two months I'll have off from work to come vis... Heh no, I haven't met any cute girls just yet. Well I mean sure if you wanna count the one at the book store down the street but, well I dunno. She's a husky and well, you know what dogs are like, so I don't think she has much of a thing for cats like us, especially cheetahs. Hmm? Well okay she is kinda cute, but it's not exactly like we're the biggest of the cats, she'd probably want someone with a little more meat on their bones, like a lion or a tiger, that is if she was into cats at all".

Mike carried on for what had to be a good ten minutes, chatting it up with his mom and telling her all about his new job opportunity before finally capping off the phone call " yeah, that's pretty much the gist of that. Anyways, it's getting pretty late and I gotta be up early to make sure I've got everything packed and also make sure I call my landlord and square up rent for the next three months. So I'll catch ya later and yeah, I love you too mom".

Mike finally hung up the phone with a happy smile. He didn't exactly have a lot of friends since he was never really into going out of his way to score points with the "cool" crowd; so it was the little things like a simple call from his mom that made a huge difference when it came to cheering him up.

The cheetah gradually let his thoughts from the moment that just passed fade away into the back of his mind so he could concentrate on finishing up the rest of his blog. Those yellow furry digits of his eventually clicking out the last few paragraphs he had left before making it official to the world of 1's and 0's. Mike finally shut his computer down, slowly swivled around in his desk chair and slumped back in it, a rather unenthusiastic sigh invading his long drawn out breath as that incredibly messy bedroom of his apartment reminded the teen that he had quite the work cut out for him before he could even think about stuffing a single clean sock into his luggage.

Needless to say, Mike knew this was a job that had to be done and after a good ten minutes of using the silence of his apartment to stall, the cat finally pulled himself free of his chair's procrastinating clutches and took the first step towards getting ready; and that was to start gathering up all his dirty laundry. It didn't take too long however to get used to the task at hand, as he thought all about this big bold step towards something he's wanted to do ever since he got into the school's metal shop program, and he'd be damned if small piles of stinky socks and dirty clothes were going to stop him from getting on that plane.

Finally, with the last batch of clothes tossed into the washing machine, there was only one thing to do... and that was to toss the clothes he was wearing in along with the wash. It wasn't before too long however that the cheetah curled his pawfingers in under his tank top and peeled it up and off his body, revealing to the only occupant of his apartment that lythe, twinky upper body of his. It's slim boi-ish underlay and the finely toned bumps and valleys beneath his golden yellow fur and creamy white underbelly did well to stretch his spotty pelt tightly over them. Of course once the top came off, the bottom had no choice but to follow suit with it as he dipped his digits in between his hips and the fabric of his cargo shorts before slowly forcing them to begin their descent as he slowly wiggle shifted from side to side, slipping them further down and off his firm hips; his tail slowly emerging up from it's waistline as the tail hole of his shorts slid over it until finally letting them fall to his ankles before stepping out of them and tossing both shorts and tank top in with the rest of the wash; left to wander about nakedly around his apartment as the sound of the washer ran a stiff competition with the sound of his own thoughts about his flight out to a better life in a few days filled his head.